Life Simulation: Start with Pig Raising

Chapter 380 Super Strange, Liu Sen's Huge Ambition

Chapter 380 Super Strange, Liu Sen's Huge Ambition
Shengli, Yanhai, these two pig raising companies, although not number one on Laomei's side, are definitely among the top ten.

There are hundreds of thousands of their sows.

There are definitely more than 600 million fattening pigs for slaughter every year.

This scale is also top-notch in the world.In addition, the RE Group in West Brazil is also a very scary enterprise for raising pigs.

Every year, more than 400 million fattening pigs will be slaughtered.

The reason why they know the Omori Group is because of the Omori Group's swine fever vaccine.

This swine fever vaccine can be called the magic medicine in the pig vaccine.

Completely eradicate swine fever, which was unimaginable before.

They also raise pigs themselves, so they naturally know how powerful Omori's swine fever vaccine is.

Today, the country where they are located is already in contact with the Omori Group.

The swine fever vaccine will soon become a must in their countries.

And the peerless No. [-] pig breed of Damori Group has naturally entered the eyes of countless pig farming companies around the world.

In particular, some giant pig raising companies couldn't help being shocked after thoroughly investigating this pig breed.

This time, the International Ingredients Grading Conference was just an opportunity. They used to do it just for Fang Jingzhong.

The purpose is to come to China to investigate, and then see if the female parent and male parent of this peerless No. [-] pig can be introduced in the past.

If they can, then they have to start changing pig breeds too.

"I have been to Huaguo many times, but every time I am shocked by the speed of your country's development."

Jiangbei Airport, the general managers of these three pig raising companies, looked at the airport in Wudu with a little surprise at this moment and said.

They transited from Shanghai, marveling at Huaguo's development along the way.

"Is this your first time here in Fog City?"

Saul nodded, he is the general manager of Victory, and Victory is also their family business.Behind it, there is actually a huge family standing.

"That's right, it's the first time for Fog City to come, and the city is full of hotness.

Before, I have only been to the imperial capital of Huaguo, which is a magical city.

The greatness of the Forbidden City has shocked me until now.How about you, Nierna? "

The general manager of Yanhai didn't talk to Sol, but looked at Fang Jingzhong eagerly.

"Fang, my good friend, I have always heard that the hot pot in Wudu is very famous.

So, I want to give it a try, I can eat spicy food very much, you must take me to eat it once. "

Hearing this, Fang Jingzhong glanced at Nierna with a strange expression, he really couldn't bear it.

Many people say that they are the king of chili peppers, but after eating a very spicy hot pot meal in Wudu, they never mention it again.

He was really worried that the other party would spend a week in the anorectal hospital.

What a nice person, why can't you think about it?
Doss, as the general manager of RE, was also aroused by the hot pot at the moment.

"Everyone, is this hot pot really so delicious?"

Nierna nodded affirmatively, as if he was a Hua Guotong.

"That's right, my dear fellow, hot pot is the most delicious thing in Huaguo.

Just as the best liquor in Huaguo is Moutai, the status of hot pot is the same as that of Moutai. "

"God, I know Moutai, it's a deadly baijiu.

This hot pot is on the same level as Moutai, so it won't kill people, right? "

"nonono, hot pot is really delicious, I swear by my grandmother."


"Shet, Farke, my dear grandmother, I'm sorry you're gone.

Damn it, why is it so spicy?How come? "

"Nilna, you bastard, damn loach, your grandmother has a grudge against you, right?

Damn it, I just said that this hot pot must be as deadly as Moutai. "

"Fang, I'm wondering, did you do it on purpose?
Didn't you say it's just a little bit spicy?

Why, I feel like my throat is on fire, like a big fire in Xiba. "

Fang Jingzhong was speechless, Nima's son of a bitch, at that time you said you wanted to eat super spicy food, but now you are blaming me?

Fuck you, I thought you really had hot pot?
"Nilna, our hot pot in Wudu is a million points of spicy.

At this level, children in Wudu feel insulted, and feel that this is not the level of spiciness that men should eat. "

The three gringos were suddenly speechless.

Men's damn desire to win makes them feel that they can bear it.

It's impossible to say, it's really not as good as a child, right?


Well, the plan can't keep up with the changes, so I can't go to the inspection that day, and I can't go to the inspection the next day.

In fact, these three guys were hospitalized after eating hot pot.

Ahem, no kidding, I was really hospitalized, all three of them were hospitalized.

A hot pot meal, and three foreigners are brought in, tsk tsk tsk, you really can't be brave, can you?
"What are you talking about? What the hell are they going crazy if they can't eat spicy food?"

After Fang Jingzhong called and told Liu Sen about this, Liu Sen was stunned.

"Cough, Mr. Liu, this man's damn desire to win makes them unable to recognize themselves.

Now, these guys are all in the hospital.

They were all on their stomachs, not daring to lie down.

In the words of RE Doss, his groin is like a fire, and he must break it with his hands to feel comfortable.

He even wanted to put an ice cube between the cracks. "


Liu Sen, who was drinking tea, sprayed it all at once.

"What the hell, am I so funny? These three people, are you sure they are the general managers of these three companies, and not the funny ones invited by the monkey?"

Fang Jingzhong also couldn't help laughing: "This is 100% fidelity, ahem, that's why the investigation has been postponed.

They can't go there until their buttocks are healed. "

"Hmm, this is what it should be, we must make them fully healed before bringing them here.

Otherwise, others may think that they have lost their chrysanthemums in our country.

It's so weird, hahaha... I laughed so hard. "

Laughing, Liu Sen hung up the phone.Regarding today's matter, Liu Sen felt that he could laugh at these three people for the rest of his life.

Now that Liu Xuan saw his father laughing haha, although he didn't know what he was laughing at, he started giggling along with him.

For a moment, both father and son were laughing here, and this scene was fun to watch.

"You two fathers, what are you laughing at here?"

Li Shufen came over with some fruits and asked with a smile.

Liu Sen didn't hide anything, and directly told his wife about it.

"Pfft... Isn't this too funny? But, there is no stomach problem, right? The hot pot in Wudu is simply perverted."

"It should be fine, besides having a career has nothing to do with us.

Still think about how to fool them then.

Let them use our pig breed, as long as they use it, then my plan can start to lay out. "

Speaking of this, Liu Sen's face suddenly became serious.


"Boss, why do you have to arrange Laomei?
Besides, can a single pig really have such a big influence? "

Li Shufen looked at her man very puzzled, she didn't understand.

While asking, she breastfeeds Liu Xuan in one room.

Liu Sen picked up an orange and ate it while planning to explain it to Li Shufen.

"Let's put it this way, Shufen, don't look at a pig first.

Yuan Lao said something, I think it can be applied to pork.

A grain can trip up a country.

And now, I use this sentence to use it, that is, a pig can control a country. "

Li Shufen tilted her head, feeling that she still didn't understand, waiting for Liu Sen to continue to explain.

Liu Sen focused on peeling the white tendons on the orange with his fingers, crossing his legs.

"You may not understand, so let me tell you about some of the methods Lao Mei has used over the years.

A small country that used to be self-sufficient in food.

And Lao Mei took a fancy to this place, so they used their international influence to fool the other party into planting this banana.

This country believed it, because the price given by Laomei was very good, so they began to grow bananas in the whole country.

In the first year, bananas made many people earn money.This creates a snowball effect, with more people planting the following year.

Finally, in just over four years, the entire country was growing bananas.

In this way, their country's food became extinct.Because there is no planting for a long time, there will be no preservation of grain seeds, and there will be no development of grain seeds.

This resulted in the complete extinction of their own food seeds.

And at this time, Lao Mei's wolfish ambitions were revealed.

First of all, they arranged for the four major grain merchants to start penetrating the country's grain trade market.

Then, when the time came, the purchase of bananas was stopped directly, causing very serious losses to the people of this country.

At this time, their final trump card came out.

The other party realized that when they wanted to plant food, they found that there were no food seeds.

At this time, they can only find the four major grain merchants to buy.

And the food seeds of the other party who bought it cannot be kept for planting.

In other words, this country spends a lot of money every year to buy seeds from the four major grain merchants.

Moreover, you can't offend him yet. Once offended, the other party can directly cut off your food seeds.

I explain it this way, Shufen, do you understand? "

Li Shufen was dumbfounded. Although she has grown a lot, she is now an elite female.

However, the analysis of the international market and the understanding of the big picture are far behind.

"No... no way? So scary?"

Liu Sen chuckled, and threw the peeled orange flesh without any fascia into his mouth.

"What do you think? It's that scary, it's that scary.

This is the international situation and international analysis.

The Dasen Group is destined to go out, so it must understand who the other party is.

This is why Laomei has such a say in the world.

Of the four major grain merchants, three are old and beautiful.You said, how many countries have they controlled the grain trade?
And my approach is the same as his.I want to use this pig breed to play the same game as him.

First of all, I want to go out of the Peerless No. [-] pig and go abroad.

After going out, with the value and potential of the peerless No. [-] pig, it will definitely be able to replace other pig breeds.

Once the replacement of the peerless No. [-] pig breed is completed, then we will control the pork market of a country.

Although this lack of food is not as terrible and important as that, the pork that has been replaced will also have a huge impact on the country's economy and people's livelihood.

Originally, my initial plan was to use the countries in Southeast Asia for this purpose.

Unexpectedly, the old and beautiful people have already been found, so this is also an opportunity, isn't it? "

Li Shufen suddenly looked at her husband in shock: "Boss, you want to control the global pig market? Is this... too risky?"

Liu Sen dropped the orange peel, clapped his hands and hugged Liu Xuan cheerfully.


Not necessarily, I think it is inevitable.The appearance of Peerless No. [-] is doomed to be inevitable.

Alright, I won't tell you anymore, I will take my son for a stroll. "

Li Shufen stared: "How dare you, it's so cold outside, you take him for a walk? How old is he, what if he's sick?"

Liu Sen was taken aback, then put down the child obediently.


"Ahem, I said Doss, don't look at me like this, I didn't let you eat it, okay?

I said it at the time, it is best not to eat hot pot, but have you three listened to me?
Now, don't blame me. "

Doss's angry eyes looked at Nilna again.

Nierna was very wronged: "Doss, my dear brother, I am also miserable, okay? I was also hospitalized, you know?
I don't know, why is this hot pot different from the one I ate in Chinatown? "

"Okay, stop talking, I still feel like I want to walk on my stomach."

Sol was also very depressed. This trip to Huaguo was not smooth, and he was hospitalized as soon as he arrived.

After two days, the three of them finally recovered, and there was no more burning pain.

So, this group of people set off again, heading towards the cultivation base.

"Oh Maikar, such a majestic mountain really makes me unbelievable."

Before arriving at the cultivation base, the three of them were shocked by the mountains of Wushan.

The mountains here are indeed very majestic and magnificent.But without letting them sigh too much, they have already arrived at the cultivation base.

Liu Sen received them here personally. After all, the other party was the boss of a giant, so he had to personally receive them no matter what.

"Oh hello Mr. Great Warrior, nice to meet you.

Did you know that you are our warrior, and you are the first person to suffer such a big loss from the four major grain merchants.Liu, how did you do it? "

Nierna was very excited when he saw Liu Sen.Perhaps, he is really a fan of Liu Sen.

It's really not easy to put on such an excited expression.

Don't blame him, Liu Sen has indeed gained a lot of international fame recently.

"Would you like me to meet this gentleman first?"

Liu Sen's smiling words made Nilna react immediately.

"Warrior, I'm Nierna, the general manager of Yanhai Group. Of course, the founder is my father."

Well, this damn second-generation sense of superiority makes you really want to hit someone.

"Hello, Mr. Nierna, welcome to Huaguo, and welcome to my territory."

Then, the other two introduced themselves, and Liu Sen also got to know them.

After talking for a while, the group of people put on protective clothing and masks for disinfection before entering the cultivation base.

The huge cultivation base makes this place look particularly shocking.

But, for the three of them, it was nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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