The male god here

Chapter 3 Unforgettable

Chapter 3 Unforgettable
I stayed in the classroom in a daze until noon, during which time I went to the bathroom, and felt that everything was real, not like a dream, so I picked up a pen to take notes during Chinese class.

The sound of the nib rubbing against the paper makes everything seem real.

It was April, and the breeze was coming. In the classroom, apart from the teacher's hearty lecture, there was the sound of students writing. It was written on the blackboard that there were 100 days before the college entrance examination.

Except for a few boys who were sleeping in the back of the classroom, everyone else was working hard at their desks. According to what the class teacher Ji Yueming said, there is not much time left for you. Most of you are ordinary people. Your parents get it for a month The salary may not add up to [-] yuan!

There is only one chance to change your life!
College entrance examination!
Improve by one point!Kill thousands of people!

The last [-] days of the third year of high school are [-] days of high pressure, or the strings in the mind are tightened tightly, as long as you can't learn to die, learn from the dead!
Or, like the boys in the back row of the classroom, they raised their faces to argue with the teachers every day, and lowered their heads to read novels and manga over there.

Some seats were vacant.

According to their words, they are going to the big city for a break!
Studying is useless!Only dare to fight and dare to break through to show loyalty!To stand out!
Zhou Ziyang remembers that his grades were always good in junior high school, until the mother and daughter of Shen Meiru came to his home in high school, he started to fight against his father in a different way, hang out with a few idle peers every day in the billiard room, Internet cafe, and even learn to smoked.

Since then, my grades have not been as good as before. It is because of the foundation of the past that I barely managed to get into a university.

Originally, his father was looking for a good relationship, and planned to let him repeat his studies for a year to take the National Defense University of Technology, but Zhou Ziyang left his hometown with all his heart, and privately applied for a major. When he left, he didn't even say goodbye.

My father called and yelled.

At that time, Zhou Ziyang answered decisively: "Why are you scolding!? Boys should be independent! You taught me!"

There was silence on the phone, followed by a busy tone.

Zhou Ziyang, who lived to be thirty-five years old, actually regretted it. He was rebellious when he was young. When he grows up, no one will pay for himself, only himself will pay for himself. No matter when he studies, it should be his only There is a way out, but it's a pity that Zhou Ziyang was too stupid at that time, thinking that he was the protagonist of the world, as long as he thought about it, there was nothing he couldn't do.

If life could start over again, this time Zhou Ziyang would not be so self-willed. Looking at the Chinese document in front of him, there are still a hundred days before the college entrance examination.

Zhou Ziyang thought, this time, he must not disappoint his youth, at least, he must work hard for his future.

Even if he doesn't succeed, Zhou Ziyang still intends to follow his father's arrangement, at least he doesn't have to squeeze the subway and eat takeaway like in his previous life when he was thirty-five!

So Zhou Ziyang planned to listen carefully and pick up a pen. Where is the pen?

Well, Zhou Ziyang in high school didn't even have a decent pencil case, and he always used black pens to travel around the world. Later, the black pens disappeared, so he never bought them again.

I remember that during the college entrance examination, pens seemed to be bought on the spot.

So Zhou Ziyang stretched out his hand, and tapped Song Shihan's back with his index finger, which accidentally hit the strap of Song Shihan's bra.

The belt trembled rhythmically twice.

The pen in Song Shihan's hand paused for a moment, frowning slightly.

This guy is annoying!If you don't learn by yourself, is it possible that you don't want others to learn?

Forget it, just pretend to ignore him!

Knocked twice, but Song Shihan ignored him, Zhou Ziyang thought he must have felt it, so he knocked Song Shihan's back twice again.

Song Shihan turned her head angrily, glared at Zhou Ziyang fiercely, and said in a low voice, "What!?"

Zhou Ziyang replied in a low voice: "Borrow a pen."

Song Shihan took out a pen from her pencil case and stuffed it to Zhou Ziyang: "I see you off! Don't disturb my study!"

Then, he turned and continued to take notes.

But at this time, Zhou Ziyang tapped her back twice again.

Song Shihan was really angry, she gritted her teeth and turned her head: "What are you doing again?"

But seeing Zhou Ziyang's sincere face: "Thank you."

"Boring!" Song Shihan was very angry, and turned to continue studying.

Making up his mind, Zhou Ziyang planned to study hard in the last three months. He thought it would be very difficult to pick up the textbook if he hadn't touched it for twenty years, but the moment he opened the textbook.

he was stunned
He actually.
Remember them all!

These memories are really like a box sealed in Zhou Ziyang's head. When he finds the clue, the box is opened, and all the memories contained in it are displayed in front of him like a cocoon.

No, you can't say that.

This is a very strange feeling. It feels like the eyes are a camera. In the blink of an eye, you can take pictures of all the scenes in front of you and store them in your mind.

Then when I need it, I take out the photos and find useful information bit by bit.

Ten lines at a glance?
Never forget?

Zhou Ziyang was a little unsure. He opened the Chinese book and found an article "Preface to the Lanting Collection" that he had never memorized before.

After just a glance, Zhou Ziyang covered the language document.

Thinking carefully about the content just now, that volume is completely stored in my mind:

In the ninth year of Yonghe, the age was in Gui Chou, and at the beginning of late spring, he would meet at Lanting in Shanyin of Kuaiji, and he would be doing things.

Zhou Ziyang was stunned, are you kidding me?Can you never forget it?Is it because of rebirth, the body has been strengthened? This is a bit unbelievable, but it doesn't seem to be inexplicable.

Zhou Ziyang returned from the age of thirty-five to when he was eighteen years old, but the memory in his mind did not dissipate at all, but became clearer and clearer, which shows that Zhou Ziyang's mental power is very strong, even in this It has been tempered during the next rebirth or time travel, and it is easier to concentrate on one thing than other people, and it is also better to focus on one thing.

In order to prove this conjecture, Zhou Ziyang took a few books again. Sure enough, Zhou Ziyang could memorize the contents within a second after reading the book, but he had to take out a lot of comprehensible things Analyze it bit by bit.

So what is the situation now?
Did he really return to the age of eighteen?

Just when Zhou Ziyang was still belatedly aware, the bell rang for the end of get out of class. The teacher said that get out of class was over, turned and left.

The originally quiet classroom became noisy in just a second.

It's noon, and it's time for dinner.

The students gathered in groups, or ran to the cafeteria.

Or go to a small stall outside the school.

There are also parents who are already waiting at the school gate, holding boxes of lunch in their hands, eager to see through.

A few naughty boys were yelling and yelling to attract others' attention.

Song Shihan and another female classmate went together.

He ran into Liu Shuo who was looking for Zhou Ziyang head on, and Liu Shuo immediately grinned: "Hello, sister-in-law!"

Song Shihan was half dead with anger: "Boring!"

(End of this chapter)

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