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Chapter 700 Excellent

Chapter 700 Excellent
Both young ladies are decent people. Although they both have admiration for 33 days, they get along happily, which means "fair competition, harmony and courtesy".It seems that even if you can't "win" 33 days in the future, you can still make yourself a good girlfriend.

As the younger sister of the client, Xia Weiran enjoys related benefits, but at the same time struggles for her elder brother: two younger sisters, one looks thin and petite, but is actually tough and strong inside; the other looks bold and generous, but is also gentle and meticulous.

"What kind of biscuit am I!" Xia Weiran taught herself: "Such a good girl, can I make a 'choice'? I have to respect, I have to appreciate!"

And, sure enough, the eldest brother is very good, he can attract these equally good girls!
Countless teams were created on this day, and some people even created several teams deliberately in order to prevent being rejected by a strong team during the audition stage—of course, a person can only join one team.In the later stage, whichever team is still there, others will be added to that team.

Xia Weiran couldn't help thinking: Can her vest join other teams?

Anyway, her individual competition has been basically cold, because she missed the game time, and only the player is lonely. I have the clue of the fourth stage of the mission of the shooter's choice and the two vests of Chuci barely advanced.As for the individual competitive competition, the competition system will be upgraded, and the competition will not be arranged for the time being, so she has a lot of time!
You can't do things in the individual competition, it's more fun to switch to the team competition!

However, Xia Weiran is not in a hurry.

After all, the early auditions are too uncertain, she can wait until halfway through the competition, and then show her "strength", and then join some stronger teams.

At the current stage, the most important thing is to pass the audition together with my brothers!
At eight o'clock in the evening, the audition officially began.

The team competition audition is more brutal than the individual competitive competition preliminaries, as long as you lose in the first round, you will be eliminated immediately!

In other words, come up and wipe out half of the team first!

After the first screening, it is a random match, with two wins in three rounds, and the team that loses two rounds in total will be eliminated immediately.After that, it is still a random match, with three games and three wins.As long as you lose a game, you will be out immediately.

The time limit for each game is 8 minutes, and if the team destroys the opponent within 8 minutes, it is a victory.If the time expires, both sides still have players alive.The outcome will be calculated based on the ratio of the remaining total blood volume of both sides to the total blood volume of the team.There is 2 minutes to adjust the preparation time between the two games, and each team can use this time to change players.

The audition is still not over here, because according to the game's official statistics, the number of teams participating in the competition is too large and must continue to be screened.However, the official is not in a hurry to reveal the next selection method, only an announcement to let everyone take a good rest and welcome the next day's competition.

This day's time difference allows the remaining teams to make the first adjustments to their members.

Moreover, many players have small calculations in their hearts: when the game announced, the team can change one player per day, except for the captain, which cannot be changed.So, does adding extra players count?Theoretically, the team is not full, so it should be possible to increase the number of members, right?
If not, you can invite powerful teammates to join in the later stage!After all, at this stage, most teams don't have ten players!
Of course, it's still a little early to think about these things. First of all, they have to pass today's screening!
(End of this chapter)

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