Chapter 457
After winning four games in a row, Xia Weiran has eight points, so she continues to compete.

While Xia Weiran was competing, other duels were also going on intensely.

Next, more and more idioms were included in the list of prohibited usage.

Day after day, insignificant, impossible to guard against, keep improving...

If it wasn't for this game, Xia Weiran wouldn't even know that there are so many idioms with the same first and last characters...

Oh, it turns out that the idioms that can be played badly are not only "do whatever you want"!

When Xia Weiran successfully accumulated 22 points, "One Heart and One Mind" was also included in the prohibited list.

At this time, the idiom duel in the game world has entered a fever pitch. Everyone is not only seeking to be able to catch, but also to be able to stump each other!Otherwise, if the two of you come and go, there may be solitaire and one night, and there will be no winner!Therefore, in order to win in the shortest time, everyone racked their brains to think of some uncommon words that are difficult to catch.

It was also during this process that Xia Weiran had to give up the insistence of "must answer the same word", as long as he could find the homonym to catch it, sometimes even the tone changed!
Xia Weiran also tried to enter the Solitaire Terminator "one worth two" in the QQ Solitaire red envelope, but this word could not be sent out at all, and the system judged that it did not meet the requirements.

And Xia Weiran's winning streak was ended by an idiom: Penghuweng.

Idioms that start with 牖…

Xia Weiran didn't know.

Idioms that start with the same sound...

Xia Weiran still doesn't know.

After all, she didn't know that word at all, so how could she find the word with the same pronunciation?

Xia Weiran never expected that she would lose in illiteracy!
At the end of this round, she took the time to understand the word.

Penghuweng牖: [péng hù wèng yǒu] a door made of grass and a window made of a broken urn, describing the simple houses of poor people.

Thanks to the game, let her learn one more idiom and know one more word!

At this time, players will also complain or share on the world channel during the fierce points match.Uncommon idioms such as "miserable green boy" and "a doctor buys a donkey" pop up one after another, greatly enriching everyone's idiom vocabulary reserve!
Who would have thought that addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are also idioms?

After watching World Channel for a while, Xia Weiran calmed down and continued the game.

Random matching means that any two players who are online at the same time may be matched into the same game.Just like now, Xia Weiran met 33 days.

"Brother." Although only the word "thirty" can be seen, the two characters are in the same scene and see each other clearly, so the two brothers and sisters recognized each other immediately.

Xia Weiran looked at his eldest brother's data.

23 wins, 46 points.

Brother is amazing!
"Weiran, come on." Thirty-three days put down a sentence, and immediately chose to admit defeat.

Xia Weiran: ...

Big Brother takes care of himself too much!

Originally, she was still thinking in her heart that after defeating her, her eldest brother only needed to win one more game to get 50 points and enter the top [-] competition.It's good now, the eldest brother has to win four games in a row to get enough points.

Because of conceding defeat in 33 days, Xia Weiran's points became 21 points.With the points obtained for her by "sacrificing himself" from her elder brother, Xia Weiran continued to compete.

Random matching means that any two players who are online at the same time may be matched into the same game.Just like now, it's good for Xia Weiran to meet loneliness.

(End of this chapter)

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