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Chapter 1081 Not Original

Chapter 1081 Not Original
[Are they still alive: Team Miaomiaoquan has earned a lot of blood this time! 】

[Shame: It's obviously a blood loss! 】

[Flattered: Come to a sensible person to be their referee? 】

[My spear is here: The Miaomiaoquan team released a powerful confinement, but unfortunately, the effect of the confinement was not really brought into play!Now, although the Galaxy team has been wiped out once, their overall strength is still there, and the Miaomiaoquan team is in a difficult round. 】

My long spear is right, but in the finals, who didn't try their best to fight and showed all their tricks.

Difficulty is an objective reality, but the Miaomiaoquan team will not give up easily!

Xia Weiran started to put seeds and mushrooms on the ground.

Mushrooms are familiar to everyone present, not only Xia Weiran can put mushrooms, but Lonely can also put mushrooms.Even if Xia Weiran has the title of fraud hunter, she cannot stop her teammates from stepping on mushrooms every time.Even, even she herself, occasionally had to step on mushrooms—for example, stepping on mushrooms one step further, and taking a step back to meet stronger control skills or bear explosion damage.

Everyone knows to stay away from mushrooms.

Or, leave out the mushrooms.

When mushrooms are first placed on the ground, they are briefly revealed.If given enough normal attacks, the mushroom will disappear in place.For loneliness, it is better to have a special scanning tool, which can also make the mushroom visible, and then eliminate it.

But the scanning tool has a time limit, and most of the time, you can only try to avoid it.

In this case, Xia Weiran put the seeds next to the mushrooms, making it difficult for people to deal with.

The seeds of Zyra the Thorn can give birth to more powerful offensive plants.But the seed itself is very fragile, and the enemy only needs to step on it to make the seed disappear.

Now the seeds have mushrooms as bodyguards!
Team Galaxy wants to stay away from this area, so Team Miaomiao will naturally not let them go.Fortunately, Lonely is also growing mushrooms, but his skill cooling speed is not as fast as Xia Weiran's, and Xia Weiran's title of deceitful hunter has no cooling limit, and some mushrooms are eliminated by Xia Weiran as soon as they land.

The strange thing is that Xia Weiran did not move those mushrooms that could not threaten the Miaomiaoquan team for the time being.

When there were enough seeds on the ground, Xia Weiran suddenly put a skill on the seeds, and the many seeds immediately turned into crazy plants, spitting poisonous stings at the members of the Galaxy team.

"It's the deadly thorn!" Someone in the audience recognized this move and immediately showed off: "I know this skill! I saw the video explanation in the Melaleuca Tower! This is the deadly thorn of Zyra the Thorn! Become a wild plant!"

"I know, plants can exist for 8 seconds!" Another person continued along with his words.

Unfortunately, Xia Weiran is about to change his perception.

Everyone is fighting, and the Galactic Troopers either dodge the thorn attack, or directly attack the thorn and destroy it.

Xia Weiran watched everyone's movements, not caring about the dead plants at all, but aimed at everyone's positions.

at last……

"It's now!" Xia Weiran made a small voice, even his teammates didn't hear it.

She released the ultimate move of Zyra the Thorn: the strangling vine!

This ability summons the wrath of nature, which grows a twisted forest that deals magic damage.After 2 seconds, the vines will lash upwards, knocking enemies into the air for 1 second.Plants in the dense forest will be enraged, reset the duration, gain 50% health and attack will cause 50% extra damage.

This is the original setting of Zyra's ultimate move, Xing of Thorns, and the plants in the dense forest are limited to two types made with Zyra's skills.But now, what Xia Weiran uses is not the original version!
This skill is very special. It exists in her skill bar and matches her occupation. It can't be copied or made into a skill card!
Perhaps it is because this skill has been modified to be too powerful.

Double the diameter of the jungle, knock it into the air for 3 seconds, double the HP of all plants within the range, and increase the attack speed and damage by [-]%!
The meaning of all plants is that it does not matter whether they are made by Zyra's skills, or even whether they are enemies or friends!

Even if it is a mushroom that is easy to grow on the ground in loneliness, it has become the help of the Miaomiaoquan team at this moment!
(End of this chapter)

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