Chapter 50

Wu Gantang hesitated.Although the relationship between her and Zhou Bin eased a bit when they ate spiced rabbit together last time, they were not friendly enough to send him food.However, cannibalism is soft...

"Mr. Wu, just take a walk when you're full!"

Uh... Sure enough, there is no free dinner in the world.This unbelievable belly.However, it is also good to go out for a walk, so as not to be alone in the house thinking about it.

"Let me tell you first, I will only accompany you to the gate of the court, not go in."

"Just do what Teacher Wu says!" Wang Daxiu said crisply.

The court was not far from Taoyuan, so Wang Daxiu suggested walking.Wu Gantang originally came here for a walk, so naturally he didn't object.As soon as the two got out of the elevator, Wang Daxiu stretched out an arm and slipped it under Wu Gantang's armpit.Wu Gantang was immediately covered in lice and felt uncomfortable.But it was hard to push Wang Daxiu away, so she had to walk to the court while listening to Wang Daxiu babbling about her school's trivial matters.

At the gate of the court, Wu Gantang stopped.Wang Daxiu said: "It's not reassuring for a beautiful woman to stand on the side of this dark street late at night. What if you encounter gangsters? Teacher Wu, you'd better go in with me."

It turns out that Wang Daxiu can also play tricks.First he coaxed Wu Gantang to the court, and when he arrived at the court, he thought of Fang Er coaxing Wu Gantang to go in.However, although it was not late at night, it was pitch black all around, and Wu Gantang also felt a little scary, so he took the initiative to fall into Wang Daxiu's trick and went in with her.

When they entered the gate of the court, the guards at the gate did not know Wang Daxiu and refused to let them in.Wang Daxiu pointed to the office building of the court and said: "My husband is from the court, his name is Zhou Bin, and he is working overtime inside." There was pride in his words.

The security guard looked at Wang Daxiu, then at Wu Gantang, and opened the door for the two to check.

"I didn't expect that the court is still very strict." Wu Gantang said as he accepted the security check.

"Of course! Where is the court? A judge's life is precious!" Wang Daxiu carefully put the food in his hand on the security inspection track.Things are also subject to security checks.

"This device, I don't know if the poison can be detected." Wu Gantang laughed.

The security guard didn't understand that Wu Gantang was joking, so he explained seriously: "Our equipment mainly checks control tools."

"There are loopholes." Wu Gantang pretended to frown.

The security guard said, "I'm not afraid of poisoning. The judges have to be willing to take it."

"Oh, yes. The judges don't open their mouths, and it's useless to bring poison in."

After passing the security checkpoint, Wang Daxiu laughed. "Mr. Wu, why are you joking!"

"What? Can't I joke?"

Wang Daxiao stopped laughing and said, "Yes, yes. But, you never joked before, and I was a little afraid of you."

Oh, steel plate woman.When did you learn to joke?when?
Wu Gantang was thinking deeply, and Wang Daxiu slipped his arm into Wu Gantang's armpit again.This time, Wu Gantang didn't feel uncomfortable, but felt warm instead.

Wang Daxiu took Wu Gantang's arm, pointed to the front happily and said, "Look, Teacher Wu, Zhou Bin's office is in front. That's the window of their office."

Sure enough, there was a patch of daylight shining through a window in front, and evenly sprinkled on the road.Zhou Bin's office is on the first floor.

Wu Gantang was about to say that he was waiting for Wang Daxiu here.But Wang Daxiu suddenly pulled out Wu Gantang's hand under the armpit, and ran towards the light at a faster speed.A typical case of emphasizing sex over friends.

Wang Daxiu ran straight to the window, and waved towards the window.As soon as he raised his hand and waved it, he froze.

Could it be that Zhou Bin is not in the office?Wu Gantang was puzzled, walked over and looked into the window as well.

In the office, the lights are bright.Under the light, not only Zhou Bin was there, but there was also a young girl sitting opposite him.The two of them were separated by a table, and they were chatting happily. On the table, there were two or three food boxes.Someone got there first.

Wu Gantang didn't speak, just looked at Wang Daxiu.Last time Wang Daxiu was beaten, but she was unwilling to admit it in front of the police. This time, facing her husband's ambiguity, Wu Gantang decided not to speak.

The people inside were facing the window sideways, talking and laughing so absorbedly that they didn't notice the movement outside at all.People outside the window couldn't hear what was being said inside, but the girl took a piece of something from a box and held it up in front of Zhou Bin, probably to give it to Zhou Bin to eat.Zhou Bin stretched out his hand to pick it up, and the girl raised her hand, signaling Zhou Bin not to use his hands, probably asking him to pick it up with his mouth.Zhou Bin tilted his head, smiled embarrassedly, and took it with his hands.

Wang Daxiu bit her lip tightly.After watching for a while, she turned around and left without saying anything.

Wu Gantang hurriedly followed.When she was leaving, she looked back again. The huge empty office looked like a stage. On the stage were Zhou Bin and the girl. The moonlight-like lights enveloped them like spotlights, as if they were performing a stage. Good show.

When going out the gate, the security guard said hello, but Wang Daxiu seemed not to hear, and walked out hurriedly with his head down.When Wu Gantang followed, Wang Daxiu said in the darkness, "That man's surname is Long, I remember. Once Zhou Bin was drunk, she sent him back."

The night was dark.Wu Gantang couldn't see Wang Daxiu's face clearly, she could only see a pair of eyes shining in the darkness, like tears but not tears.

The style of Lijiang is pink.In fact, this is just a legend.All the tones of travel depend on your state of mind.

Tan Jiejie walked freely on the bustling streets, rubbing shoulders with all kinds of people.There are shops on the street one after another, but there is no shop selling cosmetics.After walking for a long time, finally, I saw a family and asked, fortunately, there are eyebrow pencils for sale.The little girl selling things spread out a piece of eyebrow pencil and let Tan Jiejie choose.Tan Jiejie picked up one casually, and drew her eyebrows in the mirror.This pair of eyebrows, I have treated them badly for two days.The long drought meets the rain, with a few rustling strokes, one eyebrow immediately looks enchanting.

Just about to draw another line, Tan Jiejie felt a strange smell.This is clearly the smell of aggression...

She turned her head abruptly, only to see a black lens facing her solemnly.

"What are you doing!" Tan Jiejie yelled, raised her hand and turned away from the camera.

Unexpectedly, the camera reacted faster than her, the flash flickered, and the camera dodged.Behind the avoiding camera is a somewhat familiar face.

"Yang Yu!" Tan Jiejie exhaled.

"Not bad, remember my name."

"You have violated my portrait right! Bring the camera!" Tan Jiejie raised her eyebrows and shouted angrily.The imposing manner is solemn and sacred, like a queen.It's just that the unpainted eyebrows are a bit cheap.

"Give me back your ID first!"

Uh... Tan Jiejie froze like a acupuncture point.Suddenly, she grabbed the handbag she put on the counter when she was drawing eyebrows, and said slyly: "I didn't take your ID card." She held the handbag tightly.

"Then how do you know my name?"

(End of this chapter)

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