Chapter 10

However, they didn't care about the big scene on her face at all, and the group leader immediately said: "You are here! I heard that today the Education Committee will come to inspect the work again, and it seems to be investigating the violation of the rules. You have to Go say hello to the students."

The best elementary school is loaded with the most ardent expectations of parents.Especially in the first grade, they have not suffered enough shocks to see the reality clearly. Every parent judges that their bright and bright children have the most elite potential, and plan for their own children to become dragons and phoenixes.As a result, they had the foresight to stuff money and ask teachers to give their children extra lessons in order to win at the starting line.In the unfair competition where everyone is scrambling to be the first, a vigorous situation has been formed. Everyone makes up lessons and everyone wins at the starting line.So, all the children started their unknown competition on the new starting line.

When the snipe and the clam compete, the fisherman gains as well as risks.

Wang Daxiu is timid.Every time I heard the principal's repeated orders at the meeting that no make-up lessons in violation of regulations were allowed, my heart would be frantic, and the [-]th torture of the Ming and Qing Dynasties was like a revolving lantern in front of my eyes.However, circumstances are stronger than people.Everyone in the grade group makes up the lessons, and if you don't make up the lessons alone, you become a heretic.They are familiar with the principle of punishing but not punishing the public.As a result, everyone including Wang Daxiu was coerced, and everyone was coerced by others.Of course, Wang Daxiu also needs money, very much.In the morning, she told Tan Jiejie that she came to work because of the interest class, but it was actually because of this.Compared with this money, the little money from the interest class is small money.

The headmaster is well aware of this situation.But for many years of abuse, he can do nothing.The teachers were condensed like a block of iron, and he couldn't get started.In fact, how could he do it.One touch and someone will get hurt.The principal is not a cruel official of the East Factory. He doesn't want anyone to be hurt, very much.This is also good, at least, the attendance rate of the teachers is quite high.He comforted himself with such self-deception.But there is always a sword hanging in his heart, and he doesn't know that one day this sharp sword will fall, it will fall on his head, and it will fall on the heads of the teachers.

"But how do you say hello, a first-grade child, maybe it will be self-defeating." A teacher said.

"Just say, if someone comes to ask if there is no make-up class, just keep your mouth shut and say nothing, pretending to be dumb." The team leader has a leadership spirit.

"Well, this method is good." Another teacher praised.

Wang Daxiu helped the gauze on his face, and said: "But, I heard that they are not here to check the make-up lessons, but to check the implementation of the lessons."

"Whatever he checks! Anyway, we should be careful."

"Yes, yes, be prepared."

"I'll go and tell the rest of the grade."

The group leader was about to leave, but Wang Daxiu held her back and said in a low voice, "It's scary. Can we..."

"Don't think about harming others or yourself!" The team leader knew what she was going to say and interrupted her seriously. "I won't tell you anymore, I have to go and say hello to some of them."

Everyone scattered like birds and beasts.When Wang Daxiu came to the door of the classroom, he was still beating drums in his heart, hesitating how to deal with this matter.A little boy came to school with an arched back and a huge schoolbag on his back and a sad face. When he saw the teacher standing at the door, he thought that he was late for arresting him. Wang Daxiu, waiting for the teacher to explain.

"Go in quickly." Wang Daxiu pulled him into the classroom like a hawk carrying a chicken.The little boy who somehow escaped the catastrophe had a gleam of joy on his face, and he slowly integrated into the big family of Class One, Grade One.

There are no parents in the big family, and dozens of children are having fun. When the sharp-eyed children see the teacher coming in, they quickly retract their seats, and two of them sitting in the first row reacted quickly, grabbing the books on the seats and pretending to be happy. reading.On the first day of school, Teacher Wang said that the morning time of the day is the most precious and should be used for reading.

Wang Daxiu took the book from the hand of the child who was standing upside down in front of him pretending to read, clapped his hands, and shouted: "Children, be quiet, be quiet."

Some of the children fell silent, but others did not hear.There is still a sea of ​​noise in the classroom.

The child whose book was taken ran up to the podium, pressed the computer switch on the podium, the computer turned on quickly, and he turned the volume button to the maximum.Suddenly, a loud boot sound resounded through the classroom, and the children were startled. Only then did they see the teacher coming, and they took their positions one after another.The child met everyone's astonished eyes and proudly walked off the podium.

"Children, use this morning's time to tell Teacher Wang something." Wang Daxiu said. "Today the leaders of the Education Committee are coming to inspect the work,"

"Teacher, what is leadership?"

"A leader is an official!" The child who turned on the computer proudly answered for the teacher.

"Then what is the education committee?"

"Education Committee...Education Committee..." The boy scratched his head, "Education Committee is the place where officials go to work." After finishing speaking, he looked around the students with satisfaction, examining and collecting adoring gazes.

"Then these leaders are bigger than Mr. Wang's officials?"

Wang Daxiu smiled. "They are more officials than Teacher Wang. So, if someone comes to ask the teacher today if he has given you extra lessons, you should not talk. Do you understand?"

"Understood." The whole class answered neatly.Since entering school in January, the children have been well-trained.All such questions as "Do you understand?" "Do you like it?" "Does it look good?"

It really is a coup.Wang Daxiu thought to himself.This is the easiest way to teach.

"Teacher, why do you need a napkin to cover your face?" a girl asked.

"The teacher's face is not covered with a napkin, but with gauze, and there is medicine in the gauze." Another child rushed to answer. "Teacher, are you hurt?" The child's eyes simply expressed concern.

Wang Daxiu was a little moved for a moment. "Yes, the teacher accidentally got hurt."

"Does it hurt?"

"of course."

"Is it bleeding?"

"Well, a little bit." Wang Daxiu was afraid of scaring the child.

"Does the teacher have hemorrhoids?"


"My mother said that if you get hemorrhoids, you will bleed."

Wang Daxiu couldn't help laughing, the wound hurt, so she quickly stopped laughing. "The wound on the teacher's face was scratched by glasses. But the teacher is very brave. He didn't ask for leave and insisted on coming to teach you. So you have to study hard..."

"Mr. Wang, I read the book as soon as I came here today!"

"Teacher Wang, I read it too!"

"Mr. Wang, I'll give you a napkin so you can wipe the blood."


Wang Daxiu's nose became sore.She took a deep breath to suppress the surging emotions in her heart.At the same time, all the sadness, apprehension and confusion since last night were suppressed.

(End of this chapter)

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