After reconciliation, abandoned wives and cubs farm the fields

Chapter 115 Terrible, I almost revealed my secrets!

Chapter 115 Terrible, I almost revealed my secrets!
Moreover, he received some rumors that his future son-in-law seemed to be picked up by Princess Huairou first, and he felt that Liu Changqin had put him in a position. Shen Zhiwei bluntly said that he was too lenient.

The case will be tried as it should be tried, and he will not be allowed to criticize. He will never be favoritious because of Liu Changqin's words, nor will he bend the law because of his words.

After the interrogation, the mother and son were sentenced to death for several crimes. When Miao Lanzhi walked out of the courtroom, someone still looked at her strangely. It was as expected, not as uncomfortable as imagined.

What makes her uncomfortable is that if she doesn't marry again, her marriage will have to be decided by the official media, even if she is notorious or disabled, she has no right to say no.

Miao Lanzhi looked at the two in front of her and put away all her emotions.

Gu Shenyi glanced at Qi Da, "I'm here, you can go back first."

Qi Da glanced at Miao Lanzhi and turned away silently.

"Get in the car." Gu Shenyi asked Miao Lanzhi to get in the car.

Miao Lanzhi hesitated for a while and got into the carriage, "Why are you here?"

"I know everything." Gu Shenyi waited for her to sit down, and suddenly said, "Do you need my help?"

Miao Lanzhi looked at him blankly.


How can he help?
"Although Tongzhou is very big, the unmarried people probably can't pick out one or two good ones. Instead of betting on the impossible luck, you might as well consider me." Gu Shenyi said seriously.

"I can't make up my own mind about my marriage, so can I make up my own mind about yours?" Miao Lanzhi seemed to be considering his proposal, but in the end she muttered to herself, as if she was asking him.

"I can, you don't need to do anything, just wait for my good news." Gu Shenyi smiled.

"..." Miao Lanzhi slowly turned her head and fell asleep, but her face was blushing.

She seemed to be looking forward to it, seemed to be a little timid, and she didn't understand herself a little bit.

People who used to be so disgusted are now moved.

Although there is a little utilitarianism and selfishness in my mind.

Besides, when Qi Da went back and told Su Nanzhen the result of the case, she was relieved.

After Qi Da left, Mrs. Su couldn't help but ask her in a low voice why she wasn't worried about Lanzhi's marriage after looking around.

"Don't you still have Doctor Gu?" Su Nanzhen asked casually.

"You are still too young, Dr. Gu's marriage can be decided by himself?" Mrs. Su snorted softly.

"That depends on his sincerity." Su Nanzhen was still not worried.

"I won't talk to you anymore, I'm off to work." Mrs. Su couldn't talk to her, and even talking to her made her angry.

The vegetarian restaurant is still closed, so she is busy with one child and one child.

Mu Furong came to help every day, so there was no pressure.

As for Qi Yu, she stared at the crabapple tree wholeheartedly, telling Su Nanzhen about the situation of the crabapple tree every day, and then watered and fertilized it according to her wishes.

There were only her and the child in the room, and she was satisfied when she saw the innocent smiling face of the child in his sleep.

He fell asleep, and she closed her eyes and squinted for a while.

In her sleep, she didn't smile but woke up suddenly.

When she woke up, it seemed that the small quilt on the bed covered the child's face, and she turned pale with fright. She should not have moved, and she didn't understand why the small quilt covered the child's face.

Su Nanzhen quickly lifted the small quilt, and then she saw a smug smiling face, and suddenly felt a little bit in her heart. Why did she have the illusion that it was him and he did it on purpose?
No matter what happened, she didn't dare to sleep too much.

Su Niangzi heard her exclamation and hurried over to have a look. Seeing the big and the young looking at me and I looking at you, she couldn't help laughing, thinking that there was nothing wrong with the two of them, but she still asked, "It's nothing Bar?"

"No." Su Nanzhen didn't dare to tell her what was on her mind, lest her mother say that she didn't take good care of her.

"What are you talking about?" Mrs. Su gave her a blank look, and continued to make some rice soup.

The child is also weird, he does not like to drink milk, but loves to drink rice soup. He often does not drink milk, and the milk gradually decreases, and no amount of chicken soup can make it up.

Mrs. Su made the rice soup, and put it in after drinking it properly. She was a little surprised to see the child smiling, but she also had an indescribable feeling.

"What's wrong?" Su Nanzhen asked helplessly when she saw that she was worried again.

"He's laughing."

"Cry and laugh."

"No, he doesn't smile like other kids."

"What's the difference?"

Su Nanzhen still doesn't understand, she didn't mishear the child's smile in her past and present lives, and she doesn't think there is any problem.

But Mrs. Su has raised children, "You didn't laugh so early when you were young, and when you laughed, your voice was not like this. Children's laughter..."

It should be innocent, like the sounds of nature.

Unlike him, it feels like two "hehe".

But seeing her daughter's ignorant face, Mrs. Su was afraid of frightening her, so she had no choice but to comfort herself, perhaps because she was ignorant.

No one noticed that the corner of the baby's mouth hooked up.

Seventh Master: Oops, I almost revealed my secrets!

Unexpectedly, he felt a slightly strange breath, and Qi Ye opened his throat and howled.

Su Nanzhen and Su Niangzi looked at the infant child and at Xichun.

Xichun's face was still blank, although he was teasing the child, he didn't understand what he was talking about.

Su Nanzhen and Su Niangzi couldn't understand it either, but they both faintly felt impatience in that voice.

Probably they are really paranoid, what does such a young child know.

It happened that Miao Lanzhi came back, so Madam Su went out to care about her, but she didn't take this matter to heart.

Su Nanzhen remembered, and looked at the child suspiciously. Could he be reborn like himself?

Seventh Master tried his best to widen his eyes.

Smile without teeth.

Seeing his smile, Su Nanzhen laughed secretly at herself, how could she have such a ridiculous idea.

"How is the child?" Miao Lanzhi came in and took a look at the child. In just two days, he felt that the child had grown a lot, but he still asked Su Nanzhen with concern.

"Except that I don't like to drink milk, everything else is fine." Su Nanzhen thought for a while and then said.

Miao Lanzhi couldn't help being a little surprised, and suddenly worried about Su Nanzhen's body, but she checked and found that there was nothing wrong with her body, maybe the child just really doesn't like milk.

Qiye: I've grown up, so I'm embarrassed to drink milk.

"Hungry him for a while and see if he is willing to drink. If he is still unwilling, then don't force it." Miao Lanzhi thought for a while and made a small suggestion.

Qi Ye cried: This woman doesn't talk about martial arts.

But for the sake of his own face, he chose to starve.

Su Nanzhen was also convinced, and didn't force her anymore.

Fortunately, Miao Lanzhi stayed with them. Even if the child only drank rice soup, Su Nanzhen was not very worried, and he could ask her immediately if he had any questions.

Miao Lanzhi suddenly felt that she had little knowledge, and Su Nanzhen's child was different from those babies she had seen, so she had to make up for many problems related to the child.

The child's difference is also felt by others, but Su Nanzhen thinks there is nothing wrong with it.

(End of this chapter)

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