Chapter 98

Xia Siqin originally just wanted to take a look, but those three holy beasts were too powerful, if they were to go to the human world to kill, the Wanglong Kingdom would surely be bloodied.

The local tyrant elder sister threw out three thousand magic weapons in an instant, blinding their bird eyes.

Last night, the master ate a lot of precious meat, and now the treasures are full of energy, and their grades have all been upgraded in one night.

The original low-grade products become medium-grade products, medium-grade products become top-grade products, and top-grade products become top-grade products.

Cough, the best is still the best, it can't be a magic weapon.

Each of the three thousand magic weapons used their own tricks to trap all the little Luola in place.

The Crow King in front of the mirror was so surprised that his feathers fell all over the floor.

"Damn! Who is this stinky girl?!"

Seeing that the march was going well, a Cheng Yaojin suddenly appeared, and he was so fucking perverted, it was really off the charts!
It was restless and wanted to send another holy beast there, but it ran out of money and couldn't afford a fourth holy beast. It could only pin its hopes on the three holy beasts.

It was a bit difficult for Xia Siqin and Luo Chenyuan to deal with the three holy beasts together.

"Siqin, can you hold the three-legged crow? I'll deal with the other two."

Among the three, the three-legged crow is stronger.Hold it and keep it from making trouble, and it will be much easier to deal with the other two.

Xia Siqin replied: "Yes!"

She tossed Xiaoleiming up, and after the big knife broke away, she went to fight automatically, and then she took out two more fish, one turned into a bow and the other turned into an arrow.

Hou Yi shoots the sun, she shoots the crow.

At Xia Siqin's request, Xiao Canghai's arrow feathers turned into a big net and caught the three-legged crow.

It is a little bit powerful, and its three toes tore the net.

Xiao Canghai: Tsk, King Kong Net doesn't work anymore!It really deserves to be the crow that is about to advance to the beast!
"You still have time to praise people! Hurry up and turn your arrows into arrows." She caught another fish in her hand.

Xiao Canghai hastily conjured up a lot of arrows.

Xia Siqin fired three arrows at once, and all three arrows were fired together.

The arrow feathers forked, one turned into iron covering the three-legged crow's head, one turned vertically to the right on the left side and pierced its right wing, and the last one turned into a collar on the right side, encircling it neck.

This only sleeps it for three seconds.

The three-legged crow was angry, yelled, broke the iron cage, tore off the collar, and attracted a large group of crows.

Xia Siqin quickly formed a seal, "The red lotus karma fire, burns everything, open!"

A small circle of magic circles suddenly appeared in the air, and they spewed raging fire together. The crows lined up and turned into roasted crows, which fell to the ground black and scorched.

There were not many people fighting this time, but the scene was even more intense. The sky was full of colorful sparks, which made a certain boss amazed.

Lingyue stood on a high mountain, overlooking the battle situation.

that girl...

Is it really him?
But the gender doesn't match!

The master of Lingyue is the master of the dragon. Although the dragon has no gender, its master always appears in front of him as a man.

The more it looks, the more confused it becomes.

If she is the Lord of the Dragon, it is impossible for it to be unresponsive.

There is no reaction at all from the seal of recognition of the Lord, which proves that she is not!
In less than a second, the mark in its body suddenly reacted.


Lingyue flew over uncontrollably, grabbed the goldfinch's big wings with her claws, opened her mouth, and bit off the little bird's neck.

Xia Siqin, Luo Chenyuan and the Crow King far away were extremely shocked.

Three-legged Crow: Lingyue, are you going to betray us?
Lingyue: Get lost, whatever I do is right!
Three-legged crow: Heh, how long do you think you can survive?Without the master, how long can your abilities last?
Lingyue: Stinky Crow, wait for you to successfully advance to become a beast before talking to me!

The two beasts communicated with each other, but no one else could hear them. They couldn't communicate, and now they were fighting fiercely.

Luo Chenyuan came back to his senses quickly and cleaned up the flamingo.

Xia Siqin stared blankly at the beautiful little puppies fighting, and then became evil again.

The Crow King lost all his feathers this time, "It's unreasonable! Lingyue will help them!"

And off a big spectrum.

With the help of the beast boss, the three-legged crow was beaten and fled in despair.

Xia Siqin was very excited, "Thank you, little milk dog! You have helped me a lot, and I have nothing to repay you, so you can be my spiritual pet, and I will share my spiritual power with you!"

Lingyue still can't accept that the little girl in front of her is her master, it's really outrageous!
"I don't need your reward. I just shot because I can't stand the three of them. They threaten my status. I won't let go of such a good opportunity to get rid of them and discourage them."

She was really frustrated when she refused for the second time.

"Please leave the border quickly, you two, you are not welcome in the demon world." Lingyue turned around arrogantly and called those little Luola away, and then disappeared.

Xia Siqin recalled the three thousand treasures and sighed.

Luo Chenyuan asked curiously, "You like Lingyue very much?"

She nodded, "Yes, as soon as I saw it, I couldn't help but want to hug it."

Realizing that she said something wrong, she quickly changed the topic: "Brother Luo, let's go and wake up those slackers!"

Luo Chenyuan smiled, "Okay."

Dragon City Palace.

Before Li Chenxi went to Wuwang City, Zhu Minghan received the third military report.

The little soldier who reported the military situation said exaggeratedly, what millions of lions, tigers, birds and beasts have stepped into the human world.

The ministers had already packed their luggage and fled the city, but it turned out to be another false alarm.

Zhu Minghan's mood was like riding a roller coaster. Once he reached the top of the mountain and the next time he reached the bottom of the valley, his nerves began to weaken.

He is a short-lived person, so his body must not be able to bear such a stimulus.

News of the new emperor's illness spread quickly.

The common people felt that the Wanglong Kingdom was going to die, their luck was exhausted, and their lives would not be guaranteed if they stayed any longer, so they all migrated to other countries one after another.

Li Chenxi had just arrived in Yunxiao City when he saw the people moving away.

He caught a young man and asked, "What are you doing?"

The young man replied dejectedly: "Hey, Wanglong's luck is exhausted, and the new emperor is critically ill. We have to go to another country to save our lives."

"What?!" Your Majesty is critically ill?
When he left, His Majesty was still fine, why did he become critically ill in less than a week?

The young man didn't talk nonsense with him, and hurriedly followed the migrating army out of the city.

Li Chenxi is stuck at this juncture and is in a dilemma, should he go back to see His Majesty, or continue to Wuwang City?

He couldn't make up his mind.

Zheng Changrong recognized him and stepped forward to say hello, "Master Li, long time no see!"

He was lucky enough to enter the palace once and met Li Chenxi once, and he always remembered it.

Li Chenxi was worried, and suddenly he couldn't remember who he was, "You are?"

Mr. Zheng respectfully said: "I am Zheng Changrong, the county magistrate of Yunxiao City."

"Oh, it turned out to be Wen Zhuangyuan, sorry for your disrespect."

"Lord Li, don't make fun of me." Zheng Changrong said with a smile, "I don't know why your lord came to Cloud City?"

A small light was lit above Li Chenxi's head, and he felt that he could be asked to run for him.

"Master Zheng, I have something to ask for!"

 Lingyue: I don't recognize it, what's the matter?

  Xia Siqin: Then just wait and kneel on the washboard!
(End of this chapter)

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