Chapter 96 Drunk (Gageng)

You Chun won the battle, happily, and wanted to ask for praise.

"Luo Chenyuan, hurry up and ask Lord World Master to come over!"

Nanny Luo was a little tired. He wanted to go on strike after taking care of the child for several months.

"Hurry up, hurry up, I'm going to prepare a banquet to entertain the Lord of the World~" You Chun used all the coquettishness.

Luo Chenyuan sighed silently, and nodded in agreement.

Xia Siqin received an invitation from Lord Mozun, and came over without saying a word.

Younger brothers should be properly rewarded and encouraged, so that they will serve themselves wholeheartedly.

For the banquet held by You Chun, only a few of their brothers and sisters were invited, of course not including You Chen.

They all stood at the gate of the palace to welcome Xia Siqin.

After not seeing her for several months, she became even brighter and more charming again.

The eyeballs of all the little brothers hung on her body, and they couldn't move away for half a minute.

Luo Chenyuan called their souls back, "Don't stick around, go in quickly, you Lord Lords are very busy."

Several people came back to their senses in an instant.

You Lian stepped forward and said respectfully: "Lord, please come inside."


Xia Siqin sat in the middle seat, with Luo Chenyuan on her left and You Qi on her right, and the others sat on the left and right sides according to their seniority.

You Chun, the protagonist, clapped his hands for the maid to serve.

The maids came up with dish basins the same size as wash basins, filled with large pieces of meat.

Xia Siqin looked at them, and they seemed to glow faintly, "What kind of meat is this?"

You Chun said very proudly: "The spoils of war!"


It was the meat of a monster!
She still remembered the lesson of Green Crawling, not all monster meat is delicious.

"Is this edible?"

Luo Chenyuan smiled softly, "Yes, and they are of high quality, which can help you replenish your spiritual power."

He knew that she needed a lot of spiritual power to nourish the ground crystal.

You Chun was full of pride: "Lord of the world, you can eat at ease, there are still many imperial dining rooms, enough to keep you full!"

I have to say that this little brother is too good, she is considering whether to reward him with two months.

If You Chun knew that he could get rewards for preparing precious meat for the master of the world, he would definitely take over the entire demon world.

Xia Siqin knew that Moxiu eats with her hands, so she didn't care about the image, grabbed the delicious meat with both hands, and gnawed it.

The meat is really delicious, and after swallowing it, there is still a cool spiritual force, but the coolness dissipates quickly, because it was divided up by the ancestors.

Seeing that she had finished eating one piece, Luo Chenyuan thoughtfully pushed the other plate in front of her.

Xia Siqin asked curiously, "Aren't you going to eat?"

She didn't tell them to eat, they dared not move their mouths.

This is a habit they have developed since childhood, remembering the etiquette of respect and inferiority.

"Eat!" Xia Siqin felt that they were acting strangely, and she was very uncomfortable when a group of people watched her eating.

They only started when the Master of the World spoke.

Xia Siqin saw them eating slowly, exuding aristocratic atmosphere inside and out, compared to herself, she was simply a village girl in the mountains!
She buried her head in shame to eat the second piece of meat.

Call ~
Can't compare with them, they are princes and princesses, they must pay attention to court etiquette, I'm just a tramp.

Luo Chenyuan pushed another cup over, "Drink?"

She looked up and sniffed.

so sweet~

Then, gulp gulp, drank it all at once.

"It's delicious! Is there any more?" She blinked and looked at him.

Luo Chenyuan poured it for her.

While eating the meat, she drank a sweet drink.

In less than half an hour, she drank a jug of fruit wine.

"Is there any more?" His face was flushed, and his eyes were covered with mist.

Luo Chenyuan said: "You drink too much, stop drinking."

"Well, let's come again~ This is delicious, it's just right with a big piece of meat~" She didn't realize that she was drunk.

Upon hearing this, You Chun immediately asked the maid to add two more jugs of fruit wine.

Luo Chenyuan had a headache, he didn't expect Xiao Siqin to like drinking, if he knew it, he wouldn't let her taste it.

The banquet lasted until midnight, except for Luo Chenyuan who was sober, everyone was too drunk to pass out.

He patted Xia Siqin on the shoulder, "Siqin, wake up, I'll take you back."

"Hmm...don't...I want to drink..." Xia Siqin grabbed the wine glass and shook it blindly.

"Stop drinking, the banquet is over, good boy, let's go back." He reached out and hugged her.

"Ah? Don't!" She pushed him away hard, but accidentally fell to the ground, "Aww..." Her eyes were red with pain.

Luo Chenyuan squatted down helplessly, "Does it hurt? Where did you fall?"

She pouted, but didn't answer. Although she was drunk, she was still ashamed. How could she tell other men when she dropped her PP.

Seeing that she didn't answer, Luo Chenyuan couldn't force it, "Can you stand up?"

She nodded and shook her head.

Luo Chenyuan sighed, and passed his hand over, "I'll help you."

She hesitated for a long time, and finally put her hand on his palm.

Luo Chenyuan pulled her up, didn't dare to hug her again, but just stabilized her shoulders with both hands, and led her to take off.

Walking thousands of miles in one step, and ten thousand miles in ten steps, you will be back in the courtyard of Wuwang City in no time.

Coincidentally, Chu Muchi was secretly observing the senior sister in the east courtyard again, and then he saw a man in black descending from the sky with his arms around the shoulder of the senior sister.

Who is that? !
He wanted to rush in, but Luo Chenyuan noticed his movement, and immediately set up a barrier of water patterns, the water waves refracted the moonlight, creating an illusion.

As soon as Chu Muchi broke in, all the figures in front of him disappeared.

Strange, what about people?

Luo Chenyuan helped Xia Siqin back to the room, put her on the bed, covered her with the quilt, and left.

The elder sister was warm all over, pulled off the quilt, staggered out of bed, opened the door in a daze, and walked towards the water tank in the yard.

She put her hands on both sides of the water tank, and vaguely saw a bright moon above it, so bright, she reached out to touch it, and the water was cool, just enough to cool down.

While scooping water, she whispered: "Send the bright moon to shine on my heart, and the world can learn from it. Now I come to think about it and call Tianyang."

The big concept was repeated three times, and a person suddenly appeared next to the water tank.

Sheng Tianyang was practicing in his own Shengtian Palace, when he suddenly heard his junior sister's call, thinking that she was in danger, he flew over in a hurry.

In the end, Junior Sister was fine.


Junior sister's condition is not right!

He had been standing in the water tank for quite a while, but his junior sister didn't even look up, just playing with the water obsessively.

Sheng Tianyang put his hand on her shoulder and shook it gently, "Junior Sister?"

Xia Siqin turned around and raised her head slowly. Being so drunk, she couldn't recognize who was in front of her eyes, she only knew it was a handsome guy!

"Oh, little brother, you are so handsome." She raised her hands to hold his face, and said lewdly.

Sheng Tianyang frowned when he smelled the faint smell of alcohol.

Junior sister drunk?
Xia Siqin squeezed his face hard with both hands, and slapped him hard twice, "Little brother, why don't you talk? Hmm?"

What is little brother?
He understands the little brother, and the elder brother also understands, but they don’t quite understand together. Could it be a very young brother?
I am small?
Am I the elder brother of my junior sister?

He didn't really want to be an elder brother, so he raised his hands to hold her hand helplessly, "Junior Sister, you're drunk."

 The big sister is about to fall off the horse.

(End of this chapter)

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