
Chapter 144

Chapter 144

"You dare! Of course you dare!"

The voice of the young dead man was already crying, but he suppressed it tightly, not wanting his brother to see his fragility.

"You do it! I don't want to live anymore!
Parents desperately sent us out of Yumen Pass, not to let us survive and kill people!

In the past few years, I followed you every day to kill this and that is not enough!You still want to kill our benefactor now!
You like killing people so much, why don't you kill me together!
Just stepping on my corpse to win the reputation of righteousness and extermination of relatives, in exchange for your glory and wealth! "

"I said, the emperor's order is hard to break."

"Then you kill me! Kill! If you want me to kill King Fuguang with you, I would rather die! I would rather die!"

The roar of the young dead soldier echoed with the mountain wind, and the leader stared at him coldly with a crossbow in his hand. His face was solemn and stern, but his heart was confused and weak.

When he learned that the target of this interception was King Fuguang, he was as shocked and reluctant as his younger brother, but that was an order, the emperor's order!
Dare to say "no", he, his younger brother, younger sister, and his hundred brothers will surely die before King Fuguang!
He had no choice but to bite the bullet and take it. He tried not to bring his younger brother, but he couldn't disobey the order from above.

The younger brother is the best at archery among them, he must bring it with him!
He also tried to imagine the reaction of his younger brother and his brothers when they learned the truth, but he did not expect his younger brother's reaction to be so intense.

The complaint of the young dead man is still going on, "King Fuguang is a hero, he will never be harmed by you villains!

Unless you kill me today!

Otherwise, as long as I am alive, as long as I have breath, I will climb to Fuguang Palace!
Tell King Fuguang that after he risked his life to save Da Xiao from danger, you took advantage of his injury and poisoning to wholeheartedly want his life! "

The leader held the crossbow and stared at him coldly, as if he would be killed by the arrow at any moment, but he was very clear in his heart that he couldn't do it.

He could feel the restlessness of the brothers, and they didn't want to kill King Fuguang either.

he knows.

In the entire Great Xiao, as long as there is a bit of conscience, no one would want King Fuguang to die, let alone assassinate such a great hero with his own hands!

He didn't want to either!

"The emperor's order is hard to break, please calm down, it doesn't matter if you die, I will not spare you if you make my little sister sad!"

The face of the young dead man froze, little sister, yes, there is also little sister!
If he defected, they would definitely kill the little sister!
At this time, another dead man stood up and shook his fist at the leader, "Boss, I have been taken care of by Duo for so many years, I have to leave."

He was in his early forties, calm and gentle, he didn't look like a dead man at all, more like a hunter in the mountains, or an elder next door.

As soon as he said this, the dead soldiers were visibly agitated. It was obvious that he had much more charisma than that young dead soldier.

In fact, in this small team, the serious and resolute leader is respected, and the calm and gentle leader is even more loved by the dead.

The crossbow in the leader's hand subconsciously turned to him, "You want to betray me too?"

"I'm not betraying you, I just don't want to kill King Fuguang."

The middle-aged dead man spoke softly, "Boss, we have received such an order today, and there are only three outcomes.

One, we died under the hands of King Fuguang, and we died quietly under the name of infamy.

Second, we killed King Fuguang and were silenced by our master when we returned.

Three, we failed to kill King Fuguang, and escaped with our lives, and were silenced by our master.

Leader, both sides are dead, I want to choose a slightly better one, at least it can make my conscience stable, and I won’t even die with infamy.”

The leader roared in a low voice, "Don't be alarmist! We are the best in the entire Qingning camp, that's why we were selected to perform such a task!
We are not incapable of fighting against King Fuguang's personal guards!
It took five years for the shortest time for the master to train us, how could he kill someone for no reason? "

The middle-aged dead man looked pitifully, "Leader, don't deceive yourself, the lives of people like us are nothing compared to the crime of assassinating King Fuguang.

Even if a thousand people die, the master will never allow the news that he sent people to intercept and kill King Fuguang."

He put the crossbow on the ground, "If you want to kill me, do it quickly, if you can't do it, then take this to the master.

Just say that I fell into the cliff, and there is no body left, and the master will not waste effort to find my body."

Following his actions, twenty or so young dead soldiers also stood up and lowered their crossbows.

The leader held the crossbow and aimed at him, his eyes were bloodshot, "Don't force me!"

The middle-aged dead man's eyes were calm, "Boss, we have killed many people over the years, some deserved to die, and some did not deserve to die.

I know that if the master wants them to die, they must die!

But now the master wants to kill the heroes of our Great Xiao, who are the pillars. I can be a villain, but I don't want to be the sinner of the whole Great Xiao! "

The words "the sinner of the entire Great Xiao" completely shattered the leader's defenses, his hand holding the crossbow trembled, and the corners of his red eyes were condensed with moisture——

At this moment, the middle-aged dead man suddenly jumped up, threw the leader to the ground, and slapped him on the back of the neck.

The rest of the dead soldiers pointed their crossbows at him one after another, and the young dead soldier called his brother shortly, and rushed towards him.

The middle-aged dead man took his slap abruptly and shouted sharply, "Calm down!"

The young dead man subconsciously withdrew his strength, and the middle-aged dead man handed over the fainted leader and shouted loudly, "Brothers, instead of dying with infamy, we should fight a way out for ourselves!
Everyone followed me back to Qingning camp to pick up their relatives, and then set fire to Qingning camp to make a certificate of surrender and go to King Fuguang! "

Qingning camp is the camp where the dead soldiers train and live, and their families also live there. It is a sharp weapon to contain them when they go out to perform tasks.



On another hill, Dang Gui muttered in disbelief, "The emperor sent such a person to intercept and kill the prince?

Patronizing and arguing while doing tasks?If a thousand come, a thousand will die, right? "

They probably have forgotten the matter of intercepting and killing the prince, right?
Xi Xin looked at Huo Yanzhi who put down his clairvoyance, "My lord, what are they talking about?"

Huo Yanzhi was silent, and said, "Go and burn the Qingning camp to make a vote, come and join me."

He spoke late, and when he was a child, almost everyone thought he was dumb. Huo Ying specially invited his master into the palace, learned dumb language and lip language, and taught him.

Asarum, "..."

That is to say, the prestige of their lord is so great that he can successfully instigate a hundred dead soldiers with just one ink dragon flag?
Originally, he thought that the process of the prince's rebellion against Huamanzhou was too simple, but when he saw these one hundred dead men, he suddenly felt that Huamanzhou could be called the real one, stubborn and stubborn!

Dang Gui clapped her hands violently, "Ha, then we can just stay behind those dead soldiers and take over the Qingning Camp!"

Huo Yanzhi put the clairvoyance back into his arms, walked quickly down the mountain, "send people to follow the group of dead soldiers, and send another 500 people."

It turned out that he was only going to deal with a group of assassins. Apart from the 30 bodyguards on the surface, he only brought [-] more people.

It was enough at first, but now it is not enough to encircle the Qingning camp.

The manpower under Luohua Peak is finally available, Jiujiu should be happy.

Dang Gui hurriedly caught up with him, "Hey, my lord, it's agreed, you can't rush ahead when the time comes.

You stink like that, from far away, people will know there is an ambush when they smell it, such a good opportunity cannot be ruined by your stinky body! "

Huo Yanzhi, " go back to the capital and report to Jiujiu that you are safe."

Dang Gui let out a miserable cry, "My lord, just now this subordinate just made a slip of the tongue, a slip of the tongue!
You went to Guangzhou Mansion to bring Asarum, but you didn’t bring your subordinates!

Can't be partial this time!The subordinate's kung fu is much better than Asarum!
And this time, I won the opportunity to follow, I won it by winning Huaer girl! "

Huo Yanzhi, "..."

Not to mention that he almost forgot, this guy also won Jiujiu, which made Jiujiu feel sad for a while!
Huo Yanzhi stared at Danggui coldly, and said coldly, "If you talk nonsense, go back to Liangzhouwei."

Angelica covered her mouth in horror, revenge, the prince must be taking revenge on him for saying he stinks!
Is the prince stinky? He didn't slander him!
He didn't dislike him at all, and if he said a few words of truth, the prince would throw him back to Liangzhou Wei, so be careful!Too narrow-minded!



At dawn, a rare mountain peak in the Qinling Mountains suddenly burst into flames.

The imperial guards in the Lishan Palace immediately became alert, and immediately sent people to check the situation, and then sent people to the capital to report the news.

There were also people in the capital who saw the flames soaring into the sky. However, except for a very few insiders, no matter whether they were high-ranking officials, nobles, or traffickers, they didn't take this fire to heart.

There will always be one or two fires every year, which is not worthy of their attention, especially when King Fuguang just shot and killed Qi Gufeng and went out to Beijing to find an antidote.

In the palace, Zheng Hedi was so angry that his head flared up again. After Nian Yu had the needles to subdue him, he was covered in cold sweat, he didn't even have the strength to sit, and he lay weak on the dragon bed.

Serving beside him is the granddaughter of Mr. Meng's first assistant, Meng Jiang's eighth cousin, and now the concubine Meng Xian.

After Xiao Mingzhao's death, the imperial concubine Jiufang fell ill, and Wang Miaoer was placed under house arrest in the East Palace.

Emperor Zhenghe asked Concubine Meng Xian to take care of the palace affairs, and called her to stay in bed more often during this period.

"Your Majesty, the head wind has been blowing up too frequently during this time, please don't take care of the dragon's body, don't worry about it, and don't get angry."

Zheng Hedi sneered, don't get angry?
How can it be?

That's Qingning Camp!

He has painstakingly managed the Qingning Camp for more than [-] years!

Qingning Ying, who handles all kinds of private affairs for him that even Jin Yiwei is inconvenient to deal with!
Just burn it!

Although he hasn't found out who wrote it, but he can almost conclude that it must be Huo Yanzhi!
There is no such coincidence in the world, he just sent the dead men from Qingning camp to intercept and kill Huo Yanzhi, and the Qingning camp was burned down the next morning!

Not Huo Yanzhi, who else!

He is really capable!
That was the Qingning camp, he even said he would burn it!
Are all the people in Qingning Camp dead?

At this time, Emperor Zhenghe didn't know that not all the people in the Qingning camp had died, but most of them were instigated by the hundred soldiers he sent to intercept and kill Huo Yanzhi.

And these people he has painstakingly cultivated for many years will become a sharp knife that stabs him in just a few years, piercing deeply into his heart!
Seeing that he didn't speak, Nian Yu bent down to salute, and was about to retreat.

Emperor Zhenghe suddenly asked, "How is the imperial concubine?"

This was the first time he asked about Concubine Jiufang after she lost her composure and scolded him angrily.

Nian Yu's voice was astringent, "The empress still refuses to talk or meet people, only the princess will feed herself, and she will take a few mouthfuls of food."

Emperor Zhenghe sighed, "Leave everything else aside, so that you can take good care of the imperial concubine, I will reward you very much."

Nian Yu respectfully agreed, wrote the prescription and handed it to the imperial physician, and withdrew.

After he returned to the palace, he was stripped of all his duties and errands. Wherever he went, there would be two old eunuchs staring at him every step of the way.

Now Zheng Hedi just brought the matter to the light and added another high-sounding reason.

After leaving Zhenghe Emperor's Palace, he went to Changchun Palace.

The white gauze of Changchun Palace has been removed long ago, and leaves and flowers are blooming everywhere, but because the hostess is ill, it looks deserted and decadent.

Nian Yu went all the way into the imperial concubine's bedroom, but this time, the two old eunuchs who were supposed to follow him into the room stayed at the door.

Since they came back from the Fuguang Palace last time, they have become more obedient and sensible, and they dare not enter places that should not be entered.

Today, he gave Zheng Hedi a slightly heavier dose of medicine, and it is estimated that he will sleep for a long time.

Naturally, the prescriptions for the emperor had to be reviewed by countless imperial physicians, but Emperor Zhenghe had frequent headaches recently, and the medicine he used was slightly heavier. Who would have the guts to question his "No. 1 medical skill of the Great Xiao"?
As long as Zheng Hedi is not awake, he will have a long time to chat with the noble concubine Jiufang.

The palace is richly and luxuriously furnished, just looking at it makes people feel lively, the exquisite and precious snail curtains on the bed are falling down one after another, and it is impossible to see the people inside clearly.

Nian Yu stepped up slightly, lifted the snail tent, and walked in slowly. The snail tent slowly fell behind him, drawing beautiful arcs.


Concubine Jiufang lay quietly on the bed, motionless as if dead.

Nian Yu sat on the edge of the bed, took her hand, and called out to her again in a low voice.

Concubine Jiufang's long and curly eyelashes trembled violently, but she still refused to open her eyes.

Nian Yu sighed, "Niang Niang, I managed to get rid of the watchers.

If the empress refuses to talk to me, I don't know when I will find a chance next time."

This was the first time in these days that he found an opportunity to meet her alone, and he still borrowed the light of Hua Pingle and Huo Yanzhi.

Before he could finish his sentence, the imperial concubine Jiufang sat up abruptly, threw herself into his arms and wept bitterly.


Nian Yu gently covered her mouth, and gently caressed her back with one hand, "Your Majesty, keep your voice down, don't be afraid, it's all over, I'm back."

Concubine Jiufang nodded her head vigorously, but the tears seemed to flow continuously, falling on the back of his hand drop by drop.

Nian Yu didn't urge her, and let her shed the tears she had been holding back for the past few days, Fang said softly, "Your Majesty, don't be sad anymore, Brother Zhao doesn't want your Majesty to hurt himself when he is underground."


As soon as the noble concubine Jiufang opened her mouth, tears welled up again, she didn't care to wipe it, she opened the skirt of her clothes and tore off the red gold longevity lock hanging from her heart, and stuffed it in her hands indiscriminately.

"This, you take it, find a chance to leave the capital, go to Liangzhou, leave me alone, you go, go!"

"Miss, what happened?"

Concubine Jiufang's tears were falling down wildly, but she shook her head desperately, refusing to say anything, just pushing him to let him go quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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