Chapter 770

Xu Chunniang ignored the sky and looked at the sky. Seeing that the time was almost up, she got up and left the tree house where she was staying, and walked towards the place where the ancient white wood was.

The king was not surprised when he saw her, "You are here."

Xu Chunniang glanced at the ancient white wood and frowned slightly.

The part of the branches and leaves that she cured before has returned to its previous decadent appearance.

She checked the branches and roots again, and the injury got worse.

The king seemed to have expected such an ending, so he said indifferently.

"I told you earlier that your methods can at most allow me to prolong my life."

When Xu Chunniang heard this, she chuckled lightly and shook her head, "It's a pity".

The king paused slightly, "Why are you laughing? What is there to regret?"

"I laugh at you, you are in vain as a monk during the tribulation period."

The aura of the ancient white wood suddenly changed, becoming chilling and condensed.

After a while, the king's calm voice came out.

"Do you know what you are talking about? Even if I have only one breath left, killing you is easy."

"Am I wrong?"

As if she didn't feel her anger, Xu Chunniang looked at the white tomb in front of her and said slowly.

"Cultivators fight against people and heaven, even if there is only a remnant soul left, as long as the mind is still there, they will find ways to survive.

And you, with both soul and body, just put on a posture of resignation, and lost your heart! "

As if overwhelmed by these few words, the king remained silent for a long time, and the chilling aura around him also quietly disappeared.

After a long while, her voice sounded again, Gujing calm and authentic.

"You don't understand cause and effect, so you don't fear the power of cause and effect. Everything in this world is caused by cause and effect. I committed too many murders in the past, and now I am entangled in karma and resentment. This is my retribution.

Only by enduring the pain caused by these retributions can the grievances be completely eliminated, otherwise, even if reincarnated, the next life will bear these karmic grievances and will not end well. "

"I don't understand cause and effect, but I know that the laws of the world come from yin and yang, and they are in harmony with yin and yang. The laws of life and death and the laws of reality and reality that I understand are like this."

Xu Chunniang's eyes revealed a thoughtful expression, "Cause and effect are one, so when you bear the retribution, you are resolving the cause and fate."

The king was stunned, "Cause is cause, effect is effect, they are two different things.

What I planted yesterday will bring forth today's fruit, and what I plant today will bring forth tomorrow's fruit. "


Xu Chunniang shook her head, showing disapproval.

"Cause is effect, and effect is cause. Life and death and virtual reality can be transformed into each other, let alone cause and effect!"

This time, the king was silent for a long time without speaking.

Xu Chunniang didn't say any more, took out the twig, pushed the healing power inside it, and healed her wounds on the branches and leaves.

The small branches are very powerful after blooming, and the healing effect is several times stronger than before.

After putting away the twigs, she did not inject the law of life into the intact root system of the ancient white wood, but directly pointed at its festering root system, using the law of emptiness to turn a small amount of causal resentment into nothingness.

As the law of emptiness continuously condensed, the spiritual energy in her body was once again drawn out.

Xu Chunniang turned pale, looked at the ancient white wood in front of her, and explained.

"The fountain of life of the tree-human race is of a higher level than the law of life that I have comprehended. Every two days, you can use the fountain of life to irrigate your intact roots to replenish vitality.

I'll see you again in two days. "

After speaking, she left without waiting for the other party's reply.

Xu Chunniang believed that she had already done everything she could do, and she said what she shouldn't have said.

If the king still can't figure it out, she has nothing to do.

On the way back, she recalled the Realm of False Reality that had failed several times.

Obviously she has been able to condense emptiness into reality, turn reality into emptiness, and freely transform the power of emptiness and reality, but she still failed.

Where is the problem?

Xu Chunniang recalled that when she opened up the law of life and death, after mastering the transformation of the law of life and death, she opened up the law of life and death very smoothly.

Why can't it work when it's the turn of the virtual and real legal domain?
Knowing her confusion, Wang Tianjiu pouted.

"You think Twin Laws is so easy to open up, each pair of Twin Laws is different from each other and has its own unique nature.

If these Twin Laws were all the same, Twin Laws wouldn't be so rare. "

"That's right, I thought it was wrong."

Xu Chunniang laughed and walked towards the tree house.

The tree house she lives in is built on a cypress tree that is tens of thousands of years old.

The rich aura in the tree house is not only due to the cypress tree itself, but also because it is rooted next to a spirit pool.

Seeing the Lingtan and the tall cypress beside the pool from a distance, Xu Chunniang was about to fly up to the tree house when she suddenly thought of something, turned around again, and stared at the Lingtan for a long time.

Wang Tianyu didn't know why, "Why are you in a daze here? Why don't you go back quickly and meditate to recover your spiritual energy!"

Xu Chunniang still stared at Lingtan closely, and said without raising her head when she heard the words.

"What did you see in this pool of water?"

"What else can you see in the pool, of course it's water!"

Wang Tianyu rolled her eyes speechlessly, followed her gaze towards Tan Shui, and said disdainfully.

"The water in this spirit pool contains too little spiritual energy, but this spirit pool seems to be quite deep, probably thousands of feet..."

Xu Chunniang shook her head, a bright color flashed in her eyes.

"Look carefully, what else is in this Lingtan?"

Wang Tianyu was a little impatient, but still released his consciousness and turned the whole Lingtan upside down.

"What else can there be in the Lingtan besides water? Of course it's fish, hey, there really is something deep in the bottom of the pond!"

Wang Tianjiu's tone suddenly became excited, and the stirred-up Lingtan water shook endlessly, and the reflection on the pond water also shattered.


Suddenly, a splash several tens of feet high sprang out from the water surface, and a palm-sized pure golden fish appeared at the top of the splash.

The sun shines through the branches and leaves of the cypress tree and shines on the scales of the golden fish, reflecting colorful light.

Wang Tianyu was overjoyed, and said with a maniacal smile that he would be less than the ingestion of his divine sense.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect there to be a seven-colored golden carp hidden under this pool of water! I heard that this thing tastes good, but I haven't tasted it yet."

The seven-colored golden carp panicked, its body kept swinging, but it couldn't escape Wang Tianjiu's control.

It sent out a divine thought, "Let me go, let me go!"

Xu Chunniang pinched the center of her eyebrows helplessly, this Wang Tianyu was sometimes unpredictable, and sometimes acted like a naughty boy, causing trouble for her.

"Hurry up and release this seven-colored golden carp. This pool belongs to the tree-human race. Maybe they specially raised this seven-colored golden carp here."

(End of this chapter)

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