Ugly Cultivation Notes

Chapter 1208 A sign of great misfortune

A quarter of an hour later, the Jinjia King returned from exploring the road. Seeing that only Bai Sha and Dujiao were left behind, he couldn't help but have a bad premonition.

Everything is fine, where are Kun Ling and Xu Chunniang? Will they encounter any accidents?

Feeling the remaining power of time and space around him, the Golden Armored King had a guess in his mind.

"Where are Kunling and Xu Chunniang?"

The one-horned devil looked ashamed and looked at the golden armored king.

"Not long after you left, the turbulence of time and space struck again. In my haste, I only had time to protect Bai Sha, and the two of them were swept away by the power of time and space."

The Golden Armored King's expression changed slightly, and his suspicion came true.

The One-Horned Demon King sighed and continued, "It's my fault for not protecting you well, Jin Jia. If you want to blame, just blame me."

The Golden Armored King was silent for a moment, and his expression gradually returned to normal.

"This was an accident, so how can I blame you? The demonic energy in your body has not fully recovered, so it is not easy to barely protect Baisha. I can only say that this is their fate."

The road to the holy pool is full of dangers. As monks in the Heavenly Demon Realm, it is normal for the two of them to encounter unexpected events.

It was only his fault that he underestimated the danger of the turbulence of time and space.

If he had known this, he should have ordered the two of them to exit the sandy abyss as soon as possible. In that case, he could at least save their lives...

Thinking of this, the Golden Armor King forced himself to stop his thoughts. The two of them had been swept away by the power of time and space. The chance of survival was almost nonexistent. It was useless to think about it. It was better to think about the next road.

He looked at Baisha and the One-Horned Demon King, and his tone returned to his usual calmness.

"I just went to the south. In that direction, I felt much less power of time and space. If this road is blocked, you can go south.

However, if you go from the south, you have to go around in a big circle to reach the holy pool. I don't know if you can make it in time. "

Seeing that the Golden Armored King believed his words, the One-Horned Demon King felt relieved and seriously considered his suggestion.

"Distance and time are not a problem. As long as you can avoid most of the turbulence of time and space, it doesn't matter if you take a long detour. Baisha, what do you think?"

Bai Sha pondered for a moment, "I need to observe it before I can make a decision."

"Okay, then it will be based on your observation results."

The way Baisha practices can turn bad luck into good luck. If you follow her, you can usually make no mistakes.

Baisha nodded slightly, took out her natal magic weapon, the life candle, and lit the life candle's candle with her soul power.

At first, the candlelight was still very bright, and the two gray lines protruding from it were looking in different directions.

As time went by, the candle light swayed uncertainly, getting dimmer and dimmer, and looked like it might go out at any time.

The gray thread was also weak and broken into four parts.

After witnessing the whole process, the Golden Armored King and the One-Horned Demon King both felt their hearts sink.

Although I don’t know what the result of the observation is, judging from the performance of the life candle and the gray line, I am afraid that the result is not satisfactory.

As expected, Bai Sha's expression became much more solemn when she saw both broken gray threads.

"The omens show that no matter which of these two roads you take, it is a sign of great disaster!"

"How could this be?"

The One-Horned Demon couldn't help but raise his voice, "Before leaving, you clearly made observations, and the results of the two observations are both good and good signs!"

"Destiny is changing all the time. One moment it is a certain death situation, and the next moment it can be dark and bright."

Baisha put away her life candle and explained quietly, "The observed results can be used as a reference, but they are not absolute. Maybe there will be changes again in a few days."

The One-Horned Demon King looked ugly. He thought of Xu Chunniang and Kun Ling who were sent away by him. Could it be that these two people affected the results of the observation? It's just that with the two people's cultivation, it would be good not to hinder them. If they are sent away, the observed results should be more auspicious.

King Jin Jia didn't think so much. He looked at Bai Sha and said, "In your opinion, which way is more suitable?"

Baisha thought for a moment, "Let's go south. Although the distance is long, the chance of encountering time and space turbulence is smaller, and it is relatively easier."

"If Dujiao has no objection, then I'll follow your words."

As he spoke, the Golden Armored King looked at the One-Horned Demon King, silently seeking his opinion.

After a while, the One-Horned Demon King had recovered. He nodded, "Go south, just go south. I can do it."

After the agreement was completed, the three of them got back on the road.

Without Xu Chunniang and Kun Ling being a drag, the three of them were indeed traveling much faster.

It's just that the direction of the holy pool is to the north. The three of them walked south. They didn't know how long it would take to make a detour before they could successfully reach the holy pool.

Seeing this, the monk who was following the three of them let out a light "tsk" and followed them silently.

Just go south. Although you have to take some detours, you don't have to deal with so much time and space turbulence, which saves a lot of energy.

As Jinjia Wang and his companions were heading south, Xu Chunniang and Kunling were in an unfamiliar space.

I don’t know where this place is, nor what year it is. The entire space is like a deserted area, with scorched earth everywhere and no grass growing.

Kunling was immersed in the emotion of being plotted by the One-Horned Demon King, and he was cursing without saying a good word.

"This one-horned devil is really nothing. He is the lord of a city. He actually plotted against a junior like me. When I get out, I must let my uncle know his true identity!"

After burning the incense, Xu Chunniang had already explored this unfamiliar space. When she came back, she heard Kun Ling scolding her.

She was a little dissatisfied with the noise and glared at Kun Ling, "Shut up."

Kunling's mouth was open, and the second half of the sentence was stuck in his throat. It was neither a curse nor a curse, and his face turned red.

"Shouldn't we scold those villains like Dujiao?"

Xu Chunniang said calmly, "No matter how loud you scold, it won't affect him at all. You might as well think about how to get out."

"Escape, how do I know how to escape?"

Kunling was a little discouraged, "I've tried all the methods, and I don't know what the hell this place is. My body is empty and I can't feel any demonic energy. And I tried it with magic crystal. No matter what kind of law it is, there is no magic in it." Nothing works here, even the teleportation charm my uncle gave me has failed.

Tell me, how to get out? "


Kunling's expression changed and he glared at Xu Chunniang, "What did you say?"

"I said you're a loser, you've disturbed me."

"That's enough! Don't think that because you beat me once, I'm afraid of you. If it weren't for my uncle's use of saving your life, I would have killed you long ago!"

Kunling roared angrily and rushed towards Xu Chunniang, as if he was desperate.

Anyway, she's trapped here and can't get out, so what's the use of her little life?

Xu Chunniang frowned coldly, and when Kun Ling rushed towards him, she flew up and kicked Kun Ling straight in the chest, sending him flying backwards and falling heavily to the ground.

Kunling roared unwillingly, jumped up from the ground, changed his angle, and rushed towards her from behind.

This time, Xu Chunniang didn't even look back. She rolled onto her side and knocked Kun Ling to the ground, crushing his hand and leg bones.

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