Chapter 103 Outshine others (1 more)

Absolutely enough!
"Xiaofan, do you really understand?"

Xi Zifan asked worriedly, Xiaofan is not afraid of causing trouble to them, is he?

Everyone advances and retreats together. If it wasn't for her, they might not have been able to reach Wuwang Mountain.

He had just opened up all his spiritual power and maximized his facial features, only then did he see that the two moves were not coherent. Fortunately, this test only needs to be done with one move.

"I'll slow down for a while, you look at Yihulu Hualao."

Xizixuan is more direct.

Gu Xiaofan blinked, did he believe her?

Although she has no spiritual power, she still has eyesight.

"No, I really see it."

Zhu Baozhen on the side winked again and again, these idiots, can such a thing be said?
It will be troublesome if you are overheard by those with sharp ears.

But she also wondered if Gu Xiaofan really saw it?
She only saw two or three moves, and the first few moves of spiritual art were the simplest and the least changed.

"Time is up!"

In fact, some people gave up consciously in the next half an hour, and they couldn't see the reason for going down. The spiritual power was consumed for nothing, and there were three exam questions to deal with. This can be passed in one step. Opportunities are rare, but for them, being able to stay is the most important thing.

If you stay in Wuwang Mountain, you might have another chance in the future.

Those who insisted on seeing the end, either had enough spiritual power to support them, or didn't see any of the moves.

"It seems that everyone knows what's going on with the Six Spirits Diagram, so I won't say much, you guys start the pose, and spread the distance between one person on the spot."

After Elder Qiu finished speaking, he flew up and stood in the sky above the platform, opened his spiritual power and began to check and accept.

With so many people doing it at the same time, can he see it alone?
But Gu Xiaofan didn't dare to doubt the power of spiritual power, let alone such a boss-level figure, which should be much stronger than Senior Fang.

She glanced just now and saw Fang Chu sitting in an inconspicuous position.

Hey, there are too many bigwigs in this Lingwu Continent, and her spirit root...
"let's start!"

As soon as it started, everyone moved in unison, and those who didn't understand could only carefully follow along.

Xi Zixuan deliberately slowed down a bit, and only after seeing that Gu Xiaofan really played a trick did he feel relieved to act quickly.

Even though Gu Xiaofan was only playing tricks, she really saw it.

But because there is no spiritual power, the power of this move is...
In the stands, the eyes of some people lit up, obviously a little surprised.

Although Gu Xiaofan's moves have no spiritual power, but his posture is not empty at all, although his chubbyness affects his appearance, he plays well.

Speaking of which, Gu Xiaofan has lost a lot of weight compared to when he came here.

Again, the base is too big!

And losing weight doesn't happen overnight.

"Yo, this"

Because of the matter of Xingluo Tianxiang Fuyuan just now, Gu Xiaofan has gained a wave of attention. I thought she would stand still, but unexpectedly.
Wouldn't this be gesticulating according to someone else's appearance?

But it looks like that, and the movements are quite coherent, etc. This is not the same style anymore
Although he can't use spiritual power like others, and can't make gestures in the air, Gu Xiaofan can skillfully connect these moves. Even though he can't be as smooth as in the painting, he can barely practice them. Of course, he is not so elegant. .

Anyway, I can't ask too much, this is a spiritual art, and it would be good if she can get a shape.

Some candidates had already stopped, and after stopping, they began to look around, only to find that few were still moving.

Now Gu Xiaofan looked particularly eye-catching.

From curiosity at the beginning to astonishment, everyone's expressions were very consistent.

"Xi Zifan, she, she."

Zhu Baozhen pointed to Gu Xiaofan and asked Xi Zifan with a look of surprise, Xi Zifan shook his head, looking calmer than others.

After all, compared to the number of times I was shocked by Xiaofan, I already have a little immunity.

I really understand this is
No, how did she understand it?What does she think of this mess without spiritual power?

It doesn't matter, how does she know the sequence of these moves?
This is definitely not a bluff, and it is impossible to learn from others. There are only a few people in this round. If she wants to learn, she has to follow. Her speed is the fastest.

Incomprehensible, incredible!
"What formula is this?"


In the stands, everyone's eyes were straightened.

It's the eighth style, and they followed it just now. The eighth style of the Liulingtu is a hurdle. They basically see the seven or eighth, and they are still behind the enlightenment.

"It hasn't stopped yet!"

"This trick. This trick, ouch! I didn't think about it just now, it turned out to be like this, but"

It's useless to see the moves, and it seems that I can't connect with my spiritual power if I don't realize it.

It wasn't until this time that everyone realized that the beauty of the Six Spirits Diagram lies here.

I didn't realize it by myself, and it's useless to play it out, and I still haven't realized it.

So, for the old elders, it is easy to know at a glance whether they are being played by others.

At this moment, even Elder Qiu was puzzled.

When Gu Xiaofan started the ninth form, the last two runners on the field stopped, namely Zhuge Qianji and Murong Xiaoyi. After they stopped, they found that there was still one moving on the field, and they all turned their heads Check it out, you will be stunned after seeing it.

Zhuge Qianji was startled at first, and then looked at it seriously.

Murong Xiaoyi was full of disbelief.

Originally, the first test was a blow to him, and he finally adjusted his mentality to cope with the second test. This test allowed him to regain his confidence. After he stopped, the first thing he looked for was Zhuge Qianji, and he found that they also accepted the second test. I thought we could win the first place together, but I didn't expect it.
"Seventh brother, Xiaofan's posture must have been practiced before."

This is impossible for a novice to do it all at once. This movement looks neat and fast, where it should be fast, and where it should be slow, and it can be retracted freely.

Xi Zixuan remained silent, he had already discovered it.

Of course, she didn't deliberately hide anything.

She would get up very early every day, gesticulating in the yard by herself, although the moves were strange, but they looked good, he knew they were not random strokes, after tossing, she would usually continue to sleep.

Also, she is obviously fat and has no spiritual power, but her footsteps are not slower than theirs at all. He found that her breathing is very even every time she walks, and
He didn't know when he started to pay attention to many small details, anyway, he noticed her every move unintentionally.

Gu Xiaofan was the only one left on the court, who stood out from the crowd.

Fortunately, Gu Xiaofan didn't intend to play all 36 moves. When he saw the last two stopped, he wanted to stop, but his instinctive reaction was faster than his brain. It doesn't look deliberate.

She is not stupid, the old elders are still a few tricks away from the epiphany, if she plays all the tricks.
Originally, she thought that one or two tricks would be fine, as long as she could get through, but seeing Murong Xiaoyi not stopping, she didn't want to stop. He was probably the one who did the Lingcao matter, and this kid might just glance at his mother. He is a bad guy, and the best revenge for this kind of person is to strip off his pride a little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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