Chapter 96 A Fire
In a flash, it was the fourteenth day of the first lunar month, Xia Zhongjiang Yixi took the Buddha statue and went to the Ruyi Hall ahead of time.

The old lady heard that the statue of Buddha was specially consecrated by Ji Cang for Li Zhenbao, she squinted her eyes, and hurriedly brought it into the small Buddhist hall to invite it to the incense table, and bowed to the statue for a few times.

Afterwards, Jiang Yixi made a request, "I heard the news brought back by Madam Wu that Princess Zhenbao's health is very bad, and I am very concerned. I want to go to the pharmacy to buy some tonics in person tomorrow. Send it to Zhaoming Nunnery. Oh, and honor grandma with a pot, if grandma likes it, granddaughter will always respect it.”

It is unlucky to buy medicine before the tenth day of the first lunar month, but it will be fine after the eleventh day.

Tomorrow is the Lantern Festival.The old lady thought she understood what her granddaughter meant, and she wanted to go out to play.

The old lady was happy and couldn't bear to refuse.Said, "Let Xun'er go out with you, just buy tonics and have a lunch outside. Don't wait for the lantern festival at night, the streets are chaotic, and go home before dark. Don't tell your sisters, so you don't have to worry about it." They all went out arguing."

In the evening, Jiang Yixi quietly told Jiang Xun about going out to buy medicine and eat tomorrow.

Jiang Xun shook his head like a rattle, "No, tomorrow is too messy, don't get lost. I'll go out with my sister another day..."

A burst of broken thoughts.

Jiang Yixi frowned and said, "I'm 16 years old, not six years old, how could I lose... go or not, if you don't go, I'll take Shui Ling there alone."

Jiang Xun had no choice but to compromise, and decided to take Jiang Da, Shui Ling, and Wang Fu with him.Of course, Huahua, who likes to watch the excitement, should also be brought along.

After Jiang Xun left, Jiang Yixi held Huahua's ear and told what was going to happen tomorrow and what it was going to do.

Huahua's eyes widened, she covered her mouth with a small paw, and said, "There is still this matter, I need help, I must help." Then she said the conditions, "I have helped so much, I must be allowed to enter Playing in the mountains for a few days..."

The next day, Jiang Yixi was afraid that the little girl Jiang Yirou would come to her early, so she hurriedly finished her breakfast and went to the outer courtyard with Huahua and Shui Ling.After meeting Jiang Xun, he went outside to take a carriage.Today Jiang Da drove the car, Wang Fu sat outside the car with him, and the two masters and Shui Ling sat in the car.

After Jiang Yixi went to the pharmacy to buy tonics, she asked her to go to Defuquan Restaurant on Luofu Avenue to eat roast duck.

Although it was still daytime, there were more pedestrians and vehicles on the street than before, and the cars moved very slowly.

Huahua lifted the curtain of the car with one paw, looked at the people wearing festive clothes, strings of lanterns hung on the tree and outside, and meowed happily, "So happy, so lively..."

A hawker selling candied haws came calling, "Candied haws, sweet and fragrant candied haws..."

Meow Meow Meow, "I want to eat."

Jiang Yixi called the car to stop and bought three bunches of candied haws, one for her, one for Jiang Xun, and one for Shui Ling.

Her string of feeding flowers.

Huahua quickly licked the candied haws with Xiaofen's tongue. It only ate the candies on the outside. After licking, Jiang Yixi threw away the hawthorn in the middle.

When we arrived at Rove Street, it was already late noon.

After Jiang Xun got off the car, Jiang Yixi changed into men's clothing, a turquoise satin cotton gown with a belt loosely tied around the waist, and a dark cyan cloak over it.Her hair was loose, tied in a bun on top of her head with a hairpin, and she wore a small black cap with melon skin.

This outfit is all Jiang Xun's, and the robe can still be worn with the sides rolled up.

Even though she was wearing men's clothes, no one would really see her as a man, she was so juicy and handsome.

Shui Ling also changed into men's clothes, which belonged to Jiang Da.She is already tall, plus her facial features are relatively tough, if you don't pay attention, you will really see her as a young person.

Men and women in this dynasty were not strictly guarded against men and women, and it was fashionable for noble women to wear men's clothing to go shopping or watch theaters in the capital.Even though it's recognizably female, they just like to dress up that way.

In the words of Li Zhenbao, it is "Fan Er".

As soon as they got out of the car, Jiang Xun and Jiang Da laughed and praised "handsome".

Jiang Xun and Jiang Da opened the way ahead to prevent pedestrians from bumping into them.

At this time, many people had already finished their meal and went to play in the street. They asked for a box with a small window facing south on the second floor.

After entering the room, Jiang Yixi asked Jiang Xun to order, while she walked to the window with Hua Hua in her arms and opened the small window.

Outside the window is Nanfu Hutong behind Defuquan Restaurant.Diagonally facing a theater, it was rented by the Shuanghongxi Opera Troupe who had just moved to the capital.

Although the Shuanghongxi troupe came to Beijing not long ago, they became famous as soon as they came because of a few very good actors.

There is a big sign at the door, with a few big characters written on it-Caiyun Chat, Taoyuan Horror.A column of fine print on the left—the last two performances of the farewell show.

"Taoyuan Psychic" is a play in which Wang Sheng's soul lingers after his unjust death, entrusting a dream to Xia Niang, the daughter of Lord Hou, who avenges Wang Sheng's revenge. It is also one of Cai Yunqing's best plays.

Jiang Yixi looked up at the sky, the sun was so bright that people couldn't open their eyes, there was not a single cloud in the blue sky, and the strong wind was blowing, as if it could knock the roof over.

Most of the houses on this street are made of wood, and there are four cloth shops and restaurants.Because of the Lantern Festival today, many lanterns were hung on the tree and in front of the door. In addition to this ghostly weather, a fire broke out, and there was no way to save it.

Jiang Yixi's eyes slid to the big sign again.

Cai Yunqing!
The name Jiang Yixi has an impression, not just the memory of the previous life, Jiang Jin mentioned it not long ago.

Jiang Jin told the old lady that Caiyunchao is a Wudan singer, with a very good singing voice, appearance, and skills, much better than Bai Yujiao from Qingfu Troupe, Yu Changxiang from Jixiang Troupe, etc., and is sought after by many people.It's just that I'm getting older, I'm 26 years old this year, I won't sing anymore after the first month of the month, and I can take care of apprentices or get married with peace of mind.

Jiang Jin wants to invite Cai Yunchao to come to his house to sing during the Chinese New Year.

The old lady didn't want to, she said that the New Year is a family reunion, what's the point of calling an actor, wait until Uncle Jiang celebrates his birthday in April.

Jiang Yixi also knew that if there were no accidents, the troupe would run into trouble this afternoon, and the whole troupe would be burned. Cai Yunqing rescued Princess Li Jiao while escaping.King Wen knew how to repay his kindness, and wanted to marry Cai Yunqing as a side concubine. The emperor disagreed, so he placed Cai Yunqing outside as his concubine...

It was later found out that the owner of the Qingfu Opera Troupe was jealous of the Shuanghongxi Opera Troupe and robbed them of their customers and patrons as soon as they arrived.

Unexpectedly, this fire not only burned the Shuanghongxi theater troupe, but also burned the second prince Wen Wang Li Shao and his six-year-old only daughter Li Jiao, who came to the theater in micro-clothes. More than 100 people were burned to death and [-] people were injured. Many people burned down half the street including Telford Restaurant.

People looking at the lights in other places heard that there was a fire on Rove Street, which burned half of the street. They were terrified. People rushed home, and there was another stampede. Many people were trampled to death and injured, and many children were lost...

This incident was very big at the time, and the emperor was furious. He dealt with many officials and people from the Wucheng army and horse department, and sentenced the arsonist and the current instigator to death.

(End of this chapter)

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