Chapter 85

Jiang Yixi said again, "I heard that my aunt wants my third brother to go to the Jingwu Hall with my younger brother? Oh, my aunt should have told me earlier, I will ask Grandfather Meng to let him give the third brother's name again. add."

The eldest lady was startled, who overheard what she and uncle said, and told this dead girl?
She couldn't hold it anymore, and said with a heavy face, "You are a girl, how can you hear that the wind is the rain? Where did I say that. Who told you?"

Jiang Yixi smiled, "She told me kindly, how can I tell her." His face became serious again, "Auntie, some servants always think that we orphans are easy to bully, and always want to step on them. I Leave the words here, if anyone dares to touch my brother again, I will definitely not forgive him, try it if you don't believe me."

After finishing speaking, she walked towards Jiang Yirou who was standing under the big tree in front.

The eldest lady really wanted to hold Jiang Yixi down and give her a good reprimand, but what that dead girl said was right and wrong, and it was too serious to make people feel guilty.She held back her breath, looked at her two girls with an unkind expression, and walked towards the main courtyard.

Jiang Yirouhu asked, "My aunt's complexion is not good, what's wrong?"

Jiang Yixi then told about Nanny Qin and Xiaohong's diarrhea after eating Jiang Xun's food, "Auntie said that her stomach is not good, and I suspect that something went wrong in the kitchen."

Let Jiang Yirou pass this matter on to the third wife and his wife, they are not stupid.

As for the eldest lady, let her play cat and mouse with her cronies first.Huahua wanted to catch a mouse and ran a long way to play, but the eldest lady has many mice around her to catch.Take some bonuses this time.

Thinking of the wind ear, Jiang Yixi was in a great mood, so she took Jiang Yirou to the garden to pick wax plums and put them in a vase.

There are a few wintersweet trees beside the garden, with golden flowers covered with white snow, and people can smell the fragrance before they get close.

Jiang Yixi and Jiang Yirou each folded two handfuls, took one back to their own room, and gave the other to their mother and younger brother.

The two broke up at the fork in the road, and Jiang Yirou went to the third lady.

The third lady's expression darkened after hearing Jiang Yirou's words.

"Silly girl, it's a pity that girl is passing on a message to you on purpose. She first had doubts, then asked someone to try it, and dared to pass the words in front of the eldest lady, which shows that she is sure that the eldest lady has done something wrong. But she If you can’t say it clearly, you can only beat the tiger across the mountain and let the lady restrain herself. Then pass the word to me and your father through you, so that we can be on guard. The lady held back her anger and did not make a fuss, which also shows that she has a guilty conscience.”

Jiang Yirou looked at the third lady in a daze, "It's such a trouble, wouldn't it be better for the second sister to come and tell mother directly?"

The third lady poked her on the head, "I'm 14 years old, and I'm still like a child. Think about it, the pity girl is a junior, and she hasn't got any definite evidence, so how can she say clearly that her elders are wrong? Don't they just push all the mistakes away?" Did you give it to the kitchen? Alas, the orphan is pitiful, and it’s hard for her.”

His face became gloomy again, "Sister-in-law is getting more and more over the top. She is not happy to see the children in the next room are more promising than her own children, and she dares to put medicine in the food. Can we still live in peace? Wait for your father to come back and tell him... ..."

Jiang Yixi returned to Burning Courtyard from Jiang Xun, and carried Huahua into the bedroom.

Hua Hua said that there was a lot of noise in the main courtyard, the lady in charge and the close maid were all cursing and swearing that they had not betrayed the master, accusing each other.Those who couldn't explain clearly were beaten, and the girl who was on duty that day was kicked out of the mansion...

Jiang Yixi laughed out loud, the divorce plan is still very easy to use.Those few servants who stepped on the high and flattered the low did not have a good thing, and they deserved to be cleaned up.

In the evening, when the third master Jiang returned home, he praised Jiang Xun for being admitted to the Jingwu Hall.His smile was not as exaggerated as Uncle Jiang's, and his words were not as beautiful as Uncle Jiang's. Jiang Yixi felt that he was much more sincere.

On the eleventh day, the third master Jiang took a special day off to send Jiang Xun to the Jingwu Hall.Living with Jiang Xun, there is also the servant Wangfu.After that, except for holidays and long vacations, they will go home for one day every ten days.

Jiang Yixi stuffed a purse containing five taels of silver and 50 taels of silver into Jiang Xun's arms, and watched the three men on big horses and the carriage carrying things go away.

Jiang Yixi has a feeling that a child has grown up and spread his wings to fly to the boundless sky.

There are disappointments, but there are more joys and gratifications.

From now on, she began to think about Jiang Xun returning home in nine days.In this family, she is the only one who thinks about Jiang Xun.Of course, she misses Meng Cimo even more, who no longer knows where she is.

Meng Cimo still cares about the old Mr. Meng, but Jiang Xun only cares about her.

On the fourteenth day of the winter moon, Sun Xiaojiang, the head of the house, was celebrating the full moon, and the Jiang family invited some relatives and friends to drink the full moon wine.

Jiang Yixi saw this child for the first time, she was fat and cute, and she smiled at her with a small toothless mouth.Jiang Yixi's eyes are full of tenderness, children are always the cutest.

Grandma Jiang was a little angry that Jiang Yixi didn't go to see her when she returned home, with a cold face.Jiang Yixi pretended not to notice, and gave the little guy a gold collar and a gold lock, and Jiang Xun gave him a pair of gold bracelets.

On the evening of the nineteenth day of the winter moon, it was completely dark, and there was heavy snow falling outside.

In Ruyi hall, everyone chatted and laughed with the old lady, waiting for the third master and Jiang Xun to go home for dinner.

Jiang Xun came back before the third master.He was wearing the uniform of a low-ranking military officer, and he was holding a whip in his hand. He really looked like a young officer.I haven't seen him for nine days, it's darker, he seems to be stronger, and he looks more like Jiang Chen.

He also went to Wei De Xian Restaurant and bought two roast chickens to add to the dishes.The words are also pleasant to hear, "This roast chicken is soft and delicious, the ancestors will definitely like it."

In fact, my sister likes to eat it.

The old lady narrowed her eyes with a smile, beckoning him to sit beside her for the first time.

Jiang Xun felt uncomfortable and didn't like this honor. After glancing sideways at Jiang Yixi, he walked over and asked the old lady to hold his hand.

The old lady smiled and said, "Hou'er, it's hard for you to go out to study and miss grandma..." Then she asked the girl to give him ten taels of silver as pocket money.

After the meal, the old lady, Uncle Jiang, and the third master left Jiang Xun to talk again, and didn't let him leave until the second door was closed.In the snowstorm, Jiang Xun looked in the direction of Burning Courtyard and could only walk towards the second gate.

The next morning, Jiang Xun went to Zhuoyuan to have breakfast with his sister.

Jiang Yixi joked, "You have become a favorite, and I have been looking forward to you since yesterday until today."

Jiang Xun took out a purse from his bosom, which contained a silver bead hairpin, and said with a smile, "I bought this at the silver building next to Jingwu Hall, and gave it to my sister."

Jiang Yixi laughed.This younger brother acted as if he had gone on a long trip, and he had to bring a gift when he came back.

She thanked her and put the mirror in her hair.

When Ruyitang was paying respects to the old lady, the woman in the front yard came to report, and the young man of Prince Yong's son handed over a post, asking the second master to meet at Defuquan Restaurant.

(End of this chapter)

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