Spring is full of Jinghua

Chapter 1 Falling into the water and reborn

Chapter 1 Falling into the water and reborn
Jiang Yixi has been reborn for three days, from the 22nd year of Jianrong to the 16th year of Jianrong.

15 years old, like a flower.

Three days ago, at the peach blossom banquet in Yichang Dachang Princess's mansion, Jiang Yixi was bumped by someone suddenly, slipped on her foot, and saw that she fell into the lake. In desperation, she pulled Meng Ciyu, the third son of Meng, who was standing next to her. People fell into the water together.

Waking up again, it was Jiang Yixi who had gone through many vicissitudes.After finally marrying into a noble family, she was treated harshly by her husband and in-laws, and was designed to have an "adulterate relationship" with her uncle, and finally died in a nunnery.

She seemed to have had a long, long dream, but it was so real.Thinking carefully about everything that happened in the dream, she decided that it was not a dream, but that she had been reborn.

Although he was reborn after falling into the water, fortunately he has not yet engaged to the third son Meng, so there is still time for everything.

She knew that there are rumors in the streets and alleys of Shangjing that the second girl Jiang in Wuxiangbo's mansion is high-minded and evil-minded, and she insists on relying on the second son of Duke Cheng, who has the appearance of Pan An and the talent of Zijian, so that almost everyone Meng Ciyu, whom the little lady fell in love with.

Many people are regretting that if the second girl of Ruojiang really married the third son Meng, it would be flowers planted in cow dung.There were even chatterers betting on whether the second daughter of Jiang would marry the third son Meng, with odds of twenty to one.

Mrs. Jiang Tai, Wu Xiangbo Jiang Xiao, Mrs. Jiang's Mrs. Zhou wished to strangle Jiang Yixi to death.

Wu Xiangbo's mansion has fallen, and the top wealthy families will not invite them to the flower viewing banquet.The second daughter of the Jiang Xiao couple, Jiang Yiyan, the third daughter of the Jiang family, is already 14 years old. In order to find a good marriage for her, Mrs. Jiang started planning a few months ago. Mrs. Zheng, the eldest princess's daughter-in-law, came to get a post.

There are five girls in the Jiang family. The eldest girl, Jiang Yihui, just got married at the beginning of the year. The remaining four girls are between 12 and 15 years old, and they are all old enough to say goodbye. The old lady asked Mrs. Jiang to bring all the girls to the banquet.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yixi would do such a big thing.

The matter has already come out, if Jiang Yixi can really marry into Duke Cheng's mansion, then the bad thing will become a good thing, and he will be in-laws with the Duke of Cheng's mansion.But if Cheng Guogong's government ignored them and let those rumors spread everywhere, the reputation of the Jiang family girl would be ruined.Not only Jiang Yixi can no longer find a good family, but the other girls also don't want to find a good family.

The Jiang family still had a little luck that Cheng Guogong's government might be able to agree to this marriage.During the war between the Jinhe Dynasty and the Xiliang Kingdom, Jiang Yixi's father, Jiang Chen, died because he saved the Duke's eldest grandson, Meng Cimo.

Cheng Guogong Meng Ling was the Generalissimo of the Jin He Dynasty in that great battle. He took command at the age of 55 and defeated the enemy in four years. He was valued by the emperor and loved by the people.

After Meng Ling returned to the court last year, he handed over the military talisman and passed the title to his eldest son Meng Daoming.Although he still holds the title of Grand Master, he stays away from court affairs and spends almost half of his time with his eldest grandson recuperating in Zhuangzi.

On the way back to the imperial court, Meng Cimo was startled and fell off a cliff when he climbed a mountain.Although he regained his life, he was blind in his left eye and blurred in his right eye.

The Duke of Laocheng remembered Jiang Chen's love, and before he returned to Beijing, he wrote to his eldest son and gave Mrs. Jiang 5000 taels of silver, promising to help Jiang Chen's daughter, Jiang Yixi, find a good marriage after her filial piety. There will also be a dowry.When Jiang Chen's son Jiang Xun grows up, he will be responsible for his future.He found a civilian job for the mediocre and slightly lame Wu Xiangbo Jiang Xiao in the Central Military Governor's Mansion, and also promoted Jiang Bo, the third master of Jiang, to be the deputy commander of the fourth rank.

In this way, apart from Jiang Yixi's siblings who became orphans, the rest of the Jiang family benefited from Jiang Chen's death.

This year just passed the three-year filial piety period.

If Lao Cheng's mansion still remembers that love, there is still a possibility of making that relative.

Because of this slim hope, Mrs. Jiang and Mrs. Jiang endured the pain in their livers, and they also resisted not punishing Jiang Yixi immediately.

Mrs. Jiang has been waiting at home for people from Cheng Guogong's mansion to come to discuss the aftermath, but she didn't wait for the Meng family until this morning.After lunch, the old lady took Mrs. Jiang and Mrs. Jiang to Duke Cheng's mansion.

Jiang Yixi knew that Duke Cheng's mansion didn't even let them in.She also knew that Cheng Guogong and Mrs. Meng would come to Wu Xiangbo Mansion in person tomorrow afternoon to make an appointment for Meng Ciyu and Jiang Yixi's marriage, and they would also be married in the first month of next year.

Cheng Guogong and his wife hated Jiang Yixi who plotted against their son to death. Of course, it was impossible to agree to this marriage, and they also kept it from the old Cheng Guogong in the village in the suburbs of Beijing.But the Duke of Lao Cheng returned to the mansion suddenly, and after learning about the incident, he forced his son and daughter-in-law to go to Wu Xiangbo's mansion to settle the marriage...

Jiang Yixi can no longer stand up on the bed, and will have a showdown with the old lady when she comes back.

Nanny Wu and girl Shuixiang help Jiang Yixi get up.

In the previous life, Nanny Wu and Shui Xiang were beaten to death after that incident.Seeing them, Jiang Yixi was full of guilt.

Madam Wu looked sad.He whispered, "Girl, I feel that even if the Meng family wants to marry you, you should not marry in. They won't treat you sincerely, and you will suffer."

Jiang Yixi said, "Don't worry, mother, I won't have that delusion."

Even Nanny Wu could see through things, but she and many members of the Jiang family in her previous life couldn't see through.Perhaps it is said that they thought too well and were blinded by vanity.

After lying in bed for three days and three nights, all the bones in my body were sore.

Jiang Yixi came to the courtyard, the small courtyard is not big, there are only three main rooms and two side rooms.A privet tree grows beside the right wall, and the crown of the tree covers half of the yard on this side, and the yard of Jiang Yirou, the fourth girl, on the other side of the wall.

There is a stalked crabapple in front of the window.When the red flowers bloom all over the branches, it is like clouds and clouds.There are also several pots of roses on the ground, the flowers are big and gorgeous.Jiang Yixi named this courtyard "Scorching Courtyard".

She came back here from the Qingshi Nunnery six years later, at this time, the spring is thick, and the time is just right...

Tears welled up in Jiang Yixi's eyes, but she smiled, and walked out of the courtyard door.

Shui Xiang followed.

Jiang Yixi shook her head, "I'll walk by myself."

After six years and another life, this family, Jiang Yixi, is already very strange.

Walk through several bright gates, pass through several verandahs and corridors beside the green pond, and come to the garden.

All kinds of flowers in the garden are blooming freely, colorful, and the wind is filled with a strong fragrance of flowers...

She walked under the peach blossom tree, her head was pink, and there was a swing hanging between the two trees.As soon as the wind passed, the swing swayed a little higher, and the petals fell with the wind.The petals slid across her cheeks, soft and moist.

She sat on the swing.The swing is a long painted white bench, which swings gently and is extremely comfortable.This kind of leisurely state of mind is only available before marrying into the Meng family.

Swinging on the swing, she became sleepy and fell asleep in a daze.

The dream of the previous life is like a shadow.

(End of this chapter)

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