The factory has not been closed for too long, and the entire world has not yet been covered with dust.

There are very messy wheel marks in front of the gate, and they criss-cross together, forming the scene of "many cars came not long ago".

It was empty inside, and there was no sound of people.

There are some bloody footprints.

Hinata rationally paused beside the footprints, "It's too obvious."

Gin stopped beside him, followed the footprints and looked into the depths of the factory, "Go on?"

Hinata rationally glanced at the incomplete and messy footprints spreading deep, and vetoed, "No, let's go to the second floor."

They walked to the second floor.

Along the way, Gin looked around and found that although the factory was temporarily closed, the surveillance cameras were still operating.

They didn't turn on the red light, but as they went up the stairs, one of the black cameras wobbled a little, then stopped immediately.

It seemed as if he had suddenly realized that he had to be careful not to move in front of dangerous black characters, or he would be discovered.

Gin could only lower his brows to look away, and continued to look at Hyuga Ryo.

There was only one person's footsteps echoing around, and Gin didn't hide his own footsteps, Hinata reasonably and habitually suppressed the footsteps, sticking it to the end of Gin's footsteps.

A gunshot suddenly rang out on the first floor, and after a few seconds of silence, three or four consecutive shots rang out, echoing deafeningly in the empty and open factory.

Gin glanced at the place where the gunshots came from, but didn't stop.

"Ah, Belmode has started to act," Hyuga explained rationally, "I asked Belmode to send Miyano Shiho, and when she finds Miyano Shiho, she will send a message to Rum, and Rum will start to deal with it other people."

He tilted his head, caught a black camera with his eyes, and said again: "The following has already started, that Miyano Shiho..."

Gin understood Hinata's rationality, and knew that Miyano Shiho would be fine. He translated Hinata's ambiguous words, "You asked Belmode to send Miyano Shiho to the police?"

With regard to the grievances between Belmode and Miyano... Forget it, Hinata must have considered it rationally.

Hinata moved the angle of her face reasonably so that the surveillance camera could not see her mouth shape, "Well, I originally planned to let the police find her at the scene of the fire, but..."

However, Miyano Shiho is obviously aware of the grievances between Belmode and Miyano. In addition, Miyano Akemi had an accident not long ago. When she faced Belmode, she was like a rabbit facing a hound. She has been extremely vigilant in the state.

For the rabbit, it must be desperate to escape, but for the hound, this is just a normal hunt. At most, it will be as hard as it can, and if it is compared with desperate, of course it is desperate to win.

When Belmode left, he placed her in the corner of the fire on purpose to ensure that she would wait in embarrassment until the police, but when the police arrived, they didn't find her at all.

Therefore, Belmode could only go to her again to finish the finishing work.

"Don't worry about her side," Hinata explained roughly, reasonable and reassuring Gin, "Don't worry, I made arrangements, she will get away successfully and plan the funeral to her heart's content."

Gin: "..."

'Funeral' is supposed to refer to the funeral of the 'former chief', not to him or Belmode himself, right?
There were several hasty shots from downstairs.

Hinata rationally turned his head and glanced down, and captured a camera again, he asked in a calm tone, "You already knew about my contact with the police, right?"

Then he looked at Gin and let the mouth shape out of the camera's capture, "My purpose is already very clear, you can see it."

Gin saw it.

The joint meeting informed the police that all the participants were tied up. These elements were too directional, almost precisely pointing to 'the members of the organization were wiped out by the police'.


Just a little bit.

There is also a set of elements for 'Fireworks' and 'Factory', possibly pointing to 'Blowout Factory'.

He said slowly: "Until now, I'm not really sure."

"I just don't get it, why would you do that?"

Why did Hinata rationally contact the police and want to wipe out the organization?
Gin can be sure that if Hinata rationale really wants to lead the development of the organization, then most of the police can only wag their tails with low eyebrows, unable to resist being overthrown by him and groping their bellies.

Even if there are a few talented policemen, they can kill them casually.

But cooperating with the police, and cooperating with those high-level police officers who are mostly mediocre, have their own little thoughts, and tacitly look at each other and smile in line with the 'rules of the upper-level'...

Gin felt that there was a 90.00% probability that Hinata could not bear it.

"Why do you want to do this?" Hinata repeated rationally, and he nodded calmly, "Your point is correct, many policemen have their own little thoughts, and may lose their courage when encountering danger, and retreat timidly. "

"The more they become police officers and the more they are promoted, the more they seem to overlap with black characters."

He turned his face and captured the camera, "However, the original intention of every police officer to become a police officer is to 'protect the public'."

Even if some of the police only have a little 'protection of the people'.

"They are timid when they encounter danger, but when more police officers encounter danger, their brains are blank, they have no time to think, and they rely entirely on instinct to protect the public."

Hyuga rationally said in a statement tone without personal emotion: "They have overcome the survival instinct of human beings, which is great."

Even from the perspective of black characters, those dedicated police officers are quite great.

Gin frowned.

"That's not an excuse," he said. "If you want, even if all the police are dedicated, you can deal with them."


Hinata looked at him reasonably, and said sincerely: "You trust me."

Gin immediately added, "As long as you don't show your outstanding nature."

'Restless' nature.

As long as Hinata uses his excellent nature reasonably, there is a high probability that he can still achieve his original goal, but it will only make the enemy and companions suffer a little bit.

"I can accept your nature," Hinata sighed reasonably calmly, "Why can't you accept mine?"

"You are so good at patience, and you are so restless to spy on the position of the leader. I have turned a blind eye to it. You are my confidant. When treating you, we should not only look at the advantages, but also properly ignore the shortcomings."

He asked back, "In the eyes of other people, I'm probably your confidant, why don't you properly ignore my shortcomings?"

Gin: "..."



He knows it's a 'flaw' and it's good, it's great, it's amazing.

Qin Jiu said calmly, "I'm sorry, it's my fault."

"It's almost time," Hinata smiled reasonably, "I'll count to three, draw the gun and point it at me."

Gin: "?"

Hinata rationally pronounced the words clearly, "Three."

Gin immediately grabbed the gun, but didn't pull it out immediately, he looked reasonable at Hinata.

Hinata smiled rationally at him, biting his pronunciation, "Two."

Gin drew his gun and aimed it at Hinata.


Hyuga rationally drew his gun quickly, and an afterimage flashed, his gun aimed at Gin's head.

At the same time, Gin moved the muzzle of the gun down to aim at his shoulder.

The two muzzles were staggered at a distance of one or two meters.

Ryo Hyuga smiled again, "Great."

"You are not a person who completely obeys the orders of the leader. There is no need to bow your head and obey every time. Isn't it good to have your own thinking?"

"As it is now."

Draw the gun according to the order, and move the muzzle according to the thinking.

Thoughtful execution of orders helps...become a leader.

Catching his smile, Gin held his hands tightly, and said in a deep voice, "What do you do next?"

"I praised you just now," Hinata said reasonably, "if it's too tactful,"

"—I mean, I grant you the right to act independently."

Gin held the gun and didn't move.

He lowered his brows, quietly waiting for Hinata's next reasonable order.

Hinata reasonably looked at him for a few seconds before slowly saying: "You have surveillance cameras at seven o'clock and two o'clock."

"I'll count to three, two one, and knock down the camera at seven o'clock first. After I'm injured, shoot me first, in any place, and then knock down the camera at two o'clock, is that okay?"

"Three, two, one."

There are many places to ask about these words, such as 'after injury', such as 'shoot me first'.

Gin didn't open his mouth to ask, he sank his mind, and while Hinata was counting reasonably, he repeated silently in his heart. When "one" sounded in his ear, he suddenly turned around and shot the camera at seven o'clock.

Two almost overlapping gunshots rang out.

The camera at seven o'clock shattered, splashing out a fragmented bouquet. At the same time, Gin took two steps back, splashing a red bouquet from his shoulder.

He didn't have any special reaction, his expression didn't change, he simply moved the muzzle of the gun neatly, skipped the second step without hesitation, went directly to the third step, and smashed the camera at two o'clock with one shot.

There were two more gunshots that almost overlapped.

Gin Jiu's bullet hit the camera, and Hinata Reasonable's bullet grazed Gin Jiu's injured shoulder and hit the open space behind.

After shooting the camera, Gin lowered his gun and looked at Hinata, "Then?"

Hinata is reasonable: "."

Forget it, guessed it.

He sighed calmly, turned his gun, and let go of his overly tense hand.

For Hyuga Ryo, hitting the human body is a matter of no thought, but intentionally missing or even hitting the air is undoubtedly a thing for novices to hit ten times against a high-speed moving target.

He said: "You can look at the gift in your pocket, press it now."

Probably because of their gunshots and the knocking down of the camera, there was continuous gunfire downstairs again, as if a fierce battle was in progress, and the sound of 'woo lee woo lee' suddenly sounded outside representing the police.

Gin reached into his pocket and took out his cell phone and a device.

There are more than a dozen messages on the phone, including vodka and other subordinates, most of which are reporting that the police have had an unknown big operation not long ago, and almost all of them attacked.

The device is a square glass device inlaid with a red round button inside. You can press the button when you open the glass. It is most likely the kind of device that is a bomb controller.

Hinata repeated reasonably, "Press down."

Gin stared at the device in his hand, and then looked up at Hyuga Ryo.

Without asking Hinata rationale where the bomb came from, he immediately responded: Rum.

this trash...

He restrained his anger and focused on the main point, "The bomb is in the factory? Will you survive?"

"Shouldn't you ask 'Will I survive?'?" Hinata replied patiently, "Yes."

"Need me to answer 'Will I survive?'?"

Gin opened the glass cover and said coldly: "No need."

There is no need for the dear leader to answer this kind of question, and there is no need for the dear leader to show his presence that he is not worthy of beating. Otherwise, he really can't help but delete the nature of 'patience' that is forced to be suppressed.

Thank you dear leader :)

He pressed down hard.

Sparks and heat waves exploded in an instant, sweeping towards the surroundings, and the sounds of gunshots, police cars, and police yelling all around instantly fell silent.


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