Conan's Helping People

Chapter 389 Similar

Chapter 389 Similar
The murder happened in the Shiba Inu Cafe, in the bathroom.

When Kudo Shinichi called, a customer was dissatisfied with the door of a bathroom that had been locked quietly, so he knocked on the door a little irritably, and found that there was no response from inside, so he thought the door was malfunctioning, and there was really no one inside .

The other bathrooms were full, so he 'repaired' the door manually, successfully taming the bad door and opening that bathroom.

Then confront a dead body.

The guest stumbled and half-climbed out on the spot, and the other guests who were waiting at the door of the bathroom saw the strange appearance of this guest, and also saw the bathroom with the door open and another Mr. strange corpse inside, so they screamed again and again .

Hinata rationally listened to Mao Lilan's report patiently, and at the same time responded to the other party seriously, "Mmm, mmm, mmm."

From time to time on the other end of the phone came the dog’s aggrieved whining and Mao Lilan’s soft comforting voice. There was a high probability that it was a little Mao Lilan who was unfortunately bitten by a bully dog ​​as a soft persimmon, trying to bind a human figure in the chaotic scene Comfort machine.

After Mao Lilan finished speaking, he hesitated for a while, turned his head and said seriously to Shiba Inu, "Don't bite my sleeve, be good", and then turned his head back to hold the phone again.

Hyuga rationally took the lead in predicting and decided to block the opponent's "Brother Hinata, you are a detective, do you want to come and see?" '.

"Officer Matsuda and the others are here, right? Shinichi is also here," he said in a particularly trusting voice, "They probably have identified the murderer."

"Huh?" Mao Lilan was stunned.

Walking casually, Miyano Shiho, who was returning to the shrine the same way as she was watching Hinata and rationally nodding patiently to deal with the phone call, was also taken aback. She subconsciously looked at Hinata for a few more times, and met Miyano Akemi with her eyes: Lily has many police friends ?

The surname 'Matsuda' was mentioned by the fierce police officer who was talking to friends on the road before.

At that time, Miyano Shiho's focus was: Hey, is this police officer Lily's friend?Lily actually has a friend who is a police officer?

Now, her focus is: Hey, it seems that there are not too many policemen among Lily's friends?

There was an acquaintance of the police, Miyano Shiho, who was very surprised. Ryo Hinata was completely indifferent to human allergies. It is surprising to have friends. If you have friends from the police, then...

Wait, Miyano Shiho reacted.

Although the overly indifferent appearance of people who are allergic to humans is very repulsive, but it is only for ordinary people, and for criminals and the police, it will attract attention.

She calmed down.

Akemi Miyano blinked briskly, expressing with her eyes: Yes, Lily has some police friends.

She thought about it, then stretched out her hand to pin the hair on the side of her ear, shaved her head, and conveyed a message of denial: However, Lily doesn't consider her a friend.

Miyano Shiho received and identified the information, she nodded thoughtfully, not too surprised, it is 'ice wine' after all, it is normal for people to be allergic to it.

Then, she looked at Hyuga Ryo, her eyes shook a few times, and she looked at Miyano Akemi again, asking: Who is calling now?
Now, on the other end of the phone, there must be a person that Hinata reasonably admits.

It is a bit complicated to explain this question, at least it is a bit complicated for the eyes, Miyano Akemi hesitated for a moment, and decided to speak directly.

She bent her eyes and said in a low voice: "Lily is on the phone with a friend, and the two children on the opposite side are about your age, very smart."

It explained again how Kudo Shinichi and Mori Ran got to know Hinata reasonably.

Miyano Shiho grasped the key point, "In the school poisoning case, the murderer took revenge on the person who caused his friend to fall into the water because his friend fell into the water and died, so he poisoned the murderer. Lily's cup is the same as one of the victims?"

She continued to focus on the key point again, "Did he drink?!"

Hyuga Ryo could always see their eye contact and whispered conversation, but he didn't pay much attention to it. At this time, when he heard this question, he subconsciously glanced at Miyano Shiho.

This question is a little bit familiar...

It's like dreaming back to the first three chapters.

Miyano Shiho looked at him and frowned. She was worried about the phone, so she lowered her voice and asked in a breathy voice, "Have you drank?"

Hinata thought about it briefly, and he really wanted to choose the answer with the least trouble, and he said confidently that he didn't drink, but there was a loophole: the table.

There was blood on that table, it was okay to fool strangers and people who were not familiar with him, Hinata rationale could deal with it without changing his face, even if the other party had doubts, he could only swallow his doubts in his stomach, such as Kudo Shinichi.

But Miyano Akemi is different. As long as she pays attention to the school poisoning case and knows the blood he vomited on the table, she will judge in seconds: He drank the glass of water with added ingredients.

Therefore, Hinata took a reasonable glance at Miyano Akemi, paused for a few seconds, and then briefly replied that Miyano Shiho, who was not in Tokyo at the time and didn't understand what happened, could actually fool him with a little effort, "Yes."

Miyano Shiho frowned even tighter, she pursed her lips, looked at Hinata who looked away casually for a few seconds, then continued to ask Miyano Akemi in a low voice, "What poison is it?"

"Don't worry," Miyano Akemi shook her head, "it's a hydrogen chloride drug."

"My mother has identified the reaction between the hydrogen chloride drug and Lily, and confirmed that it is a relatively harmless drug. As long as you don't swallow a large amount of the drug, it will not endanger Lily's life."

"Under normal circumstances, his body will automatically identify and eliminate the drug. If he is a little weak, the body's reaction will be more intense, and there will be side reactions such as vomiting blood, dizziness, and chest pain."

Compared with the consequences of taking hydrogen chloride drugs for ordinary people, who would not even be able to wait for an ambulance, these reactions Hinata would reasonably expect are indeed 'relatively harmless'.

Miyano Shiho nodded silently, and she said in a low voice: "The poison identified by my mother and his reaction are based on blood identification. After the poison really enters his body, there may be accidents that do not match the blood identification."

She glanced at Hinata Reasonable, who walked away silently, "Should the organization check him immediately?"

Miyano Akemi hesitated for a moment, then slowly nodded, "I did."

"The physical examination was done within 12 hours after Lily took the poison."

"At that time, his...uh," she hesitated again, "that Mrs. Hinata died, and he was sent to the hospital by the police."

The organization was still worrying about how to conduct a physical examination for him, but it was unexpected that Mrs. Hinata would help them, and even added a dose of "carbon monoxide poisoning" to Hinata. Fortunately, the physical examination results showed no abnormalities, just need to take more Special Syrup.

Mentioning the somewhat special existence of 'Ms. Hyuga', Miyano Shiho moved his eyes and hesitated for a while.

Mrs. Hyuga is definitely a special existence. In the days when Miyano Elena was not around, she was Hinata's real mother. This "mother" position makes the two Miyanos should avoid it. The way this mother left , so that they can only avoid all related topics.

Ryo Hyuga stopped on the steps of the shrine. He pretended not to hear the whispered conversation between the two Miyano, and gestured forward with his chin, "Aren't you going to visit the shrine?"

"Now that there are fewer people, I can wait for you here."

He is not a native of Tokyo, and he has no interest in Tokyo's festivals and shrines. He only feels that there are too many people and the surroundings are too noisy, but the two Miyano are locals.

Hinata reasonably speculated that they might be interested, but it was because of him that he kept things simple.

Everything has been kept simple, and the project of 'Visiting the Shrine on New Year's Day' must be carefully completed. It can be seen that the two Miyano ladies really respect the customs of Tokyo.

"I vaguely remember what kind of rituals are performed when worshiping a shrine and making a wish, otherwise you may be punished by the gods," Hyuga Ryo said again, and he glanced at Miyano Akemi, "Are you going?"

After receiving that glance, Miyano Akemi paused. She glanced at the phone that Hinata reasonably held by her ear, hesitated again, and then changed her words politely, and swallowed the negative answer, "It seems that there is such a custom, then I Shall we continue to visit the shrine with Shiho?"

There are indeed a lot of rules for New Year's worship at the shrine. There is no straightforward "if you don't xx gods will punish you", but there are some euphemistic rules. In addition, Hinata is now on the phone again. It seems that it will not happen for a while After hanging up, Miyano Akemi quickly made a decision.

"After calling," she gestured to make a call, then shook her hand again, "you can notify us."

Hinata nodded reasonably, "Okay."

Miyano Akemi took Miyano Shiho and left without looking back.

"It turns out that Brother Hinata hasn't started worshiping the shrine yet?" Mao Lilan whispered, and she didn't say strangely, "Hey, at this point in time, shouldn't everyone have already worshiped the shrine and started going home one after another?" ', but took the initiative to say to himself, "Me and Shinichi didn't worship the shrine either."

She said embarrassedly: "We came with Dad, but there was a little accident, now it's time to act alone."

So: not worshiping a shrine is not something to be surprised or unsocial, and neither are we!
Hinata paid reasonable attention to the key points, "Are you acting alone?"

He underlined in doubt, "During a ceremony with a lot of people, you two children stay together?"

"We're already in junior high school," Mao Lilan said quickly, and she quickly raised her voice again, "A police officer has arrived at the scene!"

"Hey, Officer Matsuda mentioned Shinichi..."

"Wow, they seem to have found the murderer? I saw Officer Matsuda pointing at a beautiful sister."

"!" Mao Lilan's eyes sparkled, "It's really a murderer."

The Shiba Inu next to her gave a 'woof'.

Rational Hinata: "."

"Don't change the subject," Hyuga rationally moved the phone away and glanced at the time, "It's [-]:[-], you should still be at the Shiba Inu Cafe, wait for me there, don't casually talk to strangers..."

He paused, then changed his words naturally, "The case has been solved, right?"

"When the police handcuff the murderer later, you can see if Officer Matsuda will send Shinichi back. If he sends Shinichi back to his seat, you can wait for him obediently."

"If he puts Shinichi down directly," Hinata said rationally, "you call 'Shinichi'."

"Huh?" Mao Lilan repeated, "Call me Shinichi?"

Just as she was about to ask why, she suddenly reacted: called 'Shinichi', when Kudo Shinichi turned his head when he heard the sound, Matsuda Jinpei would also turn his head when he heard the sound, and the police officer would immediately notice Huadian'eh , Why is there only a child and a Shiba Inu at that table, no adults? '.

Before the case happened, the coffee shop was too full, there was an adult sharing the table at Mao Lilan's table, and the other party asked in surprise, "Are you two children alone, where are the adults?" ' problem, with them on the table, others would subconsciously think that they were with the adults, and Matsuda Jinpei didn't pay much attention to them.

But now, not long after the case happened, several suspicious suspects were locked up at the scene, and after the order of 'no one is allowed to leave the cafe' was lifted, the adults who shared the table left, and now there is only Mao Lilan at this table.

As long as Matsuda Zhenping is more sensitive, he will be able to reflect it, and will punch each of them on the head first, and then send them home one after another.

This is conspiracy.

Mao Lilan hesitated for a moment before whispering: "My father is nearby."

Her voice lowered, feeling a little guilty, "He 'coincidentally' met my mother, and they went out to quarrel together."

Cough, it's a 'coincidence'.

Rational Hinata: "?"

What is it like to go out and quarrel together?
"We met Police Officer Megure before," Mao Lilan added, "We know that there will be police everywhere in the festival."

That's why the two grown-ups went out to quarrel together with confidence.

However, Mo Lilan hesitated for a moment, wondering if Kogoro Mori had noticed that there were several police officers in the coffee shop, besides Matsuda Jinpei, there were actually several police officers on the other side.

On the one hand, she felt that 'Dad used to be an excellent policeman, so he must have found out! ' On the one hand, recalling Kogoro Mori's a little outrageous behavior, I felt as if, probably, maybe the other party went out without thinking so much, and probably felt relieved to hand her over to Kudo Shinichi.

"They won't be back for a while." She quickly changed the subject, then touched the Shiba Inu next to her, "Brother Hyuga is still at the shrine, right?"

The Shiba Inu whimpered and barked, covering up the messy human background sound in the coffee shop.

Mao Lilan said, "When are you going to leave?"

"Can Shinichi and I go find you, Brother Hinata?"


Hinata thought for a while, then looked back at the crowd around him, but couldn't find the Miyano sisters. He estimated the time it would take to explore the shrine, nodded and agreed, "Yes."

"You don't need to look for me," he said again, "I'll pick you up."

On the other end of the phone, a voice came out next to Shiba Inu's whimpering and barking, "It's really worrying for children to go to the street, but does Xiao Hinata know the way to the coffee shop?"

"By the way, you also seem to belong to the category of 'stay where you are and wait for your parents, and you can't leave with strangers'."

Matsuda Jinpei suggested solemnly, "How about I send these two children to find you?"

Rational Hinata: "?"

The voice came out of nowhere, and he subconsciously moved the phone away.

... No wonder the Shiba Inu keeps humming and chirping. It turns out that it feels the approach of the same kind.

(End of this chapter)

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