Conan's Helping People

Chapter 387 The Red and Black Reversal Part 6

Chapter 387
"The transfer station in the organization died, and a USB flash drive entrusted to the transfer station was lost, and it contained confidential information."

"The person responsible for recovering the information is 'Silver Bullet', your acquaintance, Kudo Shinichi."

"He just returned to Tokyo."

"In the afternoon, you communicated for a while and made physical contact."

"The 'Silver Bullet' reported that no confidential information was found, and the official registration information was lost."

Curacao asked, "U disk, is it with you?"

At the scene of the crime, Hyuga Ryo did touch the USB flash drive, which was given to him by the murderer Ms. A, but he only took it for a few seconds before giving it to Shinichi Kudo.

Now, Curacao said that 'Shinichi Kudo reported that the USB drive was lost'.

The old man holding the cat had already said this matter, but if the members of the organization said it again, the meaning was still different.

Hinata's reasonable first reaction was: Is it the tradition of your black organization to turn your face and deny people?

How come one or two ran away after eating, and they ran extraordinarily flamboyantly, wishing to flick their tails arrogantly and replace the automatic mopping machine proudly?
He fell silent.

"That USB flash drive," Curacao looked at him, paused, and then turned a corner, "It's actually not too important, it's just very special."

"It contains your information."

Compared with when she broke in at the beginning, her tone softened a lot, but she probably didn't realize it, and Hinata didn't bother to remind her.

He was even more lazy to follow the rhythm of the other party to ask 'information about me? ’, directly asked the point, “That guy said that the Miyano family would be in danger.”


This is not a question, but a declarative sentence that Curaçao must answer, either voluntarily or 'voluntarily', Hinata can be reasonable, he waits for Curaçao's response.

Slightly unexpectedly, Curacao actually voluntarily answered, she thought for a while, and said: "You should have discovered that the situation in Tokyo has begun to become subtle."

"Because," she lowered her voice, "the leader of the police is dying."

The leader of the police is a very mysterious person. The organization does not know the specific identity of the other party, nor does it know the other party's age and position, and even the other party's gender.

The most subtle thing is that even the police do not know this.

Before that, the organization initially targeted several high-level officials in Tokyo, and felt that the real leader of the police was among them.

Some of those high-level personnel firmly rejected the organization, some hooked up with the organization, and some had already joined the organization. Originally, the organization planned to swallow them slowly and take Tokyo into its pocket completely.

However, not long ago, the organization received news that the leader of the police had a major physical problem and was about to die.

The person who delivered the news was a high-level undercover organized in the police. The other party was a member of the organization at first, and later joined the police undercover, so his loyalty was fairly reliable.

Upon receiving this news, the organization immediately attached great importance to it.

That police leader is definitely a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh of the organization. It is because of his existence that the organization has not swallowed Tokyo completely, and the red and black sides are in a stalemate with disparity in strength.

It was precisely because of his existence that the organization did not swallow Hinata Ryo in one gulp, and took him back to his lair for careful study.

Now that the leader is dying, what does that mean?
It means that Hinata can be rationalized... ah no, it means that he can swallow the entire Tokyo, and then slowly search for information about drugs in his own territory.

Then by the way, really just by the way, you can swallow Hyuga Ryo in one gulp.

He can be the second 'Yusaku Kudo' who can decipher the secrets of special drugs for his father, sister or younger sister.

The above idea of ​​black characters with Tokyo characteristics was analyzed by Curacao from Bourbon.

She can draw a useful message from this analysis: Hinata is in danger.

Hinata listened quietly to Curacao's picky talk to himself.

After listening patiently, he shook his eyes, looked at Curacao, and asked a question from the bottom of his heart, "Black... Bourbon."

"'Bourbon' asked you to come here, what exactly does he want you to do?"

At first, Hinata reasonably thought that the threat from the psychopath meant, "Don't worry about why I got angry suddenly, I was just angry. As a punishment, I will kill Miyano's house and hurt Miyano Elena in an hour at most!" '.

After seeing Curacao, he was in 'Look, it's fifty points, it's gone!This is punishment! '' and 'Let Curacao go to Miyano's house to hurt Miyano Elena' hesitated for a while, and in the end they hit both sides, thinking that they should both be involved.

However, listening to Curacao was very patient, with the same attitude as before, slowly emphasizing at the beginning, middle and end of the sentence 'You will be in danger! ', almost broke and told him the current situation and why he was in danger, he began to wonder.

...What the hell is Curacao here for?

To explain the situation to him?
He felt that this kind of conversation was a bit déjà vu [Matsuda Jinpei patiently smashed 'the organization is dangerous, the bomb is dangerous, the prisoner is dangerous' and told him], but Curacao did not have a sense of 'clang!I am three in one, it is super super super dangerous! ' the finishing touch to the follow-up.

Curacao: "..."

She and Ryosuke looked at each other for a few seconds, then suddenly looked away in embarrassment, and hurriedly withdrew the hand that was placed between the back of Ryosuke's head and the wall, grabbed his shoulders, and turned him over.

The arm that she was originally lying on Hyuga Reasonable's chest changed naturally, and became horizontal on Hyuga Reasonable's back. At the same time, she subconsciously stretched her legs, and her knees passed through the gap between Hyuga Reasonable's legs and pressed against the wall. .

After adjusting her posture, she said coldly, "Of course I'm threatening you."

Hinata is reasonable: "."

This pose...

If it hadn't been for a close look just now, it was confirmed that there were no subtle traces of disguise under the earlobe of the other party, and he had just experienced 'You are Miss Wynyard! ', and got a strong dissatisfied reaction from Mr. Neuropathy, he even wanted to ask if the other party was Miss Wynyard.

This strictly restricted movement from his back was too Miss Wynyard.

"You came to threaten me," he sighed calmly, "and then?"

"Untie it, what are you going to do?"

Hurry up and do it.

In this way, it is more convenient for him to defend himself. Although the other party broke into Miyano's house, he can already defend himself initially and make a missed resistance.

Curacao again: "…"

She opened her mouth, followed the 'threat step' that Bourbon had marked out and emphasized in advance, and started the second step.

"That special drug is officially researched, you know that."

This meant that he did not intend to act immediately, but had a long conversation.

Hinata rationally tapped the wall with his forehead, he turned his face sideways, moved his captured hand, made a tentative struggle, and then replied, "I know."

When he was in the izakaya, a black-haired and kind-hearted gentleman gave him a popular science.

Recalling the situation at that time, Hinata rationally came up with six opinions on the top of his head.

If possible, he wanted to engrave 'the villain must keep his mouth shut before he is about to kill someone, don't just go through lengthy science popularization and psychological analysis, it's annoying' into the DNA of members of the black organization.

"What do you think?" Curacao thought he was struggling slightly because he was not comfortable being restrained, so he let go of his hands a little bit. She stared at Hinata's reasonable profile and asked Hinata at a slower speed. The question that was highlighted in this book is, "Under what circumstances did the authorities study this drug?"

"This is a drug that can give people access to 'longevity out of reach'."

She asked coldly, "Under what circumstances do you think the authorities will study it? Do you think Tokyo is aging too seriously, is it for the elderly in nursing homes, or is it to satisfy your own greed so that you can live longer?"

From the perspective of some black people and red people, this question should be interesting.

However, Hinata reasonably felt that asking this kind of question to an innocent passer-by who didn't know much about it, let alone cared about it, was somewhat disrespectful of martial arts.

If you really want to know, it is better to ask the official directly.

He raised his eyelids and said nothing.

Curacao didn't continue talking immediately. She was quiet for a few seconds, as if she was pondering the question, and then slowly said: "There is no difference between an organization and an official."

"What are you obsessed with them, why don't you want to join us?"

This statement makes a lot of sense.

Hinata repeated it to the system reasonably, "What are you obsessed with them for? Why don't you want to be on two boats?"

He said sincerely: "Where do you like the official? I can let them change it, or let the organization change it."

Black and red are not life and death, where you can only choose one. Hinata reasonably thinks that it is more similar to a profession, so why can't people hold two jobs at the same time?
It is human instinct to eat what is in the bowl and look at what is in the pot!

Hinata reasonably relayed the string of '...' to Curacao one by one.

The room fell silent, only the sound of the second hand clicking.

Suddenly, Curacao approached again, she raised the heel slightly, put her chin on Hyuga Ryo's shoulder, and whispered: "The only bottom line is absolute..."


A cell phone vibrated, interrupting her.

The first moment she approached, Hinata rationally turned his head to avoid it again subconsciously, he couldn't help frowning, and reminded: "Your phone is ringing."

After the reminder, he could still feel the other party's quiet breathing. After about three or four seconds, the other party took a step back and connected the phone.

"Hi," the other party said coldly, with a tone like a hockey puck in a wine glass, "Bourbon."

Po, Ben?

It's that Mr. Neuropathy.

Hinata reasonably heard the voice from the other end of the phone, "Retreat."

It was the voice of a young man. This time, the voice changer was not turned on, so there was no electric sound, but it seemed a little low, with a very calm tone, and the "command sense" was also strong, concise and to the point.

Curacao immediately said: "But..."

Bourbon interrupted her, "Ten minutes, since you're not dead, it's over."

The voice on the other end of the phone was a bit colder than that of Curacao, and it seemed that he was not alone with the person who was happy and nervous about playing games before, and it was even a bit gloomy, "Do you still want to say what?"


Hinata tilted his head reasonably, just in time to catch Curacao's small movement of swallowing his objection back, and he thought to himself: It is indeed an organization.

As expected of an organization, members of the organization are still as murderous as ever when they treat their colleagues.

It seems that there is not a problem with Matsuda Jinpei or Hagiwara Kenji, or other black personnel who have forgotten what it is but remember that they have a bad attitude towards their colleagues. It is their characteristic that they are 'friendly' to their colleagues.

...In fact, Hinata's rationality quite fits this feature.

Hinata relayed this point to the system in a reasonable and tactful manner, and unsurprisingly received silence like a stone sinking into the sea, and could only sigh calmly.

A human being who can't stand on two boats is not a good human being.A system that doesn't know how to step on two boats is waste.

"Of course," Bourbon on the other end of the phone changed the subject abruptly, and his tone suddenly relaxed, "If you haven't explained clearly, you can continue to explain."

"But let me remind you that 3 minutes ago, the Tokyo police received an alarm and found a bomb in a convenience store just one street away from Miyano's home."

"It's the first time I planted a bomb at work," the other party wrote lightly, "I was a little nervous and accidentally discovered it."

"It's about 5 minutes before the police arrive to dismantle the bomb?"

It was only 5 minutes at most before the 'Bomb Disposal Police' arrived to beat him up.

Bourbon said, "Let's play a game."

"Withdraw from the alert range of Miyano's house and the bomb disposal police in 5 minutes, successfully or die."

He hung up the phone directly.

Hinata is reasonable: "."

Hinata reasonably found that he could understand what Bourbon was saying, for example, "You touched someone else's prey, and they are rushing back. If you don't run away within 5 minutes, you will become the prey too."

But I don't want to understand at all.

Who is the prey?

Curacao put away the phone, she let go of Hinata's reasonable hand, and stepped back, "I'm leaving."

"Thank you for telling me that you are leaving," Hinata reasonably turned to look at her, "but if I remember correctly, you entered illegally, right?"

And it's not just a simple illegal trespass, he still proudly said 'meeting for the first time' and '[-] points, no more! ' Trespassing.

It's just that the follow-up behavior is really weird, and it doesn't conform to "illegal intrusion" at all. This time I came here really just to popularize science.

From what Bourbon said just now, Hinata can reasonably be sure that Bourbon really just sent Curacao to popularize science.

Is this punishment?

Was that Mr. Neurotic an exceptionally kind person?Did you really not intend to let Curacao die on the spot, frame him, and let him solve a murder puzzle?

According to the usual style of black personnel, they should be able to do this.

Curacao quickly retreated to the window, she looked back and was silent for a while, "Sorry."

Hyuga rationally didn't expect her to apologize, so he looked at her a few more times, and he said again: "The undercover list..."

Did Miss Fifty Points really turn black into Curacao?It's only been a while, and Hinata is a little bit unwilling to believe it.

There was a rush of alarm bells in the distance, which faintly reached Hinata's reasonable ears.

"Sorry," Curacao looked at him, and then looked away, "Not long ago, I broke my head and forgot a lot of things, so I don't know what you are talking about."

After leaving her last sentence, she deftly flipped down from the window.

"Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times. It is worthy of being a 'God Detective'."

Rational Hinata: "..."

People, personal attacks?
How to escape and stubbornly attack personally!
He stretched his wrist, heard the approaching siren, and walked towards the window sill.

Colorful alarm bell lights flickered at the door of Miyano's house, the window of the driver's seat of the police car was opened, and Matsuda Jinpei leaned forward to shut down the device that emitted a huge alarm bell and dazzling colorful lights on the roof, and put it back into the car.

He looked in the direction of Curacao's retreat.

The rear window was also opened, revealing Hagiwara Kenji. He looked at Hinata Ryo who was lying on the window, and waved his phone.

Hinata rationally went to find the phone.

There has been a series of new messages on the phone, including Matsuda Jinpei, Hagiwara Kenji, and even Miyano Akemi.

The first person swiped the screen for a long time, the second person asked a few words and simply said "I'll be right there", and the third person asked worriedly to the effect of "I heard that some members of the organization are looking for you tonight?"Sorry, the recent situation in Tokyo is a little unclear, and some people are starting to break the rules'.

Hinata is reasonable: "."

He stroked it: In other words, the previous members of the organization were all rule-abiding?

A rule-abiding, organizational member?
The only red police officers left were able to choke up and protest on the spot.

Except for these three with notes, there are more unfamiliar numbers, and one is obviously from that Mr. Crazy, and the other party's tone is gentle, and he seems to be in a good mood to say 'the punishment is over'.

Wait, why is the other party in a good mood? Did the good mood educate him about the situation in Tokyo?

Hinata scrolled down in reasonable confusion.

The rest of the messages are not very clear. Some of them are rather cold and concise. The other party asked him to contact the bomb disposal police or Akemi Miyano more, just like an animal marking a territory. A member of an organization is following him. Usually other members of the organization will politely remove the claw temporarily.

Hinata is reasonable: "."

He forgot about 'animals mark the territory' and continued to scroll down calmly.

There are also those who are extremely gentle and polite. They seem to be very apologetic and say that Tokyo has been so chaotic and impetuous recently that they have not managed the members of the organization, and then politely ask him if he can come to visit and apologize.

The line of apology is 'Late night invasion probably disturbed you and your family?I'm very sorry, when will your parents be free, I will bring the ineffective intruder to the door to apologize and explain to Mr. Miyano and Mrs. Miyano'.

Hinata is reasonable again: "."

There were too many slots, and he couldn't find the point that he should complain about immediately, so he paused and continued to scroll down.

In a pile of messages that were useless, even worse than blank, he found the message that was sent the first time.

[Tokyo has changed, hyenas are dispatched, pay attention to safety.


 It’s not easy to read one chapter of the main text and one extra chapter. There’s still one extra chapter. I’ll update the text after finishing it_(:з)∠)_
(End of this chapter)

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