Conan's Helping People

Chapter 353 Countdown

A black Porsche speeds down the street.

Qin Jiu said calmly: "Three."

He snuffed out the cigarette butt and flung it casually out the window, sending the second cigarette down a smooth parabola into the trash can as well.

Before the trash cans that could only hold beverage bottles and cans had time to protest, the black Porsche disappeared down the street.

Qin Jiu said: "Two."

"Stop," Hinata said rationally, "I heard you throwing cigarette butts."

Gin hit the brakes.

The car with the faint black afterimage slowed down abruptly, making a loud sound of wheels rubbing against the ground. Qin Jiu looked up and looked around, and said the last number, "One."

Where is Hinata Reasonable?
The surrounding streets are very quiet, as if there is no one there, or they have been severely threatened not to stick their heads out to watch the racing.

Gin considered Hinata's reasonable character for a while, wavered and shifted to the second guess: that guy is indeed capable of such a thing.

But replace 'threat' with 'handling'.

The surrounding area was too quiet, even the resident convenience store on the street was closed, only the camera at the door was still bright red, and turned to face this side.

Under the gaze of the camera, Gin frowned, "Where are you?"

He planned to make a few phone calls later to dispose of the camera, or just shoot and destroy it.

"I'm 'I heard you throwing cigarette butts'," Hinata repeated reasonably, "not 'I saw you on the street below'.

"It doesn't seem good to just let you come to me, so when you rushed over, I also walked towards you." He said again, "I'm now... Ah, I remembered."

"Go straight on the street of the trash can, turn right and go straight for three intersections, then turn right into the first fork on the right, and go two more intersections to the traffic light."

Gin: "?"


Excuse me, is this 'also going a little towards you'?Isn't it really 'retreating a long distance to the distance'?

In 1 minute, can you retreat so far while walking?

This is not a temporary intention, but a long-planned plan.

Gin fell silent.

He raised his head and looked around again, his eyes swept across the empty and quiet residential area, and fell on the camera pointed at this side abruptly.

The black Porsche also starts up again, goes through the necessary acceleration from the breakaway, and then races down the street.

Gin said bluntly, "I'm going."

"One, two," Hinata reasonably guessed the rush time, "One minute, you can come here, right?"


"54," Qin Jiu clearly took over the countdown, and he said coldly, "Don't move, I'll pick you up."

Hinata had no objection, "Okay."

Before the 1-minute countdown reached zero, Gin saw the intersection of traffic lights, and there was also a touch of red on the upper bracket of the traffic lights, which was a flashing camera that automatically took pictures.

Glancing up at the camera, Gin frowned again, "I'm here."

He looked around.

There were people around this time, but they were still relatively sparse. There were only one or two scattered passers-by on the street. They had no complaints about the black Porsche that was racing fast and braking suddenly. They only glanced at the intersection in horror before leaving in a hurry. …

"Great," Hyuga Ryo sincerely praised again, and then said in a tone of sincere acknowledgment, "Sorry, I just counted the wrong intersection."

Gin: "..."

Unexpected, reasonable, and somewhat predictable.

Not only did he anticipate that the energetic guy on the other side would change his words again, but he also anticipated his sudden high blood pressure.

Fortunately, members of the organization do not need to wear a heartbeat monitoring machine all the time, otherwise he will be subjected to strict interrogation by the organization every day in the future, 'Why is the heartbeat so fast again?Said, are you communicating with the police, so you are nervous! '.

Then he'll have to answer 'no, just a day-to-day friendship with Icewine' every day.

There is a certain probability that the gentleman will think that he is deliberately showing the friendship between him and Icewine, so that he will be kicked out of the organization by his "loving and conniving father" to take revenge.

Gin skillfully adjusted his mentality, and silently said, "Your own boss, you accept it." He said calmly, "Address."

"Turn left in three seconds, go straight for four intersections, then turn right for two intersections," Hinata paused reasonably, "Right now."

"There are areas with narrow roads, please pass carefully."

The traffic light signal jumped to green light, Gin glanced at it, and stepped on the accelerator hard.

Before the other side began to considerately choose the time limit for the journey, he took the lead in counting down, "59."


"Three," Qin Jiu said, "I'm here."

He slowed the car down, but didn't stop the car like the previous two times.

There is a convenience store at this intersection. At the door of this convenience store, Gin Jiu saw the camera flashing red light again.

He raised his eyebrows, tapped the steering wheel with his fingers, and said calmly, "Where are we going next?"

"Sorry, I'm...hey," Hinata Ryo was organizing a very careless and perfunctory password excuse that made people's blood pressure soar. Hearing this, he was surprised, and immediately praised him, "You are not angry, and you are very cooperative, you great."

"Very good too."

Gin: "..."

He knocked on the steering wheel again, silently said 'you choose, you accept', and gradually calmed down.

Hinata's reasonable voice came from the phone, "Turn right and go straight one intersection, turn left and go two intersections."

The black Porsche flew out again, Gin stepped on the accelerator without hesitation, and at the same time consciously began to chime, "59."


"Turn left for three intersections, turn right for one intersection, and go straight for three streets. There are narrow areas on the road, please pay attention when passing."

"Well, 59."


"Turn right two intersections, turn left one intersection, there are narrow roads, please pay attention when passing."

"Well, 59."


"Three straight, two on the left, one on the right, the road is narrow and careful to pass."

"...well, 59."


"One on the left and three on the right, the road is narrow."

"..." Qin Jiu paused word by word, "59."


"Straight two, right three, Dao Xing."




Gin: "?"

"Sorry, turn right at an intersection." Ryo Hyuga apologized rather insincerely, "I reported too many destinations, it's a bit annoying." …

Gin: "..."

'You choose yourself, you, accept, act'.

He calmed down.

Amidst the screams of pedestrians on the side of the road and the emergency whistle of the traffic police, the black Porsche sped along the street. The moment the traffic light jumped to red, it swung its tail and changed direction. Move into the intersection on the right, leaving only a contemptuous smack to the traffic police.

The previous round of screams was left behind by the car, and a new round of screams sounded again. This is already a prosperous area in Tokyo.

Gin Jiu glanced at the rearview mirror, and found that the traffic policeman didn't catch up, but stopped at the crossroad hesitantly, and the phone didn't report the time, so he urged, "Next location."

While urging, he subconsciously and completely naturally glanced at the surrounding streets, and suddenly caught a glimpse of a somewhat familiar figure in the lake.

On the top floor of a high-rise apartment building in front of the street, a black figure was lying on the railing of the top floor.

The sky was already dark, the lights on the surrounding streets, most of the windows of the apartment building were lit up, and the top floor was completely unlit, so people downstairs could only see an inconspicuous black shadow on it, Qin Jiu instantly recognized who the black shadow was.

It is day-to-day reasonable.

Highlight: 'on the railing'.

The railings are very thin, and Hyuga Ryo sits on them, with his legs dangling outside the railings, one hand holding his mobile phone, and the other casually resting on his lap. The only thing on his body is the sitting point and the very thin railing. The railing is touching.

He lowered his head and looked down, leaning forward.

This is a very dangerous posture. It is not like the octopus sitting method of a normal person sitting on the railing, but rather like sitting on a low swing.

From the visual point of view, even if the person sitting in this way stumbles and falls, the news anchor will understandably introduce, "Have you seen this sitting position that is more extreme than sitting on a bench one third?"Everyone, don't learn the posture that you will fall 100% after learning it.

Also a guy who will 100% die on the spot if he falls.

Gin: "..."

He slams on the brakes.

Amidst the loud and screeching sound of tires rubbing against the ground, he saw Hinata on the roof raised his hand rationally and waved, and his whole body was also shaking at a very high risk point, looking even more shaky.

He heard Hyuga Ryo's voice amid the friction, "This is the end, there is no 'next place'."

"Ah, I see you, look up."

Gin: "..."

Use, you, say.

Everyone can raise their heads when passing by, after all, there is a person in such a dangerous situation sitting on it.

The black Porsche jumped forward again under the brakes, before it came to a complete stop, Gin opened the car door, slammed the door behind him, and strode out of the car towards the apartment.

Hearing the loud closing sound, Hinata asked rationally first, "Are you angry?"

Immediately apologized again, "Sorry."

"I didn't know you liked this kind of game so much, so the design was only delayed for more than half an hour. I didn't delay it for too long. I was afraid that you would be impatient." He sincerely admitted his mistake, "I will learn my lesson next time of." it was intentional. …

It was too obvious, so obvious that Gin was not surprised at all, and even calmed down, and didn't take much attention away.

He glanced at the elevator and walked into the green safe passage with the phone in his hand. He didn't immediately 'get off the railing' to avoid causing the other party to lean forward instead. ?”

"Yes, I originally planned to call you when it was darker," Hinata listened to his fast footsteps upstairs, "but I feel that the very cunning undercover gentleman should call you immediately I filed a complaint, so I just called you in advance."

"Otherwise, you'll just think about it and slander me."

"Very cunning? Slandering you?" Gin Jiu casually clicked on two more important points, and he quickened his footsteps going upstairs.

Before the voice-activated light in the stairway was turned on, he had already passed this floor to the next floor, and when the light on the next floor turned on after a long time, he had already gone up to the next floor.

"Ah, yes, that undercover gentleman is very cunning, as expected of an undercover agent, he is very skilled in language," Hinata said rationally, "I just asked him for some bombs/bombs, and he said it would expose him."

But, no.

Even if other people found out about stealing the bomb/bomb, Hinata reasonably estimated that other people's first reaction would be: Are you selling it for your own money?
Instead of 'you actually said undercover! '.

He asked again, "What did Mr. Undercover tell you? That I ruthlessly forced him to move the device, and he resisted several times and reluctantly agreed?"

To sum up, the information in those few messages is indeed the case.

But it's not "one point", but "over 50 bombs". The loss of so many bombs/bombs is a major mistake in duty.

"Yes," Gin went to the top floor, he shifted his attention away from Hinata's reasonably calm voice, and lost some of the content of the conversation, "What are you going to bomb/bomb for?"

He pushed open the roof door.

Hinata, who was sitting on the railing, looked back reasonably, waved his hand again, and said on the phone: "Quick, are you afraid of the camera in the elevator? I've already replaced it."

There was a tablet lying quietly on the ground under the railing. When Qin Jiu walked over naturally, he found that the intersection on the screen was the intersection he had just passed. He only glanced at it, and stopped properly when he was two or three steps away from the railing. .

He moved the phone away and stretched out his hand at the same time, and didn't bother to explain why he had to take the stairs that would not hinder the signal, "No."

"What do you want to bomb/bomb for?" Qin Jiu asked again, and said calmly, "Come down."

Hinata rationally also put down the phone, he took out a black device, aimed at Gin's outstretched hand, and threw it lightly.

Gin subconsciously caught it, took another look, and found that it was a timing device.

There are a series of timing records on it, and the records are almost single-digit numbers such as '01' and '03', which are the numbers that are pressed in time before the countdown is almost over.

The last number is '01'.

"Including the time to go upstairs, 1 minute is just right," Hinata praised seriously, "It's great."

Gin: "..." ...

Actually timed really seriously.

He was once again thankful that the organization did not require code members to carry heartbeat detection and recording devices with them, and he repeated silently "you choose, you accept".

Then adjust your mentality skillfully.

He frowned and said calmly, "Come down."

"Okay, okay," Hinata rationally perfunctory him, and then turned his head to look at the sky, "It seems to be almost dark, you should be able to appreciate it perfectly, right?"

Gin frowned: What do you appreciate?
He considered whether to take advantage of Hinata's rational turning of his head to look outside, and immediately walked over to grab the guy by the back of the neck in two steps at a time, and drag the guy off directly, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

Forget it, this guy is not a stupid creature like a cat. He will not happily eat cat food, turn his head and see an unknown object behind him, and immediately bounce up to three meters in place. When the subconscious pops up.

Bounce and you're done, this is the top floor.

"What appreciation?" Qin Jiu asked casually, and turned his head to look rationally along Hinata.

The street below has been lit up, and the street lights are also faintly lit up, like clusters of starlight with a distance. The light snow in the sky is still falling, and it has a tendency to fall more and more.

But there is one thing.

Here you can see the Tokyo Tower that is lighting up in the distance. It is shining with lights and is very conspicuous.

The moment he saw it, Gin: "..."

Bad, bad.

"Appreciate 'fireworks'?" Hinata said reasonably and casually. He gave up the more appropriate words and gestured to Gin, "Now you can read the note."

Gin: "?"

Gin struggled to move his gaze away from Tokyo Tower, and turned to Hinata Ryo's body. He took out the note and repeated, "Come down."

Then he opened the note, looked down, and read the words on the note, "This is a surprise reminder."

"When you see this reminder, you can look up and ask the first person you meet after reading the note for a surprise gift. The other person has no right to refuse...?"

He frowned, then let go, and continued to read the words on the note, "Attention, the premise is: you must make sure that you have given all your trust and did not open the note before obtaining specific permission."

"Now," Gin said, "look up."

He looked up, "?"

"Bingo!" Ryo Hinata immediately clapped her hands cooperatively. She was exceptionally obedient and obedient today, and she was not angry after going around for so long, and she didn't release cold gin encouragement with her eyes when they met.

His body shook with the applause, "Ask the first person you meet when you look up to be surprised."

Gin: "..."

If you have something to say, don't hang around on the railings on the roof of the ten-story building.

Doesn't this guy have any sense of danger and safety? !

Great, 'you choose, you live'.

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