Chapter 271

Belmod looked sideways. When she spoke, there was a slight smile on her eyebrows and eyes, and her tone was also smiling.

Like a joke.

However, Hinata took a reasonable sniff of the human atmosphere in the air, tilted his head, and asked puzzledly, "Buried with him?"

To die and be buried with the superiors, should this be a funeral, right?
"No, of course not." Belmode denied, she raised her eyebrows, and the smile on her eyebrows was jumping, "How old do you think I am this year, Lily."

When a person with superb disguise skills asks such a question, it basically means a trap.

Hinata replied simply and neatly: "I don't know."

Belmode looked at him with a smile, his eyes were like wisps of breeze, so Hinata paused for a few seconds reasonably, and said again: "Are you about the same age as Kudo Yukiko?"

He didn't know how old Kudo Yukiko was, but the other party looked like he was in his 20s at most, but considering that Kudo Shinichi was already in his teens, and Kudo Yukiko was probably in his early thirties, so Belmode should be about the same?

"I am this year," Belmode stretched out his index finger with a smile, not to count his hands, but slowly stretched out his hand, and under Hinata's reasonable gaze, tapped his forehead, "four or five are as big as you."

Hinata Reasonable: "...?"

Following the slight force of the finger on his forehead, he leaned back a bit, then stood up straight again, and reckoned how big four or five 'Seventeen' were.

Five seventeen, is 85 years old, four seventeen, is 68 years old.

After confirming again and again, Hinata looked rationally at Belmode in front of him, and asked again: "?"

He slowly grasped the key point: Belmode is very old, but it is very unreasonable. She still looks like a young man, and her body is still vigorous and strong. She is a completely young man.

While grasping this important point, he frowned inexplicably.

This is a very unreasonable and abnormal thing.

Hinata's reasonable first reaction was to remember the antibodies in his body.

The role of the antibody is not only to prevent him from turning into a humanoid object, but also to make his body full of vitality, with a very fast self-healing ability, no matter how injured he is, he will recover quickly without leaving hidden wounds.

And, that dynamism is ongoing.

From his sniping state, Hinata rationally didn't feel the passage of time. The high-risk occupation of a sniper has a short shelf life. Even if he is not abolished by the enemy, his state will reach a certain peak. will gradually decline.

But he never felt it.

That kind of feeling made him have the illusion that he had always been in his youth.

"Don't be so accurate, I might be deceiving you too." Bellmode withdrew her hand inexplicably, she smiled and blinked, and narrowly said, "Mystery is the main core of retaining attraction."

She was joking.

Still that friendly attitude.

Hinata thought quickly for a few seconds, then turned his gaze back. He raised his eyes and looked at Belmode, ignoring the other party's joke to ease the atmosphere, but said seriously: "Is it the research of the organization?"

Or, are there really other side effects of the antibodies?

"Yes." Belmode looked at him, "The organization has been doing research on longevity and rejuvenation, and there are corresponding research results."

"I took one of the research results."

While speaking, she stretched out her hand, held Hinata Reasonable's hand, and then led the hands of the two of them to stroke her cheek.

She could feel Hinata Reasonable's cold fingers, Hinata Reasonable could also feel her cold cheeks and the arc of her smile, their body temperature was cooled by the strong wind.

Belmode has a subtle feeling that Hinata Reasonable is not only the "miracle" of the gentleman, the "ice wine" of the organization, and the "Lily" she has a crush on.

Still a 'Miyano'.

She became like this now because of two very smart Miyano, and now, she intimately holds the hand of this 'Miyano' in front of her, letting him feel her cheek.

The other party's hands were as cold as hers. The two of them stood in the cold wind for too long, so even their body temperature was almost freezing. There was a subtle similarity, a bit like when they were in the laboratory a long time ago.

At that time, Belmode seemed to be very free, completely different from Hyuga Ryo, but in fact, they were the same in essence, except that one was a tamed parrot, so it could jump 'freely' outside the cage, while the other was a parrot. It is a crow that is not close to humans, and can only look at humans quietly in a cage.

"Longevity is something that many people dream of, and all those with power share the common desire for it." She drooped her eyelashes, and the tails of the eyelashes touched Hinata's reasonable fingers, "Do you desire it, Lily?"

Hinata rationale didn't take back his hand, he thought about this question seriously for a few seconds, and answered seriously: "I don't want it."

Belmode had expected it, and she couldn't help laughing, "Why?"

"There is no reason, is longevity a good thing?" Hinata asked rationally, "You don't seem very happy to be able to 'live'."

What a sharp guy.

Belmode kept smiling, and she blinked, "Longevity is certainly not a good thing, or rather, it is not a long-term good thing."

In the beginning, being able to rejuvenate and live forever is definitely a great thing.

Whether male or female, old or young, poor or rich, lively or introverted, in short, 99% of the human beings in this world will cheer when they know they have acquired this ability.

Then, as time went by, this joyous longevity began to turn unhappy.

Maybe it was when my parents passed away, or when I discovered that my brothers and sisters' faces were also covered with wrinkles, or when all the acquaintances I knew were getting old, and I suddenly realized that the world had become very strange.

After that, the misfortune gradually deepened. The saplings in the yard grew into big trees, and the children of the neighbors also grew up, and they had already started to help their own children with their marriages. Strangers socialize.

Maybe one day I can receive funeral invitations from my brothers and sisters, and when I rush back thousands of miles away, I can only see the cold and polite black ceremony, the photo of the completely unfamiliar old man, and the curious eyes of other funeral guests.

At that time, there will be an illusion that I am a kind of inhuman monster, a monster walking in the crowd in disguise, which is an obvious sense of incompatibility.

Of course, Belmode has not experienced this kind of thing, but she has experienced many similar things. She said lightly: "When I first met Kudo Yukiko, she was just married, and now her son is already in his teens. "

Then, she blinked her eyes, let go of Hinata's reasonable hand, and then suddenly took a few steps forward, stretched out her hand and hugged Hinata reasonablely, and said softly: "When I first met you, you were so young, Small enough for me to hug you easily."

Rational Hinata: "..."

He adjusted his posture and thought for a while, "Perhaps, you can face up to that sense of incompatibility?"

Unfortunately, he can actually understand the feeling that Belmode just said.

In the beginning, "having antibodies" was definitely a good thing. It meant that Hinata could be reckless without worrying so much, and could sacrifice a part of herself at the right time to obtain resources, and then protect the people she wanted to protect.

But the premise is that there are people who want to protect.

When you are alone, 'having antibodies' is a key, a key that can turn reality into an OL on the earth.

The game is of course very fun, but it’s a painful experience if you can’t quit the game and can only keep playing. What’s worse, this is a single-player, single-camp game. Except for yourself, any other humanoid objects or humans, All are enemies.

Ryo Hinata has experienced this painful period like a nightmare, and his experience is: to face the pain squarely.

If you feel that you are an alien, you are an alien, and if you feel that you are a monster, you are a monster.

After that, there will be no more pain, but it will become indifferent, and every day is the same day after day, like a blank diary that is quickly flipped through pages, without any memory points worth remembering, and there is no Time and year concept.

Therefore, Rational Hinata has the habit of keeping a number every time he takes an action.

After time is meaningless, there must always be other meaningful symbolic records.

"Facing that sense of incompatibility?" Belmode repeated, and she laughed again, "Your suggestion is very good."

Rational Hinata could feel her tightening her arms, she could feel her rubbing her cheek against his shoulder, and she could feel her laughing air, she said with a smile: "Sometimes, I hate Miyano, but Sometimes, I like Miyano very much, do you know why?"

Why do you hate Miyano?
Combining with the previous topic of longevity, Hinata reasonably guessed that it was Elena Miyano and the others who developed the medicine that Belmod took.

But why do you like Miyano?
"Why?" he asked aloud.

"Because fate is a wonderful existence." Belmode said meaningfully, and she chuckled, "Every gift of fate has already been marked in secret."

This is a famous saying, from the queen of decapitation.

Hinata reasonably recalled the meaning of this sentence, then frowned.

Being able to say this shows that from Belmode's point of view, Miyano's fate must not be a good one, but 'retribution'.

Belmode's body was trembling, his arms were trembling, and even his face was trembling and buried in Hinata's reasonable neck, as if he was restraining something.

Then, she couldn't help laughing, her breath sprayed on Hyuga Reasonable's neck, and her laughter became louder and louder.

At the same time, her arms were also tightly attached to Hinata Reasonable's shoulders, and she began to lean forward and back with a smile.

Hinata reasonably reached out and hugged her back in order to prevent her from laughing too much and leading him down the top of the tower.

He sighed quietly.

After catching the sigh from his own laughter, Belmode couldn't hold back and laughed again.

After laughing back and forth for a while, Belmode said intermittently: "Fate gave me a companion, a companion that I am very satisfied with.

She laughed again, but it was no longer the way of leaning forward and backward. Instead, she raised her head and moved her body back a bit. She put her arms around Hinata's reasonable neck with a smile, and kissed her forehead intimately.

This distance was too close, so close that Hinata could feel Belmode's breath, and could see the smile in her eyes clearly almost face to face.

She said meaningfully: "And this will definitely cause those guys a lot of pain."

When she said this, there was still a smile on her face after laughing wildly just now, and the makeup on her face was not worn off, so she looked a bit like an innocent girl.

In addition, it may be because she laughed too hard, and there are tiny water marks on her face at the end of her eyes.

Hinata looked rationally at her.

He reached out to touch the end of Belmode's eyes, touching the water mark.

The water mark was small, but it was hot, hot compared to the cold skin.

Those wet eyes are also more beautiful, like a poor and weak lamb.

It's showing weakness.

A member of an organization that can control New York will definitely not be so weak, and the status of this organization member is higher than gin.

So what is the purpose of her showing weakness now?

The loyal dog of the organization who planned to leave with the former leader bowed his head to the next leader, expressing that he had no intention of competing and was not an enemy.

Hinata rationally moved slightly, he wiped off the water mark, and said: "Don't touch Miyano Akemi."

Those eyes widened for a moment, then narrowed, and the end of the eyes became longer and longer, not like a sheep, but like a fox.

"Don't worry, I won't touch her." She said slyly, "I won't cause physical harm to her."

Limited physical damage?It doesn't matter, the focus is on Belmode's camp and attitude.

Then this topic came to an end, Hinata took a reasonable sniff of the atmosphere to confirm, then let go of the hand that held Belmode's back to prevent the other party from leading him to fall off the top of the tower, and took a few steps back.

He moved his fingers unaccustomed to it, ignoring the feeling of warm liquid remaining on it, and tilted his head to ask: "New York is completely lit up, do you want to go down?"

New York has been completely lit up with little lights, and the sky is completely dark.

The topic just now is over, can we go?
"Humans are a very complicated animal, Lily." Belmode didn't move, "Sometimes, when seeing a shining gem, people will have the urge to protect it, but they will also have the desire to destroy it And the possessiveness to hold on to it desperately.”

Belmode likes to use gems as a metaphor, and Hinata is reasonably used to it.

Hearing this, he turned his eyes and looked at Belmode.

There was still that faint smile on the face of the other party, "For example, when facing a young and immature child, the old leader would want to teach him to his heart's content, making him a qualified leader, and making his The behavior style is similar to myself, truly become my own child, and completely leave my own mark in the world."

She paused, "However, emotions such as resentment and anger will also arise, and she will want to tear his bones apart and take him to hell with him."

"Until the end," Belmode looked over deeply, "what the young children will face is still uncertain."

(End of this chapter)

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