Chapter 214
On the first day of vacation, Matsuda Jinpei failed to catch the randomly refreshed Hyuga Ryo and Samoyed before the traffic lights.

But he was caught by colleagues on the side of the road.

On the second day of vacation, he was caught by his colleagues at home.

On the third day of vacation, he was caught by a colleague at a convenience store.

On the fourth day of vacation, he was caught by a colleague in a dog cafe.

Fifth day of vacation...

Hagiwara Kenji shook his phone and coughed a few times, "Cough, um, you should get used to it? Let's go?"


On the tenth day of vacation, he took the initiative to go to work.

None of the colleagues in the office hesitated or said 'Aren't you on vacation? ''s puzzled speech, all as if nothing had happened, as if he hadn't been forced to take a vacation at all.

When I met my boss in the tea room, the boss also greeted him casually, as if he hadn't been notified of his vacation at all.

When he went to the technical department to find colleagues from other departments, the people in the technical department greeted him warmly, "Songtian, there is a new message on your mobile phone!"

After a moment of silence, Matsuda Jinping said, "Okay, thank you."

He didn't ask the other party if he still wants to hack his phone, and the other party didn't ask him if he was in the taboo period, why he went to work again, and he didn't mention the progress of deciphering the mysterious number and the mysterious messages that he sent repeatedly.


After getting the mobile phone, he opened it and took a look, and found that his colleagues were still very caring, and the battery of the mobile phone was actually full.

Moreover, the technical department deciphered the message through other means, and did not directly open the message on the mobile phone.

So there was a bunch of fresh red dots in the inbox waiting for Matsuda Jinpei to click, and the number that hadn't been added to the newsletter had a number in the upper right corner: 28.

This means that the other party has sent him 28 new tipping messages in the past few days.

After deducting the first day of participating in the rice flower shopping mall and the tenth day of taking the initiative to come to work, within eight days, the other party sent a total of 29 messages.

There are a total of 29 letters, and each scene starts with two bombs/bombs.

...This 'Miss Informant' is really very busy, and the business they organize is quite good...

Matsuda Jinpei recalled the memory fragments of being caught by colleagues in various places and dragged to the scene, and was temporarily speechless.

Then the number of times of reaction seems to be wrong.

In the past few days, he has only been arrested 21 times, but has 28 unread messages?
He frowned, and immediately clicked into the text box of the string of numbers.

[Why didn't you come? ]
[Why didn't you come? ]
[Why didn't you come? ]

This simple message consisting of one sentence swiped the screen.

Matsuda Jinping was shocked.

He subconsciously pressed the button, scrolled up the message page, and then counted, and found that this was a very simple inquiry, and the other party sent five consecutive messages, so he swiped the screen.

No wonder, when the colleague from the technical department handed him the phone just now, his expression was so happy, as if he had seen a savior.

It turns out that the situation has developed in the direction of a horror movie.

At certain moments, the simpler and plainer the words, the more frightening they are. For example, if the other party only sends a simple inquiry, it’s okay, but if you just swipe the screen, there will be a feeling of horror and madness.

The time when this series of news was sent was past ten o'clock last night. At that time, Matsuda Jinhei was exercising at home, and no colleague suddenly broke into the door and took him away on the spot.

He scrolled up again, and found that other than questioning, it was a tip-off message he received after eight o'clock in the evening. information.

At this point in time, Matsuda Jinpei was having dinner, but no colleague caught him on the spot, so someone else should have dealt with it.

Then I was questioned and swiped the screen.

In less than two hours, the other party knew that the person who went there was not Matsuda Jinpei, which meant that when the bomb disposal personnel arrived, the other party was nearby, or someone from the other party's organization was nearby.

Matsuda Jinhei wrote down this point, and continued to scroll up, and found that there was nothing unusual on it, it was a normal record of information exchange.

The other party has been steadily sending out the time, place, people and the number of bombs/bombs. The time of sending the news is also in the sun, basically between [-] am to [-] am and [-] pm to [-] pm. It can be seen that the schedule is very healthy.

Also very non-black characters.

The technical department should have transferred the data to the computer, so although the mobile phone showed that the inbox was not opened, there were messages from other people pretending to be Matsuda Jinpei's reply.

For example, at [-] o'clock in the morning, the other party sent a tip-off message, and the technical department immediately responded with some inquiries about the information, and expressed the belief that the other party was a good person and had no choice but to use the police camp.

Another example is at [-] o'clock in the evening, the other party sent another message, and the technical department immediately followed up, asking the other party how the current situation is, whether the black organization has discovered the tip-off, and said that a special channel can be opened for the other party, so that the other party can become a stain Witnesses and appropriate witness protection programs.

Anyway, some, those who know know that this is a test, those who don’t know think it’s a message of harassment/harassment, or the kind of unilateral harassment. Same.

Well, this is the rough record of the 'traffic' between the two parties.

After flipping through it again, Matsuda Jinpei corrected his point of view again.

No, the 'Miss Informant' replied anyway.

In the tentative message sent by the police, the police once asked a question, "Every time I went to dismantle the bomb, and the bomb was dismantled smoothly, wouldn't your organization suspect it?"Are you in any danger? '.

That was the third time the police interrogated. They sent a very long message. The first part was asking about your health, the middle part was worrying and caring, the second part was doubting and probing, and the final tail was "I believe you", which is very typical.

In response to this, the other party’s attitude was to send another tipping message, then leave a space blank, and finally said something that had nothing to do with the tipping, but a reply to the police: [Aren’t you Matsuda Jinpei? ]

With a high probability, the other party has confirmed that the person who sent the message was not Matsuda Jinpei.

The question mark at the end is too tactful, it's just sophistication.

The police also immediately denied it, saying how could he not be Matsuda Jinpei, and then the other party never added "Excuse me, Officer Matsuda" at the end of the sentence.

While sighing, Matsuda Jinpei quickly grasped this point, and quickly began to look through his memories.

1. Women.

2. Know how to make bombs.

3. I am very familiar with him, and can recognize that it was not sent by him based on a few messages.

However, it is also possible that there is an internal response at the police station who knows that his mobile phone has been handed in, so this point can be dealt with suspiciously first.

4. Not working in the police station now.

There is another point that is not sure, just guessed from the information reasoning, the other party is likely to be in the same class as him
If this is the case, then it is understandable why he knows his bomb disposal skills and is familiar with him.

In memory, there is no eligible person.

After only a few months in the police academy, Matsuda Jinhei only made a few friends, and he didn't have much impression of other people, let alone women, so he needed the assistance of archives.

Archives... Among those materials, there are Jiang Gu Ling and Zhu Fu Jingguang.

Matsuda Jinhei thought for a few seconds, and immediately sent a message to his boss: [The other party sent me a swiping inquiry, how should I reply? ]
It also contained private goods, and attached a message to apply for permission to view the file.

The reason is very good, so he took the fact that the other party recognized that the message was not sent by him, and suggested that the other party might be his fellow in the police academy and wanted to investigate the files.

Considering that the other party sent 'Aren't you Matsuda Jinpei? 'Back then, it was estimated that the technical department and others had been frightened, and they went through his police academy files and in-service files, looking for someone who might be an informant.

So there is a little bit of "daily relationship will not be recorded in the file, I may find some additional information when I go to find it myself".

As soon as he was out of the technical department, the boss quickly replied to approve his application to view the file information, and also said readily, "I saw the questioning message, you can reply in your usual tone, if you can get it back, you can get it back, if you can't, you can do it." Said that you were forced to hand in your mobile phone, in short, you must have a good relationship with that girl! .

He also hinted with a little dissent, 'Girls nowadays are really a little scary. I saw the swiping information in the middle of the night, and I felt a cold back'.

...Although it's a bit creepy, it's not that exaggerated.

Matsuda Jinhei organized his language, and politely replied to the informant: [Sorry, I was a little surprised that time ago. ]
He didn't explain in detail what was going on, and he didn't try to get it back. He simply said: I'm back.

The other party has confirmed that no matter how they explain it, it will only expose the information from the police.

I believe that the other party is also because of this, so I made sure before and didn't continue to ask. If there is a reply later, there is a high probability that I won't ask him.


The concentration of sophistication has been too high lately.

Matsuda Jinpei continued to check other unread messages while walking towards the file room.

Almost none of his colleagues sent him a message. Everyone was well informed and knew that his mobile phone was not in his hands, but had been handed in. Because of the sophistication of the world and some issues such as avoiding suspicion, he was directly arrested for anything. Time to speak, not contact by phone.

For non-colleagues, he also used his landline at home to briefly say that his mobile phone was broken and that he would be on vacation for a while, and he didn't send him many messages.

After searching briefly, he didn't find any important information, so he put away his phone and continued to walk quickly to the archives room.

The people in the archives room had already received the notice and led him directly to the relevant shelf. Before leaving, he simply pointed in a direction, reminding him that there was a camera over there.

This is the file room of the police station. Most of the files are related to various cases, and the rest are files of incumbents and special circumstances. Matsuda Jinpei originally planned to simply search here and ask his boss later. For permission, go to the police academy to check the files.

Then he was surprised, but not so surprised, to find that a few days ago, a new batch of files entered the archives room, which included his police academy files of that class, as well as previous and next sessions.

It seemed that his colleagues had really put in a lot of effort to find out who knew him well. These files would take at least an overnight stay to read.

After browsing through the directory, Matsuda Jinhei started to look at the files of his colleagues, looking at the files of colleagues who asked for leave, resigned, and in short, are not in the work unit now.

After reading it in about half an hour, I confirmed that there was no lady informant in it.

Then look through the files of your next police cadets.

Although it sounds really, narcissistic?
But he does have a little self-knowledge, and can feel that after his class, the next few police schools will definitely be stricter, and he and a few classmates will definitely be madly raised by the instructor to show their presence.

From now on, every time the instructor yells at the freshmen, 'You are the worst class I have ever led! ', I have to freeze suspiciously, and touch my conscience by the way.

If the informant lady is his next junior, then it is not surprising that she is very familiar with him.

His fellow students from the police academy of the next few years have also entered the job, and there are very few people who are not in the post now. Matsuda Jinpei also spent a little time checking, and then went to check the previous years.

The number of non-employees in the previous sessions was also very small, so he quickly completed the inquiry.

Generally speaking, compared with the entire staff, there are very few people who are not working now. Most of them are dead and unable to go to work anymore. A few are on leave, and a few are resigned.

After flipping through the others, he moved his finger to look at his own class.

He opened the file of his class, checked the general information first, and then fixed his eyes on the number of people.

The police academy is a place that cultivates unity. Every training in it emphasizes the collective, so even after graduating for a while, even he thought he had forgotten it, but the moment he saw the number of people, his first thought The response was: the number of people is wrong.

The number of people recorded on the file is two less.


Matsuda Jinpei opened the file.

It has been almost three years since he graduated, and many memories of the police academy have been blurred, and his daily work is full of work. Matsuda Jinpei really thought that he had forgotten most of the memories of the police academy, those insignificant parts .

But when he looked through the files, he realized that he hadn't forgotten.

The people in this file photo looked very familiar. When they were being taught by the instructor, the other party suppressed their laughter, and then froze when the instructor announced that they were all running.

The classmate stunned and praised his disassembly skills...and then fell silent as he nonchalantly abandoned the assembly.

The third classmate avoided them for a while, and then quickly stopped avoiding them after they talked about Datehang's girlfriend.

There is also a classmate who is very good at fishing when being punished collectively. Of course, he will always be discovered by the instructor, so they are always punished more severely.


After looking through the files one by one, Matsuda Jinpei also smiled.

He recalled everyone, and then turned to the last page, which was himself.

The above picture of him is rebellious and completely different from what he is now. It is estimated that when many colleagues read this page, they will be stunned for a moment, and then sigh, "Sure enough, the huge workload has caused a qualitative change in people."

In the file, there is neither the blond-haired Jiang Gu Ling nor the black-haired Zhu Fu Jingguang.

There is a white note at the end of the file, which simply states that due to too many files and some unexpected failures, some personnel's information is incomplete, and will be verified as soon as possible and added later.

Well, there is a malfunction, so the information is incomplete, yes, that's it.


He covered his mouth with the back of his hand, suppressed his smile, and suddenly realized that this hand had just touched all kinds of dust and files.

Cough, it's all due to a couple of 'unlucky people who lost their files'.

... hope they are safe.

(End of this chapter)

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