Conan's Helping People

Chapter 209 Americano

Chapter 209 Americano
[Officer Matsuda,

It is a day when the rainy season is approaching.

I am very sorry to bother you, but because of some things, I learned some information. After thinking about it for a long time, I decided to report the information to the police, so as to avoid the explosive/explosive news that shocked Tokyo again.

Matsuda Jinhei opened this message, first read the first line of polite greetings, and then stretched the length of this message, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

The colleague next to him took off his helmet, heaved a sigh of relief, and greeted the hero again, "What's the matter, Matsuda? Go downstairs quickly, and leave the rest to us."

"It's nothing," Matsuda Jinhei pushed his sunglasses, and said in a strange tone, "I just received a strange message."

"Another person sent an unknown message to harass/harass you?" The colleague nodded knowingly, "If you want me to say that you should change your number, those reporters really took pictures of your mobile phone number and put it in the newspaper, what did you say? A few digits are covered and you can’t see it at all, don’t you still have a lot of people sending you boring messages to provoke you?”

"Nothing," Matsuda Jinpei repeated again. He continued to read, and frowned after reading the second paragraph. "It's an intelligence message explaining the bomb."

"Intelligence information?" The colleague nodded deeply, and complained again, "Don't be the kind of information that is boring and playing with the police."

He patted Matsuda Jinhei on the shoulder, "Forget it, you won't listen to me, anyway, the car is downstairs, so it's good to go around and take a drive to relax before returning to the bureau."

Matsuda waved his hands without raising his head, "Thank you for your hard work."

Then continue to look down, the more you look, the tighter your brows are frowned.

After the live broadcast in Tokyo, not only Ryo Hinata was affected, but he and Kenji Hagiwara were also affected. First, the photos, appearance characteristics, and private information of Ryo Hinata and Kenji Hagiwara were redistributed. Many people who watched the news People also remember their appearance.

Secondly, when such a big incident happened, the police will definitely send someone out to appease the masses, saying that the incident has ended satisfactorily and all those involved have been arrested and brought to justice. Please rest assured, I am sorry for the impact of this incident! ’ reassuring words.

Some big celebrations and commendations will also be held, and they will be held lively for a while.

In the past, some high-level police officers should have come out to laugh at these things, but this time it was a bit special, Matsuda Jinpei was pushed up, and he also experienced an unforgettable crowd + perfume + flowers surrounded, and his sunglasses were taken away Several pairs.

Correspondingly, of course, it is also necessary to go through the channels of the media and conduct some interviews and explanations.

The problem of leaking information lies in this. During the interview, the other party asked Matsuda Jinhei for contact information, saying that he would like to consult professionals in special circumstances in the future. After thinking and thinking, Matsuda Jinhei still did not refuse, so he gave the contact information Called on the other party's mobile phone.

Then, someone happened to take a photo, and the scene where the other person picked up the phone and checked the number was captured on the edge of the picture. The newspaper office printed this photo in the newspaper, and his contact information was completely leaked.

Fortunately, until now, almost everyone has sent messages/calls during the day, or at three or four in the morning. During these two time periods, Matsuda Jinpei is usually awake and going to work, which is a good thing ...well... a good thing.

In short, many people have sent him messages.

There are those who are bored and have nothing to do, those who maliciously fabricate false information to trick the police, and those who openly say that they are criminals and provoked, and then Matsuda Zhen rehabilitates his colleagues and uses location tracking to catch him.

While taking off the equipment on his body, he read the message carefully. While summarizing the key points of the message, he kept profileing the other party in his mind and outlined the general impression of the other party.

Judging by the wording and tone of voice, the other party should be a young woman who is not very old, and if there is no accident, her age will be around 25.

The message is very formal, rather than sending a mobile phone message, it is more like writing a letter, and the full text does not use hiragana, katakana, or Chinese characters converted from English.

It means that the other party has received a good education and is likely to be a college student, or the type of college student who has a certain ability to distinguish and does not follow the trend and lose common sense. He should have a good self-cultivation.

At this point in the brief profile, Matsuda Jinpei's expression became more serious. He frowned, stopped removing the equipment, and looked at it more seriously. Words like 'sneak tip'.

The letters sent by such a well-educated, self-aware and self-cultivated woman will most likely not be false, but true.

[A group of organized and purposeful criminals contacted those engaged in black forces and installed many bombs/bombs on the fourth floor of Mihua Mall.

I was held hostage by the black forces, forced to help them make bombs, and joined them. I know that there is a huge difference between me and the police, and I will never return to my original identity as an ordinary person. From the day I made the bomb/bomb/explosion/explosion, I knew it so well.

However, that group of guys with unknown origins wanted to meet with other forces on the fourth floor of Mihua Shopping Mall. I overheard that they decided to start the bomb/bomb immediately if the conversation and cooperation failed, so that both parties who came to the meeting Died directly, unable to tell the details of the conversation.

I have been to the Mihua Mall with my classmates, and I know how big the traffic in the Mihua Mall is on weekend afternoons. If the bomb/bomb really explodes/explodes, it will definitely not only cause dozens of people to be injured and die. ]
The above is summed up by Matsuda Jinpei from a large piece of information.

At the beginning, the other party still held a hesitant attitude, and was still vague about his own information and the information he obtained. However, the further the information went down, the more determined the other party's attitude was. Conceal your identity again.

A criminal, a criminal who was forced to join a black organization, already has more than a dozen bombing cases in his hands.

During this period of time, among the cases handled by Matsuda Jinpei, there were definitely finished products developed by the other party.

He frowned deeply, and while continuing to look down, he picked up the walkie-talkie the moment he saw the location, and said to the others: "Songtian here, there seems to be a bomb/bomb on the fourth floor of Mihua Shopping Mall, all staff pay attention, Attention everyone! Go to the Mihua store immediately."

"Attention, casual mode, switch to casual mode!"

After that, there were mixed voices from the intercom, some were puzzled or shocked, but soon, there was a unified 'received'.

Matsuda Jinpei didn't have time to slowly remove the equipment, so he simply carried some of the removed equipment and went downstairs quickly, while staring at the phone intently, and stepped on the stairs only by feeling.

He marked out the key information of each sentence:
[There are a total of twelve bombs/bombs in this batch, which are divided into four trigger methods, timing, remote control, mercury and screws, and the red one is removed uniformly... On this point, let Officer Matsuda make his own judgment, lest I disturb you. ]
[I don't know which corners they will install these bombs, but there are two bombs that are special waterproof, and the bathroom should have them. ]
[The people who bought these bombs/bombs and the organization I belong to do not know the detailed information, let alone who they are going to meet with, only know that they are not locals.

When talking about this, my colleagues once had two conversations, 'That foreign girl looks good, but it's a pity' and 'Don't think too much, maybe they will cooperate with us next time Well, aren’t we also a local force, just find someone, we can do it too’.

I personally think that the organization that bought the bomb/bomb is a foreign force, and the organization that met with them is other local black forces. I have to ask Officer Matsuda to consider and analyze the specific situation. ]
Matsuda Jinhei got into the car, continued to unload equipment, and repeated again to the walkie-talkie: "Casual clothes, switch to casual clothes on the road! Go in in batches, don't draw attention!"

The car drove out quickly, and under the huge recoil, he stabilized his body and continued to focus on the messages on the phone.

In the other cars nearby, everyone except the driver was changing clothes quickly.

[I don’t know many police officers, and I have called the police hotline anonymously before, but unfortunately, because I can’t say too much in detail, it didn’t serve as a warning.

Officer Matsuda was able to solve a case as big as the Tokyo live broadcast bombing/bombing case, and he has not changed his contact information until now. Is it because he is afraid of missing some real warning messages?I hope you will receive this message and take it seriously. ]
The other party has tried to report the incident before, trying to prevent the bombing/bombing from happening, but failed?

Matsuda Jinpei quickly searched in his mind for the combination of 'not the murderer, but a third person's anonymous report' + 'explosion/explosion case', and a case popped up smoothly in his memory, the library case.

According to the surveillance, the bomber/bomber saw a 'Hyuga Reasonable' fishing alone on the way, so he took a bite of the hook happily, and was thrown down and pretended to be dead. Afterwards, he kept yelling that he was threatened by the victim.

After a brief pause, he moved past the case, which seemed a bit out of line, while continuing to read.

When it came to this, the other party obviously hesitated, but he still said it.

[The previous bombs/bombs made by me were successfully dismantled as long as Officer Matsuda was in charge. I believe Officer Matsuda will handle this matter well. ]
Then comes the conclusion.

[This is a busy day, and I hope it will be a good day, I wish you good luck. ]
[A black character who cannot turn back, Yours sincerely. ]
A black figure with no turning back...

Matsuda Jinpei changed his clothes, dialed his boss on the phone, and quickly explained the matter concisely.

The boss also immediately became serious, and quickly extracted the key points, "You mean, in 10 minutes, a group of foreign forces will meet with people from the black forces on the fourth floor of the Rice Flower Mall. If the negotiation fails, twelve bombs will be launched. /bomb?"

"This is not a good thing... Zhenping, are you sure that there is nothing wrong with this message?"

"I'm not sure." Matsuda Jinpei replied without hesitation, "I'm 60% sure that this message is true, but definitely not 100%."

Moreover, there is a lot of 60% water, and the other party has disclosed too much information. I am not sure if there is really a bomb/bomb, and I am not sure if the situation is as the other party said.

It is even possible that when Matsuda Jinpei and the others arrived, there was indeed a bomb/bomb on the scene, but it was not the transaction bomb/bomb that the other party said, but a bomb/bomb waiting for the police to take the bait.

"Oh?" He said he wasn't sure, but the boss made a decision instead, "You pretend to sneak in first, and I will send other people to follow."

"We need to urgently check the movements of foreigners and black forces who came to Tokyo recently."

"Hmm." Matsuda Zhenping responded in a low voice. He looked out of the window and thought about the group of foreign forces in his mind.

I just arrived in Tokyo recently, and I want to make a deal with the local forces. The purpose is to find someone. If the deal fails, I will kill them along with my own people.

With such determination, who exactly are those foreign forces looking for?What kind of power is it?This kind of style will definitely not be an ordinary and mediocre force.

And the person who sent the tip-off...

In the middle of the message, the other party sincerely explained that he would only send this message, and tried to tell all the information he knew. Please Matsuda Jinpei not to reply, even if she replied, she would never check it, and after sending The message will be turned off to prevent positioning.

I don't know why, it may be a kind of intuition, a strange intuition.

Matsuda Jinpei always felt that certain words in this message were familiar to him, and at a certain moment, he could even hear a calm voice reading that message calmly.

But when he really thought about it, he couldn't find any familiar place.

Does he know each other?Did the other party send him a message after watching the news and fighting him a few times, or did he send him a message after seeing him in reality?
No matter what, the most important thing right now is to go to the Rice Flower Market to confirm the situation.

Hinata rationally took off the mask, but still kept the baseball cap on his head. Bored, he took a sip of coffee and said with satisfaction: "It really is Americano coffee, and the taste is very suitable."

Zhu Fu Jingguang glanced at him, picked up his own Americano coffee, took a sip, and was stunned, " you like coffee very much?"

Coffee is terrible, especially Americano. For those who are not used to drinking coffee, this is pot water with bitter medicine added, and it will make you want to vomit after taking a sip.

"After all, it's an American style, and it must conform to the name." Hyuga rationally relieved in an understanding tone, and then looked out of the window, "Why haven't the police arrived yet?"

Three minutes ago, the FBI went in.

As far as the eye can see, there are no flying vehicles, let alone divine chariots falling from the sky.

Hinata was somewhat disappointed.

He glanced down a few more times, and suddenly his eyes locked on a man in a baseball cap. The man was wearing an ordinary shirt, no sunglasses on his face, and his hair was covered by the hat. He was walking casually into the mall.

Song, Matsuda Zhenping?
How did it become like this?
He retracted his gaze for a while, and looked over again. The other party just tilted his head and looked around unobtrusively, so he saw the other party's side face clearly. It was really Matsuda Jinpei, Matsuda Jinhei without sunglasses and curly hair. .

How did it become like this!
Next to him, Zhu Fu Jingguang's gaze also swept down, and also hesitantly caught Matsuda Jinping. He hesitated for a few seconds, then silently turned his gaze to catch another person who was hurriedly walking towards the Mihua shopping mall, "The police have arrived."

Hinata regained his composure and happily drank the cup of coffee in his hand, "I wish the FBI and the Tokyo police a successful negotiation on the point of 'can the FBI intervene in Tokyo affairs'!"

Zhu Fu Jingguang thought about the police cell phone in his pocket and the information he sent out not long ago, he paused, and echoed the code-named members, "I wish them good fortune."

I hope there will be no direct fight.

"Don't worry," Hinata thought reasonably that he was unhappy about 'handing over the hateful FBI to the hateful Tokyo police', so he calmed down casually, "It will be more beneficial to get rid of them when they are sent back in a fair manner. "

He pondered for a while, then added: "Well...if they didn't die under the bomb/bomb."

On the fourth floor of the Rice Flower Mall, there were indeed twelve bombs/bombs, and there were also a few low-level members reasonably selected by Hinata to splash the FBI's dirty water.

 May I ask why you are so proficient? (plug microphone

(End of this chapter)

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