Conan's Helping People

Chapter 199 The hooked nose is ugly

Chapter 199 The hooked nose is ugly
After returning to the room, Masami Hirota did not fall asleep immediately.

It wasn't until after three o'clock that Hinata reasonably managed to lie back on the bed and was about to fall asleep peacefully, when he heard movement in the living room again, probably the other party came out to check again.

He didn't care, and fell asleep peacefully.

The next day, he was woken up by Qin Jiu on the phone.

Gin was also very calm, "I thought I said a long time ago, if something goes wrong at night, just call me."

[look! ! ! ] The system is even more calm, [I told you that you and Gin Jiu can tell ghost stories to each other, but you still blocked me! ]
Rational Hinata: "..."

He ignored the idiot for a moment and looked sideways at the gin.

The system was right, Gin must have not slept last night, evidenced by the strong smell of smoke and gunpowder on the other party's body, as well as that somewhat tired expression.

Focused, with a tired expression.

"What mission were you doing last night?" He asked in surprise.

This is the first time that Gin has shown a little tiredness. Before, he always said, "A real man will secretly do the task!" 'The indifferent attitude that only cares about oneself.

"Meet someone from the FBI," Qin Jiu said coldly, "That trouble of yours is indeed very cunning, and if the FBI people keep up with him, he will even cause trouble."

At the end, the bite is accentuated.

That's no fun mission, a little bit of FBI.

Hinata quickly lost interest and just read it politely: "I see."

"Say something about motion sickness." Gin Jiu glanced at him, took out a cigarette and bit it, "Did you drink your medicine when you came out?"

Speaking of this, Hyuga Ryo remembered the glass of water that Masami Hirota poured last night.

Before drinking, he tapped the surface of the water with his finger and put it in his mouth. After the system prompted [high concentration of tranquilizer detected], he went to sleep with full heart.

In theory, he did drink the medicine, although it was just superficial.

He said confidently: "Drink it."

Then changed the subject, "By the way, has the body of Mihua Mall been found?"

"No." Qin Jiu glanced at him again, and bit the cigarette butt again, "The waste that was held hostage was not found either."

"I forgot to ask where he is, but it doesn't matter. I guess he was imprisoned somewhere, and he will automatically silence him in a few days." Hyuga rationally said indifferently, he looked at the gin again, endured it, but still couldn't hold back, " Are there many people in the FBI?"

Are there hundreds of them?
Why does Qin Jiu look like a social animal who really stayed up all night and is still working overtime to pick him up? Could it be that he has been bang bang bang all night?

Qin Jiu understood the meaning, raised his eyebrows and replied, "Did you have a terrible nightmare last night?"

He continued to calmly say: "The people from the FBI entered the country illegally. When half of them joined the police, they attracted police officers. It was already late at night after the processing."

But, that's not an excuse for Gin to stay up all night.

After going through a lot of fuss and resignation, Qin Jiu went to investigate the mysterious person again, only to find that someone retrieved the information two hours ago, and it was a scientific research that had nothing to do with the intelligence team. personnel.

And in the real-time updated information, there was a message that was uploaded three hours ago, saying that traces of mysterious elements had been found somewhere.

That place happened to be near Gin Jiu's mission location, and that's where he met the FBI.

Then the facts are easy to reason: the researcher is an undercover agent of the FBI.

Regardless of whether it was in the past or not, if you dare to steal the organization's information and transfer it to the FBI, you will definitely be an undercover agent in the future.

Gin Jiu planned to dispose of it neatly, until he checked the details of the scientific researcher and found that the other party was not a talent who joined the organization halfway, but joined with his parents.

The other party's parents are both old people in the organization, but a long time ago, the other party's mother died in the accidental fire of the organization, and his father was also injured in that accident and was hospitalized until a few months ago. Liberation died.

This is not the point. The point is that the permission records show that the other party's father had logged into the organization's intranet and checked some information before his death.

The authority of the scientific research team and the action team are different. In some fields of professional counterparts, such as Hinata's reasonable information, even Gin wine has no higher authority than the scientific research personnel who have been in charge of this project.

After discovering this, Gin immediately reported to the higher authorities, and spent the rest of the night arresting the scientific researcher, because he directly led someone into the laboratory and started a war inside, and was sued by Shirley.

In short, it's all chicken feathers.

On top of that, the gentleman threw a fit.

Gin Jiu glanced at Hyuga Ryo, and found that the black-haired guy who deserved a beating was unknowingly needing a beating again. He didn't listen carefully to his plain narration just now, but was lying on the half-open car window, blowing his face Thinking in the fierce wind that came.

At first glance, he was in a daze.

He raised his eyebrows, and took another look at the other person's face.

Normal people didn't sleep well, and at most they were a little haggard the next day, but Hinata was different, he just felt sleepy for a few degrees.

It may also be due to a quarrel, and you are really in a bad mood. If you say this, whether you are having a nightmare, or thinking deeply in the middle of the night, getting more and more angry, and not falling asleep at all, is a question worth considering.

This is not a problem that gin should pay attention to, but a problem that parents should pay attention to.

He summed up 'arguing without authorization' and 'not sleeping well at night', recalled the extent of that gentleman's rage, and then looked at this kid with a wandering expression.

Biting the cigarette butt again, Gin said forgivingly, "We'll arrive at our destination in 3 minutes, you can wait a little longer."

Then face the furious parents as if they were dead.

Anyway, at least you have to take a beating.

You can't just beat him up, can you?

Although for normal parents, it is a bit outrageous to beat their children because of 'arguing with friends, being emotional' and 'having nightmares at night and not sleeping well'.

But that's normal for the moody gentleman.

After petting for so long, giving so much candy, and feeding carrots, it's time to find a chance to hit a stick and suppress it, right?This kid is obviously a little ignorant!

The black-haired kid who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth turned his head and opened his mouth calmly: "What are you thinking? You seem to be very happy."

Gin kept a cold face as usual, he took off the cigarette, and said in the same calm tone: "I'm thinking about a guy with excess energy, whether he can be lively in the future."

The black Porsche stopped slowly.

The directivity is too obvious. When you say it, Gin is ready to be bitten by a dog.

But no bites.

The other party stared at him, looked at him slowly, and nodded with a strange look in his eyes, "So that's it, no wonder you're a little more energetic, big brother——"

big brother?

This slow tone of voice...

Gin frowned, and said decisively: "You can get out of the car."

Something is wrong, kick the opponent down first, as long as the speed of walking away is fast enough, he doesn't need to know what is wrong!
Ryo Hyuga had no objection, "Okay brother."

He pushed the door to get out of the car, closed the door, and leaned in through the car window, "Aren't you going to eat with me, brother?"

"I still have a task later, so I don't plan to have lunch, brother?"

"It's all here, brother, don't you really have dinner with me?"

"Brother, why are you angry?"

Gin: "..."

He stared at the suddenly cheerful Hinata, who was obviously in a dog-playing state, and kept talking about 'big brother', and said coldly, "I'm not angry."

"Oh," Hinata responded reasonably, "Your eyes were very fierce just now, I thought you were angry, brother, it seems to be an illusion."

"Brother, what mission are you going to do next?"

Qin Jiu said coldly again: "No, I'll wait for you to come back."

"That is, that gentleman doesn't want to see you?" The other party pushed forward again, making an expression of sudden understanding, "I see, big brother."

... what do you know?

When beating a child, if there are other people present, it is against the law after all.

Considering that the other party might not be able to wag his tail after a while, Gin reminded again tolerantly, "You can go in, it has been condemned in advance, and you just follow the instructions."

Ryo also thanked Hinata again, "Okay, thank you for reminding me, brother."

Gin: "..."

He and Hinata, who was leaning against the car window, looked at each other reasonably, "Change your name."

Don't say 'big brother', 'big brother' and 'big brother' anymore, the more the other party shouts cheerfully, the more he has a bad feeling.

The most subtle thing is that under the "big brother" that the other party kept saying, he remembered the style of showing his loyalty when the other party was not a member of the code name.

Or 'The organization is not important, the gentleman is not important, the person I am loyal to is you! ' kind of doing things allegiance.

Although, as long as you are a normal person, if you think about it a little bit, you will know that the other party is definitely talking nonsense, and there is no way to count it.

But sanity is sanity...

"Why?" Hinata adjusted his posture reasonably, called 'big brother' again, and then said nonchalantly, "That's what Vodka calls you."

Vodka: "..."

He glanced at the rearview mirror, silently looked away, pretending he didn't hear.

Gin was unmoved, and emphasized: "It's called a code name."

"Okay brother." Hinata was unmoved, he waved his hand, focused on looking into Gin's eyes, "goodbye, brother."

After saying goodbye, he turned and walked into the destination building.

From the outside, this is just a very ordinary building, but the inside is not ordinary at all, the overall decoration is very high-tech, and the whole is white.

It is more like a laboratory building than Shirley's laboratory building.

The moment he stepped on the white floor, Hyuga Ryo paused. He lowered his head slowly, and found that the edge of the floor tile under his feet shone with light, outlining the square.

The glass door behind him closed slowly, and a new light appeared on the floor in front of him, which was a forward arrow.

A soft female voice sounded: [Hello, 'Icewine', my name is Alice. ]
[The gentleman is waiting for you, please follow the arrow. ]

Hinata said politely, "Hello, Alice."

As he walked forward, he stated in advance, "I hate human philosophy."

[OK, 'human philosophy' has been added to the forbidden word. ] Alice said.

Arrows appeared one by one, and every time Hinata stepped on it, it would shatter on the ground, and new arrows would appear not far away.

After walking along it for a while, taking the elevator once, and walking a little further, the arrow stopped in front of a gate.

It opens automatically before Hinata pushes it away reasonably.

Alice said: [The destination has been reached, I wish you a pleasant meal. ]
"Thank you." Hinata thanked him reasonably and politely, and raised his eyebrows in surprise when he stepped into the room.

This place is obviously a restaurant, the layout of the tables and seats is similar to last time, but the people inside are not Belmode.

At the end of the table sat a man, a very old man.

To address him politely, he should be called an old man.

The other party was in line with the style of the organization, wearing a black garment as black as a crow's feather, and a snow-white scarf around his neck.

While Hinata looked over rationally, the old man also smiled and retracted the hand that teased the crow, and looked over at him.

They look at each other.

Hyuga rationally raised his eyebrows again, and stopped for two or three seconds before continuing to walk forward, "I thought I would be the only one."

At most, there would be one Belmode like last time.

As for that gentleman...Of course he will continue to hide and watch him eat and play.

But unexpectedly, the other party appeared openly.

Moreover, the other party did not wear a mask or other items that could obscure his appearance, nor did he require him to wear items that could block his vision.

Some unexpected.

The old man smiled kindly, and before Hinata reasonably pulled back the chair at the end of the dining table, he reached out and patted the seat next to him, "Sit closer, let me see you."

If sitting too close, Hinata rationally felt that he might not be able to eat.

However, he did not refute, and directly withdrew his extended hand, continued to walk forward, and sat down at the lower seat of the seat.

The crow squatting on the gentleman's shoulder hesitated for a moment, flapped its wings, and jumped to the other side of the table, away from Hinata.

Hinata glanced at it reasonably, then looked away indifferently, and continued to fall on the gentleman's face, sizing him up with unscrupulous eyes.

The feeling of the brief contact last time was indeed correct. The gentleman was very old, his hair was already snow-white, and his appearance fit the image of an elderly person, with some loose wrinkles.

But his body is clean, without the normal smell of old age, but with the smell of men's perfume, which is not unpleasant and does not affect appetite.

After looking at it for a while, Hinata reasonably focused on the opponent's appearance: hooked nose.

...Fortunately, this body is an experimental subject, or a cloned experimental subject, and not the other's biological child.

As if sensing his thoughts, the gentleman smiled and shook his head, "Don't worry, your mixed-race characteristics are not obvious."

The other party stretched out his hand and slowly reached over.

That hand was wearing a black leather glove, and when it fell on Hinata Reasonable's eyes, it gave him a cold touch.

The other party touched his eyes, and said again: "Your eyebrows and eyes are a bit dark, but they are in the normal range, and no one will think you are of mixed race."

(End of this chapter)

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