Conan's Helping People

Chapter 195 I'm very sorry, Officer Matsuda.

Chapter 195 I'm very sorry, Officer Matsuda.

Hinata was lost in thought.

Hinata rationally began to organize the language.

... language organization fails.

Hinata rationally found that the argument was indisputable, so she fell silent.

Long, long ago, there was a period when he couldn't do anything, so he could only read books in his inventory.

It is written in a psychology book: [Everyone has traces of being influenced by family and past, just like car marks on the road. I can't control the violence against others, even if I kneel down and cry and reflect, the instinctive reaction engraved in my memory will reappear again, like an absurd and unimaginable nightmare. 】

[That is: when I grow up, I become the person I hate the most. 】

When I saw it at the time, Hyuga Ryo didn't care at all, thinking that it was all theories that seemed reasonable but were actually very unreasonable. Those who tear others to block their mouths when they are about to be bitten, always Can't you be treated like this when you were a child?
Many people are proficient in this skill when humanoid objects first appeared.

Many times, human behavior is simply dominated by various desires/desires, there are not so many reasons at all, it is not some childhood shadow, nor is it some unspeakable secret, it is the simplest; [I want to live].

But now, he suddenly felt that there was some truth to this psychological theory of not knowing whether he was professional or not.

After seeing too many deaths, you will become numb to death, and it is difficult to face death with normal complex emotions like normal people in peaceful times.

He has come to regard death as a daily occurrence.

Human beings need to breathe and human beings die, both of which are perfectly natural, things that even a child can easily understand and accept.

The question raised by Matsuda Jinpei has an unexplainable clue, that is, the survival time limit of the system.

Just now, when the clue of [Matsuda Jinpei also has anomalies] was not included, Hinata Ryo's reasoning about abnormalities was distorted, and it is the same now, Matsuda Jinhei did not know the clue of [survival time limit], so it naturally distorted up.

"I..." Hinata was thinking rationally, trying to organize his words.

How to answer Matsuda Jinpei's question without exposing this clue?

Wait, when answering a question, you must first confirm whether it is true before you can answer it in detail.

Hinata reasonably imagined, if he had no system and no time limit for survival, how would he react in the incident with Mrs. Hinata?
This question is actually really easy to answer. It's not that he never died. He had GG as early as Chapter 1, and he was bound by the system only a few seconds before the GG.

Then, logically speaking, as long as he thinks about how he felt before he was bound to the system, he can answer Matsuda Jinpei confidently.

The premise is that what he felt at the time was different from the answer to the question that Matsuda Jinpei had preset.

How did he feel at that time?


Hinata Ryo fell silent again.

He quickly organized his words, and said righteously: "Officer Matsuda, isn't this really an interrogation?"

Matsuda raised his eyebrows gently, and made an expression of patiently listening to ghosts, "Please tell me?"

"I asked a question first, and then preset four responses," Hinata reasonably stretched out four fingers, "No matter what answer I give, I will fall into your rhythm, even if I jump out of these four answers and propose the fifth This answer must also explain that I absolutely do not have the previous four ideas."

"You're really not interrogating," he said politely, "interrogating with a preset position is a taboo for police officers."

"..." Matsuda Jinping listened patiently, and laughed, "Do you know why I thought you might have crossed the line, but didn't really intervene forcibly and forcefully stop you?"

Hinata Ryo also showed a respectful expression, "Please tell me?"

"Underage children who have not received professional training and are physically weak," Matsuda paused, and immediately added, "Even if you know martial arts."

"You are also a victim's position, not a 'prepared criminal' position."

He grabbed Hinata's reasonable hand and let it go, then hesitated for a moment, and said: "However, if you trust me, you can find me in this regard."

"I'm very experienced."

"?" Hinata repeated reasonably, "very experienced?"

"Yes, I should have said before that when I was in the police academy, I had a friend who was in a situation similar to yours." Matsuda Jinping murmured, "His parents were killed by human sharks, and when the crime happened , He is on the scene."

This is a somewhat heavy topic.

When these words were mentioned, Matsuda Jinpei's expression also involuntarily became heavy, obviously lost in memory.

Again, this is a topic that requires an investment of thought and emotion.

You can change the previous topic.

The moment he realized this, Hinata Ryo immediately corrected his attitude, showing a surprised expression cooperatively, "At the scene?"

"Yes, at the scene, so for a long time, he suffered from aphasia and other stress reactions, and also because he was too young, he was adopted by relatives." Matsuda paused, touching He touched his mouth, and then made a look of sudden realization.

"By the way, Xiao Hinata seems to have the habit of looking at other people's mouths when talking with them?"

After finishing speaking, the other party smiled and said to himself in denial, "But you have been staring at me since the moment you spoke, and 'staring at other people's mouth' should be just an illusion."

Rational Hinata: "..."

Both the positive and the irony were finished by the other party, and the friend’s little habit was mentioned just now when he mentioned the stress symptoms of that friend, which was too obvious a hint.

"I'm not very good at interacting with others. I get nervous when I talk to strangers, so I habitually stare at other people's mouths. But when I talk to acquaintances, I won't be nervous." He could only explain lightly, and urged, "Then, you have experience in dealing with this, because of that friend?"

Bring your own standpoint when talking. This technique is really useful. At the same time, you can also understand by analogy, and bring good words when talking, such as 'you are an acquaintance'.

Matsuda Jinpei should have understood the meaning, smiled again, pushed up the sunglasses, and then said in the same brisk tone: "Then, I and other people dug out his knot, and we sorted out the clues together, The murderer of the murder case was found."


In the end, did the murderer survive?
When the other party paused, Hinata weighed it reasonably and cautiously, and thought about how he would answer, "I see"?Or 'this is inevitable'?Or 'no wonder'?
Or don't respond positively at all, just show the sympathy that normal people would have from the side, don't mention the fate of the murderer, and express your own attitude?

He began to weigh his emotions.

"In the end, the murderer wanted to commit suicide with a child." Matsuda Jinpei continued, "We saved him."

Almost at the moment when the other party's voice fell, Hinata rationally nodded deeply: "I see——"

Suddenly realized that something was wrong, "Wait, I wanted to commit suicide, but I was saved?"

Did you skip something in between?Why the sudden turning point?
"'Didn't you go to find the murderer, the guy who killed his parents, it's fine if he doesn't take revenge with his own hands, why did he suddenly save someone?'," Matsuda Jinping said with a smile, "'Obviously looking for evidence and contacting criminals privately in the first place is a violation Behavior, did Kohinata also think of this?"

Hinata rationalized, "No."

"Whether it is to find the murderer based on various clues or go to meet the murderer privately, it is our private action, the kind of private action that will definitely be furious if the instructor finds out." Matsuda Jinpei restrained his smile, "This is a violation. It is also a violation of the regulations to ignore death, but there is the most essential difference between the two.”

"The law will never be perfect. There will always be a blurred line between public law and human feelings."

The other person asked: "Do you hate criminals?"

To be honest, Hinata doesn't hate or like it, he doesn't care.

But now, wisely, he replied vaguely, "Some."

"There is no fundamental difference between those who enforce justice and take revenge on criminals without permission." Matsuda Jinpei continued, "They are all hurting others."

Last time, Matsuda Jinpei expressed a similar meaning, and Hinata rationally and wisely suppressed all opinions, pretending that he had no mouth but only ears.

"Everyone makes mistakes, I will, and you will too," Matsuda Jinhei's tone softened, "Little Hinata, have you ever thought about a problem, human life is something that cannot be recovered, and mistakes can only be minimized, It cannot be avoided."

"In case one day, when you implement what you think is justice, such as giving the same punishment to a murderer, you later find that person is innocent."

"Or to put it another way, in case that criminal is the same kind of person as you, and the criminal who died deserved what he deserved, then, in your concept, what is the essential difference between him being a criminal and you being a criminal? ?"

There is a little circle, there are billions of circles, and there are also billions of preset positions.

The problem is, Hyuga Ryo never felt that he was righteous, and he never thought about it so much.

He had to keep his mouth shut and protested slowly, "You're taking a preconceived position again, Officer Matsuda."

Before proceeding with this boring topic, he thought for a moment and asked again, "Is this the part of opening the chest and heart to heart?"

Matsuda Jinping nodded, "Now is the part of sincerity."

"Then," Hinata rationally said again, "Even if it's in public now, might it be heard by others?"

"Even if it's in public," the other party confirmed, and then said, "we can go out for a walk."

There is no need to go out for a walk, anyway, this boring conversation will not last long, at most it will last for another 5 minutes.

Hinata organized his language reasonably, and stated a point of view from Matsuda Jinhei's perspective, "You think I'm hiding many things from you, and I'm insincere and lying, right?"

"Included in our 'friendship,'" he added.

If there is such a thing.

Matsuda Jinpei seemed to want to refute or explain something, but he didn't say it in the end, and simply answered the question that he knew, "Yes."

"If you want to get your sincerity, you have to surrender your sincerity." Hinata rationally used the most incomprehensible trick for ordinary people, "Officer Matsuda, you think I'm not sincere, so are you sincere?"

As long as there is no morality, you will not be kidnapped by morality, and you will be more calm and confident.

The higher the morality, the more speechless you will be, and you will even fall into a logical circle and reflect on your own 'wrongness'.

Hinata said reasonably and confidently: "From the very beginning, was it Officer Matsuda or Matsuda Jinpei who I knew?"

"It was Officer Matsuda who first felt that the victim was very pitiful and needed care, and then felt that the case was suspicious and needed to keep an eye on the suspicious target."

"Still not being a police officer, I don't think I'm a 'suicide survivor' or a 'homicide survivor' or a 'bomb victim', but rather, I like to eat ice, Hinata who likes to drink cold water and hates trouble?"

This question is very simple, but also very confusing.

Because, according to Hyuga Ryo and Matsuda Jinpei's way of understanding, it is correct for Matsuda Jinpei to treat the 'victim' with the attitude of a 'police officer'.

It would be shocking and weird if the other party treated 'Hyuga Ryo' with the attitude of 'Matsuda Jinpei'.

As long as you give Matsuda Zhenping enough time, the opponent will definitely be able to react.

However, before the other party could react, Hinata continued to chase, "When the nurse met me, did she treat the 'interested prey' with the attitude of a 'serial murderer'?"

Adding a certain degree of fallacy, "There is essentially no difference between a person who enforces private law justice and a murderer who hurts others. There is also no essential difference between using the label of a police officer or a criminal."

"Officer Matsuda, it may be that we have known each other for too short a time and we have gone through many cases together. You don't seem to have looked back. The relationship between us has not been equal from the beginning. You think I am in a similar situation with the nurse. Have you ever thought about the unequal relationship between police officers and victims, or perpetrators?"

In the end, he made a completely distorted summary, "For me, there is no essential difference between you and Miss Nurse."

Matsuda Jinpei: "..."

He raised his hand and pushed his sunglasses, again: "..."

Then, after pushing the sunglasses a few more times, he managed to organize his words, "...Is this how you see me?"


The other party's voice was blank.

This method is very effective, and the other party will no longer express it with a smile, nor will he think about any previous topics.

However, the reason why the other party cared about so many issues, the reason why he patiently and repeatedly emphasized the matter of 'don't cross the line', the reason why he continued to communicate with him after the case was over, and the reason why he sent messages every day was because Because of one obvious thing: the other party cares about him and his friends.

And the more the other party cares about his friend, the more the immoral means he is using now is like a knife. The more the other party cares, the deeper the knife will be stabbed until the other party's heart is dug open and the storage is exposed. friend's place.

"..." Hinata adjusted his posture reasonably and started to get stuck.

He blinked several times in a row, and instead of answering the 'last question' immediately, he raised his head and glanced at Kenji Hagiwara.

Kenji Hagiwara has been silently listening to the audience, but has not interrupted, even now, he has not spoken aloud, but looked over with a thoughtful expression.

No stares of condemnation or hatred... ah.

He could only follow his own train of thought, and didn't answer the one-word answer directly, "I'm not good at interpersonal communication, Officer Matsuda."

"I can't understand your overly enthusiastic approach, nor can I understand the overly enthusiastic approach of the nurse."

There was no direct answer, but the meaning was obvious.

Obviously, if there is no accident, this should be the last time we meet, even if it is a big fight and a breakup, the scene is not as bad as the current situation.

Matsuda Jinpei didn't speak any more.


Hinata rationale didn't try to lower his head in front of the other person's face, check the other person's expression, and didn't try to hold the other person's face up. He hesitated for a while, but quickly said: "I'm sorry."

"Thank you for saving me earlier, I appreciate it."

It was really unlucky for Matsuda Jinpei to be able to work overtime until midnight, and it was even more unlucky for Matsuda Jinpei to pass by Hyuga's house on the way home.

The most unlucky thing is that it is reasonable to save Hinata, so he will be hurt now.

You don't have to physically kill someone to be called a murderer.

This life-saving grace and the friendship given by the other party, Hyuga Rigi absolutely cannot repay it equally, especially the latter.

If you want to communicate on an equal footing, you must at least do one thing, which is to tell Matsuda Jinpei, his membership in the organization, and the missions he performed in Tokyo.

If you tell each other these things, it is absolutely impossible to become a true friend.If you don't tell each other these things, it is absolutely impossible to become a true friend.

From the beginning, there is only a relationship between lies and deceit, and timely stop loss is the best way to treat the person who is sincere.

It can only be reported afterwards from the side of the police, which made Matsuda Jinpei get a crazy promotion... although the other party didn't want it.

After hesitating for a while, Hinata said rationally: "I'll go back first."

"I'm very sorry, Officer Matsuda."

 Just in case, let me tell you in advance that although the scene is really shattered, it can really come back.

(End of this chapter)

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