Conan's Helping People

Chapter 192 Time-Limited Rescue: Gin Chapter End

Chapter 192 Time-Limited Rescue: Gin Chapter End

Gin is working seriously.

While turning the document to the next page, he felt the black figure on the opposite side move, so he immediately stopped and looked up slowly.

Across the table, there is a person who is taking a nap.

A person who is taking a nap and who is very, very beating is his dear leader.

Being able to fall asleep at two or three o'clock in the afternoon, my dear leader must have been busy all night last night, planning carefully for the future of the organization and working diligently, right?

Chip leader.

The black shadow moved again, and finally struggled to get up, as if it had been asleep for a long time, it first looked around, then lay down on the table again, and sighed heavily.

Gin adjusted the excessively high temperature in the room to normal before politely knocking on the table, "Sir, are you awake?"

Have you had enough sleep?Are you ready to process the documents?

"...Don't call me Mr.." The other party trembled silently, as if disgusted by this title.


Gin followed suit, "Okay, my lord."

"Don't call me sir, this address will remind me of one thing." After complaining slowly, the other party finally raised his head and showed that face.

That face is outstanding, so outstanding that if you go to school, you can make friends with countless girls...but only in school.

Because that face is also very immature, it belongs to the face of a teenager, and even going to a bar will be stopped by security guards.

Even though he is now an adult, he is still exactly the same as the day Qin Jiu first met him.

The years have not brought any changes to him, he is like a glass of high-strength wine that has been frozen, only quietly exuding the aroma of the wine.

... No, the years still brought some changes to him.

When he first met Hyuga Ryo, Gin didn't expect that this person would be irrelevant.

Hinata rationally raised his hand to cover his face, picked up the document next to him, and asked, "Is this the second document for the suspended animation plan?"

"Yes," Qin Jiu nodded calmly, "I chased you out when you fell asleep."

Just printed out not long ago, still very fresh.

Under his gaze, Hinata showed a flirty smile, took only 0.01 second to turn the page quickly, and said: "It's too imprecise, the fifth line of the third page is missing the honorific, the sixth Typo on the third line of the page...five typos in total."

The other party asked sincerely: "What are you doing, GIN?"

"...I'm doing it," Qin Jiu said coldly, "business."

I'm doing official business, are you doing personnel affairs?

With that short glance, how could it be possible to scan out typos.

Gin quickly flipped through the copy next to him, turned to the third page, and looked at the fifth line.

[...Based on the above theory, it meets the condition of 'police personnel confirming your death'...]
...I missed the honorific, it should be 'you'.

After a pause, he turned to the sixth page, and at the same time he found a typo on the third line, he heard his leader say again: "The plan is well done, but the setting of 'die in front of the police', How did you remember it?"

"That's genius."

It's weird again.

Since the other party became the leader and passed the fresh period, it seems that he has lost his desire for everything, and is only interested in mocking people and making troubles.

At this time, you can't jump your feet, but you should state the facts rationally.

"It was your request," Gin boasted sensibly, "'Must be confirmed dead by the police, and get out of the way' is your core requirement, and the rest are my free play."

He said clearly: "The great and talented leader."

The great and talented leader fell silent for a moment.

A few seconds later, the other party calmly skipped this topic as if they had skipped the topic of 'handling business', and said easily, "Oh, dismissed."

"Let's make another plan."

Hello, are you doing personnel work?

Gin didn't speak immediately, but fell into deep thought.

Why, someone could quickly destroy his loyalty to the existence of the 'leader' in just one month?

Especially after Toru Amuro played happily with the leader and directly betrayed him.

Three days have passed since Toru Amuro's rebellion, and he doesn't even know whether that guy is really a traitor, or whether his own leader finally couldn't bear it anymore and no longer wanted to see an unsightly existence, so he simply kicked Toru Amuro out of the house. organize.

... No wonder it was so easy to agree when I saw the first suspended animation plan.

It's no wonder that Belmode went to Miyano's house to find the leader according to the plan, but he couldn't find it.

It's no wonder that he drove a helicopter and flew in Tokyo for a long time, but he couldn't find the leader who didn't follow the plan and ran away with others.

It turned out that the first fake death plan was not for fake death at all, but for kicking out of the organization all the things that he didn't like.

Qin Jiu stroked his train of thought, followed along the way, and found that there was a 99% probability that this train of thought was correct, and even if there was another 1% possibility, it wasn't that his reasoning was wrong, but that he underestimated the extent to which the leader was ineffective.

So, what is the second suspended animation plan for?
Anyway, it has been rejected now, Gin frowned, and didn't push it any further, but said: "Then, according to your previous request?"

"Death in front of the police personnel, let the outside world have no doubts about Hinata's reasonable death."

"No," the other party immediately gave a negative answer, those green eyes were extremely sincere, "don't mess with the police."

Gin: "?"

He pulled out a document inexplicably, opened the first page, and began to read: "At seven o'clock in the evening, the first minute of your secret meeting with the senior police department, you sincerely suggested to the other party that you need to wear a hat when you have private meals, otherwise Reflections on the top of your head can make you unhappy."

Then, he asked sincerely: "Don't mess with the police personnel?"

Why, was it finally punished?
Oh no.

I finally realized that I was too irrelevant... Forget it, I can't think of any good euphemistic words.

"..." The other party moved his gaze, and then moved back, "I mean, the police who have a bottom line should not be messed with."

"For example, Toru Amuro, or Rei Furutani, or Jinpei Matsuda."

"Toru Amuro, the police with a bottom line." Gin Jiu repeated, and he asked again, "You mean, the last time he was on an intelligence mission, his car overturned and he razed a kindergarten to the ground?"

other side:"……"

The other party said: "That should be fake, the police have already fished in troubled waters."

Understood, the leader wants to put the hat of 'undercover' on the heads of Toru Amuro and Hero. For this reason, all the tasks they did before were false, and they were responded by police personnel. They were clean and clean. Innocent, just police officers.


Gin nodded politely, "Okay, sir."

"Don't call me the leader, don't call me my lord, and don't have yin and yang." The great and talented leader quickly threw out the three no principles, and immediately changed the subject, "I can't die under the watchful eyes of the police."

Even though the plan has been confirmed, but he always backtracks temporarily, is it because he has friendly contacts with those police officers, can't bear to see them sad?

Qin Jiu changed his mind rationally: because he felt that after his death, he would not be able to reappear in his original body, so he was reluctant to give up by jumping in the face to provoke the police officers?
The other party saw his disapproval, thought for a while, and said, "If someone suddenly came in through the window and knocked me down, how would you react?"

Although the leader deserves a punch, a punch, a punch, and really, a punch.

However, the other party is sometimes inexplicable, and will be in a particularly sharp state. Qin Jiu described the other party as a "genius", not just a pure yin and yang, but the outside world also described the other party as "like a high god, insightful and sad. people's hearts'.

So, the moment he heard these words, Gin reacted. He quickly turned around, took out his gun and pointed it at the window. He calmly asked, "In a few seconds, the assassin will appear?"

"Uh, I'm asking a question, not teasing you," the leader's sincere voice came from behind.

There will be an assassin in a few seconds without 'forecasting', so recently, we must pay special attention to the guard situation in the organization and increase our vigilance.

Gin frowned, but didn't take his attention away from the window, "Yeah."

He heard the other party helplessly say: "Then change another example, if I suddenly commit suicide in front of your eyes..."

Behind him, there was a very light sound of metal hitting the table.

Almost instantly, Gin turned his head immediately, just in time to see Hinata raised a gun, pointed it at his head, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

According to the normal distance, they are only separated by a table, so they should be very close.

But this distance is still too far to stop at all.

Qin Jiu could only reach out his hand immediately, even if he knew he couldn't stop him, he still went to stop the other party's behavior.

Without blood spurting out, he successfully grabbed the opponent's hand and disarmed smoothly.

"A revolver without bullets, a boring psychological game prop." Hinata said reasonably, and shook his head again, "Are you a good person?"

"Look, even if you have no bottom line, you will subconsciously stop someone who commits suicide in front of you, let alone a police officer with bottom line and perseverance?"

In fact, this question can be shortened and asked back: Are you human?

Even though he was used to being provoked by Qimian, Qin Jiu still turned cold, and did not answer the other party's words at all, but lowered his head to check the revolver.

Then his face turned greener.

He raised his hand and opened the honeycomb magazine of the revolver.

A bright yellow bullet jumped out, bounced a few times on the table, and collided crisply with the hardwood table top.

No, yes, son, bomb?

Gin raised his head and said coldly: "If you really want to die, you can tell me."

He will be responsible for helping, and directly destroy those thoughts that shouldn't be there.

This is the account of the previous leader.

Due to his own growth experience, Hinata Reasonable has no connection or fetters with this world. Gin knows about this, and so does the former leader.

Therefore, the last task given to Gin by the former leader is to absolutely, absolutely protect Hinata's reasonable life.

When necessary, the organization can even be discarded.

'Because the reasonable existence of Hinata is already the secret itself that the organization has pursued for countless years. ', this is the original words of the former leader.

When the former leader died, Gin was also present. The other party held Hinata Reasonable's hand, and emphasized the words "You must be alive, and the living you is the brightest red gem", and then made Hinata Reasonable bow his head .

The opponent's last move was to kiss Hyuga Ryo's eyes and complete the handover of the leadership position.

Then, after assuming the throne, Hyuga Ryo quickly lost interest in the matter of "squatting on everyone's heads and wagging his tail wildly", probably because he has had enough fun, and has done enough things that have nothing to do with people up.

"Mistake." The other party said nonchalantly.

The topic was appropriate, and Gin Jiu pursued the victory, "You said, I'm only responsible for making a suspended animation plan. As for how you escape and whether you use a double, you don't care. You will explain to me afterwards."

"Now, is it after the fact?"

Gin has always had doubts about this.

It stands to reason that he is the person in the world who understands Hinata the most.

However, many times, when he faced Hinata, he could only feel an ungraspable mist, and it was still a very provocative border herd-shaped mist.

"Yes, look, didn't I survive successfully?" The other party continued to act as if nothing had happened, and even opened his hands, "Didn't I die in the first suspended animation plan?"

That's because you ran away with a dog halfway, and the executor on the plan, as well as the backup executor, couldn't find you at all.

...Kick that dog, well done!
"En." Qin Jiu didn't bother to talk to the other party.

Just before the opponent was about to reverse the offensive and take advantage of the victory to pursue, there was a pleasant bell ringing in the office.

The other party answered the phone, "Hello, Officer Matsuda?"

Ha ha.

Gin shifted part of his attention to the window to prevent someone from suddenly entering through the window, the leader of the dark shark.

The phone call was extraordinarily long, the police officer said a lot, and the leader replied a lot in a normal tone.

Then, as soon as he hung up the phone, Hinata immediately pulled out the phone card and broke it.

He said: "GIN."

Gin tilted his head and looked at the other party.

The other party calmly said: "I want to issue a mission for you, the mission name is 'Plan to Hunt and Kill Traitors'."

This serious tone, as well as the task name... Next is the task details, task requirements and task rewards.

Gin's expression became serious, he lowered his eyes, quietly waiting for the leader to give orders.

Ryo Hyuga jokes about many things, but only when she releases a mission like this, she will never joke.

After the leader's 'loyalty filter' was broken, Gin could refuse orders from the leader at will... In fact, he guessed that Hyuga Ryo was actually deliberately provoking him to refuse, so he issued many outrageous orders.

For example, when the organization met with a high-level partner in the United States, because the other party stepped into the coffee shop with his left foot first, the leader issued the task of 'killing him'.

What is outrageous is that the other party was really killed.

What's even more outrageous is that the other party's competitor actually hooked up with the organization, and their attitude was very respectful.

...It seems that everyone is afraid of madmen.

In short, Gin has the right to refuse missions, even in front of other members, and Belmode also has this right.

However, if Hinata is reasonable, the task is released in the format of 'task name, task details, task requirements and task reward'.

Then they have to go all out.

"The details of the mission are..." The other party calmly turned his head, and looked over, "No one will tolerate traitors, at least GIN can't, even if they mobilize the organization forces in the entire Tokyo, they must hunt down 'Riyu Hyuga'."

"The task requirement is to make Hinata disappear reasonably, and his life and death are unknown."

"The task reward is," the other party paused, and said briskly, "allow you to raise one of your own?"


Gin ignored the outrageous task reward, and didn't retort, 'I don't like Samoyeds, and I don't want to raise them'.

He knelt down on one knee and received the task, "Got it, BOSS."

"That's a good name!" The other party immediately praised, "So you know how to call me, cute cotton candy."

...Destroy, Chief Scraps.

Do not get to know a leader when he is young.

In that way, although he can become the top leader under the leader, it is much better than those code-named members who have never met the leader, such as Rum.

But what is directly proportional to the word "confidant" is the degree of being harmed.

Wait, although he is the leader's confidant, but the leader is his confidant's serious trouble, he is running in both directions, so it's okay.

 To summarize the specific background of a specific episode:

  In the first year of Conan, a reasonable success in the position requires suspended animation

  Gin's henchman x
(End of this chapter)

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