Conan's Helping People

Chapter 189 Chapter 183 Why are you so happy?

Chapter 189 Chapter 180 Three Why Are You So Happy?
Hinata rationally wants to speak but stops, stops and wants to speak.

Rationally speaking, it is normal for a criminal to pay attention to the police first.

From an emotional point of view, it is understandable that the other party saw him with the police last time, so he subconsciously sought out the police this time.

However, the first time I saw a member of a criminal organization, I asked why the police were not around and whether there was any problem.

Of course, there are two questions now, first, whether the other party knows that he is a member of the organization, and second, whether the other party is deliberately approaching him.

Both questions have two answers, which can be separated and combined into many possibilities.

Regardless of the facts, Hyuga Ryo intends to count as 'the other party knows that he is a member of the organization and is deliberately approaching him'.

If this is not the case, then it is a pity that the other party is unlucky, and it has been bad luck for eight lifetimes.

He showed the basic courtesy to the dead, and calmly explained: "I came with Officer Matsuda and the others. They went to the restaurant first...then, I'll go first."

There are surveillance everywhere on this floor, which is a pity.

Otherwise, you can directly get the rounded [-] points, and you can also get this Mr. Mysterious Element directly.

But the other party was still carrying a gun, and Hinata had no weapons, let alone a needle, not even a chopstick.

Forget about the jammed gun, once it is held back by the mysterious elements, the situation will be reversed in an instant.

After getting a reply, it was amazing that the vigilance of the other party gradually disappeared, and he stared deeply into his eyes with a strange look.

... The other party was a bit scheming, and Hinata Ryo could hardly describe how he felt right now. He just wanted to shake his hair crazily and get rid of that sticky gaze.

He ignored the other party's opening and hesitation to stop him, and simply turned sideways again, walked around the mysterious element, and was wary of the other party's possible sudden attack.

Finally walked out of the bathroom safely.

In the bathroom, a mysterious person's fierce voice came, "What are you looking at?"

Then came the voice of the task target gentleman who choked and answered in a panic, "No, no..."

Ryo Hyuga took out his mobile phone and slowed down his pace. After waiting for a while, he heard the sound of hurried footsteps, which belonged to the mission target.

The task target obviously didn't expect to see his back, so he paused.

The feeling of being watched on the back is very strong, especially when the person watching is a little ecstatic.

"Moshi Moshi? Is it Ms. Hirota?" Hyuga rationally connected with Hirota Masami, "Where have you been?"

"Hey, is the party about to start? I'm very sorry." Masami Hirota apologized, "I've already arrived at the mall and I'm parking the car, so I'll be there soon."

"Then I'll pick you up," Hyuga Ryo slowed down again, speaking clearly and emphatically, "Are you in the underground parking lot?"

"The underground parking lot is very dark and there are few people there. And there was an accident yesterday. The camera in that area seems to be broken? Don't be afraid, I'll go find you right away."

While keeping his words clear and his destination clear, Hyuga Ryo also controlled the volume, not raising his voice too much, so that Mr. Target, who was at the door of the bathroom and unconsciously followed him, could hear him, while another Mr. Mysterious just can't hear.

It was so clear that Masami Hirota on the other end of the phone hesitated for a moment before whispering, "Is there something wrong, Mr. Reasonable?"

"Yeah," Hinata continued rationally, "I'll be there in three minutes at the latest, sister."

'Sister' means that the person on the other end of the phone is a woman.

Fat Sheep had to go alone to a very dark underground parking lot with few people and broken surveillance cameras to pick up another woman.

This is simply equivalent to getting into the sheepfold obediently.

No, no, no, no one can resist catching sheep, right?

Even, the mysterious person mentioned clearly 'police personnel' before.

Criminals who can hold members of the organization hostage, or even blackmail the organization, shouldn't be frightened by the mere phrase 'police personnel', right?

... Just in case, when turning the corner, Hinata rationally glanced at the glass next to him with his corner of the eye, and found that the mission target Mr. did not turn around and run, but followed him not too far away.

The opponent's tracking method was really poor, and he actually stared straight at the target's back, and his steps were not too late.

How useless is that organization member who was held hostage by the mission target?

Wasn't it true that my dear Samoyed colleague wanted to give him a mission, so he sent someone to deliberately fish, and forcibly caught a criminal who didn't know what to do?
Or is it just that the members at the bottom of the organization are so mixed, there are golden-haired colleagues who are vigilant, and there are also weak wastes?

Since Samoyed is too scheming, and they are now colleagues, and he still has a backstage, Hinata reasonably speculates that it is the former.

In the same way, due to the quality of "police personnel in reasoning works", it is understandable that the members of the organization have this quality, and Hinata is reasonable and tends to the latter.

He jumped back and forth between the two possibilities, and finally decided decisively, so he understood it according to the second one!

If it was really a scheming Samoyed who offered to feed the mouse, then pretend that he didn't notice the offer, and the other party would definitely continue to hand the fat mouse to his mouth.

Also, today I 'coincidentally' met that mysterious person, so I need to inform Gin Jiu first, after all, the other party said before that he would take over this matter.

Just as Hinata was about to switch the page to the message page, he found that the phone screen still showed that he was in a call.

However, there was no sound from the other side. Shouldn't Hirota Masami have hung up the phone long ago?
He asked suspiciously, "Miss Hirota? Are you still there? Did you encounter an accident?"

Just now, although he put all his attention behind him, if there were fighting sounds on the other part of the call, or the sound of choking from being attacked, he would immediately react.

"...yes," Hirota Masami's voice sounded quite normal, but the speed of speech was a little hesitant and slow, "nothing happened."

"That... I'm in area C of the parking lot now, do I need to go to the elevator? Or wait for you here?"

"How's the situation over there, do you need help?"

At the entrance of the restaurant, the two dogs that turned into staring stone statues are no longer there. They should have entered the restaurant. Just in case, Hyuga Ryo quickened his pace and walked quickly through this area.

From the corner of my eye, the mission target gentleman also hastily quickened his pace.

After walking through this dangerous area, Hinata rationally continued to slow down, and Yu Guangyun saw that the task target behind him also slammed on the brakes.

Around, two or three people have already passed by frowning.

He ignored the movement behind him, and thoughtfully said: "Who did you learn your mouth addiction from?"

"Huh?" Hirota Masami was taken aback.

"That's it, 'yes'," Ryo Hinata continued imitating, "biting the 'ye', casually drawing it out, and tapping the 's', I rarely see someone say 'yes' like that .”

Not very few, but only two people would say that.

One is Belmode, and the other is that gentleman.

Among them, Hyuga Ryo was the most impressed when Belmod said the word 'yes', that 'yes' was careless and provocative, making her look like a high-ranking king.

When Masami Hirota said 'yes' just now, she obviously didn't reply with the phrase 'Have you encountered an accident', but a simple oral habit. The characteristics are almost the same as Belmode's, but the tone is different.

Her tone was gentle, so the 'yes' was not provocative, but rather a soothing word.

"...Is it familiar to Mr. Reasonable?" Masami Hirota reacted before hesitating, "My mother sometimes said 'yes' like that, so I also have this habit."

Masami Hirota's mother?
Suddenly, a picture flashed in Rational Hinata's mind. The blonde woman with glasses squatted down softly, gave him an undefended smile, and then stretched out her hand to him.

His footsteps paused, "Is your mother a foreigner? Is her hair beautifully blond?"

"..." On the other end of the phone, Masami Hirota was silent for a moment before saying, "Yes, she was born in England and has beautiful blond hair."

She asked gently: "Don't you hate foreigners?"

How can you use the description of 'hair color is very beautiful blonde'?
It is very inconvenient to contact by phone, that is, you can't really see the other party's expression, you can only hear the other party's voice.

But the voice is full of uncertainty, and there is no clear expression and atmosphere.

For example, now, although Masami Hirota can feel hesitation and worry, Hinata is unable to accurately grasp why she has such a reaction.

Is it because he is afraid that he will remember?Why?
When he thinks about it, will there be any consequences?

Could it be that Hirota Masami and her mother didn't have a good relationship with him, and that's why he was afraid that he would remember it?

But Masami Hirota's attitude towards him now is obviously a friendly attitude towards his childhood friend.

There were too many questions, Hinata raised his eyebrows rationally, and simply didn't think about it, but said directly: "I hate foreigners."

"I vaguely remember a woman with blond hair, red glasses, and a gentle smile. I like her very much."

"The two don't conflict." He stopped in front of the elevator, pressed the down button, and waited for the elevator to come down, while waiting for Masami Hirota's reply.

Hirota Masami was silent for a few seconds before hesitatingly replied with a useless nonsense, "I see..."

No further words were said.

Hinata thought about it and gave a vivid example, "Do you think I hate GIN?"

"Huh? Gin?" Hirota Masami was embarrassed again, and after a few seconds of embarrassment, she said reluctantly, "You don't hate him."

The sign above the elevator is constantly beating, indicating that the elevator is approaching this floor.

Light footsteps stopped beside him, it was the mission target Mr. who walked over as if nothing had happened.

"Yes, I don't hate it." Hinata rationally paused for a moment.

The elevator arrived, and with a clear reminder, the elevator door slowly opened.

He walked in with the mission target.

After pressing down on the third floor of the underground parking lot, the elevator door slowly closed again.

Hinata continued rationally: "Gin's hair is not normal black hair, it's silver. Strictly speaking, there is a high probability that he is a mixed race, but it is unlikely to be a beautiful mixed race."

"Although your mother has blond hair, she is not a beautiful mixed race. I only hate people from that country."

In fact, it doesn't matter, even if those two people are of mixed race, Hinata has nothing to hate.

Strictly speaking, what he hates is just the typical American stupidity, especially the kind of muscular guy, or official personnel, such as the FBI.

They have all made great contributions to mankind.

Refers to too stupid, let New York fall directly, full of cute and cute humanoid creatures, Hinata rationale can't clean up at all.

"...Before I said, before she was born in Ying, blond hair could be beautiful, right?" Masami Hirota paused, but still asked, "Didn't you hate her at that time?"

"I don't hate it, I only hate stupid people." Hinata replied calmly.

He turned his head and turned to Mister Mission Target, "For example, this Mister."

"I thought you would react when you heard 'GIN', but it turned out that you didn't remember the person you communicated with at all."

The task target didn't react, but he heard that he was being scolded, so he immediately made an angry expression, trying to pretend that it was a temporary attack instead of targeting Hinata long ago.

"Hello? Can you still hear me?" Hyuga Ryo said a few more words to the phone, ignoring the clear 'Hello? ' Responded, and continued directly, "I can't hear you, then I'll hang up the phone first, see you later, sister."

He hangs up.


Hinata said reasonably: "I have double standards."

Holding the hung up phone, thinking about it repeatedly for a long time, Masami Hirota finally confirmed that the other party had almost said this directly.

What?Miss Hirota's mother is blonde?

'I'm sorry, but what I hate is not blonde hair, but half-race blonde hair. '

What?Would you hate it if you didn't know which country Ms. Hirota's mother was from?
'Excuse me, what I hate is the blond idiot who is of mixed race with beauty, Hirota-san's mother doesn't fit, so I don't hate it either. '

If, if Miyano Elena is a beautiful mixed blood, or a bit of an idiot, then that sentence can be unimpededly replaced by "Sorry, what I hate is a beautiful mixed blood, and not good-looking idiot, Ms. Hirota's Mother is beautiful, and I won't hate it. '

As for the gin...

Hirota Masami jumped over the spoiling point in a timely manner and gave a wry smile.

Based on the phone call just now, she could feel that Hinata had a high affection for Miyano Elena, and also a high affection for her.

However, she was not sure how much the other party remembered.

In particular, she thought of the 'sister' that the other party seemed to call casually just now, so she closed her eyes subconsciously and grabbed the pendant on her chest.

If, if you think too much...

In the distant memory, when Lily couldn't be found and cried because he was afraid of another accident, that gentleman once summoned her.

The other party was sitting in a dim room, and she could only smell the unpleasant smell of crows and an old voice.

After briefly narrating 'Lily has gone to the bright world, and has forgotten the unpleasant things, and will not hurt herself again', the other party said lightly: "Mingmei, you and Lily have a very good relationship, he likes you very much, don't you It's going to kill him, right?"

Once Hinata rationale thinks about it...

Hirota Masami closed her eyes, but it seemed that the laboratory where she went to see Ryo Hinata for the last time appeared in front of her eyes. At that time, the laboratory had been cleaned up, but there was still blood in the gap where she almost walked all the way.

The thick and disgusting smell of blood floated in the air, almost condensing into a thick layer of red gas, which was squeezed into everyone's nostrils.

There was also Lily who was temporarily locked in a dark room, unable to calm down, like a dirty lamb.

Once I thought about it, Hinata was definitely the one who got hurt the first time.

There was the sound of brisk footsteps, and they approached here.

Masami Hirota subconsciously opened her eyes, and the moment she saw the person coming, she hid her painful expression and said with a smile, "Mr. Reasonable."

Ryo Hyuga looked very happy, her mouth was even more curved than usual, as if she was walking on the road and was pleasantly surprised, "Miss Hirota."

...The tone also rose a little, why are you so happy?
 The next two chapters are Matsuda's time-limited rescue.

(End of this chapter)

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