Conan's Helping People

Chapter 182 Parents case too high concentration

Chapter 182 Parents case too high concentration

[Task name: The daily task of organization member Mr. A

Mission details: In addition to the rats that infiltrated the organization, there are also many obtrusive cockroaches that don't know good or bad. Fortunately, there is also one energetic guy.

Task requirements: Clean up Mr. Cockroach who doesn't know good and bad, and dares to blackmail the organization

Mission reward: 10 points]
Hinata's reasonable gaze swept over the task, and then glanced at the surrounding crowd, and found that after walking, the feeling of being surrounded and watched became more obvious.

Before, he was half squatting in front of the traffic lights, and it is normal for a crowd to gather in front of the traffic lights.

But now, as he followed Matsuda Jinpei on the sidewalk, toward the convenience store, the center of gravity of the crowd moved with him.

"By the way, if Kohinata likes dogs very much, have you considered raising one?" Matsuda Jinhei said briskly, ignoring the sights from around him, lowering his voice, and quickly said, "Convenience store There is a back door, I know the owner very well."

Hinata looked over rationally, saw the other party blinked his eyes again, and said with a bright smile: "Who can refuse a poor, homeless dog hook? No, Wang!"

……It's enough.

Isn't it just that he accidentally bumped into an acquaintance petting a dog? What kind of trouble is he so happy, and what kind of trouble is the breath of wanting to rub humans that radiates from his whole body.

Moreover, Hyuga Ryo always has the kind of other party who will jump up and down at any time, 'I am the cutest puppy! 'The weird illusion.

There is some truth to this weird illusion, because the other party is so cheerful, it is hard not to make people wonder whether this brave curly-haired police dog has substituted himself into a dog.

He was silent for a while, glanced at Matsuda Jinpei, met the other party's overly bright smile, and reluctantly comforted him: "Mmm...very cute."


Matsuda Jinpei raised his eyebrows, restrained his overly bright smile rationally, and then gently reminded, "Hey, I'm not asking 'I'm not cute'."

So don't be fooled by 'woof'!
Hinata rationally perfunctory again, "Yeah, you're cute."

Matsuda Jinpei: "..."

He looked at Hinata repeatedly, doubting for a second, whether the underage guy in front of him was deliberately teasing him, or was really confused by the barking, and immediately realized an important thing.

When he had this suspicion, the facts were 99% biased towards the first possibility. After all, if the guy in front of him was a dog, he was definitely a border collie, a border collie who would despise anything but himself.

After realizing this, Matsuda said calmly, "Hello."

"Cute, cute, cute," Hinata rationally turned to look at the curly-haired police dog, and said seriously, "Officer Matsuda is super cute, the owner of the convenience store will never reject you."

In order to emphasize again, he gestured to his mouth, and at the same time Matsuda Jinpei looked over, he spoke again, slowing down his mouth, "Ka, wow, y."

Matsuda Jinpei: "..."

Really cute.

He thought for a while, whether the minor was teasing the dog or just perfunctory, and then he noticed that the minor raised his mouth, and suddenly realized something was wrong.

Hinata rationally said: "Even the cute cotton candy just now is not as cute as Officer Matsuda. Don't worry, Officer Matsuda, you are the cutest existence."

"If you are still not sure, I can ask other colleagues for you to confirm this together."

Focus on: other colleagues.

Matsuda Jinhei quickly cleared his mind and realized the dangerous situation: If he shared Hinata's reasonable dog-raising story, his colleagues would simultaneously send out, "That guy Matsuda is so shameless, he actually competes with dogs." Hey, it's still in front of minors, what about kawaii——hahaha' laughing sound.

It was really terrifying. Almost instantly, he hallucinated the arrogant laughter of his colleagues.

Moreover, although all colleagues are very curious about Hyuga Ryo, and at the same time have a desire to protect the victim as a police officer, they pay a lot of attention to this minor, but Hinata Ryo will not get along with those guys every day .

It was Matsuda Jinpei who got along with those guys every day.

Maybe when we are eating everyday, some colleagues will suddenly burst out laughing, making weird and long voices, "It's very kawaii, Matsuda", and then the whole office will be filled with a group of people's arrogance The laughter made Matsuda Jinpei no longer have a place to stay.

Even though, Matsuda Jinpei didn't compete for favor at all, nor was he cuter than a Samoyed.


He quickly withdrew his bright smile, turned serious, and reached out to take the paw handed over by the excessive border collie, expressing his acceptance of this even deal that is good for everyone, "Hey, what a coincidence, Kohinata!"

While talking, they walked into the convenience store, and Matsuda Jinpei continued naturally, "We met in the convenience store."

He felt that Bian Mu gave him a contemptuous glance, it was not an illusion.

Hinata said perfunctorily, "What a coincidence, you can meet Officer Matsuda in convenience stores."

While talking, he scanned the inside of the convenience store, locked on the mask with precision, then left Matsuda Jinpei and walked over to get the mask.

Matsuda Jinpei did not follow, but stayed at the front desk, chatting with the female boss.

When Hinata went back with the mask, he faced the bright smile of the female boss. The other party was talking to Matsuda Jinpei. The moment he walked out of the shelf, he seemed to be caught in the eyes and turned uncontrollably Sight, look deeply.

The boss looked at him with a smile, especially the lower half of his cheeks that were not covered by the brim of the hat. After a while, he reluctantly tore off his eyes and said in an understanding tone: "Oh, it really looks better in reality. No wonder."

"That's right," Matsuda Jinhei actively encouraged while paying, "So please help me out, we may have a friendship this afternoon, and I will strictly supervise that guy Hagi!"

What?Is this boss related to Hagiwara Kenji?
Hinata rationally sized up the boss subconsciously, and caught her eyes perfectly, and she said angrily: "It's as if you can easily deal with friendship... Wait, didn't you say before that you will have dinner in the office in the afternoon, no go out?"

Then, she raised her eyebrows slowly, grasping the point, "You don't want to take the children to the fellowship in your police station, do you?"

Matsuda Jinpei said honestly: "I don't know what the other party of the friendship is."

"Don't bring the bad habit of 'treating friendship as a buffet' to children." The boss rolled his eyes again, turned his head to Hinata, and laughed instantly, "Don't learn from this guy, Kohinata. "

Why, every time I meet a new friend of Matsuda Jinpei, I will be called "Little Hinata" as a matter of course?
Hinata paused reasonably, and responded slowly, "Yes."

The boss continued to smile and said, "It's actually Chi Nian of the cold type. No wonder he's so handsome that he's aggressive. If I were a few years younger, I would definitely blackmail that guy Matsuda and ask him to hand over your contact information."

... Matsuda Jinpei's friend is indeed very Matsuda Jinpei.

Hinata pretended not to hear, Matsuda Jinpei also pretended not to hear clearly, and said nonchalantly: "Wow, what, I didn't hear clearly due to the law on the protection of minors."

The tone was too lively, the boss had a weird expression for a moment, subconsciously looked Matsuda Jinhei up and down, and then said strangely: "You are in a good mood today. Sure enough, you will be much younger when you are with children."

She took another look into the store, ignoring the eyes of other people in the store looking over, and continued to say without changing expression, "The back door is unlocked, you go quickly."

"Also, the Law on the Protection of Minors doesn't have the clause 'You are not allowed to ask for the contact information of minors' at all, right? Did Xiao Hinata bring a mobile phone?"

After getting permission, Matsuda Jinpei immediately pushed Hinata rationally to the back door, and at the same time quickly skipped the answer and began to say goodbye, "Then we're leaving, boss goodbye."

Hinata rationally pulled out the black mask and put it on, without resisting the thrust from behind, she obediently followed the other person out of the back door.

The back door is an alley, not far from the traffic light just now, and some people passing by can be seen at the entrance of the alley.

After a brief look, Hinata took off his jacket skillfully, and then put it on backwards, changing the color of the jacket. At the same time, he hesitated for a moment and reminded: "The boss just now..."

"Here, let's go." Matsuda Jinhei also looked around, identified the direction, led him away, and continued to say in surprise, "Is Kohinata not good at dealing with this kind of situation? I was very uncomfortable just now." Oh, it's like I've never faced it before."

"Are you not used to it? It's okay." Hinata replied rationally, he turned his head and stared at the other party quietly.

"Before I met you, I had never met an overly enthusiastic human being."

Therefore, if Matsuda Jinpei felt that his response just now was unfamiliar and uncomfortable, then when he first faced Matsuda Jinpei, he would be even more unfamiliar and uncomfortable.

Unexpectedly, there would be a whirling knife, Matsuda Jinhei reacted, and immediately skipped the topic, followed by Hinata Ryo's previous reminder, "That boss is a bit strange, isn't it?"

"The look in your eyes is a little too eager, isn't it?"

Hinata glanced at the other party rationally, did not pursue further, and said following the changed topic: "Her eyes are very strange, but not only looking at me, but also looking at you."

Most importantly, he also felt that those eyes were strangely familiar.

Familiar is familiar, those are the eyes he usually looks at gin and mission targets, the kind of eyes that can't take his eyes off after seeing the glistening points.

Do normal humans have this look?Is it actually the kind of emotional eyes between men and women?
Or, the other party is a shark player, are he and Matsuda Jinpei both the target of the other party's mission?
Hinata is mainly hesitant about this point. He can't tell whether this look is normal or not. He can only make sure that the other party is not malicious towards him. He doesn't have that kind of defensive instinct, so he stands still.

"The eyes are quite abnormal," Matsuda Jinpei answered this tacitly, and then explained softly, "This is the eyes of the victim, looking at the detective or police officer who can clear up his grievances."

Hinata blinked in surprise.

"However, she is not a wronged victim." Matsuda Jinping said, "She has this kind of look, mainly because her parents are wanted criminals who have been missing for a long time."

"Her father is Lu Sha, and her mother is suspected of abducting three male children and brutally dismembering them."

Road brakes refer to the type of criminals who carry out indiscriminate sharks on the road.

"They were wanted at the same time. The reason at the beginning was that a shark killed a police officer who was shopping at a convenience store." Matsuda Jinpei continued.

His side face was exceptionally calm, as if he was stating an ordinary matter, but his tone became low.

Hinata rationally stared at the side face for a while, and found that the task was not obtained, and the other party did not need comfort.

However, it is not needed now, and may be needed later.

He suppressed his disappointment and continued to stare at the other party.

"In the beginning, news of the couple came from the police circle from time to time, and they were about to be arrested, but they suddenly disappeared." Matsuda Jinping frowned, "The boss at that time was probably about the same as you Big, still in high school."

"Because it disappeared so suddenly at that time, and the location was in a chaotic neighborhood. In those few days, there was a transaction conducted by the black forces. This was only known to the police after the fact."

"So rather than them fleeing, the police officers are more inclined to break into the vicinity of the transaction and be dealt with by the black forces."

Matsuda Jinpei thought for a while, and instead of turning his head to look at Hinata reasonably, he continued: "The boss also knows this kind of speculation. Compared to being dealt with by the black forces, she hopes that her parents will be arrested and be honest in prison. Redeem on the ground, so at least you are still alive."

"So, she pays close attention to the police officers and some well-known detectives, hoping that one day she can get news from her parents and see them arrested with her own eyes."

When speaking, his tone was very calm.

Ryo Hinata tasted the tone, but couldn't tell whether it was a friendly tone or a disgusted tone.

However, the person who said this was Matsuda Jinpei, and if he couldn't tell the difference, it explained the problem fundamentally.

He hesitated for a moment, until he walked out of the alley with Matsuda Jinpei, and then slowly said: "She is expecting the police to bring her the news of her parents, what about Officer Matsuda?"

To become 'friends' with that boss, do you also want to get news about the pair of prisoners from that boss?

This question is actually a bit intimate. It is a question that some people in the category of friends cannot ask, and only close friends can ask it.

Because, in some respects, Hyuga Ryo is somewhat similar to that boss, asking this question is a bit like asking 'do you approach me for some other purpose? ' means.

"Her parents have only one child," Matsuda Jinpei did not answer, but added a few more information, "But that was ten years ago, and after ten years, her parents may have new children, It may have been separated long ago, and it may have died long ago."

"According to former neighbors, her parents often abused her, so even if there is no death, no separation, and no new children, her parents probably will not contact her."

There is no positive answer, which also explains the problem.

Still no task pops up.

Hyuga waited rationally again, suspecting that he had smelled the wrong thing, and there was nothing to comfort the other party in this conversation, otherwise, how could there be no task of helping others.

To comfort others at the right time is to help others!

In the end, he still said, "Officer Matsuda, are you depressed?"

Matsuda Jinpei looked up.

Hinata continued rationally: "The encounters between people are mostly for other purposes."

"Officer Matsuda doesn't need to be depressed," he changed his position, calmly comforting him from the perspective of a normal person, "Even the criminal has no self-blame or remorse."

"Huh?" Matsuda Jinpei laughed in surprise, "No, I'm not depressed, I'm just thinking about something."

"I was thinking, there are actually three back doors in that convenience store just now."

It was too hasty just now, and the convenience store was too big, Hinata rationally did not glance at the extra back door, he simply commented on this sentence, "It sounds a bit not good."

A convenience store owner whose parents are wanted criminals opened three back doors in his convenience store.

Even if it is a normal person, the first reaction will be to guess in a negative direction, right?
Moreover, the boss looked at him with that kind of eyes, the kind of eyes that seemed to be forced to look at him, and he couldn't take his eyes off.

Hinata rationally recalled it for a while, then hesitated, could a guy with similar eyes as him be a good person?
Then he immediately rejected it. Most of the time, he is a normal person, and other normal people sometimes look similar to him, but it is actually normal.

The most important thing is, if you come to the conclusion that 'the eyes are similar to his, he must be a bad guy', isn't that self-determined that he is not a normal person!

Matsuda Jinpei quickly calmed down his expression, and easily changed the subject, "By the way, the case at the bookstore has also been closed."

At that time, Hyuga Ryo left before closing the case. There is a high probability...a high probability that he already knew the truth clearly, but the temptation still needs to be tested.

He omitted the specific details, and only briefly explained the general situation without breaking the law.

The bookstore case was actually very strange. The deceased was hard to describe. He cheated on his wife when he was pregnant, and hooked up with other people again when his first lover was pregnant.

In short, the deceased had a total of seven or eight children, and only one was born out of wedlock.

The murderer in the bookstore and the two suspects were both illegitimate children, and they had actually made preparations to kill the deceased that day, but Mr. Murderer was the one who did it the fastest.

The reason is that the deceased has been involved in gambling in the past few years, cheating his long-divorced wives and lovers all over the place, harassing them at home from time to time, threatening them to lend him money, and even handing over some soft-hearted women who helped him. to the creditor.

Even that bookstore was actually mortgaged by the deceased, and soon it would change hands and be transferred to a businessman, and then the bookstore would be demolished and a hotel built instead.

The deceased was the deputy owner, but the real owner of the bookstore was the injured person who was thrown over the shoulder by Hyuga Ryo. Let people around you remember this bookstore.

This is not the most amazing thing. The most amazing thing is that the police did a DNA test and found that the murderer and the two suspects who were present at the time were not the blood of the deceased.

...Anyway, after finishing the case, the police personnel were greatly shocked.

So is Matsuda Jinpei.

While he was talking, he observed Hinata's reasonable expression, and then suddenly realized something.

The original hospital and live broadcast bomber/bomber, after investigation by the police, found that the relationship between the two prisoners and their parents was very bad. Their first crime was not the bomber/bomber, but their parents.

The police also investigated the nurse lady, who would attack children because she was abused by her parents when she was a child.

The murder in the bookstore is also related to the parents.

The owner of the convenience store just now also has a case related to his parents.

Hinata's reasonable parents also have problems. One has been involved with the black forces and has been missing for a long time, while the other has a mental illness and tries to take his son on the road together.

Matsuda Jinpei fell into deep thought.

Is it an illusion?Or is childhood crucial and parents the first teachers?

How do you feel that the concentration of cases related to parents in Hinata's reasonable surroundings is too high?
(End of this chapter)

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