Conan's Helping People

Chapter 170 I Was Targeted by the Police

Chapter 170 I Was Targeted by the Police

The phone vibrated, and Hinata rationally took out the phone and took a look.

It was a message from Hirota Masami. The other party has found Area C and is waiting for the mission target to arrive. By the way, he asked him which area he is in now, is he lost, and will pick him up later.

Hinata rationally raised her head again and remained silent.

When he recalled the parting, Hirota Masami hesitated again and again, and still told him, "If you get lost, just stand where you are, and I will find you."

...It must be an inexplicable curse.

The phone vibrated again, and a second message from Masami Hirota came.

The other party said that the celebration will be extended for a while, and the mission target cannot get out immediately, so she needs to wait for a while.

He also comforted Hinata and said that he could pass the time by reading mystery novels he was interested in, such as the one that was almost thrown away yesterday.

The last sentence is the point.

Hinata rationally blinked and replied: 【Okay. 】

While replying, he suddenly had the feeling of being observed, so he looked up and glanced around, locking on a black camera not far away.

He stared at it for a few seconds, then slowly withdrew his gaze.

This bookstore is very big, and the bookshelves are as dense as a forest. It is said that no matter what book you are looking for, you can find it in this bookstore.

Compared with the messy partitions, the arrangement of books is quite regular. Specifically, the reasoning book area is really full of reasoning books, and there are no professional books such as legal literature.

The latest book was on the outermost side, and Hinata rationally set his eyes on the book, and walked out while reading it.

A batch of books that arrived three months ago... a batch of books that arrived a month ago... a batch of new books that just arrived yesterday.

After finding the batch of new books that just came in yesterday, he paused and continued to look outside.

No impression of the first book, no impression of the second book, and impression of the third book, but it was a book that Hinata had read a long time ago. He subconsciously pulled it out, looked at the publication date, and found that it was published more than 20 days ago of.

Then I realized one thing belatedly, the world was changed, and the timeline was different.

With the sound of footsteps approaching, he quickly regained his senses, pushed the book back, and continued to look out along the bookshelf.

Skimming over a large number of new reasoning books that he didn't know and had some impressions of, he found a gap.

The book yesterday was published thirteen days ago. He took a look at the book before the gap, and found that the publication information was thirteen days ago, and the book after the gap was also published thirteen days ago.

Then, yesterday's mystery novel is around here.

As he looked down into the gap, the footsteps came closer and closer, and finally stopped beside him.

A book was handed over, and it came into Hinata's reasonable sight, and the person who handed the book asked indifferently: "Are you looking for Miss Qingchuan's work?"

The overall tone of the book that was handed over was blue-black, with shooting stars and white marks on the book cover: "Walk with God"

It is the book of the reasoning lady.

The hand holding the book had rough fingertips and the tiger's mouth, which were like gun calluses.

Hinata paused reasonably, raised his hand to take the book, and raised his eyes to look over, "Thank you."

The person who handed the book was the long-haired man wearing a knit hat just scanned. This man is tall and conspicuous. molecular.

This is not the point, the point is the appearance of this mysterious molecule, or in other words, the eyes.

There is a naturally thickened black line on the lower eyelid of the mysterious molecule, which is exactly the same as the black line on Hinata's lower eyelid, as if copied and pasted.

The eye color is exactly the same as Hinata Ryo's eye color, both green.

However, the other party's green color was darker than Hinata Ryo's eyes, dark green.

The moment they looked at each other, Hinata paused for a while, feeling a sense of subtlety.

He stared at the other person's lower eyelid, and found that the other person seemed to be looking at his lower eyelid with some surprise.

Taking another look, Hinata reasonably retracted his gaze, took the book steadily, then took a few steps back to widen the distance between them, and then added indifferently, "This is the book, thank you. "

"You're welcome, it's easy to do." The other party's eyes still stayed on his face, "Excuse me, have you seen Mr. Edogawa's "The Chair in the World"?"

This is a dangerous person, with gun calluses on his hand, left over from touching the gun for a long time, not sure if he knows fighting skills, or whether it is a black character or the police.

When such a character appears at this time and place, extra vigilance is required.

And, the partner's lower eyelid problem.

After estimating the distance between them, Hinata turned slightly sideways, and took two steps back again by pointing the way, "Over there."

The mysterious element didn't look in the direction he was pointing, but his eyes remained on his lower eyelids, "...Okay, thank you."

Glancing at him deeply again, the other party walked over there.

The moment they passed each other, Hinata took a reasonable look at the opponent's lower back, and found that there was an inconspicuous small bulge under the opponent's coat while walking.

is the gun.

Holding the book, he slapped the other person's back for a moment, then walked towards the desk, took out his mobile phone, and quickly called Samoyed.

[This task, are there other members of the organization involved? 】

I skipped the question of the lower eyelid, and reported on the other characteristics of the mysterious molecule.

The desks are arranged in two rows and one row, and are distributed in the viewing area in patches.

Hinata rationally chose a seat on the edge of the window and sat down. While opening the book, he quietly looked around from the corner of his eye.

Not far away, the staff member who just gave the reprimand was cleaning the bookshelf, and the staff member who was reprimanded was cleaning the rag beside him.

The two female scholars who were confronting each other coldly were still reading with their heads down.

None of these people were observing in secret, but they were observing each other strangely.

You can slightly reduce the possibility of being a police officer in plain clothes, although it is a bit strange.

He looked out of the window again from the corner of his eye.

Outside the window is not the main entrance of the bookstore, but an ordinary alley without too many lively crowds. This is the second floor. If there is any accident, you can just run through the window.

While he was looking at the escape route, a white vehicle just turned into the lane, stopped under the window, and someone got out of the car.

The first person to get off was a short-haired man whom Hinata did not recognize.

From his perspective, unless the other party looked up, he couldn't see the man's face clearly.

However, the man who got out of the car next to him did not have short hair, but fluffy curly hair.

A very familiar, very familiar black fluffy curly hair.

The moment he saw that curly hair, Hyuga Ryo seemed to ignore the obstruction of his vision, and directly saw the other party's arrogant sunglasses and big smile, which was as clear as looking at a passport photo.

He even directly hallucinated a curly-haired police dog that rushed towards him enthusiastically.

It is Matsuda Jinpei.


How can this be encountered!
Is there a bomb/bomb in the bookstore? Why does Matsuda Jinpei appear here!
He put his hands in his pockets, blindly controlled the phone, turned it to silent mode, and sent a message to Masami Hirota, [There are police officers nearby, the mission is aborted. 】

The curly-haired man below was in a hurry, exchanged a few words in a low voice with the other people who got out of the car one by one, and then casually glanced at the upstairs window.

Hinata moved aside calmly and quietly, trying to avoid the other party's sight.

He heard another approaching footsteps, so he glanced in the direction of the footsteps from the corner of his eye.

The mysterious person just now walked out of the bookshelf, looked around, and then walked towards him precisely.

Hinata is reasonable again: "..."

He vaguely understood.

It seems that this task is very unsafe, the information leaked, and the police learned of the situation.

Now, he is being watched by the police.

Where is Masami Hirota?

Before the mysterious person approached completely, he used the special skill of the curly-haired police dog, ignored the silent vibration of the mobile phone, and sent another message to Masami Hirota.

[I was being watched by the police, pay attention to the surrounding area, and look for opportunities to retreat. 】

(End of this chapter)

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