Conan's Helping People

Chapter 147 Arrive as soon as possible

Chapter 147 Arrive as soon as possible ([-] in [-])

After nine o'clock in the evening, Hinata waited reasonably, only to find that no new task had popped up yet.

For example, the task of explaining to your boss that you have an abnormal heartbeat.

According to the previous two or three days, at this point in time, the system should have finished prompting the task, and it was time for Gin to call.

Why are there no daily tasks to do today...can help my dear boss answer questions?

Colleagues have tactfully avoided this time point and went out to sneak out by themselves, but the Samoyed boss was absent!
After waiting patiently for another three or four seconds, Hinata rationally decided to take the initiative and called his boss first.

The call quietly prompted for 1 minute, and finally a sweet female voice reminded the other party that the call was not connected yet. could this be the case.

Are you really angry that your boss doesn't answer the phone?Is it because he is not loyal enough?

Or was the way of dealing with it a few days ago wrong, and instead of being docile, I should resolutely deny the importance of the organization and the leader, emphasizing that the other party is the object of my most allegiance?
Hinata rationally held the phone, doubted life briefly, and quickly corrected his thinking.

First of all, this must not be his problem!

It must be that the boss is too busy, so busy that he is still doing the task, he didn't read the heartbeat test report at all, so there is no system task prompt.

So the question is, what is the other party busy with?

A scene immediately popped up in Rational Hinata's mind: 'Gin, Helicopter, Tokyo Tower.jpg'.

However, it should be impossible, right?There are no urgent newsfeeds.

The boss is probably just catching up on some slightly interesting or purely clean-up tasks, or was shot down by the enemy, so he can't take it for the time being... Forget it, it's even more unacceptable.

If he attacked so suddenly, even if his boss could react and retreat, it would be impossible for him to be shot down in a mediocre way. Otherwise, if his boss is so useless, wouldn't it make him appear even more useless.

Then, it is estimated that the boss is doing some very interesting tasks and doesn't want to talk to other people for the time being!
After deducing the result, Hinata was reasonably relieved, and sent a message to his boss intentionally, urging the other party to be happy and reply to the poor subordinate as soon as possible.

Not long after, approaching footsteps sounded outside, and Hyuga listened rationally without raising his head, and when he found the footsteps of 'Hero', he looked up.

The blond colleague walked back at a normal pace, with the same calmness and grim expression as in the previous nights, as if he had secretly done a dozen cleaning tasks and was irritated enough.


The moment the other party opened the door and sat in the driver's seat with the wind blowing, Hinata rationally smelled a smell, a smell that he would never mistake.

It's bloody smell.

It was the smell of fresh blood mixed with old blood, and the stench of dead leaves and rotting soil.

He moved his gaze, stared at his blond colleague, and asked calmly, "Are you injured?"

At the same time as he asked, he could feel the atmosphere in the car tense a bit, but he didn't care.

Amuro turned his head and answered the question without any hesitation, "It's too dark outside, I accidentally fell, it's fine."

"Oh." Hinata continued to stare at him intently, catching scratches on his neck with his eyes.

And not just there, there were mud scrapes on the elbows and knees, and rough red marks on the hands, as if they'd grabbed some vine hastily and been pulled out.

Before Amuro spoke, he was capturing the information with his eyes. The moment Amuro spoke, he raised his eyes and stared directly at Amuro's mouth.

The color of the mouth is normal, there is no disgusting smell when speaking, the teeth are white without any unknown marks, and the jaw is clean.

I can't see any abnormality in the skin, and I don't know if it has turned slightly blue, but the color of the eyes is still the same, and there are no other weird colors.

Hmm... It seems that my colleagues didn't steal other strange things, so it's okay.

That's fine.

Hyuga rationally retracted his gaze slowly, and glanced around. The lights in the car were still on. From his perspective, he could only see the dark scene and the vast sky with stars shining.

The subtle smell of blood around him was very strong, so he turned his gaze away and asked casually, "Did you fall into the new grave?"

"No," Toru Amuro also retracted his gaze, lowered his head and bent his sleeves, revealing a bruise on his arm, "It's just that when he fell, he bumped into the corpse of a person who had lost contact while climbing the mountain, and he was in a mess."

Abrasions are also normal and are red marks.

Hinata lowered his head rationally and found a transparent potion in the storage compartment in the front seat, and handed it to a colleague, "Use the potion, the smell of blood is too obvious, how much blood is there on that corpse, it animals did we find it?"

Toru Amuro hesitated for a moment before taking the syrup-like thing, "Is it the potion taken inside?"

Colleagues have never used this drug?

Hinata took a reasonable look at his colleague and made sure that the other person's expression was not pretending, so he briefly explained, "Just take it apart and pour it on the wound, and it will heal quickly."

I haven't used this medicine, is it because my colleague has done a task before and hasn't suffered any injuries, or is it because the level and status are not enough to be used?

Or, is it because this unfinished potion has already been tested in adults and a stable method has been developed, so there is no need to distribute it to adult organization members?

After a brief thought, he swallowed the friendly reminder and continued to stare at his colleague, "Use it quickly now."

Toru Amuro: "..."

He and Hinata, who was eager to try, looked at each other rationally, before the other party habitually looked down, he took the lead to look down at his scratches, and said decisively: "I just went to change and wash, go out and get it, and I'll be back later."

Although I don't know anything, but with this kind of transparent medicine with unknown ingredients + Hinata's eager expression, there is only one possibility: taking this medicine will have bad consequences.

Sure enough, after resolutely refusing, Hinata was stunned for a moment, and continued to entangle, "But you also have a back injury, right? I smell the blood on your back... Ah, you are the corpse hit by the back."

"go out."

When he said the last sentence, which was very concise, on the surface it meant 'go out', but in fact it meant 'get out', Hinata Ryo's eagerness to try was instantly suppressed by indifference, and turned into obvious indifference and disgust.

Toru Amuro: "..."

The smell is actually not that bad at all, but as a member of the organization, I actually dislike the smell of blood so much.

He grabbed the potion silently, opened the door and went out, went to the trunk to get clean clothes, came back and knocked on the car window, "I'll be back in 10 minutes as soon as possible, if there is an accident, honk, or run first."

After getting his daily perfunctory wave, he walked to the lake not far away, took out his phone and glanced at it while walking.

The police responded to the message and said they would arrive as soon as possible.

The smell of blood and the bruises on his body was certainly not because of something like 'accidentally slipped and fell on the corpse'.

But he didn't lie too much, he just adapted the truth, not accidentally, but on purpose, and he didn't fall on the corpse, but fell easily on the flat ground.

The bloody smell on the back was not left by hitting the corpse, but the blood stained when tentatively carrying the wounded on his back.

At that time, Toru Amuro deliberately put his coat aside before going to carry the wounded. Before returning to the car, he deliberately stayed outside for a while to diffuse the smell and patted the dirt rubbed off by his clothes.

It's just that he didn't expect that Hinata's rational sense of smell was so keen that he could still smell blood just like that.

He made a quick decision, and finally used a few more ko bandages to cover the small scratch, then put away the medicine with unknown ingredients, and walked back.

When going back for the first time, Hyuga Ryo was not in a good mood.

When he went back for the second time, he took a look in advance and found that Hinata was on the phone, in the same posture half lying outside the window, looking up at the stars while making the phone call.

After the confirmation, the other party was in a very happy mood.

However, at this point in time, the other party should have finished talking with Qin Jiu, so now, is it Matsuda who is calling the other party?

His footsteps slowed down a bit, and he lightened his footsteps again, trying to get closer.

Not long after leaving the car, only a few meters away, he heard Hinata's reasonable voice, "Well, I see, I will stay away from Belmode in the future."


It wasn't Matsuda Jinpei on the other end of the phone, it was someone from the organization.

Toru Amuro immediately increased his attention again, tried to listen to the other party's voice, and heard the other party's obedient voice without turning his head: "Mr. Shiro is back... Yes, we are still living in the wild today."

... reaffirming the acuity of this minor.

Not knowing what was said on the other end of the phone, Hinata turned his head rationally, looked at Toru Amuro for a few seconds, his expression was clearly tangled, and then replied in a low voice: "No, it's troublesome to change another colleague."

After finishing speaking, the other party suddenly became vigilant again, "Is the mission time this time very long? It doesn't matter after two running-in periods? Do I have to stay here for more than ten days?"

After more than ten seconds, the other party reluctantly became suspicious, that kind of 'Really?I don't believe" and "In order to maintain this relationship that is not precious at all, I pretend to believe for a second to perfuse you", mixed reactions.

After hanging up the phone, Ryo Hinata immediately waved away that perfunctory state, and at the same time Toru Amuro opened the door and sat in the car, he announced something.

"It's only nine o'clock now, plus factors such as driving at night, difficult road conditions, and you are a novice. It will take up to four hours to rush to the next location. The time is not bad. Let's go now?"

Toru Amuro: "?"

He reminded the other party, "It's nine o'clock now, even if you can reach your destination in three hours, it will be midnight by then, and you will fall asleep before midnight."

"I won't be able to complete the task at that time, why not go tomorrow morning."

Ryoya Hinata: "?"

After being obviously dazed for a while, Hinata rationally said, "Isn't there still you?"

"You are in charge of driving, and you will definitely not fall asleep before you reach your destination, will you? And my sleep time is not fixed, and it doesn't matter if I go to bed after midnight."

From a personal point of view, Toru Amuro is willing to believe this.

After a period of organized life, he can also sleep anytime and anywhere, not to mention going to bed after midnight or after lunch.

However, the second time I took Hinata to live in the wild, that is, the night when the nurse and Hinata talked by the lake.

Over there, Hinata reasonably hung up the phone, and here, Toru Amuro received a message from Gin.

The message is concise and to the point, and there is only one point, that is, it is more important not to rush the task, but to be reasonable.

He also hinted at the method of fishing. Just rush to a mission location every day, and then go back to the town to eat, rest and sleep. Don't always live in the wild, often sleeping in the car is not good for your health.

And, a special point was marked, so that Hinata should go to bed on time reasonably, and if he still hasn't fallen asleep after midnight, report it immediately.

The above is the information that Toru Amuro thought over and over again. The original words are more business-like, not so weird and perverted.

He paused for a while before speaking, Hinata thought about it, and said: "Of course, if you are in a hurry, I can drive... Forget it, I don't know how to repair cars, and you are a novice, and the repair location is too far away gone."

"Driving at night is a bit tiring. For novices, the car may overturn and hit a tree, but," the other party looked at him sincerely, "the progress of the task is too slow. You also hope to return to Tokyo as soon as possible?"

It makes sense.

However, Amuro thought for a while, the advantages of returning to Tokyo as soon as possible are obvious, and the disadvantages of returning to the familiar old place are also obvious.

He is now back in Tokyo, and it is estimated that he will be sent to Siberia to dig potatoes in a short time.

The member of the organization code-named 'Gin' seemed to have suddenly discovered that he had the talent to do assignments. This mission was already the first mission Tohru Amuro had done that required leaving Tokyo during this period of time.

Compared to catching up on tasks overnight, adding a few achievements to your organizational resume, and then staying in Tokyo for a day or two, or even just 5 minutes after arriving in Tokyo, you will be kicked to a remote area again, either by yourself or with Other unidentified members of the organization collaborate.

Toru Amuro is more willing to do this task.

The current situation is very urgent, and there are many things that need to be dealt with as soon as possible, such as the trouble center in front of me, Hyuga Ryo.

Once this task is completed as soon as possible and the opponent leaves, it almost means breaking the link with the situation again. They can only speculate on the situation in a state of anxiety, waiting for the news of their side's victory or failure.

Absolutely not, you must take advantage of this mission to get as close to the 'Center of Trouble' as possible.

Of course, in the same way, you can't immediately and firmly say 'Actually, I don't want to go back to Tokyo at all, and I even hope that the mission time will be longer', you will be vengeful + blocked, and maybe you may even fight.

Toru Amuro pondered for a while, then raised his eyebrows, "It's really good to finish the task quickly and return to Tokyo as soon as possible, so I'll drive first."

He turned on the lights, started the car slowly, and said to himself: "I will definitely arrive as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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