Conan's Helping People

Chapter 133 is murder

Chapter 133: A Murder Case ([-] in [-])

At seven o'clock in the morning, Hinata rationally opened his eyes on time.

He stared at the dust in the air in front of him for a while, then slowly turned his head to look at the driver's seat.

Toru Amuro was also sleeping, also leaning on the seat with his eyes closed, and a blanket was half wrapped around his body.

When he was sleeping, he didn't have that bloodthirsty aura anymore, but rather peaceful.

Hyuga rationally fished out the phone and took a look.

Jinpei Matsuda probably had an idea like 'as long as I keep talking to Kohinata, then I'm fully involved in this trip' and played it out perfectly.

The last message was at three o'clock in the morning, [I'm home from get off work, good night Xiao Hinata. 】

The words are simple and the tone is relaxed, but when eaten with time, it is hard not to shock people.

Hinata pressed the button rationally, and asked a question that he had been wondering for a long time: [Officer Matsuda, do you have a case subsidy? 】

It's the kind of subsidy that will get a huge bonus every time you deal with a bomb/bomb or handle a case.

Otherwise, how could Matsuda Jinpei bear it!And how can you be so energetic at ordinary times!
Joining the police camp, will there be a buff of energy?
After replying to this message, Hinata rationally flipped through the inbox again, and found the message from his boss among a pile of dog hair.

At around eleven o'clock in the evening, the boss sent an inquiry message, asking if he had been to the shrine and how the task progress was.

I also warned that now is an eventful time, and you can't attack quest teammates or ordinary passers-by, nor can you turn them into quest targets and then attack.

Rational Hinata: "..."

He looked at his sleeping colleague, and replied calmly: [The speed of the car is too slow, and I haven't reached Nagano yet. 】

Then express loyalty daily, mixed with protests, [I am not a bloodthirsty monster, without your mission instructions, I will not attack other people casually]

And no points, why waste effort.

Not long after, Gin replied with a message: [I hope so. 】

Another task detail was sent, about who to contact after arriving at the shrine.

Hinata waited and waited, and waited, but found that there was no "organization member Mr. A's wish" popped up.

Then this message is fake, alas.

He began to research the meaning behind the message.

It's only seven o'clock in the morning, and the boss has started to work, and he's been perfunctory every night before... The other party couldn't be doing it on purpose, right?

There was movement in the driver's seat, and he glanced at it.

The colleague looked like he had just woken up, and he was stretching coldly, which did not conform to the surface.

After stretching, the other party also turned to look over, "Good morning, do you want a bento?"

Before becoming a member of the organization, was this colleague a bento seller?

Hinata's rational thinking was deviated for a moment, then pulled back, and directly refused, "Bento is not fresh anymore, right? Let's go to the destination first and then have breakfast."

There was still some drinking water, and after a brief wash, the white Porsche started up again.

It may be that after a day of familiarization, my colleague no longer drove slowly, but returned to a normal speed, and it didn't take long to arrive at Nagano Prefecture normally.

Then we arrived at Suwa Shrine normally.

The whole journey did not exceed two hours, and Hyuga Ryo who had already prepared for "will stay in the wild for another night" was very moved.

I was so moved that I wanted to kick the driver out on the spot.

Since you can drive normally, what were you doing yesterday? !
He followed his colleagues out of the car.

Before passing through the torii, the golden retriever colleague actually bowed, "I can't change into formal clothes for the time being, I can only visit in casual clothes."

Bowing before visiting seems to be a social etiquette for visiting a shrine, but it doesn't match the cold style of my colleagues.

Hinata nodded logically and perfunctorily, and stepped up the stairs first.

As he walked, he relayed the details of the task, "After arriving at the shrine, you must find the god master in the shrine and connect with him."

The shrine is the person in charge of offering sacrifices in the shrine.

The colleague followed him up the stairs and repeated in surprise, "It's actually a divine master?"

A maiden stood at the entrance of the shrine. She was wearing red and white clothes and a golden headdress. When she saw someone walking up, she immediately looked over.

Under the watchful eyes of the miko, Hinata followed the etiquette of the shrine reasonably and politely, and washed her hands in front of the washing hands.

After cleaning her hands, the witch greeted her with a smile, "Excuse me, is this Mr. Hinata?"

"I was sent by the Lord God to show you around the shrine."

She has a very light lily perfume scent, which is exactly the same as that of the nurse at the New Year celebration.

Ryo Hinata immediately became vigilant, and he replied briefly: "Yes, I'm sorry to trouble you."

While speaking, he quietly observed the Miko lady in front of him.

In terms of appearance, Miss Miko and Miss Nurse have no similarities at all. They are two completely different people, even with different hairstyles.

They have only one thing in common, that is, they are all young, and they all tend to be sweet and fresh.

The one in front of me is "Belmode"?
After the colleague also washed his hands, Hinata rationally adjusted his position, bringing the colleague closer to Miss Miko, and keeping himself away.

The golden-haired colleague cast a puzzled look, and then quietly moved away from Miss Miko.

Miss Miko was still smiling, as if she didn't realize that she was being kept away, she said softly: "At this time, Lord Mistress is not free, so I can only invite two guests to visit the shrine first."

"Is the guest interested in the interior of the shrine, or do you want to go to the lake to see the scenery and take a rest?"

The name of Suwa Shrine comes from Suwa Lake, so when visiting the shrine, many people will also go to Suwa Lake to take a look.

Miss Miko added, "However, there is a special situation today. There is no one around Suwa Lake. If we go, it may be a little deserted."

This is what it means to go to Lake Suwa.

Hinata took a reasonable look at the golden-haired colleague who was also calm and cautious, and focused on the colleague's lower back, where the gun was fired.

If there is an accident, he must react immediately, and at the same time grab the gun, kick his colleague in front of this woman... Wait, so why does the colleague have a gun?
Boss, you are really targeting me.

They followed Miss Miko along the long corridor.

Not only by the lake, but in the entire shrine, there were very few people. Along the way, Hyuga Ryo hardly saw other human beings in action.

Seemingly aware of the doubt, Miss Miko explained: "Now, apart from the two guests, there are only a few outsiders inside the shrine."

She tilted her head and thought for a while, "Ms. Writer who came to gather and rest, Ms. Inspiration Assistant who came with her, Miss Celebrity and her assistant who came here in disguise, and a police officer who came to pray Miss."

"The rest are the staff of the shrine."

So, the whole shrine, including them, is there only seven outsiders?

I don't know why, Hinata Ryo always has a subtle premonition, especially when Miss Miko introduced the outsider with a smile, and then began to provide supplementary information.

"Miss Writer has been staying alone in the room. It is said that she is conceiving the next reasoning work. She had some disputes with Mr. Assistant the day before yesterday, but it seems to have recovered yesterday."

"From yesterday afternoon to today, Mr. Assistant has been missing. It seems that he went to take pictures everywhere, trying to find inspiration for Miss Writer."

"Ms. Star and Ms. Assistant also had some unpleasantness. Before I came out in the morning, I heard them arguing, as if they were saying..."

The bad feeling was getting stronger and stronger, Hinata interrupted reasonably and politely, "Excuse me, these are all private matters, right?"

"Hey, it is indeed, but..." Miss Miko continued to smile, "However, I am hesitant about this. The content of their quarrel is about dead people."

As if suddenly remembering something, he added: "Speaking of which, Miss Writer and Mr. Assistant also discussed the matter of 'how to kill people', but they should only be discussing works, right?"

"As for the lady police officer, she's also a little strange. She looks very strange and has a strange smell on her body, like gunpowder smoke? There's still blood on her body."

She finally concluded: "Speaking of it this way, it always feels like there will be a murder case, and everyone looks very suspicious."

This kind of introduction that just points out everyone's occupation and general personality, and also points out a little suspicious introduction, are you really 'introducing the suspect' now?

Hinata reasonably sniffed the surrounding atmosphere, then looked at Miss Miko's beautiful smile, and directly changed the subject, "I feel the water vapor, should I go to the lake?"

As expected of a dog, the colleague has been hovering between the two of them subtly, in a position of 'if you find something is wrong, you can run away immediately'.

Hinata is also in this position, and by the way, block the opponent's position from time to time.

"It's by the lake." Miss Miko said briskly.

They turned a corner, passed a circular gate, and found themselves in what looked like a field.

The surrounding walls are almost completely retreated or covered by flourishing green plants, and there is a secluded lake in the front.

A young deer was standing in front of the lake drinking water when a fish jumped out of the water and back again and splashed the water on the deer and it shook itself.

In the faint scent of lily perfume, Hyuga Ryo began to bid farewell immediately, "Thank you, we can just visit by ourselves, please trouble Miss Miko."

Miss Miko was still smiling, she blinked her left eye at Ryo Hinata, and then said to Toru Amuro, "You didn't eat breakfast, did you?"

"Ask this gentleman to come get breakfast with me, Mr. Reasonable doesn't have to eat in the morning."

He, Li, Jun.

You really are the 'Miss Nurse' at the New Year's ceremony, right?

Toru Amuro sees Hinata as reasonable.

Hinata Ryo also looked at Toru Amuro, and he waved calmly, "Goodbye."

Goodbye, dear colleague, the code member in the organization wants to criticize you, so you can do it obediently. Of course, you can also pretend to be blind and not see that there is something wrong with the witch.

Toru Amuro: "..."

He whispered, "If something goes wrong, retreat in time. My main task is to protect your safety."

Then he followed Miss Miko.

Watching them leave here, Hyuga Ryo immediately took out his mobile phone and asked directly: [Bermod is also there? 】

The boss is also very straightforward: [? 】

【The 'nurse' on the way to the mission last time was Belmode in disguise, right?I met her again. 】

The scent of lily perfume on that witch lady, her smiling expression, her brisk walking pace, her charisma value, and the title of "reasonable gentleman" that the other party just smiled and bit heavily.

No matter how you look at it, you are all alone, right?It is definitely here to provoke and retaliate!
Considering that he really had a grudge against the other party and robbed the other party's food, and the other party was still a member of the code name, of course Hinata had to call the magical boss immediately.

Anyway, the boss also has a grudge against the other party!

Although the boss is far away in Tokyo, doing tasks comfortably, but the most basic meaning can be conveyed, should I fight or not?

After a while, the boss replied: [I asked her, she happened to have another mission, and happened to meet you. 】

'Just in time', 'coincidentally'.

Hinata rationally recalled the smiling face that the other party had prepared for when he first entered the shrine.

He typed a series of ellipses.

Even if you can't see the other party's smiling expression, do you really believe such a perfunctory explanation?

It may be that I also feel that it is outrageous, and the boss sent another message.

[Don't pay too much attention to her, she won't hurt you. 】

Hinata looked rationally over and over again, and gradually realized.

Gin can't take Belmode.

He replied: [If she wants to hurt me, can I defend myself and fight back? 】

The boss replied in seconds: [You can protect yourself, but you can't fight back. 】

Sure enough, Gin had nothing to do with Belmode, and he didn't even allow a counterattack, either because his status was lower than Belmode's, or because of personal reasons, he didn't want to see Belmode get injured.

It may also be that Hinata Ryo will be injured more if he fights back.

Hinata thought about it briefly, and continued to press the button to reply to the message: [Can I quit the mission temporarily? 】

【Hero's physical and mental abilities are very good, and he is perfectly qualified for this task. 】

It's okay to be kicked out to do tasks, but it's still so dangerous... a scheming boss!

The boss replied in seconds: [No. 】

[Bermod won't hurt you, you should concentrate on doing the task first, and then you can complete the code-named task when you come back. 】

[In the organization, the code members are all equal. When the time comes, how you want to retaliate against Belmode is a matter between the two of you. 】

Code members are all equal?
#Really?I do not believe. #
How can it be equal? ​​The Samoyed sled dogs have something to say!
And, 'How do you want to get revenge on Belmode', if he and Belmode really lived in peace, how could he want to take revenge afterwards.

So the boss still thinks that he will definitely be punished severely by the other party for stealing food, right? !
He replied rationally: [Okay, I believe it. 】

Then exit the message interface directly, and ignore the message sent by Matsuda Jinpei by the way.

If the nurse referred to by the other party was the nurse at the New Year celebration, then the nurse is indeed with him now, in the same shrine.

It's better not to reply to Officer Matsuda for the time being, if the other party smells something bad, he will become a dull police dog.

He put the phone away, then continued to take a quick look around.

The fawn hadn't jumped away yet, and wasn't afraid of humans. It was drinking water and looking up at him from time to time.

Humans in shrines should feed it frequently.

When it looked at Hinata again, Hinata's phone vibrated again.

Not a brief vibration from time to time, but a continuous vibration, it's the phone.

He took it out again, looked at it, and found that it was a call from a number without a note.

The moment it was connected, a childish and familiar voice came out, "Brother Hinata!"

It's Kudo Shinichi.

It was Kudo Shinichi who seemed to see the savior and said "saved".

Hinata paused reasonably, and quickly became vigilant, "What's the matter, you were also kidnapped?"

"Hey, has someone been kidnapped?!" Kudo Shin regained his energy for a moment, and soon became sluggish again.

The voice over there was a little softer, and Hinata reasonably heard the other party say in a very soft voice: "Xiaolan, it's Brother Hinata, please talk to me, Xiaolan—"

Hinata Reasonable: "...?"

He glanced left and right, looked at the deer that was looking innocently, and found with satisfaction that the other party looked like a dog walking on the side of the road that was kicked for no reason.

good very good.

He waited for a few more seconds, and Mao Lilan's lively voice came, "Brother Hinata!"

The background sound is Kudo Shinichi's dissatisfied muttering, to the effect of "Why do you ignore me, but you are so enthusiastic about Brother Hinata".

Hinata took another look at the deer, ah no, it was the dog.

He greeted calmly, "Good morning, Xiaolan."

Mao Lilan also replied obediently, "Good morning, Brother Hinata."

Then, a soaring gunshot sounded.

Hinata turned back subconsciously, and the voice on the phone instantly switched to Kudo Shinichi's voice.

"There are gunshots, is it a case?!"

 Thank you for your monthly tickets, a lot!
(End of this chapter)

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