Conan's Helping People

Chapter 130 But Dogs Can

Chapter 130 But Dogs Can
Colleagues are very strange, between being angry but not completely angry, being docile but not completely docile.

Hinata thought about it rationally, and felt a little clearer.

Angry is because he was targeted by a small traffic policeman, and he is also a little angry because the criminal is caught and inspected by the police, and he is docile because the other party's status is lower than him.

In the same way, the other party is not completely docile because his status is not completely higher than the other party, and the other party is still a little bit unconvinced.

For example, now, I am trying to raise opinions.

"No need." Hyuga rationally didn't care what to wear, but still refused, "It's too troublesome, you are very conspicuous, and you will impress the clerk."

There are very few blond hair and black skin in Tokyo, and a golden retriever colleague also has a large light bulb. If two large light bulbs go to a convenience store together, the clerk will definitely remember it.

"The mission location is not here. It shouldn't matter for normal purchases, right?" the golden retriever colleague started the car while continuing to talk, "And just now, the traffic policeman must have remembered us."

Makes sense.

Hinata rationally and perfunctorily changed a reason, "I don't want to go to the convenience store with you."

This reason was so straightforward that the golden retriever colleague choked for a moment and finally calmed down.

Quietness may be due to some relative canine law. As soon as the other party calmed down, Hinata Reasonable's phone vibrated, indicating that a new message had been received.

Then it shook again, and double shook again.

This vibration frequency... Hinata rationally took out his phone, intending to reply to Matsuda Jinpei.

As expected, the message was sent by Matsuda Jinhei: [Is Kohinata's injury healed?Do I need to go to the hospital for a review? 】

【I have been free recently, so I can accompany you anytime. 】

【By the way, have any strange people appeared around you recently? 】

When Hinata lowered his head reasonably to check, the other party's fourth message popped up again: [It's the kind of stranger who obviously doesn't know but has met once or twice?That kind of character. 】

The fifth message is: [Or the kind of sneaky criminal who looks like a criminal, will be targeted by you, and will also be targeted by you. He looks a bit good-looking, but he needs to be beaten, let people take a look I couldn't help but beat his teeth out fiercely]

There is no punctuation mark at the end, and the other party should send it out halfway through the typing.

But what does "the kind of criminal who will be targeted by you and will also be targeted by you" mean?

Why until now, the other party is still secretly poking at him?

Just as Hinata was about to type a few words to reply, he received a new message again.

[A mixed-race prisoner ran out from the police station. He looks like a standard foreigner. If you notice such a person by your side, you must contact me. 】

Ah... no wonder it's a little weird and hesitant. The curly-haired police dog is obviously very proud of being a police dog. If it is said that the police are negligent, they will definitely be hesitant.

The only thing is that even a criminal can escape, even if it is a "police officer in a mystery work", it is a bit too much.

He replied with key information: [Prisoner escaped from prison? 】

Then he was immediately replied: [Sorry, please correct me, it's not jailbreak, it's just getting out of prison. 】

That's fine.

Hyuga rationally glanced at his colleague who was driving, then bowed his head and replied: [I haven't met this kind of person recently, Officer Matsuda knows that prisoner? 】

The descriptions in the previous few messages, such as 'I want to beat the other party's teeth out when I see the other party', are obviously personal emotions, and Matsuda Jinhei must know the other party.

The prisoner was either captured by Matsuda Jinpei himself, or Matsuda Jinpei participated in the case.

I just don't know what the case is that Matsuda Jinhei can remember for so long, and I don't know the prison term of the other party, otherwise I can estimate it.

He replied again: [Do you have a photo?Or the specific appearance characteristics, how old is it, and which country's mixed race is it? 】

This time, Matsuda Jinping didn't reply in a second.

Hinata rationally replied with another reply: [Case information is also available. 】

The phone still hasn't received the message.

Hinata rationally began to swipe the opponent's screen in reverse: [Isn't Officer Matsuda a professional police officer?When sending alert information to others, it should include photos or other information. 】

[Even if you are worried that the prisoner's privacy will be leaked, you can still send the original case information. You don't need the professional files recorded by the police, and the news at that time is also fine. 】

However, Matsuda Jinpei is gnashing his teeth like this, there is a certain chance that the prisoner's case is very old.

Wait, Matsuda Jinpei did say something like 'it's perfectly fine for a person who has been hurt by a criminal to become a police officer'.

It also revealed that 'after becoming a police officer, you can implement what you think is justice and get in touch with like-minded companions'.

Ah well, Hinata rationally thought for a short while, and immediately cheered up, and sent a new message again: 【Is that prisoner in contact with Officer Matsuda? 】

If it is "the prisoner hurt Officer Matsuda's family or other friends, and Officer Matsuda decided to become a police officer because of this", then as long as the prisoner is killed, it is considered as a contribution to Officer Matsuda.

You can also directly equalize the favor of the other party who saved him.

Hinata estimated reasonably and uncertainly, guessing that in the category of normal people's concepts, the two should really be almost equal, so he became more active.

[Is it Officer Matsuda's enemy?Need me to help you out? 】

You need it!
In the next second, Matsuda Jinpei, who hadn't replied to the message for a long time, did reply to the message. Hinata rationally clicked in immediately, and saw a disappointing message.

[There is indeed a grudge, but I don’t need to ask you. 】

He looked away boredly, and looked at his golden retriever colleague in the rearview mirror, so he said coldly, "Drive well."

"Okay." The golden retriever colleague paused, "It's very late now, if you take a detour to Nagano Prefecture, there is a high probability that you will spend the night outside. I should go to the convenience store to buy some water, lunch boxes and blankets?"

Before Hinata could speak reasonably, the colleague added, "I can go by myself."

Hinata lowered her head rationally, continued to wait for the news, and replied perfunctorily to her colleagues, "Go."

He replied to the message: [Really don't need it?If Officer Matsuda is in need, I will do my best to help. 】

Police Officer Matsuda replied almost instantly: 【It's too troublesome to type on the mobile phone. Is there anyone around Xiao Hinata? Is it convenient to answer the phone? 】

[If it's convenient, just call me back. 】

No, for you, it is obvious that speaking speed is slower and typing speed is more convenient, but making a phone call is troublesome, right?

He dialed the phone number of the other party, and was connected instantly, and the lively voice of the curly-haired police dog came, "Hi, good afternoon, Kohinata!"

... I don't know if it's an illusion, but the other party is getting more and more lively, and it's the kind of lively that dogs rub against humans.

The colleague got out of the car quietly and silently, and closed the car door again, making an imperceptible sound, and did not forget to lock the car door.

In this sound, Hinata rationally heard an equally slight ticking sound, much like the sound of a bomb countdown.

But it was not from the car, but from the other end of the phone.

He glanced at the quiet back of his golden retriever colleague, who seemed to be running away with his tail between his legs, and continued to ask Matsuda Jinpei, "Do you really need me to help you?"

After finishing speaking, he remembered that he was just an innocent and pitiful ordinary minor, so he added, "Didn't you say that the prisoner would pay special attention to me? That prisoner should be too, right? I can..."

The curly-haired police dog interrupted him, and the other party repeated suspiciously: "You can?"

"As soon as criminals are mentioned, you really cheered up and even took the initiative to ask questions. Chief Kohinata, do you really not consider becoming a police officer?"

"With your skills of tripping Hagi and subduing the robber, as long as you don't meet too outrageous peers, you can really be the first?"

Thanks, forget it, dogs are not 'police officers in reasoning works'.

...with the exception of canine detectives.

(End of this chapter)

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