Conan's Helping People

Chapter 123 Home Tape

Chapter 123 Home Tape

After washing up, Hinata sat on the mat reasonably and obediently.

He stretched out his arm and let Hirota Masami measure his heart rate and blood for him, and then fell asleep.

After 1 minute, Masami Hirota looked down at the data and recorded it.

After finishing it, she put on her gloves, stood up halfway, and said to Hinata Reasonable: "Mr. Reasonable, open your mouth, ah—"

Hinata hesitated for a while, but complied.

His side face was cupped, and the ice cubes in his mouth were pinched out.

Then, Hirota Masami reached in and touched his teeth one by one from the innermost side.

The mouth is one of the most sensitive places, and the feeling of being touched is very strange. Hinata rationally can feel the touch of the other party's fingertips falling on his own teeth. The other party's fingers are very soft, and the inner wall of his mouth is also very soft, so Teeth are itchy.

There is a little bit, the urge to bite down.

He restrained himself.

Masami Hirota was obviously nervous too, and kept avoiding his sight.

After touching all the teeth, she breathed a sigh of relief, bent her eyes and said, "Mr. Reasonable is still in the development stage, so the tips of the teeth are a little bit sharp."

"When you eat, you may bite yourself. Let me help you deal with it, okay?"

Hinata rationally lowered his head and glanced at the tool on the table, which was similar to a knife but had a lot of roughness on both sides.

Still need to ask, don't you have all the tools ready?

He said, "Thank you."

So Hirota Masami picked up the tool and tentatively started the teeth grinding project.

The sharp part feels a little bit worn off, and it is also very clear, and Hyuga Ryo is a little uncomfortable.

Hirota Masami changed her posture, instead of holding his face and making him look up, she used the other hand to pass under his arm and press on his shoulder from behind.

This posture is similar to holding him half in his arms.

...It's really like taking care of human cubs, the kind of cubs that are only two or three years old.

Hinata thought about it reasonably, and said in a declarative tone: "Miss Hirota is very good at taking care of children."

When talking, it feels weird, he can only try to lower his voice, try not to move his tongue, teeth and mouth, and only make a little sound.

"Huh? Do you think I'm too light and too slow?" Hirota Masami was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, "It's been a long time since I helped someone grind their teeth, and I was afraid of accidentally hurting you, so I just slowed down a bit."

"No." Hinata reasonably denied, "I just feel that you are very gentle, like..."

'Like a mother'.

He glanced at Hirota Masami, met the other's smiling eyes, and swallowed the rest of the words.

Then start to be in a daze.

This feeling seems a bit outrageous.

In any case, Hirota Masami is not yet an adult, and the age difference with him is also very small, and he is 100% a minor.

If at this time, I said, 'I feel that Ms. Hirota is so gentle, just like my mother', would I be beaten?
He will definitely be beaten!
But it's strange that although the age difference is very small and Masami Hirota is also very beautiful, Ryo Hinata rarely regards her as a "beautiful woman of the same age".

... Of course, this may be normal, because although Ryo Hinata knows about love, she doesn't understand it at all.

What about the normal Ms. Hirota?

Why is she so kind to herself?

Hinata thought about it, and found that in this situation, his first reaction was also 'Miss Hirota treats him as a family member' rather than 'Miss Hirota likes him'.

"What's the matter, Mr. Reasonable?" Masami Hirota asked.

"Miss Hirota is very kind to me, why?" Hinata rationally asked her own question.

He felt that Masami Hirota had finished grinding a tooth and started to move the tool. Before grinding a tooth, he added, "Because you like me?"

This decision was correct, Hirota Masami's subconscious lost control for a moment.

If it was grinding his teeth, his mouth would definitely be injured.

"... Are you injured?" Hirota Masami took back the tool, checked for blood stains on it, and then replied, "Of course not."

"Rational Lord, in my heart, exists like a family member, not a lover."

She smiled, "Has Mr. Reasonable ever thought about how you would feel if I were your lover?"

Hinata thought about it for a while, and within less than a second, he immediately stopped, shaking his shoulders uncontrollably, to relieve the panic and nausea.

He moved back subconsciously, away from the other party, and frowned: "...It's too unreasonable, so don't make such an analogy."

Hirota Masami laughed, "Yes, yes, I will never say such things in the future, can Mr. Reasonable come back?"

She moved forward a few times by herself, and then continued the long teeth grinding project, "Humans are a very magical creature."

"Some people have never met before, but they can get close immediately. Some people have parted ways before and have forgotten the process of getting along, but they will still feel very close when they meet again. Some people... ..."

Hirota Masami thought for a while, gave up the tongue twister, and concluded: "The relationship between people is different. As for me and Mr. Reasonable, we can only be family members. Does Mr. Reasonable think so?"

No, not necessarily.

Hinata rationally retorted silently in her heart.

It could also be an enemy.

He thought about the scene of being in a hostile camp with Hirota Masami, for example, he pointed a gun at Hirota Masami's forehead, or even more outrageously, Hirota Masami pointed a gun at his forehead.

... a bit unimaginable.

Maybe it's because Masami Hirota is so gentle.

As long as Hinata rationale thinks about similar scenes, he will feel that even if he points at Hirota Masami, he will not shoot, but will recruit her.

And if it was Masami Hirota pointing at his head...Hinata rationally waved away the image of Masami Hirota immediately turning back, attacking his companion with a bang bang bang, the gun missed, and then dragged him away, and died from then on.

It was too outrageous, his expression was blank for a moment, and then he said slowly: "Miss Hirota, let's change the subject."

Hirota Masami laughed, and changed the subject politely, "Okay, then, have you finished listening to the last tape of Mr. Reasonable?"

Thank you, it's on a single loop.

Hinata replied reasonably and simply: "I've finished listening."

"That's just right, I found another tape, do you want to listen to it?" The other party rolled his eyes, "It will take a little time before I can grind my teeth."

Of course I have to listen, Hinata nodded reasonably.

Hirota Masami went to sort out the props, and then pressed the play button.

That familiar voice sounded again as the tape rotated unhurriedly.

The other party said with a smile: "It's March NO.15, four o'clock in the morning. I just finished dealing with the emergency. You should not wake up yet? Say good morning first, Lily."

"Because I can't find you, so I can only communicate in this way."

"Can you tell me why you hate me?"

When grinding his teeth, Hinata should not make large movements. He just rolled his eyes and scanned the direction of the sound with his eyes.

The recorder continued, "Is it because of the death of the little white rabbit a month ago? Or is it because I called you 'Lily' without authorization?"

The female voice paused, "Mingmei is also very worried about you, Lily."

Hinata listened to the present reasonably and patiently, and said thoughtfully: "This tape, it sounds like a home tape or something."

Hirota Masami smiled slightly, "It should be."

(End of this chapter)

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