Conan's Helping People

Chapter 108 Who is Gin's Enemy?

Chapter 108 Who is Gin's Enemy?
As soon as the voice fell, Hagiwara Kenji saw Hinata rationally glanced over, even if the other party was wearing a white mask, he could still get the other party's eyes.

A look at a silly dog.


He subconsciously glanced at Matsuda Jinpei. The real silly dog ​​was still watching the stall owner holding the shark doll, and he never witnessed such a look.

Ten minutes before nine o'clock, Date Hang and the blond foreign woman also gathered.

The other party held Datehang's arm, smiled and nodded to the others, saying hello.

This is obviously a foreigner. When responding, Hinata thought for a while.

It makes sense, although he has lived in that unfriendly place for many years, but now, he can only speak a few words of English.

They are 'Hello/Hi', 'Help me' and 'No, I don't want to die' respectively.

Translated, it means 'hello', 'help me' and 'I don't want to die'.

The only communication he has with other people is usually when other people blurt out the latter two to him, and they are very concise, without any complicated words.

Occasionally, when other people see his obvious black hair and appearance, they will simply say 'me, no, die, help, me, ok? ' or 'sos'.

...Wait, so to speak, he will also say 'sorry', usually in response to other people.

In addition, there is no opportunity to communicate with other topics at all, and there are no creatures that can communicate at all, but they can understand the roar of some humanoid objects.

I can speak Japanese now because of my memory.

When greeting the blond colleague just now, Hinata Ryo realized that the colleague is a foreigner after speaking a sentence in Japanese. It should be more polite and irritating to greet in English, so he added the word 'hello'.

Now, he pondered for a second, and tentatively said to the blonde woman in front of him, "Hi."

Hearing this, the blond woman who was about to speak was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, and continued to raise her hand slightly to say hello, "Hi, hi, hello, my name is Natalie, I'm Date's girlfriend, I will Those who speak Japanese, just communicate with me in Japanese."

The other party can speak Japanese, which is within Hinata's reasonable expectation.

After all, living here, it is normal to be able to speak some simple Japanese, and it is not a problem.

But... But why is he so proficient, he doesn't have an accent at all, and he doesn't look like a foreigner at all. If he is blindfolded, he will probably think that the opposite is an authentic local.

Even the first two sentences of 'hi' from the other party were in Japanese English, obviously with a strong accent.

Hinata took a reasonable look at the other party's blond hair, recalled the other party's English accent, thought for a while, and then said bluntly: "Uh, hello."

"You can call me Sister Natalie, or Natalie, can I call you Mr. Reasonable?" Natalie laughed again, "I heard Ida tell you that you are very brave and a warrior."

Although, there is really no foreign accent at all, it is really a very, very pure Japanese pronunciation, and it is still a Hokkaido accent.

Reasonable, Hinata understands everything rationally.

But the action of the other party embracing Itahang, as well as the manner of some conversations, is obviously a blond man with foreign characteristics.

How did the other party manage to change the accent into a Japanese style while retaining the American style of the action?
In short, it is very unscientific.

"Natalie has lived in Hokkaido for a long time, and her Japanese is very good." Sensing his hesitation, Matsuda Jinpei quickly introduced, and then changed the subject, "It's almost nine o'clock, should we officially start? Let's go there quickly .”

They followed the crowd and walked to the center of the ceremony together.

Hirota Masami took a few steps, took Hyuga Reasonable's hand, and asked softly while others were not paying attention: "Your left hand was injured? When you took the doll just now, your left hand froze for a moment."

When stealing food, I use my left hand.

Hinata lowered her voice reasonably, "It's fine."

He could clearly feel that the other party was slightly relieved.

Five minutes before nine o'clock, the stage in the center of the celebration began to come alive. Someone jumped onto the stage and lit the ring of fireworks around the stage.

After a few seconds of silence, the fireworks bounced into the sky one by one in the order they were lit, illuminating the small flowers in the dark night, and then dragging their meteor-like tails and extinguishing them.

Amidst the deafening sound of fireworks, Hirota Masami hesitated for a moment before speaking again: "Well, you just..."

Hinata looked at her rationally, waited patiently for a few seconds, and found that Hirota Masami stopped talking again and started to look away.

The mask was too intrusive, blocking the other's expression, he could only see the other's dodging eyes.

He reached out, untied the rope of the opponent's mask, took off the mask on the opponent's face, and observed the expression of the opponent.

Hirota Masami lowered her head slightly, her blue eyes were partially covered by her drooping eyelashes, but the nervous expression on her face was clearly visible.

Hinata probably knew what she was nervous about and what she wanted to ask just now, but she still asked calmly as if she didn't know: "Miss Hirota, what did you want to say just now?"

After he finished speaking, he paused for a while, and then gave him appropriate encouragement, "We will live together for a long time in the future, and I will tell you what you want to ask without reservation."

Hirota Masami looked up, he looked at the other person, and emphasized: "I will answer."

The first step of the happy mission is to get the code name, and once again close the relationship between yourself and the assistant, eliminate the gap, and give help to the other party at your discretion, so that the other party can also obtain certain powers.

Reflected by the flickering fireworks in the sky, those blue eyes were also flickering slightly, as if there was water in them, but it was probably an illusion.

"You just..." Hirota Masami said slowly, "...Did you make a wish?"

"Mr. Reason probably doesn't care much, but there are many customs in the New Year, such as making a wish under the fireworks, which will increase the chance of the wish being successful."

Lie, that's not what you meant to ask.

Hinata looked at Masami Hirota reasonably for a few seconds, and after some consideration, he chose to encourage the timid white rabbit from the side, "No, Miss Hirota just made a wish?"

He lowered his voice and said quietly: "If the wish is related to me, maybe I will help you realize it."

In a lively ceremony, speaking in such a whispered tone is very deceptive.

"My wish is," for a moment, Hirota Masami's expression was really shaken, she said softly, "I hope you can be year by year, year by year... ah!"

Someone suddenly slammed towards Masami Hirota, and the target was precisely aimed at Masami Hirota's shoulder. Before the two sides came into contact, Hyuga Ryo directly reached out to wrap Masami Hirota's shoulder, turned around with him, and was hit on the back.

Strangely, the opponent withdrew his strength temporarily, and the impact was very light.

Hinata rationally looked back, and smelled the fragrance of lily perfume before seeing the face of the person who bumped into him.

It's the nurse in the hospital.

The other party covered his forehead and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, sorry, I'm very sorry, sir, are you alright, sir?!"

Masami Hirota in her arms also covered her forehead, and asked inexplicably, "What's wrong?"

Hinata looked down at her rationally, and just about to explain, she saw her face turn pale suddenly, then hurriedly lowered her head again, and grabbed the shark doll tightly.

He looked back at the nurse again, who was biting her lip and looking at him worriedly.

Is there any grudge between Miss Hirota and this nurse?Or the one being bullied?
"It's okay." After examining the nurse, Hinata replied simply.

I'd better go home and ask Hirota Akemi again, if there is any grudge, just deal with it directly.

The first step to win the heart of a colleague: help the other party to solve the enemy.

...Speaking of which, who is Gin's enemy?
He went to help Qin Jiu deal with a few enemies, would Qin Jiu wave his hand and send him more tasks than dog hair?

(End of this chapter)

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