Necromancer virtual aspect

Chapter 62 The Cozy Offline Life

"Eat, eat, eat, you know what to eat. Do you see me?" Ning Xiaoya patted the table angrily, pointed at Ma Yingjie and shouted.

Ning Xiaoya's voice was surprisingly loud, so loud that people passing by kept scanning her side. This is another heartless man who is going to throw his little girl away after going to bed.

People with this idea sneaked under the window of Ma Yingjie's house, but it was too easy for Ma Yingjie, who had practiced ancient martial arts, to detect a person approaching alone.What's more, this person has no technical content at all, and he can't even walk with the most basic waist or eight-character step.

"Hehe, this porridge is spoiled, so I can't eat it." Ma Yingjie said pretending to be calm, came to the window, opened the window with a bang, and fell down facing the person listening to the wall.

There was a horrible scream from outside the window. This is freshly boiled soup, which is 89 degrees without [-] degrees. Now this guy has to go to the hospital for a few days.

"What's the sound?" Watching Ma Yingjie pouring out the white chicken porridge she had carefully made, Ning Xiaoya was awakened by the scream just as she was about to lose her temper.

"Maybe it's a stray dog. I have a stray dog ​​that has made a home here." Ma Yingjie said without a red face and a beating heart.

The person outside the window also cooperated with Ma Yingjie's words and learned how to yell a few times, which made Ning Xiaoya believe that what Ma Yingjie said was true.

"This dog is really annoying, why don't you drive it away?"

"No, actually it's good to listen to the dog barking when no one is around at night. I heard that it can refresh people, and it's better than doing morning exercises in the morning."

In fact, there are no stray dogs near his house. In a house in the suburbs, there are quite a few homeless couples playing yezhan. As an upright person like Ma Yingjie, of course he wouldn't go to see it. Occasionally, he heard some voices... It's all about playing the sound.

Hearing the sound of footsteps gradually going away outside the window, Ma Yingjie began to feel sorry for the bowl of white chicken porridge.For Ma Yingjie now, a piece of bread is more useful than a certificate for his bravery.

"Really?" Ning Xiaoya said believing it was true, which made Ma Yingjie feel ashamed. This must be too naive.


"Why do you still say it's fake?" Ning Xiaoya was confused by Ma Yingjie, and she felt as if she was falling into a cloud.

"Idiot woman, you didn't notice that there was an auditor outside just now." Ma Yingjie cursed.

Hearing what Ma Yingjie said, Ning Xiaoya, who was not considered an idiot to the extreme, immediately understood that it was not a cat just now, but a man with a cat waist. Immediately, Ning Xiaoya's face was blush, and her whole face was covered by the rays of light. Puzhao, what a harmonious scene, Ma Yingjie who was watching was stunned again.

After a while, Ning Xiaoya recovered from her shyness just now, and asked Ma Yingjie fiercely, "Who was that bitch yesterday? Don't think I'm so stupid that she is your landlord. The landlord doesn't even own the room." Wrong entry."

"Okay, I'll confess and confess that she is not my landlord. She came to pay the protection fee that day." Ma Yingjie said honestly.

"Pay the protection fee?" Ning Xiaoya looked at Ma Yingjie without blinking her big eyes like a baby doll.

After Ma Yingjie explained the matter clearly to Ning Xiaoya, a smile finally appeared on Ning Xiaoya's cloudy face, and pink flowers instantly bloomed on her face, and a certain animal saw it Something has changed again.

Ning Xiaoya has sharp eyes and quick feet, she saw Ma Yingjie's wretched movements at a glance, and stepped on Ma Yingjie's crotch with a flying foot.

"Oh, you murdered your own husband." Ma Yingjie grabbed Ning Xiaoya's fragrant feet with both hands.Well, it feels good, it feels like braised pig's trotters.

"Shao Narcissus is not blooming, you pretend to be garlic for me. If you don't get up again, I will rehearse for you the Foshan Wuying kick that I just learned from the juggler yesterday." Ning Xiaoya knows better than anyone, her seemingly violent kick It's just right, apart from increasing Ma Yingjie's excitement, there can't be any bad side effects.

"Forget it, those street jugglers are all deceitful tricks, and embroidered pillows are useless." Ma Ying-jeou raised his eyebrows and continued: "Actually, the female body art you used last time was quite good. Yes, let’s practice that later.”

"You're dead." Ning Xiaoya lowered her head shyly, and twisted Ma Yingjie's thigh with her right hand. Ma Yingjie immediately grinned in pain.

If you know the pain but don't cry out, I am a real man, and I am Guan Yunchang's second.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm starving to death without necrosis, you don't want your man to become a starving ghost, go and give me something to eat now."

"You deserve it for being hungry. You pour the chicken soup I worked so hard for." Ning Xiaoya gave Ma Yingjie a hard look, then turned and walked towards the kitchen.

Not long after, the sound of crackling spatulas colliding with steel came from the kitchen.


"Here, eat it while it's hot." Ning Xiaoya walked out with a plate, and a golden fried egg was placed in the center of the plate.

"Just let me eat this?" Ma Yingjie looked at Ning Xiaoya dissatisfied, what the hell, there is still work at night, isn't this abusing coolie workers?

"I want to make more. I found this egg after searching through your kitchen just now." Ning Xiaoya said angrily.

After wolfing down the fried egg, Ma Yingjie patted his protesting stomach, and decided to go out to eat a little. No money, no problem, and there was a portable bank next to him.

"Xiaoya, if I ask you to do me a favor, I will definitely help you, right?" Ma Yingjie looked at Ning Xiaoya and said.

"Of course, I'll agree to all the requests that are not excessive." Ning Xiaoya leaned on Ma Yingjie's shoulders, her big beautiful eyes flickering at Ma Yingjie.

"Hehe, that's good. Treat me to a meal, okay?" Ma Yingjie smiled dryly, asking a woman to treat him to a meal, after all, it's not an honorable thing.

"What's the matter, you have no money?" Ning Xiaoya was puzzled at first, and then looked at Ma Yingjie with a smile on the corner of her mouth that I understood.

"I have money, I still have a lot of money in my card, and there are some loans out there, but I don't have any money." Ma Yingjie explained hesitantly.

"Come on, if you don't have money, you'll have no money. It's not shameful for me to treat you to dinner." Ning Xiaoya said angrily, and then asked Ma Yingjie, "Whatever you want to eat."

"Eat dinosaurs."

"Stop talking nonsense, and I won't treat you any more."

"Steamed tofu with cabbage..."

"This business, I just brought a copy home for my Xiaobai. I don't know why Xiaobai suddenly wants to be a vegetarian." Ning Xiaoya's giggles resounded dissolutely, and spread far away in the night.

Among them, the strongest sound wave shattered the glass of a family. Of course, besides Ning Xiaoya's laughter, there was also a child's unqualified shot. These two reasons are the reasons for the glass to shatter.


Half an hour later, in a snack bar on the side of the road.

"Why do you want to eat or not?" Ning Xiaoya excitedly looked at Ma Yingjie who had put five bowls of rice into his mouth one after another, eating more, the more he ate, the stronger he was.

"I'm still a little bit full." Ma Yingjie glanced at the restaurant owner who had been paying attention to Ma Yingjie and said.

Damn, what do you look at, isn't it just that you eat a little too much rice, you don't charge for your own rice, why don't you let it eat?

Under the strange expression of the restaurant owner, Ma Yingjie ordered another bowl of rice.Now even a diner beside him couldn't stand it any longer, and said earnestly to Ma Yingjie, "Young man, it's not easy to open a small shop for a small business, so please be merciful."


After eating, Ma Yingjie stood up with still not enough to say, and watched Ning Xiaoya pay the bill, ignoring the contemptuous gazes of the others.

After Ning Xiaoya paid the bill, the two left the restaurant.

The restaurant owner wiped off his sweat, and tried his best to record the appearance of the two of them, and listed them as those who refused to communicate.

The night was normal, the moon hung high, and a ray of light shone on the pedestrians of various colors. The two came to the bridge to enjoy the evening breeze.

Looking at the numb or confused expressions of the passers-by, Ma Yingjie was filled with emotion. If it weren't for the heart-wrenching voices of men and women beating yezhan coming from the side, Ma Yingjie would definitely blow the cold wind.

"What are you doing here?" Ning Xiaoya lowered her head and muttered in a low voice with a blushing complexion. A voice not far away came along with the wind, making Ning Xiaoya feel a burst of blush and heartbeat.

"Listen to the impact of not consuming power."

"You're dead." Ning Xiaoya buried her head in Ma Yingjie's chest, and hammered Ma Yingjie's chest fiercely with both hands.

"You know the consequences of saying that about me." Ma Yingjie pretended to be vicious and said, stretching out a pair of big hands towards Ning Xiaoya's proud twin peaks.

Suddenly, a smooth and delicate feeling was transmitted to Ma Yingjie's nervous system through the palm, and Ning Xiaoya's delicate body began to tremble slightly under Ma Yingjie's touch.


Just as Ning Xiaoya was about to struggle, Ma Yingjie covered Ning Xiaoya's lips skillfully with his mouth. Ning Xiaoya only had time to let out a whimper before sinking down.

"Don't be here." Ning Xiaoya whispered, her body was as soft as a puddle of water, and she had no strength to resist Ma Yingjie's attack.

"Well, let's go back." Noticing the voice of Suo Suo from the surrounding grass, Ma Yingjie agreed to Ning Xiaoya's request.

As the two walked back, Ma Yingjie noticed half of his head protruding from the grass beside him, with a hint of sarcasm on his face.

Ma Yingjie grabbed the can that was left behind by some ungrateful citizen on the bridge, and threw it towards the grass with his internal strength, and there was a scream in the grass.

Small sample, peeping on my head, come again next time, let you know why the flowers are so red.

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