Chapter 1200
Countless vines, countless withered yellow vines, spread upwards from the ground, entangled Yin Tuozi's countless willows, and those willows were like water plants growing in the mud, floating but unable to float to the surface.

We stared at this scene dumbfounded, and the next moment, a pair of terrified eyes suddenly stared out from the charred wooden pier that Yin Tuozi turned into.

The eyes, the mouth, all stand out on the burnt wood pier, and the rings of annual rings seem to be densely packed with wrinkles, giving people a particularly terrifying look.

That old face seemed to be struggling desperately, with bulging eyeballs and a wide open mouth.

Then, on the scorched tree stump, in the eyes of those terrified eyes, thin cracks suddenly burst, and black blood flowed down the two eyeballs, and the mouth, The protruding mouth was opened wide, mouthfuls of black blood spit out from that mouth, flowed down the corners of the mouth, and dripped into the snow, which looked particularly terrifying.

If this is just bloody, then what we see below is a bit disgusting, in the two eyeballs, and in the mouth, after the eyeballs burst, from under the eyeballs and in the middle of the mouth, Three withered yellow vines that have been stained black by black blood came out. The three vines were very thick, and the parts that were faintly exposed were golden, but the black blood hanging on the vine poles was greasy like oil. Generally disgusting.

Just imagine, what kind of horrible scene is it when two bloody branches appear from a person's eyes?

This is the case at this time, bloody, terrifying!
The Yin Tuozi slowly shrank under the large amount of dirty blood, and the original vigorous tree stump seemed to have shrunk, turning into a piece of bad wood in an instant.

The bad wood seems to have been exposed to the sun and rain for thousands of years, and it has become so bad that it can't be worse. It seems that when a gust of wind comes, the big pile of bad wood will be blown away.

But at this time, the wind came!

A chilly gust of wind blew over from nowhere, whistling, swirling snowflakes, and blowing towards the pile of bad wood.

The bad tree seemed to feel the strong wind blowing, and the moment the strong wind blew, it split itself and drifted into the snow. In the bad wood, a black line shot up into the sky.

The black line is extremely fast, like an afterimage, but unfortunately, there is something faster than it, that is the withered yellow vine!
The black thread had just been pulled out, barely beyond the distance above our heads, when it was caught by withered yellow vines, dragged down fiercely, and hit the ground heavily.

It turned out to be the black iron crutch!
The gusts of wind swept over the black iron crutches, as if countless knives had been cut on the crutches. The strange thing was that the crutches were obviously dead, but under the ravages of the gusts, they wailed in agony.

"No, no!"

The painful wailing became louder and louder, and the black iron crutch kept wailing uncontrollably. It was crying miserably in the woods, and it could be heard clearly from a distance. People are full of imagination.

"Old bastard, are you still not coming out?"

In the empty mountain, a childish voice suddenly sounded, mixed with the miserable wailing sound, it seemed extremely incongruous.

But as soon as this childish voice sounded, those withered and yellow vines stopped continuing to bind, and pressed the black iron crutch into the snow, imprisoning it there.

At this moment, the miserable voice inside the black iron crutches gradually subsided, and the ethereal childish voice sounded again: "You still don't get out, do you? Do you think I can't do anything about you if you hide in a lump of iron?" Is it gone?"

The black iron crutch was completely silent at this moment, still silent.

"Okay, since you have decided to fight to the end, let's try!"


Just as the childish voice dissipated, there was a loud sound of rocks breaking from the top of the mountain.

Then, a huge rock soared into the sky, and under the rock, a vine that was so thick as to frighten rushed into the sky against it under the rock.

The rock was pushed up by the thick vines to an unknown height, and after flying high into the sky, it could no longer see its shadow.


The sound like a diamond monkey fell from the sky. I looked up and saw that huge stone, like a meteorite, flew back from the sky and rubbed against the atmosphere, creating countless sparks. The faster the stone falls, the smaller its volume and the faster it falls.

When the stone came to us at an extremely fast speed, the stone that was originally the size of a millstone was only the size of a fingernail.

It's this pebble the size of a fingernail, but it carries a fierce and unrivaled aura.

When an object falls from a high enough height, even a small stone is enough to possess terrifying power.

At this time, this little stone is like this.

It fell rapidly from the sky, and hit the black iron crutch that was firmly bound by withered yellow vines without any mistakes, like a bullet with penetrating power, it hit the black iron crutch hard , After making a crisp sound, he got into the black iron crutch, and drilled a deep hole!
In the hole drilled out by the stones, a puff of black smoke shot out quickly, but only a little bit of it came out, and the small hole was blocked by a withered yellow vine.

The withered yellow vines penetrated the black iron crutch along the small hole, and the miserable howling sounded again from within the black iron crutch!

"No, no, I'll go out, go out!"

The childish voice said disdainfully: "Old bastard, go out? It's late, you are a foodie, you got the Tao in my Changbai Mountains, but you help outsiders to harm me, now you know you are afraid? Changbai Mountains, from now on, No more willow spirits."

After that voice fell, Yin Tuozi's voice also uttered a miserable ghost howl for the last time, and disappeared completely.

It turned out that Yin Tuozi obtained his Taoism in the Changbai Mountains, no wonder he was so familiar with it, and he was able to figure out a way to capture King Shen, but it was a pity that his success fell short in the end.

The process of King Shen killing Yin Tuozi is a long story, but in fact it only took about 1 minute. Seeing that Yin Tuozi was completely finished, I immediately ran to the depths of the jungle. I wanted to find Daxiong. There won't be too much danger under the control of the black old lady, but I'm still worried.

As soon as I took a step, I heard two screams from behind me. I was shocked, and when I turned my head, I saw two pools of blood staining a large amount of snow in the snow in the distance.

In an instant, I suddenly understood something and yelled, "No!"

Unfortunately, I was too slow to shout, and there were two more wailings, and two people in white cloaks fell to the ground, with blood-stained snow on their chests.

"do not want!"

I shout again!
 Today is the first anniversary of Ghost Doctor!Hahahahaha, it's been a year, thank you readers, thank you all!bow!
(End of this chapter)

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