I shoot one at a time in the fight against Japan

Chapter 70 A Coincidental Encounter with Brother 3

Chapter 70 A Coincidental Encounter with the Third Brother

PS: Brothers, we are far away from 5000 votes. This week is probably hopeless! ! !

"Father, let's go quickly." Keiko Yamaguchi told her father, she had to spend a lot of time inside to get her father to leave, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

Could that guy actually detonate explosives?
What will he do?
End up with the Wan Guo Hotel?
"Miss Keiko." Kimura Ichiro raised a smile and looked at Keiko Yamaguchi.

"Hmph." Keiko Yamaguchi knew about Kimura Ichiro, who was the famous "killer maniac", a real war machine.

The main combat faction also has these canine teeth charging forward, so they will expand their troops thousands of miles and come to China. In name, they will build a country for others and bring them out of hardship.

In fact, it is really to harm others, and to get some benefits from it, or to realize one's own ambitions.

"General, go slowly, Ms. Keiko, go slowly." After Ichiro Kimura sent the man into the car, his eyes instantly became as cold as frost, like a cold sword glowing with cold light.

"Keiko, it seems that you don't like Ichiro Kimura very much." Takeo Yamaguchi said to his precious daughter with a smile.

"Of course, the reason why Japan continues to expand its troops is precisely because of these people, these hateful war machines, they are not here to build other people's countries, but to harm the territory and people of others, Dad, shall we go back to Japan? Don’t stay in China anymore.” Keiko Yamaguchi hoped that her father could go back to Japan and stop participating in the war. Her goal in life is very simple, she just wants to have a happy family together, and then find someone she likes to marry and meet at home Husband and child, do the duties of a housewife.

"Keiko, you can go back to Japan, but your father can't. My father is a soldier. The duty of a soldier is to obey orders. Even if you know it's wrong, you have to carry it out. This is the difference between a soldier and an ordinary person." Yamaguchi Why does Takeo not want to go back to Japan to live a peaceful life with his family.

But he is a soldier, especially in an important position, and it is almost impossible to leave, unless the emperor gives an order to return to Japan, or he is carried back in a coffin. Soldiers only have these two ways.

"Father, I don't want you to have trouble. Why don't we appeal to the peace faction in the country and ask them to tell the emperor that we want peace and not war. Now there are public grievances in the country. If this continues, I am afraid that some problems will break out in the country. "Keiko Yamaguchi is a kind-hearted woman. She hates war and hates war. It is precisely because of war that she cannot be happy at home with her parents like ordinary children.

Keiko Yamaguchi never saw her father go home once a year, and everything was caused by the war.

"Okay, Keiko, let's talk about the future. I also hope to live to see peace come." Takeo Yamaguchi responded.

Keiko Yamaguchi felt her father's helplessness, and didn't say anything.

Zhou Weihua pulled the wires in the room to create an explosive device.

There is also a clock in the room, and Zhou Weihua pulls the wires on the clock. During the set time, as long as the two wires touch together, causing a short circuit and sparks will detonate the explosives on the ground. Of course, if there is no spark When the two wires touch each other, the high temperature will also ignite the flammable things arranged by Zhou Weihua. It is double guaranteed that the little devil will not be killed if you don't believe it.

After Zhou Weihua had settled everything, he heard footsteps in the corridor outside.

Hearing that the footsteps were a little hurried, it should be that the little devil is also looking for where the explosives are hidden.

"In 3 minutes, sit and watch the fireworks bloom." Zhou Weihua did not choose to leave from the main entrance, but climbed down from the window, which was safer.

However, when Zhou Weihua was evacuating, he found a black shadow.

And he was still carrying a bag of things. Looking at the black shadow's vigorous skills and his ability to fly over the walls, Zhou Weihua thought of the "Snow Leopard" original book where there is a super-capable third brother from the rivers and lakes.

It is said that the third brother seems to be the descendant of Li San, the swallow.

As for whether it is true or not, Zhou Weihua has never met the third brother.


The third brother must know that there is a shortcut to leave the Wanguo Hotel.

Zhou Weihua followed quietly.

But following along, he found that the figure of the third brother had disappeared.


What about people?

Why did it disappear?
"Stop, who are you?" Hei Ying held a dagger against Zhou Weihua's waist, as long as this guy messed around, he would not be polite.

"Is it third brother?" Zhou Weihua asked directly.

"Are you Chinese?" The third brother asked in confusion when he heard the guy speak standard Mandarin.

"Yes, my name is Zhou Weihua, and I am Zhou Weiguo's younger brother."

"Brother Wei's younger brother?"


"Why haven't I heard that Brother Wei Guo has a younger brother?"

"I lost contact with my family five years ago, and only recently met my brother, who is on Hutou Mountain."


"Of course, Brother Zhiyuan was in the Whampoa Military Academy back then, and you were the third brother who helped to figure it out, and my brother committed a crime, and it was the third brother who helped me escape. In the end, I went to the Whampoa Military Academy and changed my name to Zhou Weiguo, right?"

"It seems that Brother Weiguo has told you everything."

The third brother put away the dagger after listening to Zhou Weihua's explanation.


Zhou Weihua breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that the third brother would stab him for a Japanese.

"Brother Wei Guo, how are you doing recently?" The third brother asked with concern.

"Very good, he is now fighting devils in the Eighth Route Army on Hutou Mountain." Zhou Weihua responded directly: "He often tells me about the deeds of the third brother, and said that he must sit down with the third brother and have a drink if he has the opportunity."

"Haha, it seems that Brother Wei Guo is still very polite. By the way, Brother Wei Hua, why are you wearing a Japanese military uniform and coming out of the little devil's room?"

"I'm going to give the little devil a big gift later."

"What gift?"

"The Great Fireworks of All Nations."

"not understand."

Zhou Weihua whispered a few words in the third brother's ear.

"Haha, you two brothers are good, third brother, I didn't get along with you." The third brother didn't expect Zhou Weihua to sneak into the room disguised as a Japanese officer and arrange explosives.

"Quick, we must find out."

"Don't miss anything."

At this time, there were bursts of voices and footsteps approaching Zhou Weihua and the others step by step.

"Third brother, do you have a shortcut to leave the Wanguo Hotel?" Zhou Weihua calculated, at this time, more than a minute has passed, if you don't hurry to leave, it will become part of the Wanguo Grand Fireworks.

"Don't worry, with the third brother here, leaving the Wanguo Hotel is as easy as eating and drinking, just follow along." The third brother didn't talk nonsense, and led Zhou Weihua to take a shortcut to leave the Wanguo Hotel.

At this time, the Japanese secret agents had come to the door of Keiko Yamaguchi's room. Now only this room has not been checked, and their order is not to let go of any possibility.

(End of this chapter)

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