Chapter 65 Caning

PS: Begging for collection, begging for votes, begging for all support! ! !
in the kitchen.

Many chefs are Japanese.

After all, tonight is a gathering of high society people in Japan.

Zhou Weihua entered inside as if entering the inspection work.

"Your Excellency, Zhong Zuo." There were also Japanese greetings to Zhou Weihua.

"Well, not bad, do it well, the people who come tonight are all from the high society circle of our Great Japanese Empire, showing off your perfect cooking skills." Zhou Weihua instructed the work in very standard Japanese.

"Yes, Your Excellency Zhong Zuo." The other chefs also responded one after another.

"You don't need to pay attention to me, I'll visit your work casually." Zhou Weihua looked like a leader inspecting work.

That momentum.

That posture.

There is nothing wrong with the levers.

Zhou Weihua looked around in the kitchen, but he didn't see any place where explosives were hidden.

After looking for the kitchen, Zhou Weihua went to the kitchen warehouse. There should be one there, right?Otherwise, how would Niu Dajun and the others carry out the bombing of the Wanguo Hotel?
Went to the kitchen warehouse.

Zhou Weihua still hadn't found a place to hide the explosives.

All of a sudden, Zhou Weihua was confused.

At this time Xu Hu and Li Wu were also strolling around the Wanguo Hotel, walking around as if nothing had happened.

"Huzi, where do you think those guys can hide the explosives?" Li Wu was also puzzled, what if those people didn't hide well and were discovered by little devils?
Isn't it a waste of work?

"You ask me, who should I ask?" Xu Hu responded.

"I thought you would know." Li Wu smiled.

"You think I know it if I know it, so be careful!" Xu Hu cast a glance, it seemed that Wei Hua was right to let him and Li Wu act together.

This stuff is very unreliable.

It's always been gossip along the way.

I'm so annoying.

If there is a bottle of medicine to shut up, he must drink the whole bottle, so that the whole world can be quiet.

"Someone, shut up." Seeing someone coming, Xu Hu hurriedly told Li Wu to shut up.

The two greet each other.

Of course, the gesture of greeting is the standard etiquette of the Japanese bending and bowing.


Xu Hu and Li Wu entered the hotel garden.

Xu Hu thought Niu Dajun would bury the explosives in the garden, right?After all, there are so many flowers and plants here, and it is easy to hide things. Detonating tens of catties or hundreds of catties of explosives here, although it cannot blow up the Wanguo Hotel, it can also stun the people inside.

"Look for it quickly, maybe it's in the garden." Xu Hu began to search for the explosives hidden by Niu Dajun in the corners of the garden, flower beds and other places.

Li Wu also went into the flower garden to look for it.

But after searching for a while, there was still no trace of explosives.

Isn't it in the garden?
Where else would it be?
"You guys, what are you doing?" Just when the two were confused, a Japanese suddenly appeared behind them and asked curiously.

"We are enjoying the flowers." Xu Hu responded in semi-standard Japanese.

"Appreciate flowers?" The Japanese were curious. Although there are lights in the garden, what can they see at night?
"Your Excellency, haven't you heard a saying in China, which is called picking flowers under the moon and presenting beauty?" Xu Hu still insisted on communicating in semi-standard Japanese.

Li Wu, who was at the side, was terrified and ready to jump over and kill the little devil at any time.

"So Karma, Major, you want to capture a beautiful girl at the party tonight, right?" The Japanese showed a wretched smile.

"Yes." Xu Hu also smiled.

"Then I won't bother you anymore. I'm going to a party to help you see if there are any beautiful flower girls." The smile on the Japanese's face became even more wretched.

"Yes." Xu Hu responded with a bow.


After the Japanese left.

The two breathed a sigh of relief.

"His grandma, it scared me to death. Just now I almost couldn't control myself and wanted to jump over and strangle that little devil to death." Li Wu was also sweating in his heart.

"It seems that you did the right thing this time. If you rushed over and strangled the Japanese impulsively, something will happen." Xu Hu also praised Li Wu for being able to hold back this time.

"Hey, I've been with you for a few days, and I can still see a little bit of sense, otherwise I would really strangle that little devil to death just now." Li Wu responded.

"Well, let's continue to search for the next place." No explosives were found in the garden, so Xu Hu was able to move to the next target toilet.

Maybe Niu Dajun and the others would hide the explosives in the toilet.

The two headed straight for the toilet.

Outside the Wanguo Hotel.

Nakamura Jiro has a lot of eyes around him.

As long as there is any movement around, it cannot escape the eyes of Nakamura Jiro.

"Report, Captain Nakamura, our interrogation has yielded results." At this time, a special agent came to Nakamura Jiro to report on the interrogation.

"What result?" Nakamura Jiro turned his head and asked.

"They want to blow up the Wanguo Hotel, and want to bury the upper class people of our Great Japanese Empire in the Wanguo Hotel, but fortunately, these people were caught by us, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous." The spy reported the situation and said: " but."

"But what?" Nakamura Jiro frowned.

"We couldn't ask where they hid the explosives, and the other one couldn't pry his mouth open with all kinds of interrogation skills."

"Baga, useless things."


"Now it means that the explosives are most likely hidden in the Wanguo Hotel?"

"Yes, other people only know to hide in the hotel. As for where, only that big fool knows."

"Baga, Baga is pressing the road, what are you doing in a daze, quickly send someone to search, and most of the guests have already entered the hotel, you must not panic, let alone cause turmoil, search quietly, do you understand?"

"Yes, I will take someone to search now."

After the secret agents left.

Nakamura Jiro still felt uneasy, and decided to interrogate that guy himself, and he must ask where the explosives were hidden. He would never be at ease until the danger was lifted, especially when there were so many elites from the Imperial Japanese Empire in the hotel.

In a house near the Wanguo Hotel.

Niu Dajun was tied up, and his whole body was covered with scars. Judging from his tortured appearance, he must have been tortured and interrogated by the little devil just now.

"Little devil, come on, use all your tortures, I am not afraid of the old cow." Niu Dajun looked at the panting little devil and roared.

"Biga pressing the road." A little devil could understand what Niu Dajun said.

The little devil swung the whip in Niu Dajun's body, leaving another fiery scar.

"Come on, don't stop, if you have the ability to kill me, you don't want to know where the explosives are hidden." Niu Dajun roared, enduring the burning pain. He was not even afraid of death, but he was also afraid of being tortured by a small whip ?
"Baga, Baga!" The little devil was also furious, and slapped Niu Dajun with the whip in his hand, as if what he was whipping was not a human, but a "pig".

"Hahaha" Niu Dajun laughed instead of screaming.

(End of this chapter)

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