Chapter 48 Artillery Brigade (please collect, ask for tickets!!)

PS: No one rewards, no one leaves a message, the collection is still growing slowly, the author's update speed is not enough, brothers, give me a wave, let me fill up the gas and sprint! ! ! !

"Brother." Zhou Weiguo immediately shouted to Zhu Ziming and others with support from the Third Company of the Independent Regiment.

"Brother Weiguo." Seeing the support from the Second Leader, Zhu Ziming immediately relaxed, which proved that Xiao Ya and the others had gone up the mountain safely.

"Brother, are you all right?" Zhou Weiguo looked at the big boss and they had five people left, and their mental state was slightly exhausted.

"Are the brothers and sisters all right?"

"It's all very good, thanks for your hard work, brother."

"Wei Guo, I almost felt sorry for you."

"Brother, let's not talk about this kind of thing, what about Wei Hua and the others?"

"Xu Hu and Li Wu are over there. As for little brother Wei Hua, I didn't see anyone else, and I couldn't even hear the gunfire."

Zhu Ziming had also carefully searched for where Zhou Weihua's figure was hiding just now, but he couldn't even see the shadows at all except seeing the enemies being snipered one by one.

"Okay, I got it." Zhou Weiguo understood. His brother has a sniper rifle, so Wei Hua must be hiding somewhere in a sniper spot to snipe the little devil: "Everyone obeys the order, divides into left and right wings to encircle the little devil, and puts the little devil on his body. Fire up all the bullets, and immediately retreat up the hill."

"Yes." The others responded one after another.

"Brother Weiguo, why did you retreat up the mountain?" Deng Guangrong was a little puzzled, didn't they come down to stop the enemy?Why did you retreat back to the mountain?

"Execute the order first, and you will know when you retreat back." Zhou Weiguo didn't want to explain so much now, especially when he was on the battlefield, how could he have so much time to explain.

"Yes." Deng Guangrong still accepted the order.

Immediately lead his three companies into battle.

Suppress all the troops that the little devil rushed up and beat them back.

"Brothers of Sanlian, go ahead."

"Little devil, this is the territory of our independent regiment, kill it!"

"Go, little devil, your grandpa's."

The comrades of the third company were like howling wolves, suppressing the little devil's assault troops with powerful firepower.

Da da
The bullets poured down like a storm, as if to drown the little devil in the rain of bullets.

"Brother Wen's support is really fast enough." Zhou Weihua was lying on a certain sniper spot, using the scope to watch his brother leading the Eighth Route Army soldiers to block the little devil's charge.

As a sniper, Zhou Weihua naturally chose to snipe out the powerful firepower of the enemy.


The bullet instantly reaped the little devil's life.

One shot for a little devil.

"Biga crushing the road, Baga crushing the road!" Seeing his soldiers retreating again and again, the little devil's commander yelled angrily, "Come on, you all go up to me."

How to rush?

With such a large firepower suppression, one of them rushed forward, and one was killed.

Moreover, their powerful fire support was shot down by enemy snipers in an instant, so how could they charge?
"Let the artillery bomb." The captain of the little devil's regiment gave an order to the officers around him. Now he can only use artillery to suppress the enemy's momentum with artillery fire.

"The artillery is ready." The little devil and the officer shouted.

The little devil's artillery pointed their cannons in the direction of Zhou Weiguo and others.

"Fire the cannon." The little devil's artillery brigade officer shouted loudly.

The artillery commander waved the artillery flag in his hand.

Boom boom boom.
A round of shells soared into the sky.

The whole ground was full of flames, flying sand and stones.

The billowing black smoke seemed to blacken the sky on Hutou Mountain.

Boom boom boom!
There was a burst of shelling.

The earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking.

The powerful shock wave killed and wounded the soldiers of the third company, like a large meat grinder constantly turning the hob.

Immediately, blood and flesh foam can be seen everywhere.

"Get down, get down." Zhou Weiguo didn't expect that the little devil's artillery brigade would support him so quickly.

Boom boom boom.

Another burst of shelling.

Many craters one or two meters deep were left on the ground.

"Damn it, the little devil's artillery is really powerful." Zhou Weihua used AWM to drive the artillery brigade in the distance to bombard his brother and the others, feeling uncomfortable in his heart.

Zhou Weihua wanted to use the AWM to snipe the artillery brigades one by one, but the effective range of the AWM sniper rifle was 1100 meters, and he had the basic marksman skills, so he could advance the effective distance to about 1500 meters at most.

But the Little Devils Artillery Brigade was two or three kilometers away, so they couldn't kill effectively at all.

Zhou Weiguo watched as the third company led by his brother was being bombarded and disturbed by the little devils, and could not exert its due combat effectiveness at all.

"Boy Zhou, the artillery brigade of the little devil has arrived, let's retreat to the mountain." At this time Li Wu and Xu Hu appeared beside Zhou Weihua and said.

"We can't go up the mountain yet." Zhou Weihua watched the two retreat to his side, and suddenly had an idea in his mind.

"Why?" Li Wu asked incomprehensibly.

"There's no reason, just follow along." Zhou Weihua picked up the AWM and hurriedly shifted his position. This time, he didn't move to find a sniper spot, but more to get close to the little devil's artillery brigade, and that was his purpose.

"Huzi, do you know what boy Zhou is going to do?" Li Wu felt that Xu Hu and boy Zhou were the most around, so he should be able to guess what he was going to do next.

"Get rid of the devil's artillery brigade." Xu Hu knew that the little devil's threat was the greatest at this time, and the only way to stop the fire was to stop the devil's artillery or destroy the artillery brigade.

The head of the regiment and the supporting Eighth Route Army had a chance to retreat.

"Really?" When Li Wu heard that he was going to beat the little devil's artillery battalion, he was as excited as if he had been beaten.

"I'm not too sure, but according to the current situation, Wei Hua is the artillery brigade who wants to make a high profile for the little devil.

"Hey, don't worry about it so much, just keep up." Li Wu's 'chicken blood' appearance hurriedly followed.

Xu Hu smiled helplessly.

The devil's artillery battalion is not so easy to deal with.

But Xu Hu believes that Zhou Weihua has a way to deal with it, just keep up.


The artillery commander of the little devil watched the bombing situation with a telescope while directing the soldiers to aim in the direction.

Boom boom boom.

Another cannonball "poured" like a torrential rain, vowing to wipe out the Eighth Route Army and the Chinese people on Hutou Mountain to avenge the head of the brigade.

In the devil's headquarters.

Taro Tanaka uses binoculars to observe the battlefield situation.

"Okay, well played."

"Show off the military power of our Great Japanese Empire."

"We Imperial Japanese soldiers should have such an aura."

Tanaka Taro saw that they had regained the initiative on the battlefield, and showed a happy expression. The soldiers of the Empire of Japan should be like this, not like last night when they were attacked by the Chinese people so embarrassingly that even the brigade commander was attacked and killed.

"Let the [-]rd Wing and the [-]th Battalion advance forward immediately. We must occupy absolutely favorable terrain." Taro Tanaka ordered the troops to advance to see what the Eighth Route Army could do to resist the imperial soldiers' attack.

"Yes." The officer immediately took the order, and directly asked the correspondent to issue an advance order to the people of the third wing and the fourth battalion.

(End of this chapter)

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