I shoot one at a time in the fight against Japan

Chapter 40 Killed a little devil and a big official

Chapter 40 Killed a little devil and a big official (please collect, please vote!!)
PS: Brothers, what is your posture as a battalion commander?Quickly pull out your Italian cannon and bombard me to death! ! !

Sure enough, within 5 minutes of Zhou Weihua's retreat, the little devil's troops quickly shrank, trying to surround Zhou Weihua and others, but unfortunately they had disappeared.

"Baga is pressing the road." Laiyang County Deputy Brigade Chief cursed.

They even let the nasty Chinese escape.

And they paid the price of the brigade commander's sacrifice.


What a shame.

It is simply a shame to the soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Empire.

"We want to launch a Jedi counterattack and let the hateful Chinese people know how powerful we are. We Imperial Japanese soldiers are the most powerful soldiers. We will launch an attack on Hutou Mountain." The deputy head of the brigade made a decision in a rage. Therefore, the reason why the bandits in Qingfengzhai escaped was entirely due to the joining of the Hutou Mountain Eighth Route Army.

Now that Taro Tanaka has become the supreme commander of this reinforced regiment, he naturally wants to avenge the sacrificed brigade commander and kill all the hateful Chinese people.

The location in the col.

The battle was fierce.

Artillery roared.

Flying sand and gravel.

Clouds of black smoke curled up.

The sound of explosions rang throughout the night over Qingfengzhai.

Da da
Zhou Weiguo led a battalion of Hutou Mountain to attack with all its strength, and the bullets poured down like a storm, annihilating the two squadrons of the little devils in the col.

"It's cool, it's really cool." Morita had the most fun killing devils since he killed them this time. I don't know how many little devils fell under his gun.

"It's fine." Zhou Weiguo smiled.

"Hey, it's cool to fight devils with the second master. I, Morita, have never done such a cool thing. Today is really enough." Morita showed a smirk, and today was really enjoyable.

"Brother Weiguo, this battle was fought beautifully." Li Yong walked over happily. He did not expect Zhou Weiguo's military command ability to be very strong.

"The brothers from the Independent Regiment are still very good. They are not afraid to fight the little devils, and they are very aggressive. I, Zhou Weiguo, admire the brothers from the Independent Regiment very much." Zhou Weiguo responded. He is not yet a member of the Independent Regiment. The members of the Hutou Mountain Independent Group can only be called brothers.

"Brother Wei Guo was joking. Your leadership ability should not be underestimated. As expected, Commander Qiu is right. He knows Brother Wei Guo's leadership and command ability, but he doesn't know what Brother Wei Guo did before?" Li Yong still thought Learn about Zhou Weiguo's past.

"Let's talk about this later." Zhou Weiguo didn't know whether to say it or not, so he kept it for now and made it clear after this battle was over!

"Okay, after we win, I'd like to have a drink with Brother Wei on Hutou Mountain for three days, and have a good chat about leading the army to fight."

"Okay, it's a deal."

"Brother Wei, what should we do now?"

"We are going back to Hutou Mountain now."

"return to?"



"The reason is very simple. In this battle, although our Qingfeng Village is the leader, due to the participation of the independent group, the entire battlefield is within the controllable range, especially the power of the little devil. I believe they will definitely We will launch an attack on the Hutou Mountain Independent Regiment as revenge for your participation in this campaign to encircle and suppress Qingfengzhai."

"Well, according to what you said, Brother Weiguo, it is indeed very possible. I need to report to the head of the regiment and wait for his order. Whether we should retreat back to Hutou Mountain."


Li Yong contacted the team leader through a correspondent and reported the matter.

In particular, it also explained that Zhou Weiguo played a major role in this battle, and also fully explained that Zhou Weiguo wanted to retreat back to Hutou Mountain.

Immediately obtained Qiu Ming's affirmation, he agreed to withdraw all the first battalion to Hutou Mountain for defense.

"Brother Weiguo, the head of the regiment agrees that we will return to the defense of Hutou Mountain. You will still be the military commander this time, and I will serve as the deputy commander and obey your orders." Li Yong responded excitedly.

"Okay then." Zhou Weiguo originally didn't want to agree with him as the chief military officer, but the enemy couldn't allow him to think too much at the moment, and when they returned to Fanghutou Mountain, the sky would probably be bright.

The little devil's advance speed is very fast.

Now Zhou Weiguo wants to compete with the enemy for time.


Just race against time to see who can get back to Hutou Mountain faster.

At this time, Qiu Ming and the political commissar also left the battlefield, because it was dawn.

The little devil's counterattack was very fast, especially when the little devil shrank all his troops back to the defense. It was very difficult for them to get in again. Moreover, they quickly supported the brothers in Qingfengzhai from Hutou Mountain, and the ammunition they carried was consumed during the battle. Annihilate a battalion of devils.

"Head, how should we go now?" the political commissar asked.

"Retreat back to Hutou Mountain, set up defenses on Hutou Mountain, and wait for the little devil to come." Qiu Ming immediately decided to retreat back to Hutou Mountain.

"Huh? Retreat back? Are we not here to stop the little devil?" The political commissar was somewhat puzzled.

"It's dawn now, and the tactics used to stop the enemy are no longer effective, and some people have already predicted that the little devil will launch a counterattack against us, and are rushing to Hutou Mountain to deploy defense work." Qiu Ming also felt that the little devil would counterattack them, Especially when I saw through the binoculars just now that the little devil was dispatching very quickly and was very angry.

Of course, Qiu Ming didn't know what happened. If he knew that the top commander of the little devil, Jin Weiwen, was beaten to death, he would laugh until his teeth fell out.

"The person you are talking about should be someone from Qingfengzhai?" The political commissar suddenly thought of something.

"That's right, they have already thought of it for us, so we have to rush back. The speed of the little devil is not for bragging. Let's retreat quickly." Qiu Ming responded.

"Understood." The political commissar understood.

At this time, Zhou Weihua and Xu Hu all escaped from the encirclement of the little devils.

They hurriedly took off the little devil's military uniforms and put on their own clothes.

"Boy Zhou, I just saw the devil was furious, as if he was going to eat us up, who did you kill the little devil?" Li Wu was almost out of breath after being chased by the little devil.

"I also want to know who it is, but I'm sure it should be a senior officer of the little devil, at least a senior officer or above." Zhou Weihua guessed, otherwise the little devil would not chase them desperately and exhaust all their resources.

"Boss? How old is that officer?" Of course Li Wu didn't understand the rank of the little devil's officer.

"The battalion commander, or above the battalion commander, I think it should be the chief of staff or something." Xu Hu responded with a smile.

"I think it should be bigger, but let's see the information later." In fact, the person Zhou Weihua wanted to kill more was the head of the little devil brigade, or the deputy head of the brigade.

"Boy Zhou, shall we go back to Qingfengzhai next? Where should we go?" Li Wu decided to follow Zhou Weihua, no matter where he went, because following this boy to fight devils was really cool.

(End of this chapter)

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