I shoot one at a time in the fight against Japan

Chapter 1072 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

Chapter 1072 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

When the other soldiers heard Zhou Weihua's words, they felt incredible. After all, Xiao Luo was his soldier.

And also a pretty good soldier.

If you really want to fight the [-]th battle, it will be a bit hurt. Whether you can stand up and go into battle in a short time is still a problem.

"Brigade Commander Zhou doesn't need to be so strict. We can't defend properly, so we can make up for it." Xie Cheng also persuaded him. After all, Ronaldinho is a good fighter. If he really hits [-] boards, it will hurt his body. .

"If you make a mistake, you will be punished. Military law is military law. It is useless to ask for mercy. The army is powerless." Zhou Weihua directly responded to Xie Cheng's words. Now he wants to show everyone and give everyone an attitude.

Let them know that our military law and discipline are strict, and no one can make mistakes, and they will be punished if they make mistakes.

"..." Xie Cheng could only be speechless after hearing Zhou Weihua's words, and then looked at Xiao Luo.

"Xiao Luo, do you think you should be punished?" Zhou Weihua looked at Xiao Luo who was standing silently by the side and asked directly.

"Since you have done something wrong, you have to accept punishment. There is nothing to say. If the Japanese invade instead of inspection, our defensive loopholes will cause a series of sacrifices of comrades-in-arms, meaningless sacrifices. Then I am a The biggest sinner, even if I take my life to subsidize, it will not subsidize many lives."

"We only have the strictest discipline and follow all plans. We must not make mistakes anywhere, otherwise our comrades will sacrifice for no reason."

Ronaldinho responded directly to everyone, he is willing to accept any punishment, after all, he made a mistake first.

As Zhou Weihua's soldier, Ronaldinho should strictly carry out the mission, and if he fails to meet the mission requirements, he will be punished without any objection or resistance.

After everyone heard Xiao Luo's flowers, I felt serious, especially the soldiers of the county regiment admired Zhou Weihua and all his soldiers even more.

"Come on, drag it down and enforce the military law." Zhou Weihua waved his hand, and other soldiers took him down.

After a while, Ronaldinho was taken down directly.

Now the new defense team leader took over and began to fill in the loopholes. People followed the soldiers who came all the way to check, and those who had defense tasks all ran back to check, because they didn't know whether Zhou Weihua would be drawn to their place.

If anyone is drawn, if a loophole is found, the punishment will be very severe.

Especially Xie Cheng's soldiers were even more nervous. They all saw how cruel Zhou Weihua was to his own soldiers, let alone to them.

After the soldiers went back, they began to constantly check and screen to see what was missing and what was missing. If it was not enough, they would make up.

Zhou Weihua smiled when he saw all the enthusiasm of the soldiers. It seems that the effect of killing chickens and respecting monkeys has already been achieved.

"Brigade Commander Zhou still has a way. You can mobilize everyone's enthusiasm at once and let them strengthen their defense." Xie Cheng naturally saw that Zhou Weihua's method had a great effect. Get everyone motivated.

"Without some means, how to make them active, just keep stimulating them, make them feel afraid, and establish prestige in front of them, then they will be afraid of you, afraid that you will admire you in the future, and after admiring you, they will do it Do your job well and strictly execute the tasks." Zhou Weihua gave Xie Cheng a vivid commanding lesson directly.

"I really saw it today, and I learned another trick." Xie Cheng did learn a lot, and Zhou Weihua was like a treasure, constantly learning new knowledge for him.

"There are many things to learn. We must be curious, constantly update ourselves, and make ourselves stronger. Only when we become stronger can our country become stronger." Zhou Weihua patted Xie Cheng on the shoulder and said.

"Yes, I want to study with Brigadier Zhou in the past few days and learn the essence as soon as possible."

"Let's go and inspect other places to work."

"But Brigadier Zhou, do your men really want to fight Ronaldinho? He is a good soldier. If he really wants to fight Ronaldinho's Thirty Army Staff Army, it will really hurt his body. I guess he won't be able to do anything in a short time. Go to the battlefield again."

"You can tell if my people have made a move by listening to that voice."

Zhou Weihua smiled, and then pointed to the screams emanating from the air.

Really hit?
And the screams are so miserable, the beating must be very hurt.

Brigadier Zhou is indeed a ruthless person, and his subordinates hate him even more.

Only ruthless people can do ruthless things, and now Xie Cheng has learned some skills.

Continue to follow Zhou Weihua to patrol, and see if there are any loopholes in other places, especially whether the soldiers in his own troops are strictly implementing Brigadier Zhou's defense plan. If there are loopholes, he will execute orders without hesitation.

The scene must also be worthy of the soldiers of Zhou Weihua's army, and everyone must be given an absolutely fair and just opportunity, and no one will be shielded.


Ronaldinho was yelling at the side, and his expression still looked very painful, as if he had been beaten many times.

"How are you doing now?" Ronaldinho shouted while looking into the distance to see who was coming.

It is estimated that no one has come over now, after all, everyone is busy checking their defensive positions to see if there are any loopholes.

If any loopholes are detected by the captain, the end will be the same as himself.

"I said Ronaldinho, are you still acting? You are really tired from our cooperation like this!" A soldier said directly holding a stick.

"Oh, brother, if you are tired, you will be tired. I will get you something delicious some other day." Xiao Luo responded directly.

"But is it really okay for us to act like this? Wouldn't it be a big problem if we were discovered by the captain or someone else?" Another soldier was a little worried. He was worried that the captain would blame him.

"Don't worry, the captain won't blame me. Why is he making fun of me? Is my defense plan really that bad? In fact, it's not bad at all. The captain said it on purpose." Luo things have seen the captain's intentions.

"The captain did it on purpose?" The team members looked at Ronaldinho suspiciously.

"Yes, the captain did it on purpose. He was killing a chicken for the monkey to see." Ronaldinho responded analytically.

"No way, then who is the chicken and who is the monkey?" The team members looked at Ronaldinho even more suspiciously.

"Does this need to be explained? Oh, I am a chicken, and the others are monkeys. Now that the chicken has been killed, the captain must go to check the other monkeys. It seems that the monkeys are performing well. If the execution is not in place, continue to kill the chickens for the monkeys to see. "Ronaldo's analysis is very good. He has spent some time with the captain, so he naturally knows the captain's character.

"No way, the captain is so scary, he actually used you to build his prestige." The eyes of the two team members widened, and they didn't see what the captain meant.

(End of this chapter)

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