Chapter 86 The Siege of Shangdang
On the second day of the Qiangyang County incident, Lu Bu was called to the mansion by the old general.

The old general reprimanded Lu Bu severely, without showing any mercy.

Zhang Zhong sent someone to investigate Gao Shun, who used to be a centurion, but was relegated to a ranch in Qiangyang County because of a crime, and became a servant. It can be said that he had nothing to do with Lu Bu.

So the old general couldn't figure out why Lu Bu was so mobilizing with a servant, and even beheaded Du Xun, the county magistrate, and Zhang Yi's nephew Zhou Fu.

Such hasty and reckless actions are simply a taboo for generals.

Lu Bu stood below, not feeling at all wrong with himself, and straightened his back.He has always been an arrogant person, and what he did was in line with the will of the people, but now the old general has been blaming him, which made Lu Bu very dissatisfied and raised his head and said loudly: "What are the consequences, I, Lu Bu, will bear it alone. That is, never drag the general down."

Hearing this, the old general, with his long gray beard trembling non-stop, threw a bundle of bamboo slips directly on Lu Bu's body, pressed his hands on the copywriting, and almost roared at Lu Bu: "Carry? What are you holding?" Carry it! Can you bear it!"

Lu Bu couldn't help but stagnate the energy in his heart, the aura of the old general at this moment completely suppressed him, this has nothing to do with the level of martial arts, but the aura and majesty of a person who has been in power for many years.It's like one day you will become famous all over the world, and when you see your childhood wife with a straight face, you will still feel sorry for him.

Lu Bu turned his head to one side, but it could be seen from his face that he was not convinced.

The old general took a deep breath, leaned his arms on the writing table, rubbed the acupuncture points on both sides of his forehead with his hands, tried to calm down the anger in his heart, and waved his other hand at Lu Bu, "You go down first, go back Reflect on it carefully, when you figure it out, when will you come see me again."

Originally, the low-ranking general and the school lieutenant committed a crime, and Zhang Zhong, as the general of Zhenbei, could handle it all by himself, but Zhang Yi took the matter to the court, which was a serious matter.As a frontier general, Lu Bu interfered in government affairs, disarmed the local armed forces, executed the county magistrate, and killed the son of a family... No matter which one, it was enough to dismiss Lu Bu from his post and exile, even if he was sentenced to death, it would not be an exaggeration.

The old general gave the order to drive away the guests, and Lu Bu clasped his fists together, turned around and left the main hall.

Seeing Lu Bu coming out, Han Lie, who was guarding the door, hurriedly took Lu Bula aside, looked around twice, and then said in a low voice, "Boy Lu, you have really caused a disaster this time. I After following the old general for so many years, this is the first time I saw him get so angry. Last night, the old general stayed up all night and wrote more than a dozen letters to Luoyang, all of which were pleading for you."

The expression on Lu Bu's face was stunned. The people at Yanmen Pass didn't know that the old general was just and strict all his life.Now, for him, he risked being criticized and begged those dignitaries in Luoyang.However, the old general did not have deep-rooted connections in Luoyang, so even if those letters arrived in Luoyang, they would probably be nothing but a drop in the bucket.

For a moment, Lu Bu felt very mixed feelings in his heart. Thinking of the conversation with the old general just now, he couldn't help feeling a little guilty.He wanted to go back and apologize, but he also thought that the old general was angry at the moment, and going back might only add fuel to the fire, so Lu Bu had no choice but to cup his fists at Han Lie and said, "Brother Han, please tell the general, just say Lu Bu knew he was wrong."

Han Lie readily agreed. In fact, he was extremely happy when he heard about this yesterday. He even gave the old general a thumbs up, saying that Lu Fengxian is a neat kid.

Back at the camp outside the pass, Lu Bu visited Gao Shun from a distance first. He was practicing bow refusal, so he stood under the sun for two hours.

Gao Shun was different from Yang Ting, who stabbed people every now and then. He had a burly appearance, but he was subtle and cautious in his heart, especially his perseverance, which even Lu Bu felt a bit ashamed of.

Originally, Gao Shun was going to take the post of military marquis directly, but Gao Shun refused to agree to it, and insisted on being an ordinary soldier, otherwise he would rather go back to feed the horses.This made Lu Bu lament Gao Shun's stubbornness, but at the same time he could only agree to it first, dumbfounded.

Li Su came back with him and was appointed as a centurion.However, Lu Bu had greeted him beforehand, and the wolf cavalry battalion were full of bloody and irascible men, whether they could suppress the people under his command depended entirely on his own ability.

The wolf riding camp has always been a place where strength speaks for itself.

After making a round of inspections, Lu Bu entered his camp.

Seeing Lu Bu coming in, Xi Ce put down the bamboo slips in his hand, but didn't get up, he just smiled and asked, "What did the old general say?"

Regarding the incident in Qiangyang County, although the plotter did not personally participate in it, he knew all the incidents through Cao Xing's big mouth.

Lu Bu didn't hide anything, and told all the things and tricks that the old general scolded him.

After Xi Ce listened patiently, his deep eyes were as calm as ever, without any waves.He got up and returned the bamboo slips on the desk one by one to their original positions, and instead of looking at Lu Bu, he just smiled and said: "It's a good thing that the old general is willing to scold you, the more fierce the scolding, the better. It just shows your weight and position in the heart of the old general."

Lu Bu nodded as if he was being taught by a disciple, and waited until Xi Ce finished fiddling with the bamboo slips before sitting opposite him.

Six days later, the matter of Qiangyang County also came to a final conclusion.

The imperial court's approval document was first passed to the governor Zhang Yi, then passed on to Zhang Zhong, and finally passed down in turn.

The outcome of the matter surprised everyone.It probably means that Lv Bu is brave, and now that the imperial court is in the midst of employing people, let's write down Lv Bu's crimes for the time being, and then pay off his merits and crimes when he fights against Xianbei.Finally, Lu Bu's half-year salary was deducted as a punishment.

Such a result, even the old general did not expect.He originally wrote to those old guys in Luoyang who still had a bit of love, only hoping to save Lu Bu's life, but unexpectedly nothing happened.

At the court, the relatives and the eunuchs had quarreled many times over this matter. Later, His Majesty the Emperor yawned and said 'keep it', which made everyone quiet down.

Lu Bu felt a little distressed about this. Apart from defending his family and country, the only thing a man can count on when he enlists in the army is a small salary every month. After all, he still expects this man to marry a wife. Now it is good, and he will be gone in half a year. .

The most dumbfounded person was none other than Zhang Yi. He thought that Lu Bu had committed several serious crimes this time and would surely die, so that he could avenge his dead nephew.I never thought that what I waited for was such an oolong result.

It is said that on the night of knowing the answer, Zhang Yi broke dozens of cups and bowls at home. As for whether it is true or not, there is no way to verify it.

One day a few days later, there was urgent news from Shangdang County.

A bandit force of unknown origin suddenly broke into Shangdang and surrounded the county. Jiang Zou, the governor of Shangdang County, asked the old general to send troops to rescue him.

The old general made a prompt decision and sent someone to call Lu Bu to lead a battalion of wolf cavalry to rescue Shangdang.

Bingzhou has a small population, with a total of 6 to [-] soldiers. In the battle of Yanmenguan, more than [-] people died in the battle. In addition, Zhang Zhong transferred [-] from various counties, resulting in an empty rear, and there were no soldiers to defend.

In addition, Shangdang County is quite far from Yanmen Pass. If a large-scale mobilization of troops is made, the distant water cannot save the nearby fire. Moreover, the Xianbei people have not completely withdrawn from Bingzhou, so it is difficult to mobilize large-scale troops to encircle and suppress.

Do you just give up Shangdang County like this?

Of course it is impossible, Shangdang is the gateway to the south of Bingzhou, and its strategic terrain is not much better than Yanmen Pass.Moreover, the Yan family, the first family, lived in Shangdang.

Therefore, Shangdang County must not allow any mistakes.

And all of this can only be done by Lu Bu's Wolf Riding Battalion.

After receiving the old general's order, Lu Bu immediately summoned all the soldiers of the Qilang riding battalion, put on their armor and mounted their horses, and galloped southeast after leaving the camp to break the siege of Shangdang.

(Another consecutive rewarding brother, 'Qing Wu Qing Yang' and Black and White Wufeng Xinxin Sajia have received it, thank you)

(End of this chapter)

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