Drive the RV back to Datang

Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Going to Chang'an

Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Going to Chang'an
The eunuch looked at Li Hao in surprise. Whose family's child is this? He is too good at doing things. With this acting style, he will be able to climb up to the court in a few years.

"Although Hao is young, he is full of passion for serving the country, scolding Fang Qiu, his loyalty to the emperor, the world can show, the sun and the moon can learn..." Li Hao became more and more energetic, and couldn't stop at all.

The eunuch saw that he was showing his loyalty in various ways endlessly, and he was too deep into the drama, so he quickly raised his hand to stop him: "Okay, okay, it's okay, Your Majesty knows your loyalty, let's hurry."

Li Hao blinked and looked at him: "Is that enough?"

The eunuch's eyebrows twitched, and he nodded helplessly: "Enough, enough."

"Oh, let's go." After Li Hao finished speaking, he got into the carriage directly, and the whole movement was done in one go.

But the eunuch was stunned. It was the first time he had encountered such a master for so many years as a eunuch delivering edicts. It's over.

From Li Hao's point of view, it was the eunuch who took himself seriously. Li Hao made the credit, and the reward was given by the emperor.

Since the eunuch delivering the decree is just a courier, why do many officials still try to curry favor with them? It is good for them to be promoted if they can say a few words in front of the emperor, and it is precisely because many officials fawn on the eunuch who passed the decree that they are used to their arrogance.

Seeing that he was still standing under the car in a daze, Li Hao raised the curtain and said, "Elder-in-law, get in the car, are you going back to Chang'an?"

The eunuch sighed helplessly. If it were someone else, he would probably be putting on airs. However, Li Hao is only a 14-year-old child who has not yet learned so much about human relationships. bad luck.

After boarding the carriage, the cavalry leader rode to the side of the carriage and asked, "Eunuch Huang, are you ready to go?"

Eunuch Huang replied, "Let's go."

"Let's go!" The cavalry leader shouted, and the team set off, leaving the Jinshui Bridge and heading west.

Li Hao and Eunuch Huang sat opposite each other in the carriage, staring at each other. The more Eunuch Huang looked at Li Hao, the more he felt that this kid was not a good bird. He didn't know why he had such an idea, even he was baffled.

Seeing him staring at him, Li Hao blinked quickly, and then raised the topic: "Elder-in-law, your surname is Huang?"

"That's right, our family name is Huang Ming'an." Eunuch Huang replied indifferently.

"The surname is Huang." Li Hao praised against his will.

Seeing that he was so perfunctory in his praise, Huang An raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's a good way to be surnamed Huang?"

This person really doesn't know how to chat. When people say your name is good, it's a compliment to you, but you are better. You won't let go if you drag your tail.

"Why is the surname Huang good..." Li Hao grinned and turned on the nonsense mode, "Because it's very yellow and violent."

"What?" Eunuch Huang was stunned for a moment, and suddenly became furious, "Why is our family violent?!"

"Eh..." Li Hao suddenly realized his mistake, and told an eunuch that he was very pornographic and violent. Isn't that playing the piano to a cow?

When Eunuch Huang saw that he was looking at his lower body, he clamped his legs and hissed loudly: "Brat, where are you looking!"

Li Hao quickly shifted his gaze and looked around: "Ah, the weather today is really nice, the sun is shining brightly, and there are no clouds in the sky..."

The journey to Chang'an was very unpleasant, to be precise, Eunuch Huang was very unhappy. Ever since Li Hao glanced at him on the third road, Eunuch Huang always felt chilly in his lower body. Now whenever he sees Li Hao, he can't help but tighten his grip. Legs, that feeling... so shameful, he really wanted to slap Li Hao, and Li Hao's performance was really bad, everyone made it so unpleasant, just stare at each other after meeting, he Fortunately, like a normal person, he greeted Eunuch Huang warmly when meeting each other. Every time he smiled with a harmless smile on his face, Eunuch Huang was covered in goose bumps. Within three days of departure, Eunuch Huang became constipated Yes, the accompanying doctor Liu made a diagnosis for Eunuch Huang, saying that it was an imbalance of yin and yang, excess fire, or in modern terms, an endocrine disorder.

Imperial Physician Liu took care of Eunuch Huang carefully, and the two of them naturally chatted a lot. During the chat, they talked about Li Hao. Wan Yu, but he didn't know how to say it, Eunuch Huang suddenly seemed to have found his little brother who had been lost for many years, ah, bah, like a brother who had been lost for many years, he cried and told himself that Li Hao had caused him to be constipated for the torment these days Wait, at the end of the chat, the two of them summed up their evaluation of Li Hao in two words - "Asshole".

Because Eunuch Huang was afraid of Li Hao, Li Hao monopolized the entire carriage. To be honest, the damping effect of the carriage in the Tang Dynasty was almost zero. It's bad luck for the donkey to lay the donkey's egg. Fortunately, since the one-day relationship with Cuihua, the donkey's egg is so good-tempered that there is nothing to say.

Eunuch Huang was overjoyed to see Li Hao abandoning his cart and riding a donkey. He dragged Imperial Physician Liu into the carriage together. He didn't know what they were talking about inside. Li Hao privately speculated that they were trying to stir up trouble.

Xuzhou was still a little far away from Chang'an, and their team did not move fast. Eight days later, in the afternoon, they finally arrived in Chang'an. Eunuch Huang placed Li Hao in the Huaiyuan Post Station and returned to Li Shimin.

When Eunuch Huang saw Li Shimin, Li Shimin had just finished his dinner and summoned Fang Xuanling and his eldest grandson Wuji in the Ganlu Hall. As soon as he heard that Huang An was back, he immediately declared his presence. Then he asked happily: "Huang An, can you bring Li Hao here?"

Huang An bowed and replied: "Return to Your Majesty, this servant has fulfilled his mission and has successfully brought Li Hao to Chang'an, and now he is placed in Huaiyuan Station."

"En." Li Shimin nodded in satisfaction, "Well done, oh, by the way, you have met this Li Hao, tell me what kind of person he is, and it will help me understand my curiosity."

"Eh..." Huang An's expression became a little complicated when he heard this, and he didn't know how to answer.

Seeing his hesitation, Li Shimin frowned in displeasure: "What's the matter, can't you tell me?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, it's really not easy to say." Huang An decided to sue Li Hao first, whoever made him look down at him three times to greet him, scolding people and not revealing faults.

"Oh?" Li Shimin raised his eyebrows, stepped down from the throne, came to Huang An, and asked with dignity, "Why is it hard to say, I let you say it!"

"Yes!" Huang An bowed and began to slander Li Hao, "This Li Hao is naturally eccentric, and when talking to him, the words don't match the words, and he doesn't know what to say at all."

"There is such a thing?" Li Shimin frowned when he heard the words, and said again, "Is there anything else?"

Huang An continued: "This Li Hao's words and deeds are grotesque, and he humiliated the old slave. He is simply a jerk."

Li Shimin hurriedly asked: "How did he humiliate you?"

Huang An didn't care about being ashamed, and told the truth: "He knew that the old slave was an eunuch, but he deliberately stared at the lower part of the old slave."

When Li Shimin heard this, he almost laughed, but fortunately, he had good concentration, so he held back abruptly, and excused Li Hao: "Is that... no wonder him, kid, I haven't seen anything in the world, yes Novel people and things must be very curious.”

Huang An didn't dare to refute, and nodded repeatedly: "What your Majesty said is true, what you said is true."

"Is there any more?" Li Shimin asked again.

Huang An said again: "The old slave heard that he once vomited blood from the doctor Liu."

"Oh?" Li Shimin raised his eyebrows, pondered for a moment and asked, "Which Imperial Physician Liu?"

Huang An almost vomited blood when he heard the words, and secretly cried out in his heart: "Emperor Liu, what are you doing, even His Majesty can't remember you, so don't blame me for not helping you."

Huang An replied with a bitter face: "Liu Haoran, Physician Liu."

"Oh." Li Shimin nodded suddenly. In fact, he still has no impression of Imperial Physician Liu in his mind, which is not surprising. There are more than 300 imperial physicians in the imperial hospital. That's fine.

He didn't ask how Li Hao vomited blood, but turned around and asked Changsun Wuji, "Auxiliary machine, what do you think?"

Changsun Wuji thought for a while, and said: "Returning to Your Majesty, I think that it is not surprising that most talented people speak and act strangely, which is different from ordinary people."

Li Shimin nodded, and then asked Fang Qiao: "Xuanling, what do you think?"

Fang Xuanling knew that he would ask himself a question, and he had already prepared a universal answer: "Return to Your Majesty, I think that hearing is deception, seeing is believing. When I see Li Hao tomorrow morning, Your Majesty will be able to clear up the doubts in my heart." .”

Li Shimin nodded again, waved his hand to push Huang An away, returned to the throne and sat down, and said: "Then, next, let's discuss how to reward this Li Hao."

(End of this chapter)

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