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Chapter 28: Chapter 29: Asthma Prescription

Chapter 28: Chapter 29: Asthma Prescription
Li Hao's fried chicken restaurant in Chang'an was closed for five days, refurbished and reorganized, and finally reopened on the sixth day. On the first day of reopening, Li Hao decided to sit down in person in case anyone came to make trouble. In fact, he was afraid of the Cheng family. The bastard father and son came to revenge, although he was quite afraid of Cheng Yaojin, but making money is important.

He sat in the store for three days, and no one came to make trouble. Li Hao felt relieved. Once he was relieved, his laziness would attack, and he was going to sit and watch for another day. If the Cheng family didn't come to take revenge on the fourth day, then He went home and continued to be lazy.

On the morning of the fourth day, a nobleman suddenly came to Li Hao's store. This person came from the palace, his name was Xu Lian, and he was an eunuch. Li Shimin's daily life, and at the same time also served as the chief eunuch of the Taiji Palace, in charge of all the eunuchs and maids in the harem.

Xu Lian's arrival scared all the guests away, Li Hao hurriedly invited Xu Lian to sit down in the inner room, and then sent someone to serve tea, this is not Tang Dynasty tea, but Li Hao's homemade fried tea.

It was the first time for Xu Lian to drink this kind of tea. He took a sip first, frowned, and looked up at Li Hao: "Li Hao, is this tea?"

"Yes, this is fried tea. You can drink it with boiling water. It's very convenient." Li Hao explained with a smile, and then asked, "What does Eunuch Xu think of the taste?"

"Bitter." Xu Lian replied with a bitter face.

Li Hao smiled: "This tea is indeed slightly bitter when you drink it for the first time, but it is fragrant. After waiting for a while, you find that it is slightly sweet in your mouth and has an endless aftertaste. If the father-in-law likes it, I can give him a few catties of tea leaves."

Xu Lian made a fuss. He did feel the fragrance, but he couldn't taste the sweetness. In this case, he didn't go into it. After all, he didn't come to drink tea. He put down the teacup and said slowly: "No need, our family is here at the emperor's order this time."

Li Hao hurriedly knelt down: "Li Hao listens to His Majesty's instruction."

Eunuch Xu didn't expect him to know etiquette so well, he didn't look like a fourteen or fifteen-year-old child at all, he nodded in satisfaction, and said: "Our family has received His Majesty's orders and came here to do two things, the first one is to reward you you."

Li Hao hurriedly said: "My boy, I'm ashamed. I've been slacking off at home for the past few months. I haven't made an inch of merit, so I don't dare to ask for rewards."

Eunuch Xu explained: "Your Majesty rewarded you because the method of inoculating vaccinia has been confirmed to be resistant to smallpox. Your Majesty has decided to inoculate all the people of the Tang Dynasty with vaccinia within two years, and at the same time spread the prescription for treating plague to every medical center in the Tang Dynasty. , In this way, there will be no plague in the Tang Dynasty forever, such a great achievement, how can we not reward, His Majesty specially asked our family to ask, what reward do you want."

It's coming again, it's coming again, this Li Shimin is really a pain in the ass, he always comes to test himself like this, is it interesting!Is this interesting!

Li Hao chuckled, and said, "I would like to trouble you to tell your majesty, thank you for your majesty's sacred heart, but your majesty has already rewarded me last time, how dare I have extravagant expectations, the previous reward is enough."

Eunuch Xu nodded with a smile, very satisfied with his answer, and continued: "In this case, let's talk about the second thing His Majesty entrusts our family to do, which is to bring a dozen catties of your special chicken wishbone Go back and feed the empress."

"Empress?" Li Hao was taken aback when he heard the words, and then exclaimed, "That's impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Eunuch Xu was taken aback when he heard the words, then he glared and shouted angrily: "Li Hao, how dare you resist the order!"

Li Hao shook his hands and explained hastily: "It's not that I want to resist the order. You can bring as many chicken wishbones as you want, but don't give them to the empress."

Eunuch Xu was startled when he heard the words: "Why?"

Li Haodao: "Dare to ask my father-in-law, is the empress suffering from a gas disease?"

"Yes." Eunuch Xu nodded. This matter was not a secret among the court, but he was a little surprised that ordinary people knew about it.

"That's right." Li Hao said, "People who suffer from Qi disease must avoid eating greasy food, otherwise the condition will be aggravated."

"Ah!" Eunuch Xu was shocked when he heard the words, he was stunned for a while, and asked in doubt, "How do you know? Could it be that you have a prescription for treating Qi diseases?"

Li Hao's heart moved. When he copied medical materials, he really copied a prescription for treating asthma. It was very effective. Hey, he can make meritorious service again. prescription."

In fact, Eunuch Xu just said it casually. He didn't expect that Li Hao really had a prescription for curing Qi diseases, so he said excitedly, "Quick, show it to our family."

"As ordered." Li Hao hurriedly fetched a pen and paper, and began to write the prescription.

He wrote a total of two prescriptions, one is a prescription, and the other is a prescription for recuperation. The prescription for recuperation clearly states the taboos of asthma patients in terms of diet and life.

Eunuch Xu didn't know medicine, but he could understand the prescriptions for recuperation. He felt that Li Hao's writing was quite reasonable, so he couldn't help believing it even more, and asked happily, "Li Hao, tell our family honestly that these two prescriptions can really cure your mother. Qi disease?"

Li Hao said calmly: "It is impossible to cure completely, but as long as you take the medicine on time and according to the prescription, you can suppress the Qi disease and prevent the disease from recurring. It is not difficult to reach the same age as normal people."

"Is this true?" Eunuch Xu was so excited that his whole body was trembling, as if he was sifting through chaff with his hand grasping Fang Zi.

Li Hao Zheng nodded: "Of course it is true, but I don't know how serious the Queen's condition is. If she is already bedridden and terminally ill, then this prescription will at most prolong her life."

"No, no." Eunuch Xu shook his head hastily, "Although Your Majesty has had frequent episodes of gas attacks recently, she hasn't reached the point of being bedridden."

Li Hao nodded and said: "Then as long as you take the medicine according to the prescription, your mother will be saved."

"Great!" Eunuch Xu got up and ran out excitedly, muttering as he ran, "Our family will send the prescription to His Majesty."

Li Hao reminded loudly from behind: "Elder-in-law, don't you want the chicken wishbone? Take a few catties back and give the emperor a taste!"

"No, it's enough to have a prescription!"

In the Ganlu Hall of Taiji Palace, Li Shimin was discussing matters with Fang Xuanling's eldest grandson Wuji, when Xu Qian suddenly ran in in a hurry, knelt down on the ground as soon as he entered, holding the prescription in his hand and shouted excitedly: "Your Majesty, happy event! Great happy event !"

Li Shimin saw that Xu Qian, who was always mature and prudent, was so excited, he couldn't help asking in surprise, "Where does the joy come from?"

Xu Qian was so excited that his voice trembled: "The old servant went to Li Hao's shop to look for him at His Majesty's request. Li Hao heard that the empress had a gas disease, so he gave the old slave a prescription, saying that it could cure the empress's gas disease. .”

Li Shimin's body shook, and he shouted excitedly: "Quick! Present it to me!"

Xu Qian got up, raised the prescription above his head, walked to Li Shimin with small steps, and gave Li Shimin both prescriptions.

Li Shimin couldn't wait to look at the two prescriptions, and he only understood the one for nursing care. He wasn't sure about the medicinal properties of the prescription, so he turned to Xu Qian and asked, "Li Hao really said that this prescription can cure the eldest grandson empress?"

Xu Qian told Li Shimin what Li Hao said.

Li Shimin said excitedly after hearing this: "Okay, very good, great, hahaha..."

Eldest Sun Wuji at the side suddenly came out to salute, and said: "Your Majesty, I have something to say, do you want to say it?"

"Speak!" Li Shimin said happily.

Changsun Wuji said slowly: "Li Hao gave a prescription to treat the plague before, which was quite effective. He also gave a method of inoculating vaccinia against smallpox, which is also feasible. The old minister shouldn't doubt him, but the empress's daughter's gift Body, don't take risks lightly, after all, this prescription comes from the people, not from the Imperial Hospital, before your Majesty uses the medicine, should you ask the Imperial Hospital to verify the symptoms?"

Li Shimin squinted his eyes when he heard the words, and felt that what he said made sense. Besides, Changsun Wuji is the elder brother of Empress Changsun, so what he said was naturally for the sake of Empress Changsun, which was almost habitual. Li Shimin asked Sentence: "Xuanling, what do you mean?"

Fang Xuanling cupped his hands and said, "Return to Your Majesty, and I will second the proposal."

Li Shimin nodded, handed the two prescriptions to Xu Qian, and said: "Immediately send the prescription to the director of the Taiyuan Hospital to see if the prescription is feasible, and order him to come to the Ganlu Hall in person before noon tomorrow to report the results to me." .”

"Yes!" Xu Qian took the order to retreat and went to deliver the prescription.

These two prescriptions by Li Hao caused an uproar in the Taiyuan Hospital. When the Taiyuan Hospital heard that it was Li Hao’s prescription for curing qi diseases, it was shocked, and hurriedly summoned more than thirty old doctors to study these two prescriptions. They were extremely cautious. up.

The imperial physicians in the imperial hospital are indeed highly skilled in medicine. If they go out to open a medical clinic, most of them can be called miraculous doctors, but it will be different if they become imperial physicians.

Because the imperial physicians treat the royal family, they will choose a safe way for acupuncture and medicine. Even if there is only one thousandth of the risk, they dare not try it lightly, because they are afraid of losing their heads.

This is a very helpless thing. If they can't cure a disease, they are at best not good at studying medicine. The most serious punishment is to be kicked out of the Tai Hospital. With their medical skills, they can still do well after leaving the Tai Hospital.

However, once a person is put to death, it will be different. It is a quack doctor who harms people. If the person who is put to death is the emperor's favorite concubine or prince or something, it is possible to confiscate the family and exterminate the family.

And the prescription in front of me is for Empress Zhangsun, who is loved by the emperor and is the mother of a country. The imperial physicians chose from Li Hao's prescription with the cautious attitude of picking bones from eggs. fault.

There is a saying that is good, medicine is three-point poison, and there are few prescriptions in this world that can withstand scrutiny, and there are still a lot of old doctors here to find fault.

In the end, after summarizing the opinions of all the imperial physicians, it was concluded that the dosage of Houttuynia cordata and bitter almonds was too high, because these two medicines are toxic to a certain extent.

The Taiyuan Hospital is taking this summary report to meet Li Shimin at the Ganlu Hall of the Taiji Palace. Li Shimin frowned. He doesn't know who to trust. It is so difficult to choose the Imperial Hospital for the most elite doctors in the world.

Li Shimin did not choose phobia, he finally made a choice, decided to trust the judgment of Tai Hospital, reduced the dosage of Houttuynia cordata and bitter almond to one-third of the original dose, and then used this prescription to boil the medicine for Empress Changsun. As for the recuperation prescription, the Tai Hospital did not raise any objections.

 Huajian's new book "Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Prince" is looking forward to reading and collecting by readers. I wish you a happy reading.

(End of this chapter)

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