Chapter 69
"You don't know where to stop, kid. You don't know that you have repented even if you were deposed as a prince. Instead, you came here to attack the maid next to your mother." At this time, Li Shimin walked into the Lizheng Hall and said.

Seeing Li Shimin coming, Li Chengqian hurriedly stepped forward.He stretched out his hand to support Li Shimin and said, "Father, please slow down, don't trip and fall."

Originally seeing Li Chengqian coming to help him, Li Shimin was quite happy in his heart.But hearing Li Chengqian's words made Li Shimin very angry.

But Empress Changsun burst out laughing, and said to Li Shimin: "I guess you will have nothing to do with him in this lifetime."

"Looking at what my mother said, those who didn't know thought that I was a rebellious person. In fact, in my mind, the image of my father will always be glorious and majestic." Li Chengqian said with an exaggerated expression.

Li Shimin knew that if he continued arguing with Li Chengqian, he would definitely suffer in the end.So he sat beside Empress Changsun, and asked Li Chengqian with a straight face: "I abolished your crown prince, do you feel resentful towards me?"

"Father, if Father would have abolished my son's position as the crown prince long ago. I guess my son is already rich by now." Li Chengqian said to Li Shimin with a smile.

"You see, I said that this kid doesn't take the crown prince seriously at all. You are worried that you will hurt his self-motivation." Li Shimin said to Empress Changsun.

Empress Changsun also looked helpless, and asked Li Chengqian: "Can you tell the queen mother, what kind of life do you want to live?"

Hearing what Empress Changsun said, Li Chengqian suddenly remembered a book he had read in later generations.The protagonist of that book is also Li Chengqian.

So he casually recited one of the poems:

Thousands of hectares of fertile land rely on mountains and rivers,
The father became a high-ranking official and the son was admitted to the imperial examination.

Wives and concubines have many children and grandchildren,
Immortal boss is always alive.

(Excerpt from The No. [-] Dude of Zhenguan in the Tang Dynasty.)
Hearing Li Chengqian read this poem, Li Shimin couldn't help being secretly shocked.He looked at Li Chengqian with unbelievable eyes.

After a long time, he asked, "Don't you really want to cultivate immortals?"

Hearing Li Shimin ask Li Chengqian if he wanted to cultivate immortality, this shocked Empress Changsun.Since ancient times, those who cultivate immortals must be pure-hearted and ascetic. Doesn't that mean that Li Chengqian intends to become a monk to practice Taoism.

So he hurriedly said to Li Chengqian: "You can't think wildly. Asking the immortals to ask for the daytime ascension is no different from watching flowers in the mirror and looking at the moon in the water."

Li Chengqian did not expect that a poem he plagiarized at will would make his parents so nervous.

However, Li Chengqian was not prepared to explain, but said wrongly: "Father, queen, mother. I am not prepared to ask the immortals, but this does not mean that I cannot live forever."

"Stop talking around with me there, just say what you have to say." Li Shimin said after glaring at Li Chengqian.

"Father, do you remember that I was in a coma once. During the time when I was in a coma, I seemed to have experienced the whole process from scratch. It can even be said that I have experienced countless reincarnations."

"This made my son understand one thing, that is, fame and wealth are nothing but fleeting clouds. Although asking for immortality is like a dream."

"But longevity does not necessarily mean immortality. After all, no one can truly live forever. Therefore, being able to achieve eternal fame is the real eternal existence." Li Chengqian started talking nonsense seriously.

"From ancient times to the present, there are either emperors or princes and generals who have been famous through the ages. I haven't heard of any common people who can be talked about by future generations."

"Since you want to be famous forever, why do you disdain these thousands of miles of rivers?" Li Shimin asked Li Chengqian.

"Royal father, ten thousand miles of land is certainly important. But I don't know who is the owner of these thousands of miles of land?" Li Chengqian looked at Li Shimin and asked.

"It goes without saying that the owner of this thousand-mile country is of course your father. Don't you know such a superficial question?" Empress Changsun said to Li Shimin.

Li Chengqian shook his head and said: "Queen Mother, Emperor Father is everything in your heart. In the eyes of my sons and ministers, it is the sky. As long as Emperor Father is here, the sky will never fall."

"But my father is not the master of these thousands of miles of rivers and mountains. The masters of these thousands of miles of rivers and mountains are the people of the world. Only the common people are entitled to own these thousands of miles of rivers and mountains."

"From Pangu, who opened the sky and Nuwa created human beings, to the three emperors who ruled the world and the five emperors who established the Lun. Then there are Xia, Shang, Western Zhou, Eastern Zhou, Spring and Autumn, Warring States, Qin, Western Han, Eastern Han, Three Kingdoms, Western Jin, Eastern Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, Sui, and even today Datang."

"How many dynasties have experienced the rise and fall and replacement, but the only thing that remains the same is the people of the world. Therefore, the masters of the world are undoubtedly the people."

It can be said that in the feudal society, Li Chengqian's words were no different from treason and injustice.If a minister speaks out, it may even lead to death.

But from Li Chengqian's mouth, Li Shimin couldn't help but nodded.Then he opened his mouth and said: "How can the people of the world not know the importance of it?"

"So the relationship between the emperor and the people is that the king is a boat, and the people are water. Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize it."

"It took me more than twenty years to figure out the truth. You can figure it out at such a young age. It seems that abolishing your crown prince is not a wise move."

Hearing Li Shimin's words, Li Chengqian couldn't help saying something bad in his heart.The consequence of my showing off is very likely to make me go back to the original trajectory of fate.

So he hurriedly said: "Father Huang praised it. It took the father more than [-] years to figure it out. But the son-in-law experienced nothing in his dream before he figured it out. From this it can be seen that the father and son How big is the difference between ministers."

Li Shimin nodded and asked Li Chengqian: "Now you are no longer the prince of the dynasty, but a virtuous king who is idle and carefree. I don't know what you are going to do next?"

"Now I finally don't have to listen to the government at all times, and listen to those pedantic old and stubborn people, who are buzzing in my ears. Naturally, I should enjoy life." Li Chengqian said to Li Shimin with a smile.

"If you don't have big ambitions, how can you shoulder heavy responsibilities." Li Shimin said with a gloomy face.

Hearing Li Chengqian's eloquent speeches, Li Shimin was very appreciative in his heart.But Li Chengqian's final answer disappointed Li Shimin.

Seeing Li Shimin's disappointed expression, Li Chengqian's hanging heart finally let go.He couldn't help but secretly said in his heart: "When you talk to this old man in the future, you really have to be careful."

At this time, the Shangshi Bureau sent the meals to the Lizheng Hall.When they just put the dishes on the table, Li Chengqian's expression changed.

Li Chengqian took two steps forward to look at the vegetables and rice on the table, and then said: "You just give these to the emperor and the queen all day long?"

(End of this chapter)

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