Chapter 91
Zhu Guoxiang also cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty Futai has not been here for a long time, and some situations need to be understood before making judgments. The two Masters Chen are just like us, they are both officials of the imperial court. I hope you think twice!"

Zhu Guoxiang said the same thing inside and out: Are you on our side or on the side of the people?

Li Shuchun, who was kneeling under the steps, heard the shameless remarks of these people, and his anger was rekindled. He straightened his upper body and said loudly: "My lord! I know that I will die today! I just say a word, and I will rely on the court to Where did Chen Hongzu get the thousands of acres of land and the beautiful servant girl from the mansion for the official salary that was issued! If the Eldest Master really cares about our military households, he can send someone to check and find out!"

When Chen Hongzu heard Li Shuchun's words, he was angry and worried, but Chen Qiyu didn't speak, so he and Chen Qizhong could only kneel on the spot.He secretly turned his head back, and stared at Li Shuchun with eyes that seemed to spew fire, wishing he could cut him into pieces.

Li Shuchun was unafraid, and met Chen Hongzu's eyes, and his eyes were full of hatred.

Before Chen Qiyu could speak, Yang Ze was furious and screamed, "This is the place where you, a lowly military household, talk! Come on! Hit me! Kill this lowly bastard!"

Several of Yang Ze's cronies were about to step forward when they heard the news, and some of the soldiers in the field shouted loudly, and in an instant, more than a thousand people shouted in unison. Since Yang Ze and others came out, all the soldiers used hatred Looking at them, now seeing that Li Shuchun was about to be beaten despite his reasonable efforts, the anger originally suppressed by Chen Qiyu showed signs of breaking out again.

Chen Qiyu was very dissatisfied with Yang Zeyue's act of acting on his behalf. He is the chief official of Fengyang, and you are a dead eunuch who supervises your imperial tomb. You dare to pass his own order, and he shouted: "I see who dares! Don't back down!"

Several of Yang Ze's cronies were either retreating or not. After all, they were just some low-level people, and it was okay to bully ordinary people. They were afraid of a big official like Chen Qiyu.

Yang Ze said angrily: "What's the matter? Master Chen! You still have to stand up for a pariah! Our family was sent by the emperor to represent the emperor's face. What do you mean you don't listen to the emperor's words?"

Chen Qiyu sneered and said: "What a big hat! It's true that you were sent by the palace. I was also ordered by the emperor to come to govern Fengyang! You are just an eunuch guarding the mausoleum. Who has the right to participate in local affairs with you?" Yes? This official will definitely attend this meeting to refer to your crime of using the name of the royal family to disrupt the local area!"

Yang Ze let out a laugh like a hen laying eggs in his chest: "Hey! I said, Mr. Chen, you just go to participate. Our family is dedicated to running errands for the emperor. No matter how long your hands are, you can't reach the inner court." Come here! Clack-clack!"

Chen Qiyu let out a heck, and was about to strike back when a sound of horseshoes sounded. He looked around and saw more than a dozen galloping horses appearing on the spacious street a few hundred steps away. The knights on the horses were not dressed like officers and soldiers. After a while, the dozen or so riders came closer, and after a closer look, he finally knew who was coming.

This outfit is all too familiar, it's Jinyi Wei Tiqi!
The Jin Yiwei who arrested him and brought him to Beijing was dressed like this!
Although he knew that he was not here to take him this time, Chen Qiyu still couldn't help but feel terrified. The two years in prison were the most unbearable days in his life. He swore that he would never fall into the hands of the jailer again. The darkest, dirtiest and most nasty place in the world.

More than ten riders galloped over in an instant, and they slowed down when they reached the front of the crowd. The soldiers gathered together were all curious about who was coming, so they never gave way to a passage, and the one who controlled the horse in front The few Tiqi remained silent, but whenever there were soldiers blocking the way in front, they whipped them away with their horsewhip, and the soldiers were frightened by their prestige, and quickly made a way out.

More than ten riders arrived at the steps of the government office, and the riders in front flashed to both sides. A young captain in his twenties, wearing a green robe and a brown hat, jumped off his horse and circled his arms backwards a few times. , After twisting his neck a few times, he said with a smile: "After running for more than 1000 miles, your body is falling apart. Everyone, please get off your horse and rest. After finishing the business, let Master Chen treat us to a good meal! Hahaha!"

The Tiqis all jumped off their horses and rushed all the way from the capital. They almost spent the day on horseback, and they were really tired.

The young lieutenant walked up the steps as he spoke, and came in front of Chen Qiyu who was wearing a red official uniform. The lieutenant cupped his hands and said with a smile: "It's not that Mr. Chen knew in advance that we would arrive today, so he specially organized such a big occasion to welcome us." No?"

Chen Qiyu cupped his hands slightly to return the salute: "What's the name of this superior? Why did you come here?"

The young lieutenant was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly and cupped his hands and said, "Haha, Lord Chen, forgive me, this is Wang Shiqin of Qianhu, deputy of the Qianhu Office of Jinyiwei West City, who came here today to convey a message. Please check your badge!" After finishing speaking, he reached out and took out a small and exquisite round silver medal, engraved with "Wang Shiqin of Thousand Households, Deputy Thousand Households of Jinyiwei Xicheng Qianhu Office".

Chen Qiyu glanced at it after receiving it, and handed it back to Wang Shiqin after confirming it. Yang Ze who was beside him said in a strange way: "Oh, our family has been away from Beijing for several years. I never imagined that the toothless tiger in the past would become more majestic today! See you Our family didn't come up to salute, who gave Jin Yiwei the courage?!"

Wang Shiqin put the badge in his arms, glanced at Yang Ze, and said to himself: "This world is really strange, a dead person can still talk."

Yang Ze's face turned blue with anger, and just as he was about to explode, Wang Shiqin suddenly shouted: "There is an imperial decree, everyone is waiting to kneel down and listen to the decree!"

Chen Qiyu straightened his clothes, walked down the steps, turned around and knelt down, followed by Yang Ze and Zhu Guoxiang, and the soldiers in the front row who heard the shouts hurriedly knelt down on the ground. Although the people behind did not know why, they saw The elders all knelt down, and then they knelt down, and there were only a dozen Jinyiwei from the capital standing.

Wang Shiqin reached into his bosom, took out a scroll of bright yellow brocade, unfolded it and began to read aloud: "Fengtian Chengyun Emperor ordered that I will inherit the great order with Liangde, intend to renew the world, and use it to restore the old ancestors. The first month of the eighth year of Chongzhen , the thieves shocked the imperial mausoleum, and it has not been repaired until today. My ancestors threatened the people and the people, and my heart is uneasy. The eunuch Yang, the eunuch who guards the mausoleum, hastened to repair the destroyed mausoleum to comfort the spirit of the ancestors, and allocated money from the internal funds , I don’t intend to send more civilians. I suddenly heard that Yang used the name of the royal family to exploit him, which caused the Fengyang army and people to be disturbed, and the people’s comments were fierce. Although this was not my original intention, it is also my oversight. Decree: Jinyi Tiqi went to Fengyang and arrested Yang Mou when he went to Beijing and executed him. His family property was confiscated; his accomplices, Fengyang Zhongwei Commander Chen and Huangling Guard Commander Chen, tortured the soldiers and embezzled the army's salary. The family property was confiscated, and the family members fled to Lingnan. Zhu Guoxiang, the official of Fengyang Office, was fatuous and incompetent. He thought that his misfortune was not serious, so he dismissed him from his post and returned home. With the title of Imperial Censor, I also hope that this officer will work diligently, be honest and honest, and take care of the army and the people. The land of Fengyang is barren, and floods occur frequently, so that the Li and the people are disturbed and the people are in poverty. Today, Fengyang's three-year levy is exempted. To take the responsibility of lenient Li Shu. The military households in the Fengyang Guard Station have been struggling for a long time, and I can't bear it. Now I order Fengyang Governor Chen to investigate the officials' encroachment on the land, and redistribute the land according to the court's laws. Wasteland and newly reclaimed land are exempted from taxation for three years. After the expiration of the period, it will be levied according to the thirteenth year. Local officials in Fengyang will supervise the repair of the imperial mausoleum, and the employment of migrant workers should be based on remuneration. The guard house is also Fengyang Guard, with a quota of [-] members, and the governor Chen selects and trains elite soldiers from them to resist foreign aggression. Food and wages are paid in real terms, and anyone who is greedy for ink will be executed. This is my honor."

After reading the long speech, Yang Ze was paralyzed on the ground, Zhu Guoxiang's face turned pale and white, and Chen Hongzu and Chen Qizhong were stunned.The soldiers in the front row who understood the imperial decree about the reform of military households were overjoyed, and the good news spread throughout the audience in an instant. Thousands of soldiers wept, some wept with joy, some shouted, and some kowtowed. more than.

Wang Shiqin put away the imperial decree, Chen Qiyu kowtowed to thank him, stood up and walked up the steps, without even looking at Yang Ze and the people around him, since the moment his secret letter was sent to the capital, Yang Ze was already a dead man in his heart .

Wang Shiqin cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Master Chen, Yang Ze will be escorted by us, and we will not get involved in the ransacking of the house. Hehe, Mr. Chen understands, hehe, hehe!"

Chen Qiyu solemnly bowed his hand and returned the salute: "It's easy to say, easy to say, I will send someone to take the messenger back to the Yamen to rest, and I will deal with the current matter properly, please!"

What followed was just a routine procedure. Chen Hongzu and Chen Qizhong were beheaded on the spot, and Yang Ze was taken back to the capital to be beheaded. The three men stole more than [-] taels of silver from their homes, which greatly eased the financial crisis of the governor's office.Although Li Shuchun and others killed and injured people, but the circumstances were justifiable, according to the military regulations, they were punished with [-] military sticks to serve as an example, and serve before they go to the army.The reform of the guards was also quickly implemented with the support of the vast number of military households. Although there were repeated obstacles in the middle, they were all strongly persuaded by Chen Qiyu.

After several months of practice, and stimulated by sufficient food and wages, the combat effectiveness of the new Fengyang Guard's [-] elite soldiers has been greatly improved.

Recently, after Chen Qiyu received Lu Xiangsheng's warning from the pond, he immediately ordered Mrs. Guo's few dozens of cavalry to divide into several groups, and sentry to the southwest and southeast respectively, in order to know the specific location and movements of the thieves.When the good news of Lu Xiangsheng's victory in Chuzhou came, Chen Qiyu finally breathed a sigh of relief. The victory in Chuzhou meant that the hidden dangers in the southeast had been completely eliminated, and now only the threat of the rogue brigade in the southwest remained.

This day, when Chen Qiyu and Chen Liangmo were discussing the matter of exiled thieves, they suddenly received a report that the Huang Degong Department of Shanxian County, Shandong Province was ordered to rush to Fengyang to help Fengyang. It has now arrived in Huaiyuan County, Fengyang Prefecture, only a few dozen miles away from Fengyang. Come to report and hope to get in touch with Lu Xiangsheng.

Chen Qiyu, who had detected the arrival of the intruder Gao Yingxiang and Zhang Xianzhong's men in Shouzhou, was worried about the lack of troops under his command. Hearing that Huang Deli had arrived with 5000 men, Chen Qiyu was overjoyed: the opportunity to make meritorious deeds has come!
 The imperial decree is not easy to write, so I can only write it by myself, and all guest officials can just laugh it off, and don't need to be serious.

(End of this chapter)

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