Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 33 Arrangement

Chapter 33 Arrangement
Since the implementation of the new policy advocated by Zhu Youjian in the Military Weapons Supervision, the craftsmen have burst out with great enthusiasm for production, and all the craftsmen have worked hard like their lives, and the original lazy and passive state has been swept away.

Two full meals a day keeps the craftsmen full of energy, and the implementation of the piece-rate system makes the craftsmen who usually do foreign work even run to the toilet, for fear that the time will delay the earning.

Because the Military Weapons Supervision was guarded day and night, some craftsmen were even unwilling to come on duty. The guards and soldiers tried to persuade them several times to no avail, so they could only be dragged out forcibly, and then the gate was closed.

The craftsmen who were kicked out yelled at the door with their feet up, thinking that they were delaying their earning money, and the people inside the door could only smile wryly, and had no choice.

The huge power brought about a sharp increase in output, coupled with strict management measures, the output of all military supplies has doubled, and the quality is far from what it used to be.

Zhu Youjian was reading Bi Maokang's report materials in the side hall of the Wuying Hall, full of excitement between the lines, and full of praise for the various measures initiated by Zhu Youjian.

The firecrackers that Zhu Youjian is most concerned about have made more than a hundred guns, and all of them have been handed over to the Yongwei Camp. Sun Yingyuan selected people who are good at firearms to form a firecracker team of 500 people. After the guns are produced, they will be replaced with new ones.

After the acceptance test of the Yongwei Battalion, the rods are all high-quality products, and there is absolutely no risk of explosion.

Since Zhu Youjian discussed and improved the gunpowder formula, the range and power of the gunpowder have been greatly increased. The original gunpowder had too many impurities, and the gunpowder could shoot cotton armor within [-] paces, and penetrate iron armor within [-] paces.

After the improvement, it can shoot through mail armor within [-] steps, and through cotton armor within [-] steps. The shooting range has been increased by [-] steps, which will allow the musketeer enough time to continue firing or evacuate safely. .

And Zhu Youjian's development of Zhentianlei has also been successful.

Fired with clay, it looks like a small wine jar, which contains iron filings, gravel, porcelain fragments and gunpowder, weighing about three catties.

After the fuze has been tested, it uses tissue paper that burns evenly. It takes about ten breaths from ignition to throwing and explosion on the ground. The power is amazing, and the killing effect is obvious within a ten-foot range.

In fact, Zhentianlei appeared in the Song Dynasty, but the purity of the gunpowder was not high at that time, so the lethality was not great, but the sound was loud, so it was named Zhentianlei, but now it is just an improved gunpowder formula to make it more lethal.

Wang Chengen entered the hall with a red wooden box, came to Zhu Youjian, and presented the wooden box. Zhu Youjian saw that the seal was intact, and motioned for Wang Chengen to open it. After Wang Chengen opened the wooden box, he took out the letter inside and presented it to him. .

At this time, Sun Chuanting's secret memorial had already been delivered urgently at six hundred miles. The first half of the secret memorial was a victory report, and gave a brief description of the extermination of the bandit Qi Wang.

The second half tells in detail what he did after he took office in Shaanxi, and he was angry at the hardship of the people and the greed of the officials and gentry.

In the letter, he also fully revealed his idea of ​​planning to use the chief officer of the guard to use the knife, stating that this move may cause a great uproar in the world.

After all, the guard is also a member of the officials and gentry. If he does this, he will probably be accused by thousands of people and will not be tolerated by the courtiers. In the future, he may not die well, but for the sake of the Ming Dynasty, he will spare his life to repay Chongzhen for his kindness. Grace.

After watching Sun Chuanting's secret performance, Zhu Youjian became deep in thought.

Later generations spoke highly of Sun Chuanting, and believed that if Chongzhen had no doubts in employing people and insisted on reusing Sun Chuanting, the Ming Dynasty would not perish.

However, Chongzhen lived in the deep palace for a long time and did not know much about foreign affairs. He was easily bewitched by the remarks of the ministers around him.

Later, because there was no one to use, he was released from prison and led troops to suppress the thieves, but it was too late, and later died in the battle in Weinan.

Chongzhen thought that he was cheating his death, but he didn't pursue the title of presenting Yin, what a tragedy it was.

Later generations commented that "the death of the court is the death of the Ming Dynasty".

After thinking for a long time, Zhu Youjian wrote a reply letter to Sun Chuanting.

In the letter, he fully affirmed and praised Sun Chuanting's sympathy for the people's sentiments, expressed his full support for what he did in Shaanxi, and once again expressed his full respect for him. trust.

As for his pessimistic view of his own future, Zhu Youjian criticized it unceremoniously.

Zhu Youjian personally agreed that as long as he was still the emperor, Daming would still be ruled by the Zhu family, no matter whether it was the cabinet ministers or other important officials, no one's slander would damage the royal family's trust in Sun Chuanting.

At the end of the letter, he stated that he had understood Sun Chuanting's strategy and would arrange appropriate manpower to assist him, and hoped that Sun Chuanting would boldly use talents regardless of his status in Shaanxi.

After writing the reply letter, Wang Chengen took it and sealed it with a seal. Zhu Youjian then decreed: Jin Luo Shifang will be a guerrilla general, and he will be rewarded with 50 taels of silver; He is still the magistrate of Shanyang County, and he will be appointed first when there are vacancies. The reward is 100 taels of silver, and the soldiers are rewarded with five taels of silver.

After the imperial decree was drawn up by the cabinet, it was sent to Xi'an in an expedited six hundred miles along with Zhu Youjian's secret letter.

Wang Chengen took the order to go to the cabinet, Zhu Youjian ordered Luo Yangxing to have an audience, half a quarter of an hour later, Luo Yangxing came in a hurry.

After Luo Yangxing saluted, Zhu Youjian said with a smile: "Luo Qing, how is Jinyiwei's rectification going? I came to you because I have something to entrust to you. I want to see if Jinyiwei is a tiger without claws as the outside world said. gone."

Luo Yangxing bowed back and said: "Your Majesty, in the past few months, I have followed His Majesty's orders, vigorously rectified the guards, weeded out the old and the weak, added young and capable lieutenants, and expanded the number of spies in order to grasp more information. For His Majesty's decision-making. Five hundred Tiqi are also practiced every day. The instructors selected by His Majesty from the Beijing camp are very elite. Now the combat power of Tiqi has been greatly improved. The information collected by His Majesty on several wealthy businessmen in Zhangjiakou is basically the same. Finished, what to do in the future depends on His Majesty's will. His Majesty will allocate money from within to pay the Jinyiwei, and everyone in the Weizhong is extremely excited. It goes without saying that they are loyal to His Majesty. According to this situation, Jinyiwei's revival can be expected!"

Zhu Youjian said: "I have heard a little about what you have done recently. You have indeed put in a lot of effort in the past few months, and Jin Yiwei's appearance has greatly improved. I will record a meritorious service for you, but don't be complacent. , to maintain the good atmosphere. Jinyiwei is my eyes and ears, and also one of my reliance, and the security service must not be slack. Only you, you, and the relevant people involved in this matter know about Zhangjiakou, and you must not tell them. Others, it's not time to do it yet!"

Zhu Youjian took a sip of tea, put down the teacup and continued: "You choose 50 people from the guards, and I will send the imperial guard Cheng Qianli to lead the team to Sun Chuanting in Shaanxi, and just follow his arrangement on how to behave there. 50 people must be good at melee combat and ambushes. I will inform the military supervisor. Before leaving Beijing, these people can go to the military supervisor to pick some weapons at hand. With the help of these people, Sun Chuanting will be more comfortable. You Immediately after returning to the guard, take care of this matter. In addition, I feel that Jinyiwei's power in the Jiangnan area has escaped your control? After you go back, discuss with other officials. The Jinyiwei Nanjing Qianhu must be replaced. I have selected loyal and capable people to serve in Nanjing. I need to understand the movements of officials and gentry in the Jiangnan area. Jiangnan is the wealth center of the Ming Dynasty. In recent years, there has been a tendency to get out of control. It must be reversed. Collecting various information is an important part. , you must pay attention to it, well, go back and execute it!"

Luo Yangxing saluted and withdrew.

Zhu Youjian ordered Xiaohuangmen to go to Huangzhuang to pass the decree to Liu Chao, and transferred a few well-versed Zhuangtou from Huangzhuang to lead a few well-drilling teams to the Shaanxi governor's office to listen to them.

Thousands of military cotton coats produced in the past few months will be sent together, and there will be officers and soldiers escorting them.

Since Chengyi Bo's 10,000+ mu of land was taken over to the royal family, Liu Chao's work pressure suddenly increased.

In the past, he and a few village heads managed thousands of people, which was already very difficult, but now the population and fields have increased several times, Liu Chao is so busy that he doesn't even have time to eat and sleep.

It goes without saying that the two farms ran back and forth all day long, but it was such a busy state that Liu Chao felt fulfilled like never before.

He also transplanted the measures implemented in the original Huangzhuang to the other Zhuangzi. Under various measures, the farmers in the two Zhuangzi felt earth-shaking, and their enthusiasm for production was greatly improved.

Regardless of men, women, old or young, farmers who are active participate in various production activities.

After a few months, the farmers who used to often not have enough to eat, and their faces were full of vegetables, gradually improved.

The eggs and duck eggs raised at home are bought at market prices, which saves me the hard work of going to the capital to sell them, and gradually accumulates some money in my hands. Not only can I eat enough, but I can also see them on the dinner table at home several times a month. Meaty.

Some women also had a cheap headdress on their heads. What's more, people's spirits have changed a lot. Everyone's faces are full of happiness and contentment, and their walking posture is not the same as before. Weak, with a sad look on his face.

Seeing all this, Liu Chao felt a great sense of accomplishment in his heart. All the farmers who saw him would salute him respectfully and call him Eunuch Liu.

Liu Chao felt that this was from the farmers' hearts, not because they were afraid of his power, but because they were grateful for the huge benefits he brought to the farmers.

Zhu Youjian naturally knew that there were too many newly added fields, coupled with the production of military rations, etc., Liu Chao was already too busy, and the current system should also be changed.

Therefore, dozens of educated eunuchs were sent from the palace to Huangzhuang to assist Liu Chao in management.

Zhu Youjian decided to set up the Huangzhuang Administration Bureau, with Liu Chao as the ambassador, the fifth rank, and one deputy envoy each, from the fifth rank.

Liu Chao's status seemed to be comparable to that of the mid-level eunuchs in the palace, and he was very proud of himself, and he was even more grateful for Zhu Youjian's reuse, and worked harder on weekdays.

After the little eunuch Zhu Youjian sent to Huangzhuang conveyed his will, Liu Chao immediately set about making arrangements.

He immediately assigned the two Zhuangtou Wang Er and Zhao Wu who followed him the first to take two well-drilling teams to Shaanxi.

These two people are already very proficient in the affairs of the village, Liu Chao knew that the emperor's transfer to Shaanxi was an opportunity to make meritorious service, so he naturally gave it to someone he needed.

More than [-] cotton-padded clothes have been produced, and [-] pieces were picked out and prepared, and the imperial court sent people to escort them to Shaanxi together.

In the study of Xi'an Zuowei Liu Fuguo, Zhang Runda and Sun Zuowang, who were invited, were having a secret conversation with Liu Fuguo, and no one was allowed to approach the study for dozens of steps.

In the study, Liu Fuguo, who was sitting in the main seat, looked at the two of them with a gloomy face, and said, "The one-month period has already passed halfway, what are your plans?"

After the two people sitting next to each other looked at each other, Sun Zuowang said: "To be honest, Sun is unwilling. But after thinking hard for several days, there is no solution. I came here this time to hear Brother Liu's thoughts. , Brother Liu, if he has a good idea, we will follow it, and our three guards must advance and retreat together in this matter, otherwise my family property accumulated over the generations will be greatly lost!"

Zhang Runda also nodded in agreement at the side, Liu Fuguo sighed, and said: "Why don't you want to have a perfect plan! It's a pity that we are a guard, and almost no civil and military officials look up to us. Not to mention the court, even the local people. The civil servants who have some personal relationships with us are helpless in this matter, who in Shaanxi now has his grandson Guan Da?"

Sun Zuowang was also full of annoyance, and said: "Those dog officials usually have a happy face when they are filial to me. When they encounter major events, they will see each of them behind closed doors, as if they have never known me. A few days ago, my brother I have visited several civil servants in the provinces, but I have not seen any of them, and even the presents have been thrown out, which makes people feel both angry and chilled!"

Zhang Runda opened the mouth and said: "My little brother has some relationship with the general of the Xuanfu. A few days ago, he sent his cronies to the Xuanfu with a lot of money. He originally hoped that a general with a lot of money in his hand would write a letter to Sun Lengzi to see if he could learn from it." Slow down. Unexpectedly, the first time I heard about this, the gift was confiscated, and my people were sent out. I was also asked to bring me a message, saying that Sun Chuanting had a long-standing reputation among courtiers, and this time he was appointed as the emperor. If this first fire doesn't burn, where will the Holy One lose face? This time, don't resist him. After a few years, after he leaves, you can slowly try to get back the returned fields. Alas, little brother I don't know that this is the safest way, but I just can't swallow it in my heart, isn't this obviously eating persimmons and picking the soft ones? Just bullying our guards who have no soldiers or knives, just like a fat pig, with no power to resist."

Liu Fuguo said with a sullen face: "What's the attitude of your generals? This knife will not only make it difficult for us, but also for others!"

Sun Zuowang said, "You don't need to ask, who is willing to spit out the meat in his mouth? The brothers are also itching with hatred, but they can't think of a way to deal with it!"

Zhang Runda also expressed the same intention, and Liu Fuguo gritted his teeth and said, "This is the government forcing the people to rebel!"

Sun Zuowang also said: "This dog official really wants to force everyone to rebel!"

When Zhang Runda heard the word rebellion, he was shocked, and he didn't agree casually, and kept silent.

Liu Fuguo looked at the expressions of the two of them, and he knew it in his heart. He said calmly: "Let's say that if you really want to rebel, you don't dare. It's a serious crime for killing the clan. However, we can't let the dog officials easily Just take away our family property, and make trouble for him no matter what!"

Sun Zuowang hurriedly said, "Brother Liu, what can we do?"

Zhang Runda also looked at him expectantly, Liu Fuguo pondered for a moment and said, "I can think of a way, but I don't know if the two of you are willing to participate!"

Sun Zuowang said anxiously: "What time is it? If you have a way, tell me! As long as you can mess up this matter, no matter what you do, I, Sun, will never be ambiguous!"

Zhang Runda said after a while, "As long as it's not a rebellion, I'm willing to obey Brother Liu!"

Liu Fuguo originally wanted to tell the whole story, but seeing Zhang Runda's attitude, he didn't dare to fully reveal his plan. After thinking for a while, he said, "Brother Wei thinks this way: when the one-month period is approaching, We each summon those who are unwilling to do so, the more people the better. Who has been an official for so many years, who has few trustworthy people? Adding up the three guards, I guess there are thousands of people, or even more. At that time, everyone will gather at my left guard, and when I report to the governor, I will say that because of the field incident, some people are dissatisfied, and they gather to make trouble, and they are about to mutiny, please ask the governor to personally suppress the formation, and when he comes, hum!"

Zhang Runda was startled, and said, "Brother Liu, don't you want us to kill officials and rebel? That's a death penalty for punishing the nine clans. We are all Ming officials, so we can't be rebels no matter what!"

Sun Zuowang glanced at him contemptuously, and said: "Rebellion is rebellion. Those muddy legs have nothing but rebellion, and now it has become a trend. Even if we rebel, we have food and money in our hands. It is not easy to recruit soldiers and horses? You have bullied us, if you agree with him this time, there may be tricks waiting to continue to deceive us in the future!"

Zhang Runda's face was pale, and he bowed his head in silence.

Liu Fuguo glanced at him, and said, "We won't rebel, but killing an official doesn't necessarily mean rebellion! If the governor is killed by an angry military household, what does it have to do with us? We have no soldiers or swords, so we can't keep it." The governor is not our fault, are you right?"

Sun Zuowang was stunned for a moment before he understood, and said with great joy: "Brother Liu, this is a great plan! The governor died at the hands of the rioters. Afterwards, we will kill the rioters and avenge the governor. Not only is there no fault, but also meritorious service! Hahaha! Time and death have no proof, even if the imperial court doubts, they can only believe our words!"

Zhang Runda looked up at the two of them, and said, "Didn't you two forget the governor's standard battalion? That's an elite division that killed even gangsters like King Qiqi! How could the governor not come to the guard?" With the standard battalion guards?"

When Sun Zuowang heard the words, his face suddenly turned ugly.

The last time when the governor's yamen was discussing matters, the dozen or so standard battalion guards went straight into the lobby and drew their knives to threaten them. At first glance, the aura was that of elite soldiers who had seen blood in battle. The governor must be accompanied by the standard battalion when he goes out. Speaking of rioters, even the regular army may not be an opponent.

Liu Fuguo saw that the matter had come to this point, so he could only tell his own plan, otherwise the two of them would be shaken, so he said: "Someone has already thought of this, when the time comes, all the people we gather will gather in front of my official office, and wait for grandson After the idiot arrives and sees the crowd, he will definitely disperse the guards around the perimeter so that if there is any trouble, he can suppress it. I will negotiate in advance and make a way for him to come to the gate of the house. At that time There must not be many guards around him. When he arrives at the gate of the official office, he immediately surrounds them. There will be chaos on the field. Even if he asks his subordinates to suppress him, his guards are all on the periphery. At this time, I will wait to protect the governor. To persuade him to enter the official office, and then close the gate, and inside the official office, the trusted servants who have been ambushing for a long time, swarmed up and beheaded him, this is called the trick of inviting the king into the urn, what do you two think?"

After Sun Zuowang thought about it carefully, he slapped his thigh, raised his thumb towards Liu Fuguo, and shouted: "Brother Liu is a genius! This strategy is really clever, brother Liu is really a shame if he doesn't become a general soldier! Sun Zuowang I admire you! Just follow Brother Liu's plan!"

After Zhang Runda was silent for a while, he opened his mouth and said, "Since the two of you have made up your mind, I have nothing to say. The three guards are really one, and I will never stay out of the matter. I will definitely follow the lead of the two!"

Liu Fuguo patted the armrest and said loudly: "Okay! Refreshing! As long as the grandson is successfully eliminated this time, our family business can be preserved, and future generations can continue to enjoy the glory and wealth!"

Sun Zuowang was very excited, as if seeing the scene where Sun Chuanting's head fell to the ground, Zhang Runda forced himself to laugh.

Liu Fuguo wanted to arrange a banquet for the two of them, but Zhang Runda said goodbye and left on the grounds of going back to the guard to hurry up the arrangements, while Sun Zuowang stayed.

After sending Zhang Runda back, Sun Zuowang frowned and said: "Brother Liu, I always feel that Zhang Runda has a different heart and cannot be trusted. What if he comes forward and informs me?"

Liu Fuguo sneered and said: "I can also see that Zhang is not of one mind with us. But don't worry, he has always been timid and fearful. He said that he is kind-hearted, but in fact he is cowardly. This is a major matter that concerns the survival of our three guards. He absolutely dare not stand up, otherwise not only us, but also his cronies will not agree! He usually does not offend anyone, so he will not dare to offend everyone all at once. I see, this This time, he decided not to participate in the name of physical discomfort in the end. As for whether his subordinates participated in this matter, he definitely did not ask. Just in case, a certain party will arrange for trusted servants to keep an eye on him. As long as we brothers are of one heart, when the time comes If you follow the plan, you will definitely chop off the stupid grandson's dog's head!"

Sun Zuowang nodded in agreement, and the two drank happily without mentioning it.

(End of this chapter)

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