Eighth year of Chongzhen

Chapter 19 Sun Chuanting

Chapter 19 Sun Chuanting

In the study of a mansion in Daizhou City, Shanxi, Sun Chuanting sat on a chair behind the desk and read the mansion newspaper.

He was a Jinshi in the 47th year of Wanli, and he was first awarded the county magistrate of Yongcheng County, a small county. Because of his outstanding achievements during his tenure, the Ministry of Officials gave him excellent comments after the three-year term expired, and was transferred to the magistrate of Shangqiu County, a large county.Tianqi was promoted to be a doctor of Jixun Division of the Ministry of Officials in three years. Because he couldn't understand Wei Zhongxian's one-party domineering, he resigned and returned to his hometown in Shanxi on the grounds that his mother was old and needed support. More than ten years passed in a flash.

Sun Chuanting is a family of officials and eunuchs.His grandfather used to be the magistrate of Shanzhou. His father did not become an official because of his poor health after he was admitted to Juren. However, he managed the business well and relied on his official connections to manage the family business very prosperously.

It is a pity that his father and grandson Chuanting died of illness when he was more than [-] years old.A few years later, Sun Chuanting was admitted as a Jinshi, and was selected by the Ministry of Officials to be an official in other places. Only his mother and teenage brother Sun Chuanyao were left in the family, and Sun Chengwen, a housekeeper who had followed his father for many years, took care of the business.He is the son of the Sun family, loyal, reliable, and shrewd, so Sun Chuanting is very relieved about the family affairs.

In the ten years since he resigned and returned home, apart from reading and visiting friends, he has always been very concerned about the affairs of the court.Seeing the rogue bandits getting bigger and bigger and suppressing more and more, Sun Chuanting was very worried. He only hated that he was not in the position and had no chance to show his ambitions. He sighed all day long.

The imperial palace newspaper that Sun Chuanting read was sent by Xue Yi'e, the magistrate of Daizhou, in the same year as him.Xue Yi'e knew that he was talented and ambitious in the same year, and he firmly believed that Sun Chuanting's talent would not be buried just like that.Their mentors in that period, who were influential in the court, would spare no effort to recommend Sun Chuanting in the same year. As time passed, he became very famous among the ministers in the court.

After reading the mansion newspaper, Sun Chuanting was in a heavy heart, worried about the rampant bandits, and angry at the incompetence of the courtiers.

Today's Holy Majesty can be said to be diligent and frugal, but the selection and appointment of personnel is open to discussion. For example, Zhang Fengyi, Minister of the Ministry of War, and Sun Chuanting have serious doubts about his ability.

As a minister of the Ministry of War, he should have a strategic vision of commanding the overall situation and far-sightedness. Zhang Fengyi will always use troops passively.Wherever the thieves appeared, they sent troops there.Instead of predicting the enemy's prophet, he sent both pursuers and interceptors.

Often when the officers and soldiers arrived, the bandits had already looted and fled elsewhere.In this way, they always follow the thieves' buttocks to eat dirt, which makes the officers and soldiers exhausted and exhausted, and their morale is getting lower and lower as time goes by.

As for Wen Tiren, Wang Yingxiong and other elders, Sun Chuanting sneered even more.A group of incompetent people who have eaten nothing but cadavers have stolen high positions. So far, when the country is in crisis, they only care about fighting for power and profit, and have not made any contribution to the country. They should all be dismissed and go home to retire.

While meditating, there were hurried footsteps in the yard, and then someone knocked on the door.

Sun Chuanting had already ordered that no one should disturb him when he was studying in the study.Hearing the knock on the door, he felt displeased, put down the newspaper in his hand, frowned and said, "Come in!"

The door of the room was pushed open, and the butler Sun Chengwen pushed the door in. Before Sun Chuanting could get angry, he said in a hurry: "Master, there are a few Jinyi guards outside the door, saying that there is an imperial decree, but I don't know if it is true or not, so I came here to report! "

Although Sun Chuanting was forty years old, Sun Chengwen still used to call him young master.

Sun Chuanting stood up abruptly, feeling an inexplicable sense of joy spontaneously.I have been idle at home for a long time, so Jin Yiwei's visit can't be because of something.Since it is said to be an imperial decree, it should mean that his teacher, the same year, played a role in making him famous, and the Holy Majesty is going to use himself.

He hurriedly walked out, and ordered as he walked: "Uncle Sun, go to the inner house and tell the old lady, don't panic, it should be a good thing!" Sun Chengwen responded and went to the inner house.

When Sun Chuanting came outside the gate, he saw a few guards in burqas and dusty brocade guards standing at the foot of the steps with their horses.Seeing Sun Chuanting coming out, a school captain handed over the horse to someone else, turned around and came to Sun Chuanting, and said, "But Sun Chuanting is in front of Mr. Sun? A certain Jinyiwei Mansion Ya Xiaoqi Wang Dexi was ordered to come to Xuan Dasheng to speak, Mr. Sun, Accept the order!"

After finishing speaking, he took out a waist card and showed it to Sun Chuanting for inspection.

After checking that the badges were correct, Sun Chuanting hurriedly let Wang Dexi and others into the courtyard, the horses were fed and washed by their own servants, and several captains were greeted to drink tea in the living room.Sun Chuanting was about to order his servants to set up incense tables, Wang Dexi stopped by waving his hands, and said, "When I came, the Commander-in-Chief told me that the Holy Majesty ordered that there is no need to set up incense tables!"

Sun Chuanting then knelt down to listen, Wang Dexi said: "Ask for the Holy One: "Sun Qing, do you still have the heart to fight?If so, I will entrust you with a heavy responsibility, do you have the guts? "

Sun Chuanting's heart was surging, his blood was rolling, his eye sockets were hot, and his voice was hoarse when he answered: "My minister replied to the sage, but the sage has something to send, even though Chuanting is smashed to pieces, he is still going forward!"

"Master Sun, please come up, so, please prepare, and come to Beijing to have an audience as soon as possible!"

"Sun Chuanting kowtows to thank the Holy Grace!" After saying that, he kowtowed three times before getting up.

After Sun Chuanting got up, he ordered the housekeeper to prepare meals for the school lieutenants who delivered the decree. The school lieutenants who delivered the decree had been traveling all night for several days.He followed Sun Chengwen to the dining room, and went to the guest room to rest after eating without mentioning it.

When Sun Chuanting came to the backyard, his mother, Sun Li, was talking to Sun Chuanting's wife, Liu Shi, in the room.

Liu is the daughter of an old friend of Sun Chuanting's father, virtuous and virtuous, and a standard lady.After marrying Sun Chuanting, she gave birth to a son and a daughter. The eldest son, Sun Kedi, is 16 years old.Daughter Yan'er has a quiet personality, staying in the boudoir every day and rarely going out.

After Sun Chuanting entered the room, he greeted his mother, Liu hurriedly stood up and asked, "Husband, did the emperor issue an imperial decree to revive your husband?"

Mrs. Sun Li also looked at him with inquiring eyes. Sun Chuanting nodded after sitting down, and said, "The Holy One sent someone to question me, asking me if I have the heart and courage, and I, Mr. Sun, have nothing else. There is still courage to do things!"

Liu looked at her husband worriedly.She knew him well, and knew that the ten years of unemployment did not dampen her husband's ambitions, but the deteriorating current situation aroused his fighting spirit even more.On weekdays, drinking and composing with friends at home, when the wine is hot, they are also generous and passionate.

This time the emperor wants to recover him, he should be sent to a dangerous place.Mrs. Liu was very worried about her husband's safety, and she was about to speak out to persuade him to reject the court, but when she thought that if her husband, who is a great talent, spends his days in the forest, he might die early in depression. Although she was worried about his safety, she understood her husband's desire Show off your ambition and talent.

Sun Li said: "Son, my mother knows that you have great talent, but you have nowhere to display it. Now the country is employing people, and it is also the opportunity for my son to display his talent. No matter how dangerous the saint sends my son to Here, my son must do his duty faithfully and serve the imperial court, and must not fear danger or avoid danger, even if he dies, he must not fall into the loyalty of my grandson's family for generations!"

Sun Chuanting got up and prostrated himself on the ground with tears in his eyes, and said: "Don't worry, my lord, my son is determined to die! I will do my best to wipe out the thieves in order to repay the kindness of the Holy One! It's just that I can't fulfill my filial piety at the knees of my lord after I leave. I also hope that the mother will take care of her health and don't worry about her son!"

After kowtowing a few times, he stood up and told Mrs. Liu: "I don't know if I can turn around because of my husband's departure. You must be filial to your mother at home, and you must not be disobedient in the slightest! You must diligently supervise the studies of the enemy to make him lazy. Yan'er will grow up in the future, find a good family to marry, as a husband and for the country, I can only be ashamed of a good wife, please!" After finishing speaking, she cupped her hands and bowed to Mrs. Liu.

Mrs. Liu was sobbing, her husband's last words of entrustment made her heartbroken.The two have been married for nearly 20 years, and they have always respected each other as guests and loved each other. She not only respected her husband's talent, but also loved his character. Pamper yourself.

Liu Shiqiang stopped crying, and said softly: "My husband can go with peace of mind, everything in the family has a concubine, and I will never hinder my husband! I don't want my husband to be a marquis and worship minister, but I only hope that my husband will return safely!"

Sun Chuanting nodded solemnly and said: "Don't worry, ma'am, I'm not a reckless person. What I said just now was just the worst plan. Besides, your husband has not paid attention to mere thieves. After I left, the family's business was gradually transferred to Uncle Sun." .Nowadays, there is a lot of thieves everywhere, and the accumulation of so many years is enough for a family to enjoy!"

Mrs. Liu nodded in agreement, and Sun Chuanting bid farewell to his mother, and turned back to his study.

When he came to the study, he ordered Sun Chengwen, who came with him, to put the pictures of mountains, rivers and rivers in various places and various military books that he had collected over the years into wooden boxes, and then sat behind the desk and wrote letters.The letter was written to Xue Yi'e, the content of which was first to tell me that in the same year, the Holy Majesty invited him to see him, and his recovery was certain, but it was estimated to be a difficult and dangerous place; After Zhizhou left, he continued to take care of Sun's family as always, and he would be very grateful.

In fact, the friendship between the two people is very good, but what should be expressed should be expressed, and it should not be rude.After finishing writing, give it to Sun Chengwen, and ask him to send the letter to the state office after he leaves.As for my own teacher, and the same year in Beijing, it is enough to pay a visit to thank him after arriving in the capital.In the past few years since I have been home, I have not interrupted the New Year's gift, and I have exchanged letters from time to time, so it is enough to continue the friendship after arriving in Beijing.

In the early morning of the next day, several captains in Jinyi who delivered the order got up early, finished their breakfast, and walked out of the Sun's mansion with the horses that had been carefully cared for.After coming out of the gate, Sun Chuanting looked at them with a smile on his horse, behind him were two powerful guards of the Sun family, and a mule and horse carrying two large wooden boxes; Wang Dexi asked in surprise: "Master Sun, who is this? "

Sun Chuanting said with a smile: "Since you have been summoned by the Holy Majesty, you should rush to the capital as soon as possible, and simply make a few companions. The old man's riding skills are still good."

Wang Dexi hurriedly said: "It's a great honor for us to be able to walk with you; there's no need to rush back to Beijing this way!"

"Okay, everyone, let's set off!" Sun Chuanting said in a bold voice, he urged the horses, and headed towards the capital first.

(End of this chapter)

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