Dajin royal family

Chapter 57: Zheng Family Village 6

Chapter 57: Zheng Family Village 6
The Zheng family has a great career, and each generation has many brothers, and the next generation will gradually divide it. Zheng Shanyuan is the son of the previous generation's patriarch and inherited the position of Zheng's patriarch, so his branch is the big family.Whether it is Zheng Renli, Zheng Renfu, or their children, they are all legitimate sons.

But if Zheng Shanyuan's eldest son inherits the position of Patriarch in the future, then Zheng Renli and Zheng Renfu will be separated, and they will still be in the direct line, but not after three generations.

And Zheng Xuanzhao's child will become a direct descendant.

This fourth-bedroom grandfather is actually a brother of Zheng Shanyuan's generation, but he is not a son of a concubine, but a son of a concubine, so the family was separated early.

Zheng Ruyi led Jiang Chengxiao and the others to the area where Sifang was located. Most of the pedestrians they saw on the road were mournful. The men's heads were wrapped in white cloth, and the women's hair was covered with white flowers.

"My lord, if you want to stop it, it's too late now, those two children have already... been sealed in a coffin."

Zheng Ruyi didn't know how many words she said along the way, so she just hoped that the prince would not go over to make trouble.After all, people are already dead, so what else can they do.

This matter got serious, and the fourth room cried, made trouble, and hanged themselves, and there was nothing they could do about it.I'm in trouble. Isn't it his responsibility to let Shizi know about this?

"I'm a junior, so I'm here to pay my respects." Jiang Chengxiao didn't answer his question.

He didn't think about stopping it, let alone accusing him of anything.After all, the nobles were more or less doing this in private, and the emperor turned a blind eye.

Zheng Ruyi smiled wryly, this elder son said that his state was really beyond his reach, one moment he was faintly angry, and the next moment he became calm again.

When everyone came to the outside of the mourning hall, they saw strips of white cloth hanging on the eaves, children kneeling on both sides of the door burning paper, and there were mournful cries from inside.

Zheng Ruyi was just about to go in, but found that Dai Wang's son was standing there motionless, just wandering around with his eyes.

"My lord, are you still going in?"

Jiang Chengxiao shook his head, "I said, I just came here to have a look. If I go in and disturb their vigil, it will be my fault."

"My son is willing to think about others, wishful admiration."

"Hehe." Jiang Chengxiao smiled lightly, looked at Zheng Ruyi, and said slowly: "I was wondering if there is a family holding a funeral somewhere at this very moment."

Zheng Ruyi was startled, then lowered her head.

"Besides, the woman in that family was crying so hard. The man beat his chest and stomped his feet, wanting to grab the ground with his head."

Zheng Ruyi's hands tucked into her sleeves trembled slightly, as if asking for advice, and a woman's wailing could be faintly heard in her ears.

"Did you hear it?" Jiang Chengxiao said softly: "The sound of mourning."

The human sacrifice system made him feel extremely disgusted, especially when children were buried with him.When he was hunting two-legged sheep, he just felt cruel, and the touch in his heart was not particularly great.

But when he thought of the child being buried alive in a coffin, he immediately felt shuddering.

After watching for a while, Jiang Chengxiao said, "I should go."

Zheng Ruyi paused, and hurriedly said, "Isn't your son staying for a few days?"

Jiang Chengxiao patted Zheng Ruyi on the shoulder and said: "The imperial court is in charge, so don't bother me much. Right now, my third uncle is presiding over funeral affairs inside. I'm busy and have no time to separate myself, so I won't go in and cause trouble. Please, Brother Ruyi, please apologize to my third uncle." .”

Zheng Ruyi wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Jiang Chengxiao, "Brother Ruyi, don't worry about today's matter. If you come to Chang'an in the future, I will welcome you."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Chengxiao didn't procrastinate at all, and turned around and left with Nan Jiyun and Wu Shanhui.

Zheng Ruyi sighed, walked into the mourning hall, and found Zheng Renfu.

"Father, the son has returned."

Zheng Renfu nodded, "What do you think of the son?"

Zheng Ruyi thought for a while, and said after a while: "I can't see through."

Immediately, he recounted what had just happened.

After Zheng Renfu heard it, he said: "He didn't come in because he didn't want to embarrass you and me. It's too ugly to see this matter in the open."

"Yes, I understand."

Not long after, the three of them walked to the entrance of the village, where the slaves were already waiting.A house slave led the horse to him and handed it over to him.Jiang Chengxiao got on his horse, and a dozen house slaves also got on his horse at the same time.

Pointing the whip at Zhengjia Village, Jiang Chengxiao turned his head and asked all the slaves, "What do you think it looks like?"

All the slaves were immediately puzzled, and they didn't understand what Jiang Chengxiao meant.

Seeing everyone's bewildered expressions, Jiang Chengxiao raised the corners of his mouth slightly, "Jiyun, what do you think this looks like?"

Hearing this, Nan Jiyun recalled what happened just now, and whispered: "This subordinate feels that this place is not like the world-famous Zheng family."


Jiang Chengxiao laughed, and then said: "You're right, but it's a pity that it lacks meaning. If you ask me, this village is like a wild beast."


All the servants still looked puzzled, it was clearly a village, how could it become a wild beast.

"Let's go."

Jiang Chengxiao glanced at Zhengjiacun, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.Turning the horse's head, the legs clamped the horse's belly, and the horse started to run with all four hooves.

Zheng Wan'er and Zheng Guanyin searched around Zhengjia Village but did not find Jiang Chengxiao. They were later told by the villagers that the group had already left the village on horseback.

The two chased to the entrance of the village, only to see his back in the dusty sky from afar.

The two trotted all the way, their white foreheads covered with sweat.

"Guanyin, it seems that you don't have to worry, the two of you are indeed not destined." Zheng Wan'er teased with a smile.

Zheng Guanyin gave her an angry look, "You're talking nonsense."


Jiang Chengxiao returned to the temporary residence where Xingyang County was located. Just as he got off his horse, a servant came to report, "Master, Yu Wenzhi is waiting for you in the side hall."

"Yuwen Zhiji?"

Jiang Chengxiao pondered slightly, "When did you come?"

"Not long ago."

"Okay, let's have a look."

In the side hall, Yu Wenzhiji stood on the ground, walking back and forth with his hands behind his back, looking a little restless.

Jiang Chengxiao walked in, smiled and cupped his hands, "Brother Yuwen."

Hearing the sound, Yu Wenzhi quickly turned around and returned the gift.

Jiang Chengxiao stretched out his hand to ask him to sit down, the two of them knelt on the couch, and the two servants offered tea.

"Brother Yuwen, what's the matter?"

Yuwen Zhiji said: "My son, His Royal Highness King Qi stayed in Xingyang for three days, why didn't he leave?"

You shouldn't ask me this question, you should ask King Qi.However, that King Qi must have drunk too much and is sleeping on the couch.

"The subordinates are all a little impatient. Now that the good news has been sent back, we should go to reward the army immediately so that we can not miss the business."

Jiang Chengxiao said: "Yes, what Brother Yuwen said is reasonable. However, His Majesty appointed King Qi to preside over the matter of rewarding the army, and His Highness King Qi will naturally make up his mind as to where to go. Let's just listen."

Yuwen Zhiji said: "But if we still stay here, will there be any delay?"

Jiang Chengxiao wondered, when did Yu Wenzhi become so loyal to the king.

"Brother Yuwen miss Xu Guogong?" Jiang Chengxiao asked with a smile.

Yu Wenzhi was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, "That's right, I haven't seen my father for a long time, I miss him very much."

Yuwen Zhiji's reaction was captured by Jiang Chengxiao, and he said: "Tomorrow morning, when His Highness wakes up, I will go to see His Highness together."

"Okay, that's the deal." Yu Wenzhiji cupped his hands, then got up and left.

"Ji Yun, let people keep an eye on Yu Wen Zhiji." Jiang Chengxiao said.

"Yes, Master."

(End of this chapter)

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